Affinity Reincarnation Case of Frida Kahlo | Salma Hayek: Salma was Drawn to Her Own Past Life in Playing the Lead in the Movie “Frida” (2002)

Proposed by: Supporter

Affirmed by: Spirit Being Ahtun Re in a Ryerson-Semkiw Reincarnation Research Session

Article by: Walter Semkiw, MD

Click on images to enlarge

The Painful Life of Frida Kahlo

Frida Kahlo was born in 1907. When she was 6 years old she was afflicted with polio, which caused her to be bedridden for 9 months. After she recovered, she was left with a shriveled right leg and a limp. When she returned to school, cruel classmates called her “peg-leg Frida.”

When she was 18, Frida was involved in a transportation accident in which the wooden bus she was riding in was struck by a streetcar. Several people were killed. Frida incurred a broken pelvis, fractured ribs and displaced vertebrae. She also broke her collar-bone and both legs. She was in the hospital for two months following this collision and Frida experienced intermittent back pain for the rest of her life.

In 1950, when she was 43, Kahlo underwent bone graft surgery on her spine in an effort to lessen her back pain. Unfortunately, an infection set in and she had to endure several follow-up surgeries.

In 1953, Kahlo’s right leg had to be amputated at the knee due to gangrene. She subsequently became severely depressed and anxious, increasing used opioid pain killers and when her husband, artist Diego Rivera, began yet another extramarital affair, she attempted suicide by overdose.

Frida’a reputation as an artist grew over her lifetime. An exhibit of her works occurred in 1953, arranged by a friend who understood that Frida did not have long to live. She had to transported to her showing in an ambulance and at the exhibit, Frida was placed in a bed that was arranged for her.

She wrote in her diary in February 1954: “They have given me centuries of torture and at moments I almost lost my reason. I keep on wanting to kill myself.”

Frida died about a year later at the age of 47. Her last words were: “I joyfully await the exit – and I hope never to return – Frida”

The Glamorous Life of Salma Hayek

Frida did not get her wish as she reincarnated as actress Salma Hayek, who was born in 1966, 12 years after Frida had died. Fortunately, Salma’s life has been full of glamour, in contrast to the painful existence that Frida endured.

Salma Hayek has received numerous acting awards. Of interest, she co-produced the biographical movie, Frida, which was released in 2002.

Affinity Reincarnation Cases involving Halle Berry, Stan Laurel and Oliver Hardy

As such, Frida took the initiative to make a film about her own past life. I call these kinds of reincarnation stories “Affinity Cases,” in which a person creates a work based on their own past incarnation.

A very similar reincarnation case involves Oscar winner Halle Berry, who produced the movie Introducing Dorothy Dandridge.  In a past incarnation, Halle was African-American actress Dorothy Dandridge, who was denied an Oscar because of the color of her skin. Other affinity cases include the reincarnations of Stan Laurel and Oliver Hardy.

5-dorothy-dandridge-halle-berry IISIS Reincarnation Case Study


Reincarnation Case of Dorothy Dandridge | Halle Berry

Reincarnation Cases of Laurel and Hardy | Josh and Danny Bacher



Evidence and Principles of Reincarnation-Understanding Past Lives

Physical Resemblance in Reincarnation Cases: The facial features of Frida Kahlo and Salma Hayek are very similar.

Past Life Passions, Talent and Abilities: Reincarnation research reveals that people tend to pursue similar careers from lifetime to lifetime. For example, artists reincarnate as artists, though the form of art can change. Frida was a painter, while Salma has expressed her artistic talent as an actress.




Reincarnation Case of American Revolutionary, Silversmith and Artist Paul Revere | Actor and Musician Jack Black

Proposed by: supporter based on Internet Look-Alike Site

Affirmed by: Spirit Being Ahtun Re in a Ryerson-Semkiw Reincarnation Research Session

Article by: Walter Semkiw, MD

Click on Images to Enlarge

Paul Revere and the American Revolution

Paul Revere was a figure in the American Revolution best known for his midnight horseback ride warning citizens of Massachusetts that the British were approaching Boston. This British advance led to the first battles of the war, which took place in Lexington and Concord, Massachusetts.

In addition, Revere was an artist. He was a silversmith and he  created a copper engraving depicting the Boston Massacre, an incident that helped spark the American colonies to revolt against the British.

This engraving is featured to the right.

