Chanel’s Film “Reincarnation” and Past Life Cases of Coco Chanel, Karl Lagerfeld, Pharrell Williams and Cara Delevingne

Reincarnation Case Study Christina CaraRevealed by: Spirit Guide Ahtun Re in a Ryerson-Semkiw Reincarnation Research Session

Article by: Walter Semkiw, MD

In December 2014, a short film directed by Karl Lagerfeld, Chanel’s Creative Director, was posted on YouTube. In this video, Reincarnation, which is provided below, individuals are portrayed as having the same physical appearance in contemporary times as in their past lives. Click on images to enlarge them.

This premise, of similar facial features from one lifetime to another, is supported by reincarnation research and objective evidence of reincarnation. These cases include those researched by Ian Stevenson, MD, of the University of Virginia, To learn more, please go to:

Reincarnation Cases with Physical Resemblance

Since 2001, I have worked with trance medium Kevin Ryerson, who channels a spirit guide named Ahtun Re, who has demonstrated the ability to make past life matches with a high degree of accuracy. Through my work with Kevin and Ahtun Re, we have derived past lives for individuals involved in the Chanel Reincarnation film. These include:

Pharrell Williams Reincarnation Case

Reincarnation Case Study Channel Grot Williams Reincarnation CasePharrell Williams grew up in Virginia Beach, Virginia, the home of Edgar Cayce’s Association for Research & Enlightenment (ARE). Edgar Cayce is one of the most famous psychics and mediums in American history. Cayce did promote the doctrine of reincarnation and as such, it is likely that Pharrell has been exposed to the concept of reincarnation.

Pharrell has stated that he believes in God and that he is a Universalist. Evidence of reincarnation does promote a universalist perspective.

To learn about the identified past lifetime for Pharell, please go to:

Reincarnation Case of Anton Grot | Pharrell Williams

Karl Lagerfeld Reincarnation Case

In a past lifetime, Karl was a famous painter, an artist, named Egon Schiele. Over the course of lifetimes, we express similar abilities that we were endowed with by God, in the process of creation. This process is described in my book:

Reincarnation Case Study 5 Lagerfeld Correct Mirror (1)Origin of the Soul and the Purpose of Reincarnation 

Egon Schiele was a painter, who reincarnated as another artist, this time as a leader of fashion, which is marked by visual design.

To learn more about the past life of Karl Lagerfeld, please go to:

Reincarnation Case of Egon Schiele | Karl Langerfeld

Cara Delevingne Reincarnation Case

British model, singer and actress Cara Delevingne has been identified as a member of a European royal family.

When I asked about Cara Delevingne, I was surprised that Ahtun Re told me that Cara was one of the sisters of Marie Antoinette. Marie was the wife of Louis 16, a King of France.

After reviewing biographies of the sisters of Marie Antoinette, I hypothesized that Cara is the reincarnation of Maria Christina, who was the most artistically gifted of the sisters. A striking physical resemblance exists between Maria Christian and Cara. In a subsequent session with Kevin Ryerson, Ahtun Re affirmed that Cara Delevingne is the reincarnation of Maria Christian, the Duchess of Teschen.
In an interesting parallel, in the Chanel Reincarnation film, Cara portrays the reincarnation of an aristocratic woman who is depicted in a large portrait on a wall, who strongly resembles Cara. In this way, the film reflects Cara’s own royal past life heritage.

Coco Chanel Reincarnation Case

A past life for Coco Chanel has also been derived. To learn more, please go to:

Reincarnation Case of Ellen Louise Demorest | Coco Chanel

Principles of Reincarnation & Understanding Past Lives

Reincarnation Case Study Coco Chanel and the film ReincarnationPhysical Resemblance in Reincarnation Cases: Coco Chanel, Karl Lagerfeld, Pharrell Williams and Cara Delevigne look like who they were in past lives.

Past Life Talent: Artistic talent demonstrated by Coco Chanel, Karl Lagerfeld, Pharrell Williams and Cara Delevingne are reflected in their past lives.

Change of Nationality and Race: These cases show that nationality and race can change from one lifetime to another. The understanding that these cultural markers of identity can change from one incarnation to another can help create a more peaceful world, as most conflicts and wars are based on differences in these factors.

Anton Grot was a Caucasian Polish artist. The reincarnation of Grot, Pharrell Williams, was born an African-American.

Egon Schiele was Austrian, while his reincarnation, Karl Langerfeld was born in Germany.

Marie Christina was French, while Cara Devingne was born in Britain. Recall that in times gone by, France and Britain were enemies who fought numerous wars.

Coco Chanel was French, while Ellen Demorest was born in the United States.

To view other past life cases involving artists, please go to:

Art and Design Reincarnation Cases

Critiques of the Books Your Soul’s Plan by Robert Schwartz & Levels and Laws of the Spirit World by Khorshed Bhavnagari

Reincarnation Research Indicates that Souls Do Plan Lifetimes from the Spiritual Realm to be Reunited with Loved Ones from Past Lives

Article by: Walter Semkiw, MD

Past Life Relationships
Burmese Sisters Reincarnate as Twins

There is strong evidence that reincarnation exists based on independently researched reincarnation cases, including the work of the late Ian Stevenson, MD, of the University of Virginia. Stevenson accumulated over 1200 cases in which small children had spontaneous past life memories that were factually validated. In my opinion, these cases, in aggregate, provide proof of reincarnation. A viral reincarnation research video that features Dr. Stevenson and his work is: Evidence of Reincarnation

Reincarnation research shows that souls plan lifetimes before they reincarnate, so that they are reunited with loved ones that they have been with in prior incarnations. Ian Stevenson noted that in 22% of objectively validated reincarnation cases, the soul that is preparing to incarnate sent a dream to a future family member, which conveyed that the soul would be soon be born into that family. Stevenson called these types of dreams “announcing dreams,” as the soul, through the dream, was announcing its upcoming incarnation into that family. We can think of it as when one telephones a dear old friend to say, “I’m coming into town and will be staying at your house. Get ready!”

Announcing Dreams in Reincarnation Cases

The strongest evidence that souls plan lifetimes to be reunited with loved ones is provided by Ian Stevenson’s Twin Study. This analysis revealed that in 31 sets of twins (62 individuals) who had spontaneous past life memories that were factually validated, in 100 percent of the cases, the twins had significant past life relationships. In the image provided above the elderly women were sisters, who reincarnated as the young girls pictured, who are fraternal twins. Click on the image to enlarge it. Note the similarity in facial features from one lifetime to another. To learn more, go to:

Ian Stevenson’s Reincarnation Twin Study

Relationships Renewed through Reincarnation

Reincarnation case studies also give us other insights into how reincarnation works in general. These insights are summarized on the website section entitled: Principles of Reincarnation

Understanding the Purpose of Reincarnation and Nature of the Spirit Realm

Though reincarnation research confirms that we plan incarnations from the spirit world, there are many other issues regarding reincarnation that cannot be ascertained from reincarnation case studies, such as when did souls originate, what is the purpose of reincarnation, how many lifetimes do we have on Earth and at what point does reincarnation end.

Kevin Ryerson & Meaning of Life, Walter Semkiw MD IISIS Reincarnation Case StudyEnter Kevin Ryerson and the Spirit Being Ahtun Re

In 2001, I started to work with Kevin Ryerson, who is a trance medium who has worked with actress and author Shirley MacLaine for over 30 years. Kevin is featured in four of Shirley’s books, including her bestseller, Out on a Limb. Kevin plays himself in the movie version of Out on a Limb.