Jack Black’s Remarkable Resemblance to Paul Revere

Jack Black is also an artist, one who has focused on acting and music. Indeed, one of my favorite movies, Nacho Libre, stars Black.

Jack Black has an uncanny resemblance with Paul Revere. Image comparisons of the two have been on the Internet for a few years, as evidence of facial similarities in reincarnation cases has grown in awareness and interest.

Still, physical resemblance by itself does not validate a past life and I doubted that Black was Revere.

Nonetheless, in a session with Kevin Ryerson, who channels a spirit being named Ahtun Re, who has demonstrated the ability to make past life matches with a high degree of accuracy, I asked about this proposed case. Ahtun Re affirmed that Jack Black is the reincarnation of Paul Revere.

Evidence and Principles of Reincarnation-Understanding Past Lives

Physical Resemblance in Reincarnation Cases: There is a striking resemblance between Paul Revere and Jack Black.

Past Life Talent, Behavior and Abilities: Artists tend to continue to create art from one lifetime to another, though the form of art can change. Paul Revere was a silversmith who also did engravings, while Jack Black expresses his creative nature though film and music.

Change in Religion and Ethnic Affiliation: Paul Revere, born in the American colonies before the Revolutionary War, was Christian and of French descent. Jack Black, also born in America or the United States, was raised Jewish.

Understanding that souls can change religion and ethnic affiliation from one lifetime to another can help create a more peaceful world, as most wars and conflicts are based on differences in these cultural markers of identity.

Artist Reincarnation Cases

Movie and Television Reincarnation Cases

Reincarnation Case of William Blake | Alex Grey

Proposed By: Ishtar Ishaya 

Affirmed By: Spirit being Ahtun Re in a Ryerson-Semkiw Reincarnation Research Session

 It is difficult to adequately communicate the fascinating parallels and connections that run through and reverberate from the life and work of William Blake and Alex Grey. That Alex Grey is a modern day “lineage holder” in the same tradition of sacred visionary art pioneered by William Blake has always been an obvious and visible fact.  Beyond a visual tour of the artwork of Blake and Grey, a reading of Grey’s Mission of Art, his website, or many of his interviews offer a window into the philosophical and spiritual dimensions that inform his output.

On the subject of his other incarnations, Grey himself has actually felt a connection with another visionary artist, the 20th century Belgian Symbolist Jean Delville.  While I had suspected a link between Grey and Blake for some years, I had never really looked into it, and it was during a random stroll through the internet that I discovered a post in which Alex Grey was celebrating the birthday of William Blake at his Chapel of Sacred Mirrors, and it just happened that their birthdays are only one day apart, making it a kind of shared celebration.  Displaying a bust of Blake and honoring Blake’s importance in his work, I instantly realized that in Grey and Blake, I was looking at two emanations of the same soul.

Principles of Reincarnation-Understanding Past Lives

Physical Appearance in Reincarnation CasesGrey and Blake share an above average similarity of appearance, which is especially so in the eyes and the nose.

Past Life TalentAlthough he certainly put work into developing as an artist in this life, the ease and naturalness with which he quickly stepped into his role as one of the world’s preeminent visionary artists points to deep practice and experience derived in other lives devoted to artistic endeavors. If there was an Alex Grey of the 18th century it was William Blake and vice versa.

Anniversary Phenomenon While they weren’t born on the precise same day, their births on back to back days seems slightly more than coincidental.

Change in Nationality: Blake was born in England while Alex Grey is a native of the United States.

Wayne Peterson as the Reincarnation of Nicolas Roerich

roerich-comp-colorProposed by: Walter Semkiw, MD

Affirmed by Ahtun Re in an Ryerson-Semkiw Reincarnation Research Session

Article by Walter Semkiw, MD

Wayne Peterson Paints like Nicolas Roerich

I knew Wayne Peterson from the year 2000 to his death on April 20, 2017. He was like an older brother to me and I miss him dearly.

Over time, I learned of his fascination with Nicolas Roerich and I observed that the painting that he did for the original cover of his book, Extraordinary Times, Extraordinary Beings, very much resembled a Roerich painting of the Himalayan mountains.  This art from this original book cover is provided below and to the right. Click on images to enlarge them.

It occurred to me that Wayne may be the reincarnation of Roerich. Once when I was visiting him in Las Vegas I shared my hypothesis with him. In humility, he thought this was not possible, though I could tell he was intrigued about the possibility. In a session with Kevin Ryerson, the spirit being Ahtun Re confirmed that Wayne is the reincarnation of Nicholas Roerich.

Once Ahtun Re had made this confirmation, I researched Roerich and found amazing similarities between the two.

Similarities between Nicholas Roerich and Wayne Peterson

In childhood, Nicolas and Wayne both wanted to work with a Christ figure (Roerich-Rigden Jyepo, Wayne-Jesus)

art-compNicolas and Wayne both could draw and paint without lessons.  This talent appears to have come from Wayne’s lifetime as Claude Ledoux. Featured to the right is a comparison of Roerich’s art (left) and the art of Wayne Peterson (right).

Both write extensively about the spirit being Maitreya, another Christ figure, though Wayne in his lifetime had direct experiences with Maitreya, which he describes in his book, Extraordinary Times, Extraordinary Beings.

Both write extensively about Shambala, though Wayne related that he was was taken to Shambala by Maitreya. Shambala,  per Wayne, is a spiritual oasis which is anchored over the Gobi desert.

Both write about UFO experiences

Both write that in a time of crisis and famine, the ruler of Shambala, Maitreya, will appear and nourish humanity with spiritual food.

roerich-comp-colorBoth were talented administrators.  Nicolas, at age of 26, won job as Director of Society for the Encouragement of the Arts and later directed an art school. Wayne was the Director of the Fulbright Scholarship Program, which is part of the State Department of the US.

Roerich and Ledoux used art to uplift spiritually.  Roerich lectured on spiritual clothing and Ledeux created spiritual architecture.

Both were active in diplomacy.   Nicolas worked with diplomats to create the Roerich Pact in 1935, to protect art work, churches and culture during World War I. FDR was President of the US at the time and supported Roerich’s efforts. For his work, Roerich was nominated for the Nobel Prize.  Wayne was a career diplomat and has met 4 US presidents and he gave a presentation on Maitreya to then Cardinal Ratzinger which lasted 3 hours. Wayne’s diplomatic skills appear to be related to an even earlier lifetime, that of Francesco Foscari.

Both had similar, easy going, personalities.

Principles of Reincarnation

Physical Resemblance: Roerich’s and Wayne Peterson’s facial features are very similar.

Past Life Talent: Both Roerich and Wayne were able to draw and paint naturally, without lessons. This talent seems to stem from a prior lifetime as Claude Ledoux.


Reincarnation Case of Claude Ledoux | Wayne Peterson: Two Spirit Beings Together solve a Past Life Puzzle

peterson-ledouxHow Derived: Revealed by Ahtun Re in a Ryerson-Semkiw Reincarnation Research Session

Article by Walter Semkiw, MD

Spirit Being Ahtun Re spells “Ledoux”

This reincarnation case is unique, as it was solved through the combined efforts of two spirit beings, Ahtun Re and Maitreya. Maitreya is a discarnate spirit that Wayne Peterson has had a telepathic relationship with for decades. He describes his encounters with Maitreya in his book, Extrordinary Times, Extraordinary Being.

Since Wayne had become a good friend of mine, I assumed that I most likely knew him in a past lifetime. Wayne is a natural artist, though he never took a lesson in  his life. Pictured to the below is Wayne’s sitting room. Click on images to enlarge. He literally converted his modest home in Las Vegas into a palace through his art. Wayne even painted a mural on his garage wall. This mural is provided below Wayne’s sitting room, which features a landscape underneath an arched door.

In a session with Kevin Ryerson, I asked whether Wayne had been incarnate during the American Revolution, as I had a significant past life during that era. Ahtun Re, the spirit guide that I have been working with through Kevin Ryerson, who has demonstrated an ability to make past life matches with a high degree of accuracy, told me that Wayne was incarnate during that era, but that he was in France and was affiliated with the French Court. Upon questioning, Ahtun Re told me that Wayne’s name in that lifetime was “Ledoux.” Ahtun Re even spelled the name for me.

waynes-sitting-roomSpirit Being Maitreya gives Wayne a Visual Clue regarding Ledoux

With that information, I tried to find this Ledoux historically, but was unsuccessful. I passed this information onto Wayne and left the issue alone. Wayne contacted me six months to a year later with new information. Fortunately, the spirit being Maitreya came to our assistance regarding Ledoux, who gave Wayne clues telepathically. Amusingly, Wayne tends to get these telepathic messages while he performs his morning shaves. One routine day, while Wayne was tending to his whiskers, he received the telepathic message:

“If you want to find Ledoux, look in this magazine.”