In his role as a trance medium, Kevin serves as a “human telephone” to allow spirit beings to speak through him. Kevin is in a meditate state during this process and he has no memory of what occurs during the session. When a spirit being speaks through Kevin, his voice, facial expressions and manner of speaking changes to reflect the personality of the spirit being coming though him.

Kevin channels a spirit being who uses the name Ahtun Re, who speaks with an Egyptian accent, as he states his last incarnation was in Egypt about 3500 years ago. Though I was skeptical at first, after working with Kevin for a period of years, I came to the conclusion that Ahtun Re has the ability to make past life matches with a high degree of accuracy. I also came to the assessment that Ahtun Re is truly a spirit being who is a different entity from Kevin. I based this conclusion on Ahtun Re’s vast fund of knowledge, which surpasses mine, Kevin’s or anyone else’s that I have interacted with. To learn more about the work that Kevin, Ahtun Re and I have done regarding reincarnation case studies, go to: Ryerson-Semkiw Celebrity & Historic Figure Reincarnation Cases

Once I came to the conclusion that Ahtun Re is an intelligent being residing in the spirit world, I decided to ask him big picture questions regarding reincarnation and the spirit realm. My dialogues with Ahtun Re regarding these issues, along with supplemental information contributed by associates who have psychic gifts, led to the publication of my book:

Purpose of Reincarnation Dean Radin Larry Dossey Walter Semkiw MDOrigin of the Soul and the Purpose of Reincarnation

Discrepancies in Channeled Material regarding Reincarnation and the Spiritual Realms

Other books exist that also try to explain reincarnation and the spirit world. As I studied these works, I realized that there exist some significant inconsistencies. I took these discrepancies back to Ahtun Re in sessions with Kevin Ryerson, to get Ahtun Re’s input regarding this conflicting information.

It is important to for readers to understand that my conversations with Ahtun Re are very much two-way and they can be quite intense. In contrast, with other channeled sources, information often goes one way, from the spirit being, through the channel and into print. I have learned the hard way not to trust all channeled sources of information or all psychics. In the end, Ahtun Re’s answers to my inquiries have made sense to me. I have developed trust in him and his answers to my questions.

Resolving Discrepancies in Channeled Information

In the section of the website provided below, I address discrepancies that I have found in two books on reincarnation and the spiritual world. I provide Ahtun Re’s analyses regarding these issues. I am the first to admit that I have no way to prove that Ahtun Re’s answers are correct. I am simply sharing information gained through my struggles to understand the process of reincarnation.

By providing these critiques, I do not intend to demean the value of these books. I applaud the authors for their efforts and their call to service in creating these titles. We all share the same desire to help human beings better understand their spiritual nature.

Your Souls Plan Robert SchwartzYour Soul’s Plan: Discovering the Real Meaning of the Life You Planned Before You Were Bornby Robert Schwartz

Points of Agreement

A major focus of Mr. Schwartz’s book is that souls plan lifetimes to be with people we have known in prior incarnations, both due to emotional attachments and due to karma that we have to work out with these souls.

In Your Soul’s Plan, it is stated that if a soul harmed others in previous incarnations, that soul will need to experience the same abuse in a future lifetime. The topic of karma is complex and is addressed in detail in Origin of the Soul, but this basic premise of karma resulting in “what goes around comes around” is true.

Point of Contention-Evil is Not a Gift

Your Soul’s Plan overall is a good book, but a premise is forwarded which concerns me greatly. In it, it is stated that if a person has to experience abuse in a future lifetime due to karma, a member of that individual’s soul group can volunteer to be the abuser to help enact the lesson, with no karma created by the second soul who agrees to be the abuser. According to Ahtun Re, this is false.

A mature soul would never willingly harm another, as that is against the nature of a mature soul and abusive actions would indeed create negative karma. Instead, the immature soul, who perhaps committed murder or some other violent act, would in a future lifetime encounter a second immature soul, who is also learning lessons the hard way. That second immature soul would enact “what goes around, comes around.”

Implications: Hitler, the Holocaust and New Age Absurdity

The concept that a soul would volunteer to commit abusive acts without the generation of negative karma is actually dangerous, as it suggests that there is no accountability for the perpetrator and that victims of violence deserve it. One could take this logic to an extreme by asserting that Hitler did the Jewish victims of the Holocaust a favor by helping them learn lessons they had to learn. I have actually heard one New Age spiritual “teacher,” who calls himself an incarnate “master,” make this absurd statement regarding Hitler and the Holocaust.

By the way, the individual am referring to who made this statement is not Robert Schwartz. My impression of Mr. Schwartz is that he is a kind, idealistic and well-meaning person. I would ask him to consider removing the cited premise from his book in a future edition.

In sum, violence and being abusive is due to immaturity and unhealed wounds of a soul. As Ahtun Re has stated:

“Evil is Not a Gift or Part of the Divine Plan.”

Laws of the Spirit World Khorshed BhavnagriThe Laws of the Spirit World, by Khorshed Bhavnagari

Points of Agreement

Levels of the Spirit Realm

It is stated that there are levels of the spirit world and that advanced souls gravitate to higher levels of the spirit world. In the spirit realms, we associate with souls of similar levels of consciousness.

We are in agreement with this assessment. In Origin of the Soul and the Purpose of Reincarnation, clairvoyants Echo Bodine and Judy Goodman, who relate they have consciously experienced the spirit world, contribute narratives of their psychic travels into heaven and its levels. In Origin of the Soul, Ahtun Re also provides insights on levels of the spiritual world.

Souls were Created in Pairs: Soul Mates or Dipoles

Souls were created in pairs to complement and balance one another. These paired souls are the basis of the popular notion of soul mates. In Origin of the Soul, I prefer the term dipoles to describe these paired souls, as they tend to have opposing natures.

Laurel & Hardy an Example of Soulmates

For example, a dipole pair in the entertainment field, affirmed by Ahtun Re, is the comedy team of Laurel & Hardy. Stan Laurel was thin and took on the role of a helpless dimwit, while Oliver Hardy was obese and played the part of a worldly sophisticate.  Their opposing natures resulted in comedic genius. To reiterate, Laurel and Hardy were soul mates or, to use my terminology, dipoles. Note that not only did the two have different personalities, they had markedly different body types. Of interest, reincarnations of Laurel & Hardy have been identified. To learn more, go to: Reincarnation Cases of Laurel & Hardy | Josh & Danny Bacher

laurelhardyreincarnationcasesRomantic Soul Mates

Dipoles generally do not become romantic partners. The popular concept of romantic soul mates refers to individuals who have had many incarnations together and who have found that they are compatible. This compatibility leads these souls to choose to continue reincarnating together. Souls who are not compatible tend to avoid one another in future incarnations, unless negative karma is generated which requires them to cross paths again.

Points of Contention

Humans Do Not Reincarnate as Animals

In The Laws of the Spirit World, it is stated that human beings can be reborn as animals. Ahtun Re has indicated that this is not true. Souls incarnate to learn and grow and a human soul would not learn much by incarnating into the animal kingdom, which is driven by instinctual behavior.