In his mind, Wayne then saw a clear image of the cover of a specific issue of Architectural Digest, complete with volume and number. Wayne later ordered this back issue and when he received it, he read it cover to cover, but found nothing on a Ledoux. Time passed and again while shaving, Wayne received another telepathic message:

“If you want to find Ledoux, look in this chapter.”

Wayne then visually saw a specific article in the Architectural Digest issue he now possessed, which consisted of only a few pages. Wayne read and reread the article multiple times, but no Ledoux.

garage-muralWhen he told a friend of his frustration in not being able to find Ledoux, she replied, “Perhaps you need to look closer. I gave you a magnifying glass as a gift, why don’t you use it?” Wayne initially thought this was a silly idea, but he followed her suggestion. He focused on a photo of a man, the subject of the article, who was seated in front of a bookcase. To his great excitement, in studying the volumes in the bookcase under magnification, he clearly saw a black book with gold lettering which had the title Ledoux.

Wayne went on the Internet and found that this book was available and he ordered it. When he received it, Wayne found that he completely related to this artist and architect, Claude Nicolas Ledoux, in that his art and architecture were consistent with the paintings that Wayne had been doing for years. Wayne now understood that his talent for architectural painting came from the Ledoux lifetime, though the Venetian scenes that he chose to paint were inspired by his incarnation as Francesco Foscari.

Wayne also noted that that he had replicated specific designs in contemporary times from the Ledoux lifetime. For example, Ledoux had been commissioned by the King of France to design a village. Ledoux created an integrated community, stressing that beauty must be part of the environment for all inhabitants, not only for the aristocrats, but for the peasantry as well. Wayne recalled that as a child he would create the same Utopian village out of mud in his back yard.

Past Life Recall: Wayne Unconsciously replicates a Ledoux Design

Further, Wayne painted a mural on his garage wall which replicated a piece done by Ledoux. Wayne created this mural years before he learned about his Ledoux lifetime. In this mural, pictured above and to the right, Wayne painted an arched stone doorway in the foreground, which was used to frame a landscape. Under the arched stone doorway is a curved eucalyptus tree and in the distance, buildings of a settlement are portrayed. Ledoux had created a similar design 200 years before, utilizing the arch of a stone bridge in the foreground to frame a landscape. Under the arch of the stone bridge, the same curved, eucalyptus tree is found and in the distance, buildings of a city can be seen. A comparison of these two images is provided below. Click on the comparison to enlarge it.

In addition to this example, in the reincarnation cases of Gauguin and Picasso, we also shall see dramatic examples of how artistic development is unconsciously replicated, from one incarnation to another.

ledoux-compKey Points & Principles of Reincarnation

Physical Resemblance: Wayne’s facial features are consistent with those of Claude Ledoux.

Innate Past Life Talent: Ledoux was a professional architect and artist. Wayne spontaneously demonstrated great ability to do architectural paintings, without ever taking an art class. Wayne created a mural in his garage that mirrored a landscape that Ledoux had done with very similar features of composition. Though Wayne’s talent for art seems to stem from the Ledoux lifetime, his favorite themes have been of Venice, demonstrating nostalgia for his lifetime as Francesco Foscari.

Spirit Being Involvement: Ahtun Re, the spirit being that I work with who is channeled through Kevin Ryerson, gave the specific name of “Ledoux,” with that exact spelling, in identifying Wayne’s French past lifetime. Maitreya, the spirit being that Wayne has had a telepathic relationship with for years, then provided the means to locate Ledoux historically by showing Wayne a specific issue of Architectural Digest.

Art and Design Reincarnation Cases-List of Additional Past Life Cases

The Following Past Life Cases have been Affirmed in Ryerson-Semkiw Reincarnation Research Sessions:


Aubrey Vincent Beardsley | Bradford Wayne Holland

Paul Cézanne | Nuri Iyem

Frederic Edwin Church | Kieron Williamson

Sandro Botticelli | John Hartman (Artist)

Salvador Dali | Adrien Brody (Actor)

Georges-Eugène Haussmann | Oscar Niemeyer

Jan Lievens | Georgia O’Keefe

Michelangelo | Mikhail Mikeshin

Michelangelo | Paul-Felix Montez-from Origin of the Soul and the Purpose of Reincarnation