It is true, according to Ahtun Re, that when human souls started the process of incarnation into the physical Earthly realm, they initially would attach themselves to, or piggyback on, animals to become accustomed to the physical plane. This was an initial, transitory stage, which has not occurred in millennia. Ahtun Re noted this idea likely entered into The Laws of the Spirit World as the author, Khorshed Bhavnagari, was raised in the Hindu culture, where the belief that humans can reincarnate as animals is prevalent. In sum, human souls reincarnate as humans, not as animals.

An interesting angle on animal incarnation involves a telepathic experience I personally had with a squirrel, which I believe sheds light on why some people and faiths, such as the Hindu religion, believe humans can reincarnate as animals. This experience is presented in light of a proposed animal reincarnation case included in book of University of Virginia psychiatrist Jim Tucker, Return to Life. To learn more, go to:

Do We Reincarnate as Animals?: A Thai Boy’s Past Life Memories as a Snake in Jim B. Tucker’s Return to Life, & Human-Animal Telepathy

One’s Date of Death is Not Predetermined

In The Laws of the Spirit World, it is stated that there is a fixed and predetermined date for one’s death. Ahtun Re has indicated that this is not true. Though there can be an increased probability of a certain lifespan due to karma, in general, the date of death is not fixed.

The Nature of the Lower Spiritual Realms

In The Laws of the Spirit World, the lower levels of the spirit world are described as pitch black with hard rocky surfaces. Ahtun Re has stated that this description is an exaggeration. It is true, though, that the higher planes are more desirable places to exist in.

A good way to understand this issue is the concept that a soul gravitates to the plane that reflects its level of advancement. Murderers and criminals will go to a level or place inhabited by other murderers and criminals, which we can imagine has an atmosphere of conflict and hostility.

The Top Good Soul Does Not Give Permission for Incarnation

In The Laws of the Spirit World, it is stated that to reincarnate, a soul has to get permission from the “top good soul” of the level of the spirit world that the individual is in. Ahtun Re states this is not true. Rather, we get guidance from advanced souls and an individual makes plans for an upcoming incarnation based on this guidance, as well as in collaboration with members of our soul group.

Further, reincarnation can happen very quickly. One very interesting Ian Stevenson Past life case study involves: The Buddhist Monk Who Consciously Experiences his Death, Funeral and Rebirth

The picture is further complicated by reincarnation cases, including those researched by Ian Stevenson, MD, that show that a soul can inhabit more than one physical body at a time. To learn more about this phenomenon, go to: Split Incarnation

The Evolution of Dipole Pairs or Soul Mates

In The Laws of the Spirit World, it is stated that dipoles, a concept defined above, cannot advance separately, but that they must advance to higher spiritual planes together. Ahtun Re has stated that this is not true. Dipoles can develop or evolve separately, though the more spiritually advanced dipole will often try to help its dipole, or soul mate, advance due to empathy.

Dipoles or Soul Mates Do Not Merge into One Soul

In The Laws of the Spirit World, it is stated that at the highest plane of the spirit world, which is defined as Level VII or 7, dipoles (such as Laurel & Hardy) have to merge and become one soul. Ahtun Re has indicated that this is not true. Dipoles retain their individuality throughout existence and at all levels of the spiritual world.

On the other hand, at the highest levels of spiritual advancement, a soul attains the ability to merge its consciousness with God. Ahtun Re explains that he is able to do this and when he merges with God, his sense of separate individuality is lost. After entering this merged state, Ahtun Re can step down his level of consciousness and thus regain his sense of individuality. He in effect un-merges.

Lucid Ecstasy

Ahtun Re says that in his usual state of consciousness in the highest plane, he is in a state of “lucid ecstasy.” This explains why whenever I speak to him through Kevin Ryerson, Ahtun always seems to be in a very good mood.

The Nature of Ghosts

Purpose of Reincarnation Dean Radin Larry Dossey Walter Semkiw MDIn The Laws of the Spirit World, it is stated that ghosts are always less-developed souls who do not want to return to the spirit world, as they don’t want to go back to lower realms of the spirit world. Ahtun has indicated that this is not true. What we perceive as ghosts or apparitions can be derive from many different levels of the spirit world. The nature of ghosts is discussed in Origin of the Soul and the Purpose of Reincarnation.

Reincarnation, Karma and Bodhisattvas

In The Laws of the Spirit World, it is stated that everybody who incarnates on Earth does so because of unresolved karma. This is not true, according to Ahtun Re, and as explained in Origin of the Soul and the Purpose of Reincarnation, up to 20% of souls on Earth are here on a voluntary basis to help humanity advance. Buddhists term souls without karma who incarnate out of a desire to help humanity evolve “bodhisattvas.”

Spirit Robes and Auras

In The Laws of the Spirit World, it is stated that in the spirit realm, souls are given robes to wear for various purposes, as they provide specific abilities. Ahtun Re states this is not true, though the auras of certain spirit beings may appear like robes.

Earth Does Not Have Bad Vibrations: Life is an Opportunity for Growth

In The Laws of the Spirit World, it is stated that Earth vibrations are negative and should be avoided. Ahtun Re has indicated that this is not true. Earth life is what you make of it and incarnation is a gift from God, which allows us to grow and advance as souls.

Earth Changes, End of the World Doomsday Scenarios and the Book of Revelation

In The Laws of the Spirit World, it is stated that there will be massive earthquakes around the world that will occur within a few hours, which will wipe out 75% of humanity’s population. As such, only 25% of humanity will survive.

Other New Age books describe a similar doomsday scenario in which only advanced souls with high vibrations will survive the apocalypse. End of the world hype reached a crescendo in 2012 due to the Mayan calender ending. The Christian Book of Revelations has an end of the world theme, which is discussed in Born Again: International Edition (2011).

Since doomsday scenarios have enjoyed much popularity in New Age circles, I have asked about this issue many times since I started working with Kevin Ryerson and Ahtun Re in 2001.

Ahtun Re has consistently stated that these doomsday Earth change scenarios will not occur. Earth will undergo usual events such as earthquakes and tsunamis, as it has for millennia, but this catastrophic scenario that predicts that 75% of the population will be wiped out is unfounded.

On the other hand, global warming is a real phenomenon. Changes, such as rising sea levels, will occur, but on a gradual basis.

Overall, I think The Laws of the Spirit World is a good book, but I feel the need to address premises that I, and Ahtun Re, judge are flawed and which can bring about unnecessary fears.

Revival of the Deceased and the Walk-In Reincarnation Case of Sobha Ram | Jasbir Jat

How Derived: Memories in Childhood

Researched by: Ian Stevenson, MD

From: Twenty Cases Suggestive of Reincarnation, by Ian Stevenson, MD

Article by Walter Semkiw MD, from Born Again

Reincarnation Case 5 Larazus Raised by JesusThis is a very unusual case in that it involves bringing to life an apparently dead body, that belonging to Jasbir Jat, and the assumption of that body by a different soul, whose name in a prior incarnation was Sobha Ram.

As such, this is a reincarnation case where a soul “walks-in” to take over a body that had previously been inhabited by a different soul. In past life regression therapy literature, “walk-ins” are reported, though generally these cases do not involve the death of an individual. Instead, in regression literature, it is described that a soul inhabiting a body volunteers to leave that body so that another soul can incarnate by using that same body.

The concept of walk-ins has been a controversial one, as there can be debate whether walk-ins truly occur or whether the phenomenon represents a psychiatric disorder, such as multiple personality syndrome.

The case of Sobha Ram | Jasbir Jat provides strong evidence that walk-ins are a valid phenomenon. Ian Stevenson, MD researched this case in great detail and published it in his seminal book, Twenty Cases Suggestive of Reincarnation. Ian Stevenson chose to use a different term, “exchange incarnations,” to describe this type of case, where one soul gives up a body so that another soul can take it over.

The Life of Sobha Ram

IISIS REincarnation Cases 5 walk in reincarnation ian stevenson chariotSobha Ram lived in the farming village of Vehedi in the far northeast section of India, which borders Nepal. Vehedi at the time had a population of 2000 people and was eight miles north of the city of Muzaffarnagar, which has over 3 million inhabitants.

Sobha’s father was Shankar Lal Tyagi. Sobha was married and had a son named Baleshwar. The family was Brahmin and they observed the customs of this caste, including eating food only prepared by other Brahmins, cooking only with metal vessels, not earthenware, and wearing a sacred thread around the neck.

The family owned fields in the village, which were partitioned from fields belonging to other villagers. Sobha owned a ceremonial chariot, which was used for weddings. In May 1954, he drove his chariot to the town of Nirmana, where the family had relatives, to pick up the bride for a wedding ceremony that was taking place in Muzaffarnagar.

On the route from Nirmana to Muzaffarnagar, Sobha fell from the chariot and suffered a head injury. He was well enough to continue to the scene of the wedding and afterwards he was able to make it back with to his village. A few hours after Sobha returned to Vehedi, he died. Birth and death records were not maintained in the village, but based on the date of the marriage ceremony, Dr. Stevenson was able to establish the date of death as May 22nd or 23rd in 1954.

The Life and Apparent Death of Jasbir Jat

Reincarnation Cases 5 Walk-In Ian Stevenson Reincarnation CaseJasbir Jat, son of Girdhari Lal Jat, was born in 1950. The family lived in the village of Rasulpur, which at the time had a population of 1500 people and was located about 8 miles southwest of Muzaffarnagar. The family belonged to the Jat ethnic group and they were Hindu, though of a lesser caste than Brahmins.

In the spring of 1954, when Jasbir was 3 1/2 years old, he was thought to have contracted smallpox and it appeared that he had died. As Jasbir’s body appeared to be lifeless, his father, Girdhari, enlisted the help of his brother and other villagers to help bury his “dead” son. (1)

When Ian Stevenson researched this case, he asked Jaspir’s  family how the villagers of Rasulpur determined that death occurred.  Stevenson was told that they relied on the cessation of breathing, the cooling of the body and the inability to open the jaw of the deceased, which would indicate rigor mortis. As such, it appears that the determination that Jasbir was dead should have been accurate.

Raising of Jasbir’s Dead Body

Since it was already late in the evening, it was decided to postpone burial until the morning. A few hours later, Girdhari noticed stirring of the body and Jasbir gradually revived. It took several days before Jasbir could speak and several weeks before he could communicate effectively.

The family did not record the exact date of Jasbir’s apparent death and revival. Based on available information, Ian Stevenson estimated that this event occurred in April or May 1954.

Reincarnation Walk-In: Sobha Ram Emerges in the Body of Jasbir Jat

In Hinduism, sadhu, or shadhu is a common term for a mystic, an ascetic, practitioner of yoga (yogi) and/or wandering monks. The sadhu is solely dedicated to achieving the fourth and final Hindu goal of life, moksha (liberation), through meditation and contemplation of Brahman. Sadhus often wear ochre-colored clothing, symbolizing renunciation.

When Jasbir was finally able to converse, he demonstrated a dramatic change in personality and behavior. He said that he was the son of Shankar of the village of Vehedi and he wanted to go to that village. Further, he made these statements in the present tense, such as “I am the son of Shanker of Vehedi.” (2)

He eventually told his father, Girdhari, that his name was Sobha Ram. Jasbir said that he had a wife and that she was from the town of Molna, which was true for the wife of Sobha Ram. Though he was less than 4 years old, Jasbir suddenly referred to himself as an adult and he talked of having children, in addition to a wife.

Prior to his transformation, Jasbir acted like a normal child and enjoyed playing with toys. Afterwards, he did not like to play with toys or other children.

Jaspir told his family that he was a Brahmin, not a Jat, and he took on the habits of someone from the Brahmin caste. He demanded that only another individual who was of the Brahmin caste cook his meals. He would not eat food cooked in earthenware, but only food cooked in metal pots and pans. He began wearing a sacred thread around his neck, typical of a Brahmin.

Past Life Memories: Jasbir States He Fell from a Chariot & Died

IISIS REincarnation Cases 5 walk in reincarnation ian stevenson chariotJasbir stated that he had died when he fell off a chariot when returning from a wedding and that he hit his head against the ground. Further, Jasbir said that the reason that he fell from the chariot was that a man who had owed him money gave him poisoned sweets. The poison made him dizzy, which led to his fall. Jasbir stated that he clearly remembered falling off the chariot and that the exact place of his injury was called Dabal Pathak, which was on the road from Nirmana back to his home.

Jasbir gave a description of the town and property that he had previously lived in. He said that there was a culvert in his town, which was significant, as a culvert did not exist in Rasulpur. He stated that on his property, there was a well for water, which was partially inside the house and partially outside of the house, which Ian Stevenson noted was very unusual for a well in India. Jasbir stated that outside their property, there grew a peepal tree, as well as a tamarind tree. All these statements were true for Vehedi and the property where Sobha Ram lived.

Jasbir’s vocabulary changed after his transformation, in that he began using Brahmin words instead of words typically used by Jats. As an example, for the term house he would use the Brahmin term “haveli,” rather than the Jat word “hilli;” for the word clothes he would use the term “kapra” instead of “latta.” (3)

Fortunately, the family found a Brahmin woman who would cook for Jasbir. This continued for the next year and a half, until Jasbir acquiesced to his family’s pressure to eat food prepared by them. Jasbir’s father tried to keep his son’s unusual behavior quiet, but Jasbir’s requirement to eat like a Brahmin leaked out to the Brahmin community in Rasulpur.

Past Life Memories: Jasbir Recognizes his Aunt from his Lifetime as Sobha Ram

About three years after Jasbir’s death and the emergence as Sobha Ram, a woman visiting from Vehedi, the home town of Sobha Ram, heard about Jasbir’s sudden Brahmin behavior. She was Srimati Shyamo, a Brahmin originally from Rasulpur who had married a man, Ravi Dutt Sukla, who lived in Vehedi. Srimati was visiting her family in Rasulpur, where the Jat family lived, and was told about Jasbir, who now claimed to be from Vehedi.

When Srimati went to meet this unusual boy, Jasbir immediately recognized her as his “aunt.” In fact, Srimati had married a relative of Shankar Lal Tyagi, the father of Sobha Ram, so familial relationship did exist between Sobha and Srimati.

Whe Srimati returned to Vehedi, she informed her husband and the Tyagi family of this boy who claimed to be Sobha Ram, who stated that he died as a result of a chariot accident.

Past Life Memories: Jasbir Identifies Relatives of Sobha Ram on their Visits to Rasulpur and Reveals the Location of a Small Hidden Treasure

Members of the Tyagi family then traveled to Rasulpur to meet Jasbir. When Jasbir saw Shankar Lal Tyagi approaching, he stated, “My father has come. He is from Vehedi.” (5) Jasbir then ran into the house and requested that a Brahmin meal be prepared for his father.