Claude Ledoux | Wayne Peterson-from Born Again, International Edition

Elsa Schiaperelli | Miuccia Prada

Paolo Uccello | Pablo Picasso

Vincent Van Gogh | Yosa Buson

Frank Lloyd Wright | Bjarke Ingels


Chanel Reincarnation Movie & Past Life Case of Anton Grot | Pharrell Williams

Reincarnation Case Study Channel Grot Williams Reincarnation CaseRevealed by: Spirit Guide Ahtun Re in a Ryerson-Semkiw Reincarnation Research Session

Article by: Walter Semkiw, MD

The Chanel company produced a short film entitled Reincarnation in which past life personalities have the same facial features as their contemporary counterparts. Similarity in facial features is indeed supported by independently researched reincarnation cases, including those published by Ian Stevenson, MD at the University of Virginia.

I have worked with trance medium Kevin Ryerson since 2001. Kevin channels a spirit guide named Ahtun Re who has demonstrated the ability to make past life matches with a high degree of accuracy.

In sessions with Kevin, I asked about past lives of those featured in the Chanel film. When I asked about the multi-talented Pharrell Williams, Ahtun Re told me Pharrell, in a past lifetime, was the art director of Busby Berkeley’s musical extravaganzas, such as the Gold Diggers of 1933.

I myself had never heard of Busby Berkeley, but with a little investigation, I found that the art director for his Gold Diggers movie was Anton Grot, who became very successful in Hollywood. In a subsequent session Kevin, Ahtun Re affirmed that Pharrell was Anton Grot in a past lifetime.

Of interest, Pharrell Williams grew up in Virginia Beach, Virginia, which is the home of Edgar Cayce’s Association for Research and Enlightenment. Cayce is one of America’s most famous trance channels, whose teachings did include reincarnation. As such, it is likely that Pharrell has been exposed to the doctrine of reincarnation. Pharrell has stated that he believes in God and that he is an Universalist. Evidence of reincarnation does promote an universalist point of view.

Principles of Reincarnation & Understanding Past Lives

Physical Resemblance in Reincarnation Cases: There is a resemblance between Anton Grot and Pharrell Williams.

Past Life Talent: Anton Grot was an art director for some of Hollywood’s most famous musicals, while Pharrell Williams is a successful musicianl and designer.

Change in Race and Nationality: Anton Grot was born in Poland and was Caucasian, while Pharrell Williams was born in the United States and is African-American.


Reincarnation Case of George Washington Vanderbilt II | Steve Wynn

Proposed by: Wayne Peterson

Affirmed by: Spirit Guide or Spirit Being Ahtun Re in a Ryerson-Semkiw Reincarnation Research Session

Article by: Walter Semkiw, MD

Wayne Peterson had a past lifetime as Louise Vanderbilt which is posted on website: Reincarnation Case of Louise Vanderbilt | Wayne Peterson

Wayne, who lives in Las Vegas, intuited that Steve Wynn is the reincarnation of George Vanderbilt II, who constructed the Biltmore, the largest home in the United States. Wayne noted that the creation of large structures seems to be in the genes of this soul.

In a session with Kevin Ryerson, Ahtun Re confirmed that Steve Wynn is the reincarnation of George Vanderbilt.

Principles of Reincarnation & Understanding Past Lives

Physical Resemblance from One Lifetime to Another: The facial features of Steve Wynn and George Vanderbilt are similar.

Past Life Talent & Behavior: Steve when has overseen the construction of some the largest hotels and casinos in Las Vegas, much as George Vanderbilt created the largest private home in the United States.


Heaven is for Real Jesus Painting & Reincarnation Case of Rubens | Akiane Kramarik

Reincarnation Case Study Heaven is for Real Jesus Painting Rubens Akiane Kramarik Reincarnation CaseProposed by: Walter Semkiw, MD

Affirmed by: Spirit Being or Spirit Guide Ahtun Re in a Ryerson-Semkiw Reincarnation Research Session

From: Origin of the Soul and the Purpose of Reincarnation, by Walter Semkiw, MD

Article by: Walter Semkiw, MD

Reincarnation & Child Prodigies

Akiane Kramarik spontaneously developed the ability to paint at the age of four after having an experience in which she states she was taken to heaven. Her description of the experience is similar to that of Echo Bodine, which is included in my book, Origin of the Soul and the Purpose of Reincarnation. Echo also has given permission for us to post photos of a deceased boy’s spirit body rising from his physical body, which was entrusted to her by a Minnesota State Trooper. To view these images, go to: Spirit Photos

Akiane was born into an atheist family in 1994. She is self-taught in art and has related that “God is my teacher.” Her visions have brought spirituality to her family and her paintings sell for $50,000 to $1,000,000. Akiane also writes poetry. As described on her website, when asked where she learned to write, Akiane responded that it seems that ideas “have been planted in me.” She has also written, “Through the Spirit, I experience other different lives.”