IISIS reincarnation evidence belgian shepherdRecall that Shankar was indeed the father of Sobha. Jasbir related to Shankar the story of dying after he fell from a chariot when returning from a wedding. He added that on this trip, when he went into a house to borrow a cot for the wedding party, a dog bit him. Shankar, Sobha’s father, confirmed that this was true; Sobha was indeed bitten by a dog on the wedding trip, as described by Jasbir.

When he saw Ravi Dutt Sukla, the husband of Srimati Shyamo, Jasbir correctly identified Ravi’s relationship to Sobha. When Santoshi Tyagi approached, Jasbir identified him as his uncle, which was the correct relationship between Santoshi and Sobha.

When Sobha’s Uncle Pritvi came unannounced to Rasulpur and Jasbir saw him, Jasbir spontaneously ran up to him and called him “Mama,” which was correct, as this is an Indian term for maternal uncle. (6)

Jasbir then revealed that he (as Sobha) had borrowed from Uncle Pritvi a sum of money and he wanted that money to be returned to him. Jasbir disclosed the location where he had hid the money on the Tyagi property. Later on, the Tyagi family found the money exactly where Jasbir said it would be located.

In the presence of the Tyagi family, Jasbir continued by accurately reciting names of family members from his lifetime of Sobha. Jasbir stated that his mother’s name was Sona, he had a sister named Kela, his wife was called Sumantra, he had a son named Baleshwar, an aunt named Ram Kali and that his mother-in-law was Kirpi. All these statements were correct for the life of Sobha Ram.

Geographic Past Life Memories: Jasbir’s Finds his Past Life Home in Vehedi

A few weeks after the Tyagi family met Jasbir in Rasulpur, he was brought to Vehedi. Jasbir had never been to Vehedi before. At the railway station, he was asked to lead the way to the Tyagi home. Without hesitation, Jasbir walked from the railroad station directly to the Tyagi property, which was about 200 yards away from the station.

Later he was taken to the home of Ravi Dutt Sukla in Vehedi and from there, Jasbir led the way to the Tyagi home by a different route.

When shown the agricultural fields in Vehedi, Jasbir was able to correctly identify which fields belonged to the Tyagi family.

Past Life Memories: Jasbir Recognizes & Identifies Sobha’s Relatives in Vehedi

In Vehedi, Jasbir correctly recognized Surajamal and Mahendra Singh Tyagi as Sobha’s younger brothers, and Swaroop Tyagi as Sobha’s brother-in-law. He recognized Birbal Singh as the younger cousin of Sobha and when Birbal walked into the room, Jasbir ran up to him and said, “Come in, Ganghiji.” (7) Ganghiji was Birbal’s pet name, as he had large ears that made him look like Mahatma Gandhi.

When Jasbir was asked to identify another individual, Jasbir said, “This is my grandfather Rai Sahib,” who was indeed Sobha’s grandfather.

Jasbir spent several days in Vehedi and demonstrated detailed knowledge of the Tyagi family and its affairs. He very much enjoyed himself and was reluctant to go home. He would return to visit periodically, usually for several weeks at a time, and he said he wanted to live there. Jasbir felt isolated and lonely in Rasulpur, whereas in Vehedi, he felt at home.

Jasbir developed a very strong attachment to the Tyagi family and in particular to Baleshwar, Sobha’s son. In his visits to Vehedi, Jasbir would sleep with Baleshwar in the same cot, which Ian Stevenson noted was appropriate for a father and son to do, but was inappropriate for strangers. In this act, Jaspir was behaving as Baleshwar’s father.

At times, Jasbir threatened to run away from home so that he could live in Vehedi. Jasbir’s family was so concerned about his attachment to his past life family that they would not allow him to meet Sobha’s wife, Sumantra, who after his death moved back to her home village of Molna.

As time went on, the Tyagi family accepted that Sobha had come back to life through Jasbir and they regarded Jasbir as a full member of their family. When Baleshwar was considering marriage, Jasbir, though a child, was consulted like a father normally would be. Jasbir later attended Baleshwar’s wedding ceremony.

Past Life Karma Repaid: The Man who Poisoned Sobha makes Restitution

Reincanation Cases a poison warningJasbir insisted that the reason that he fell from the chariot was because a man who owed him money gave him poisoned sweets. Jasbir remembered specifically who this man was, though the name was not given in Ian Stevenson’s report of this case. Jasbir stated that this man owed him, as Sobha, 600 rupees, and that the man poisoned him with the intention to kill him so that the debt would not have to be repaid. Sobha’s family did not know anything about the poisoned sweets before Jasbir revealed this information. Jasbir eventually found this man who allegedly gave Sobha the poison. In an apparent act of restitution, this man gave Jasbir 600 rupees.

Ian Stevenson, MD excludes Fraud in this Reincarnation Case

Dr. Stevenson noted that though the villages of Rasulpur and Vehedi are only 20 miles apart as the crow flies, they were very isolated at the time due to the condition of the roads and transportation systems. Further, the two families were of different ethnic groups and castes. Given these factors, Stevenson could not see any way that Jasbir, at less than 4 years of age, could know of the life of Sobha Ram by any normal means.

Further, members of both families testified that they had no knowledge of each other prior to Jasbir’s death and transformation.

Stevenson noted that additional facts that would argue against fraud included Jasbir’s family’s unhappiness about his sudden Brahmin behavior. Further, the family initially disbelieved his statements regarding another life. They scolded him and tried to suppress information about his transformation to fellow villagers. As noted, they were also afraid that Jaspir would leave them for his past life family.

Spirit Being: A Holy Man Facilitates Sobha’s Reemergence in Jasbir’s Body

IISIS Reincarnation Cases 5 Walk-in Ian Stevenson holymanIn 1961, Ian Stevenson asked Jasbir what happened between the death of Sobha Ram in Vehedi and his reemergence in Rasulpur, through the revived body of Jasbir. Jasbir stated that after his death as Sobha, he met a sadhu or holy man, apparently in the spirit world. This holy man told him to “take cover” in the body of Jasbir, son of Girdhari Lal Jat. (8)

When Stevenson asked Jasbir what had happened to the original personality that inhabited Jasbir’s body prior to Sobha taking it over, Jasbir said that he didn’t know. Stevenson speculated that this prior personality may have reincarnated somewhere nearby. He made inquiries in the area regarding any children that may remember a past lifetime in which they died of smallpox between the ages of 3 and 4, but he found no such case.

Jasbir related to Dr. Stevenson that he continued to have dreams in which he still saw and interacted with this same discarnate holy man, who would make accurate predictions regarding the future. As an example, Jasbir’s father had taken the initiative to set up an arranged marriage for Jasbir, which neither the future bride or Jasbir were interested in. Jasbir said that in a dream, the holy man appeared and reassured him not to worry, as the marriage plans would fall through. Indeed, this came to pass.

In reflecting on why he, Sobha, a Brahmin, had reemerged in the body of Jasbir, who belonged to a Jat family of lower caste, who were considerably less well-off than the Tyagi family, Jasbir replied that he saw this as a type of a demotion. He knew of no incident, though, in the life of Sobha, that would warrant such a punishment.

Principles of Reincarnation & Understanding of Past Lives

Walk-in or Exchange Incarnation: Rather than a classic reincarnation case, where one soul is shown to incarnate into two bodies sequentially, this case involves a walk-in. Walk-ins or exchange incarnation cases involve two different souls who inhabit the same body in sequential order. The original soul inhabiting the body leaves the body to allow another soul to take over and make use of that body. Walk-in cases are considered to be extremely rare.

As Jasbir only lived for 3 1/2 years prior to his apparent death from smallpox, his original personality did not have a chance to develop. Whether the soul that inhabited the body of Jasbir prior to his apparent death had any type of relationship with the soul of Sobha is unknown.

Reincarnation Case 5 Larazus Raised by JesusReanimation or Raising of a Dead Body: Though a physician did not examine Jasbir after he apparently succumbed to smallpox, his body was lifeless to the extent that his father and fellow villagers were prepared to bury Jasbir. As noted above, the criteria they used to determine death were sound ones, including cessation of breathing, the cooling of the body and the inability of an examiner to open the jaw of the deceased. As such, it appears that the determination that Jasbir was dead should have been accurate.

How Jasbir’s revival occurred is unknown, though Jasbir, after his transformation, stated that a discarnate sadhu or holy man met him following his death as Sobha and encouraged to take possession of Jasbir’s body.

This turn of events begs the question of whether this holy man played a part in reanimating Jasbir’s lifeless body. If so, this feat parallels miracles attributed to Jesus who, according to the New Testament, brought Lazarus back to life and brought himself back to life through the Resurrection.

As the date of Jasbir’s apparent death was not recorded, it is not clear whether any time elapsed between the time of Sobha’s death, which was determined to have occurred on May 22nd or 23rd, 1954, and his reemergence through the body of Jasbir. Ian Stevenson estimated that Jasbir’s death from smallpox occurred in April or May 1954. As such, it is possible that Sobha’s death occurred at about the same time as Jasbir’s death, though an exact correlation regarding timing cannot be made.

Geographic Past Life Memory: Jasbir was able to find his way from the train station in Vehedi directly to the Tyagi family home without assistance. This is reminiscent of the Anne Frank | Barbro Karlen reincarnation case, as Barbro was able to spontaneously lead her parents from their hotel in Amsterdam directly to the Anne Frank House.

Renewal of Past Life Relationships through Reincarnation: By incarnating into Jasbir’s body, Sobha was eventually reunited with the Tyagi family.

Change in Ethnic Affiliation and Caste: Sobha belonged to the higher Hindu Brahman caste and he saw it as a demotion that he incarnated as a Jat of a lower Hindu caste, though he knew of no wrong action on his part that would account for such a punishment.

Spirit Beings in Reincarnation Case: Sobha reported that a spirit being facilitated his incarnation into the body of Jasbir.

To review other cases that show planning of lifetimes by souls, please go to:

Planning Lifetimes to be Reunited with Loved Ones through Reincarnation




1. Stevenson, Ian: Twenty Cases Suggestive of Reincarnation, University of Virginia Press, Charlottesville, 1974, page 34
2. Ibid, p. 39
3. Ibid, p. 39
4. Ibid, p. 39
5. Ibid, p. 42
6. Ibid, p. 44
7. Ibid, p. 45
8. Ibid, p. 47

Past Life Ability, Spirit Being, Mediumship & Spiritual Guidance in the Reincarnation Case of Rosario Weisz | Henrietta Roos-Weisz

Henrietta Roos was born in 1903 in Amsterdam, Holland. Early on, she demonstrated a natural talent for drawing, painting and music, later in life she was able to patch memories and discovered she had a close connection with Goya in the past lifetime.

How Derived: Spiritual Communication

Researcher: Ian Stevenson, MD

From: European Cases of the Reincarnation Type, by Ian Stevenson, MD

Article by: Walter Semkiw, MD

Introducing Francisco Goya & Leocadia and Rosario Weisz

200GoyaReincarnationPortraitFrancisco Goya was born in 1749 and became one of the most famous Spanish painters in history. The Spanish king, Ferdinand VII, appointed Goya as the Court Painter. Goya, unfortunately, found King Ferdinand a tyrant and in 1819, he decided to move away from the court in Madrid to a home in the countryside, outside of the city.

To his new home outside of Madrid, Goya brought a cousin, Leocadia Weisz, who was born in 1790 and was thus 40 years younger than Goya. Leocadia was married previously and had two children, Guillermo and Rosario, through that marriage, but her husband had abandoned the family. Rosario was born in 1814, just before her father left the home.

Rosario was 5 years old when she and her mother moved in with Goya in his country home outside of Madrid in 1819. Leocadia, who was initially hired as a housekeeper, became Goya’s mistress.

In 1824, Goya was alarmed by King Ferdinand’s repression of a liberal political movement and decided to leave Spain altogether. He moved to Bordeaux, France, where he bought a house and brought Leocadia and Rosario with him. The two women cared for Goya until he died in 1829.

After Goya’s death, Leocadia and Rosario moved back to Madrid, where Rosario pursued a career as an artist. Rosario became a copyist of paintings at the Prado museum. She was later appointed as a Professor of Drawing to Queen Isabella II.

Ian Stevenson has related that Goya had a known habit of painting very fast.

Past Life Ability: Henrietta’s Innate Talent for Art

Anne Frank reincarnation case AmsterdamHenrietta Roos was born in 1903 in Amsterdam, Holland. Early on, she demonstrated a natural talent for drawing, painting and music. At the age of 5, she used a crayon to draw an accurate portrait of her father. At 12 years of age, she did an oil painting of two birds and at the age to 16, she started painting miniature portraits. When she was 18, she painted a portrait of her mother. Henrietta wanted to pursue a career as an artist, but her parents disapproved and would not allow her to do so.

At the age to 22, Henrietta married Franz Weisz, a Hungarian pianist. Henrietta noted that she was more attracted to his name than his personality. The marriage allowed her to pursue her desire to be an artist and at the age of 24, she entered the Dutch Royal Academy of Art, where she focused on painting.

Her talent was noticed and for three years in a row, she was awarded the Royal Award from Queen Wilhemina, which allowed her to go study in Paris.

Past Life Attraction: Henrietta’s Affinity for the Name Weisz

Henrietta divorced Weisz at the age of 30. Though the custom in Holland was for a divorced woman to reassume her maiden name, Henrietta resisted. She told her mother, regarding the name Weisz:

“I don’t know, it is a strange feeling. I can’t explain, that name suits me. I feel one with it, it is more me than my own name Roos. Each time I call my self that way I have the feeling I’m talking about someone else.” (1)

She then moved to France and became fluent in French in a short period of time. For the next 20 years, she made her living as a painter in France, even serving as an official copyist for the Louvre Museum in Paris.

Mediumship: A Spirit Being Speaks to Henrietta and Paints a Portrait through Her in the Dark

200Roos-WeiszReincarnationPaintingOne evening in the year 1936, when she was 33 years old, Henrietta went to bed early, as she was feeling ill. Suddenly, a voice spoke. The voice seemed to be coming from the center of her forehead. The voice said:

“Don’t be so lazy, get up and work.” (2)

Henrietta didn’t know what to make of this and she tried to ignore the voice, but it returned and made the same statement a second time. Henrietta still stayed in bed and tried to go to sleep. The voice then spoke a third time, but more vigorously and emphatically:

“Don’t be so lazy, get up and work.” (3)

Henrietta finally heeded the voice and got out of bed. She put her easel under the tiny electric light in her small room. She then felt a force enter her, which made her move the easel to the darkest corner of the room, where she could not see anything at all. Let us let Henrietta describe what happened next:

“My palette, still full of paints, was on the table, also a little canvas board. This I took—and I started to paint, hardly knowing what I was doing, in a feverish haste, for 45 minutes, when suddenly I felt my right become immensely heavy. I had to put down my brushes.” (4)

Henrietta was then finally able to go to sleep. When she awoke, she remembered the voice and that she had been painting in the dark. She wondered if it was all a dream. She jumped out of bed to look at the easel and found a beautiful portrait of a young girl with a far away look. The sight made Henrietta shiver. She was puzzled by this turn of events.