In my view, Akiane’s abilities are the result of her soul projecting a hologram of itself into Akaine and downloading information into her mind. Child prodigies in this way draw talent and abilities from past lifetimes. This phenomenon is described in the section: Principles of Reincarnation

Peter Paul Rubens as a Past Life of Akiane Kramarik

Reincarnation Case Study Heaven is for Real Jesus Painting Rubens Akiane Kramarik Reincarnation CaseThough I am not clairvoyant, I do at times receive accurate past-life information through intuitions. I always check such information with Ahtun Re, the spirit guide channeled through Kevin Ryerson, who has demonstrated an ability to make accurate past-life matches. When I first saw the colors in Akaine’s art, which is often religious in nature, I immediately experienced an internal message that she is the reincarnation of Peter Paul Rubens, a Flemish Baroque painter who was born in 1577.

In a session with Kevin Ryerson in 2008, Ahtun Re agreed that Akiane is the reincarnation of Rubens. As Akiane was so young at the time, I sought permission from her family to make this proposed past-life match public. I am grateful to Akiane’s mother, Forelli Kramarik, for giving permission, which she did stating that I should have the freedom to express my ideas. It must be noted, though, that the assertion that Akiane is the reincarnation of Rubens is mine, not Akiane’s nor her family’s. To learn more about Akiane, go to:

In the 2014 movie, Heaven is for Real, a portrait of Jesus painted by Akiane is featured at the end of the film. Heaven is for Real is about a four-year-old boy, Colton Burpo, who claims that he visited Heaven and met Jesus. At the end of the movie, Colton looks upon Akiane’s portrait of Jesus and reports this was the appearance of Jesus, when he met Jesus in Heaven.

Principles of Reincarnation & Understanding Past Lives

Physical Resemblance in Reincarnation Cases: Peter Paul Rubens and Akiane Kramarik have similar facial features. Place your click on images to enlarge.

Past Life Talent: Peter Paul Rubens’ artistic talent is expressed though Akiane. Both are known for religious or spiritual art.

Change in Gender: Rubens was male, while Akiane is female.


Chanel Reincarnation Movie & Past Life Case of Egon Schiele | Karl Lagerfeld

Reincarnation Case Study 5 Lagerfeld Correct Mirror (1)Revealed by: Spirit Guide Ahtun Re in a Ryerson-Semkiw Reincarnation Research Session

Article by: Walter Semkiw, MD

The Chanel company produced a short film entitled Reincarnation, provided below, in which past life personalities have the same facial features as their contemporary counterparts.

Similarity in facial features is indeed supported by independently researched reincarnation cases, including those published by Ian Stevenson, MD at the University of Virginia.

In sessions with Kevin Ryerson, I asked about the past lives of those featured in the Chanel Reincarnation film. Kevin channels a spirit guide named Ahtun Re who has demonstrated the ability to make past life matches with a high degree of accuracy.

When I asked about the director of the film, Karl Lagerfeld, who was also the Creative Director of Chanel, Ahtun Re  told me that in a past lifetime Lagerfeld was a student of the German painter Gustav Klimt.

Through research, I found that Egon Schiele was a protegé of Klimt who achieved greatness as a painter. In a subsequent session, Ahtun Re affirmed that Karl Lagerfeld was the reincarnation of Egon Schiele.

Principles of Reincarnation & Understanding Past Lives

Physical Resemblance in Reincarnation Cases: There is a similarity in the facial architecture of Egon Schiele and Karl Lagerfeld. Physical appearance seems to be determined by the interplay of the soul’s template and hereditary factors.

Past Life Talent: Egon Schiele was a leading painter of his day and Karl Lagerfeld was an accomplished artist, photographer and fashion designer.

Change of Nationality: Egon Schiele was Austrian, while Karl Lagerfeld was of German descent.