This painting of a beautiful woman is featured on the cover of Ian Stevenson’s book, European Cases of the Reincarnation Type, and is provided above and to the right.

A Clairvoyant Tells Henrietta of her Past Life Relationship with Francisco Goya

200GoyaReincarnationPortraitHenrietta quickly summoned a friend to see the portrait, who was astonished at the quality of the painting. Her friend exclaimed:

“Oh, Henriette, oh dear, this is wonderful, this is great! You know what we’re going to do? We’ll take it to a meeting for psychic research. Every Thursday afternoon they have a clairvoyant, extraordinarily gifted, and you take your little canvas along.” (5)

At the meeting, Henrietta found the clairvoyant to be a simple and poor looking elderly woman. Henrietta placed her canvas with portrait of the beautiful girl on a table next to the elderly woman, where others had also placed objects for the woman to examine. The clairvoyant took Henrietta’s painting and she fell into a trance. Henrietta said that the old woman closed her eyes and became very pale. Her lips trembled and the old woman very slowly said:

“I see very large golden letters—a name is spelled to me, G—O—Y—A…now he speaks to me. He says: He was a great Spanish painter. He had to fly from his country from his enemies, and it was you who received him in your home in a big southern city in France—until the end of his life. He still is so thankful for this that he wants to guide you—but he is not satisfied, you resist too much, you are too much tied up in your academic education—you never relax and let him guide you, you make it very difficult for him—he therefore made you paint in the dark, so that you couldn’t see what you were doing.” (6)

Henrietta and was impressed with the clairvoyant’s accurate statements. The elderly woman somehow knew that Henrietta was an artist, that she had an academic education in art and that she had done the painting of the girl in the dark.

Spiritual Guidance: Henrietta is Led to Information about a Past Life

Henrietta knew nothing about the personal life of Goya. The same day that she went to the clairvoyant, she had been invited for the first time to the home of a famous French musician. When she arrived that evening, the musician, coincidentally, had a biography on Goya on his bookshelf. She borrowed the book and when she got home, Henrietta opened it to somewhere in the middle of the book.

Again, as if by guidance, the book opened on a page that described how Goya lived with Leocadia and Rosario Weisz in Bordeaux, France, a large city in Southern France, who took care of him until his death.

Through this biography of Goya, the elderly clairvoyant’s statements seemed to be thus verified. Though the information gained, Henrietta finally understood why she had such an emotional attachment to the name Weisz. She had the same name, Weisz, even spelled in the same way, in a past incarnation in which she nurtured Goya in his latter years.

Once she understood this connection, the attachment to the name Weisz, which she retained for three years following her divorce, ended. From then on, she signed her name on paintings as “Henrietta Roos,” not “Roos-Weisz.”

Mediumship: Other Instances in which Henrietta served as a Medium for Francisco Goya

200GoyaPaintingReincarnationIISISHenrietta had four other experiences in which it appeared that Goya was painting through her. In these instances, she painted very rapidly and produced beautiful pieces of art with ease. Recall that Goya had a tendency to pain very fast.

The most dramatic example involved a wealthy client in Nice, France, whose family hired Henrietta to do his portrait. Henrietta was very fatigued and when then entire family, including children and pets, surrounded her and her easel to watch her paint the portrait, she felt it was impossible for her do the painting.

In her despair, she made a strong mental plea to Goya to help her. Almost immediately, she started to paint rapidly and within a few minutes, produced and amazing likeness of her subject. It became one of her most acclaimed paintings.

Another example where it appeared that Goya took possession of Henrietta’s body occurred in 1960. She had been hired to do a painting of a subject from a photograph. Henrietta describes the scene:

“I had been wanting to paint this portrait many times in the past. The moment I wanted to start it something kept me from doing so, and each time I put down my brushes before even starting the first lines. This time I was not even thinking of doing it—and suddenly (it was a matter of seconds!) I was in front of my easel and did the portrait in a day and a half. Everything around me vanished. The whole world could have changed. I even forgot to eat. When my phone rang, I answered that I couldn’t talk. It was the same furious pace as I had felt when doing the…’girls face.” And another strange feeling is that now I’ve done it, I am constantly wondering how I did it.” (7)

This portrait was also considered among one of Henrietta’s best. Ian Stevenson observed that these events in which Goya appeared to take over Henrietta’s body occurred over a period of 40 years. Henrietta did not feel that Goya directed her or influenced her in her daily life between these occurrences.

Theses instances of Goya taking possession of Henrietta’s body to assist her in painting portraits is reminiscent to me of my experiences with Kevin Ryerson, a well-known trance medium who has been featured in Shirley MacLaine’s books. When Kevin goes into a trance and allows spirit beings to take over his body, they too can use Kevin’s body to make illustrations and diagrams during public demonstrations. After Kevin emerges from trance, he has no memory of what occurred during the session. In contrast, Henrietta seemed to be conscious of what was happening when Goya possessed her.

Past Life Identity: Was Henrietta Leocadia or Rosario Weisz?

Goya stated, through the elderly clairvoyant, that Henrietta had taken care of Goya in his home in Southern France. That same day, a biography on Goya was opened to the page that described how Leocadia and Rosario Weisz had taken care of Goya until his death in Bordeaux, France. From the information given, it was not clear whether Henrietta was Leocadia, the mistress of Goya, or Rosario, the daughter of Leocadia.

To make this determination, Ian Stevenson analyzed the personalities of Leocadia and Rosario to see which matched the character of Henrietta.

Stevenson found that Leocadia was hot-tempered, social, extroverted and a fan of circuses and fairs. She did not paint and did not seem to have much interest in art. Leocadia’s personality, thus did not match Henrietta’s personality, who as quiet and afraid of crowds, such as would be found at concerts, circuses and fairs.

Rosario, on the other hand, was not temperamental, was affectionate and was described as bright and cheerful. Rosario loved animals, as did Henrietta.

Like Henrietta, Rosario as a child had a natural talent for painting and music. Like Henrietta, Rosario did miniature portraits, which Goya praised in a letter:

“This amazing child wishes to do miniatures, and I wish it too; for it is perhaps the greatest phenomenon in the world to do what she does at her age.” (8)

Biographers have noted that Goya had a great attachment to Rosario and even referred to her as his own daughter. This attachment could explain Goya’s desire from te spirit world to assist Henrietta in her artistic development.

After Rosario and her mother returned to Madrid following Goya’s death, Rosario became a copyist of paintings at the Prado museum, just as Henrietta had became a copyist at the Louvre.

In 1840, Rosorio was appointed Professor of Drawing to Queen Isabella II. Later in 1840, she unexpectedly came down with a fever after she was caught in a riot. A biographer attributed the fever to extreme fright, which Rosario experienced when confronted with the angry mob. This reaction is consistent with Henrietta’s fear of crowds. Rosario died soon after, on July 31, 1840, at the young age of only 26.

Due to the similarities in personality, artistic and musical talent, and Goya’s known affection for Rosario, Ian Stevenson concluded that it was most likely that Henrietta Roos, also known as Henrietta Roos-Wiesz was Rosario Weisz in a past lifetime. The interval between Rosario’s death and Henrietta’s birth was 63 years.

Principles of Reincarnation & Understanding Past Lives

200GoyaReincarnationPortraitIf this very intriguing reincarnation case is accepted, it demonstrates the following principles:

Spirit Being Involvement, Spiritual Guidance & Mediumship: The most striking aspect of this case is that it appears that the spirit of Francisco Goya took over the body of Henrietta Roos on several occasions to help her produce beautiful works of art. Recall that Henrietta did the first channeled painting in the dark, indicating that it was Goya who was doing the painting.

In addition, Goya, from the spirit world, was able to communicate to Henrietta through a clairvoyant, giving her information on who he was and why he was helping her. Goya said that he was guiding her in gratitude for Henrietta taking care of him in a large city in southern France.

Another example of apparent spirit guidance is that Henrietta found a biography on Goya at a musician’s home, on the very same day she had the session with the clairvoyant. When Henrietta opened the book, she spontaneously fell upon the exact page that described how Leocadia and Rosario Weisz indeed took care of Goya until his death in Bordeaux, France. It was as if Goya was guiding her to the book and page where Henrietta could find herself in her past lifetime with Goya.

This is reminiscent of the case of Louise Vanderbilt | Wayne Peterson, as Wayne was guided to a book in a bookstore which when he picked up, he literally could not put down. Against his conscious will, Wayne reluctantly bought the book and later that night, found the key to identifying his past lifetime as Louise Vanderbilt inside that book. Spirit Beings can be very forceful in their guidance of human beings.

Past Life Ability & Talent: Rosario and Henrietta shared that same childhood talents for art and music, indicating that Rosario and Henrietta had studied these disciplines in prior incarnations. Rosario and Henrietta both painted miniature portraits, they both became museum copyists for paintings and both were given special recognition by royalty for their artistic ability. Rosario became a copyist for the Prado and Henrietta became a copyist for the Louvre.

Rosario was appointed Professor of Drawing to Queen Isabella II of Spain, while Henrietta was awarded the Royal Award from Queen Wilhemina of the Holland three years in a row.

The parallels in talent, artistic development and career paths between Rosario and Henrietta are quite amazing. This case is reminiscent of the cases of Paul Gauguin | Peter Teekamp and Claude Ledoux | Wayne Peterson, in which artistic talent and artistic development was also replicated from one incarnation to another.

Another, less dramatic example of ability from a past incarnation involves Henrietta’s ease of learning French when she moved from Spain to France. As Rosario, she had lived in Bordeaux, France, since she was 10 years of age and must have been fluent in French in that incarnation.

Reincarnation & Change in Nationality: Rosario was born in Spain and lived in France while caring for Goya in his self-imposed exiled. Henrietta was born in Holland, though she moved to France to pursue her career as a painter.


1. Stevenson, Ian: European Cases of the Reincarnation Type, McFarland, 2003, page 238
2. Stevenson, Ian: European Cases of the Reincarnation Type, McFarland, 2003, page 238
3. Stevenson, Ian: European Cases of the Reincarnation Type, McFarland, 2003, page 238
4. Stevenson, Ian: European Cases of the Reincarnation Type, McFarland, 2003, page 238
5. Stevenson, Ian: European Cases of the Reincarnation Type, McFarland, 2003, page 239
6. Stevenson, Ian: European Cases of the Reincarnation Type, McFarland, 2003, page 239
7. Stevenson, Ian: European Cases of the Reincarnation Type, McFarland, 2003, page 241


Reincarnation Case of Shiv Behari Jain | Ram Prakash: Past Life Case with Change in Religion

Shiv Behari Jain was of the Jain religion, while Ram Prakesh was born into the Hindu faith, Shiv Behari Jain a prosperous merchant lived in Firozabad, northern India. He died and reincarnated as Ram Prakash who was born on April 10, 1966, about 9 months after Shiv Behari Jain died.

How Case Derived: Past Life Memories in Childhood

Researcher: Satwant K. Pasricha, PhD, Associate of Ian Stevenson, MD

From: Can the Mind Survive Beyond Death, Volume 1, by Satwant K. Pasricha, PhD

Article by: Walter Semkiw, MD

The Life of Shiv Behari Jain-A Member of the Jain Religion

Reincarnation Research Past Life Case-Change in ReligionShiv Behari Jain was a prosperous merchant or businessman who lived in Firozabad, a city in northern India. He belonged to the Jain religion. Shiv was well-respected, as he was also involved in local politics and charities. He died on July 10, 1965.

Change of Religion: Shiv Behari Jain Reincarnates as a Hindu

Ram Prakash was born on April 10, 1966, about 9 months after Shiv Behari Jain died, in a village north of Firozabad. His parents were farmers of modest means who belonged to the Hindu religion.

When Ram was 4 or 5 years of age, he started talking about a past life. One day, an older brother called Ram by name and ordered him to fetch a glass of water. Ram responded:

“I am not Ram Prakash, I am Jain Saheb” In India, “saheb” is a title placed after a man’s name as a mark of respect. In other words, Ram was indicating that he was a man of stature. Ram later gave his full past life name as “Shiv Behari Jain.” (1)

Ram Prakesh Remembers his Past Life Family and Address

Ram related a number of details regarding his past life, including his address in Firozabad, his past life wife’s name, as well as the number of brothers, sons and daughters he had in his lifetime as Shiv Behari Jain. Ram also remembered the philanthropy that he was engaged in his past life, reporting that he contributed money to a college, a hospital and a Jain temple.

Reincarnation & Change in Religion: Though Born Hindu, Ram Observes Jain Customs

MaharivaReincarnationResearchReligionChangeRam demonstrated practices of a member of the Jain religion, which was very unusual for a Hindu boy who had not been taught these Jain customs. For example, Ram wanted to eat dinner before sunset, drink only filtered water and he would not kill insects. For Jains, nonviolence is a central tenet of their religion, which is why even insects are not killed. When someone gave Ram a portrait of Mahavira, an enlightened leader and reformer of the Jain religion, he would worship in front of this picture twice a day.

Ram Prakesh Misses his Past Life Wealth & Identifies Strongly with his Past Life Persona

Ram was aware that he was much better off financially in his prior lifetime as Shiv Behari Jain. He complained that his family lived in a kachcha house, which was built of unbaked bricks. He remembered that in his past life, he had a large house, a pukka, which was built of baked bricks. Ram recalled that in his previous life he slept on a cushioned bed, whereas in his current life, he slept on a charpoy, a bed made of a frame with with light rope strung into a net. He remembered that he owned a chair that he sat in, but in his contemporary life, he had none.

As he got older, Ram would no longer even respond to his given name, his identification with his life as Shiv Behari Jain was so great. His schoolteachers accepted this and called him “Jain.”

Ram Prakesh Meets his Past Life Family, Who Accept Him as Shiv Behari Jain Reborn

Members of Ram’s village learned of his unusual behavior and the word spread. Bus drivers in the area learned of his story and they passed it on to Shiv Behari Jain’s family in Firozabad, who came to visit Ram. He was able to recognize and name these past life family members.

To test his knowledge, Shiv’s family also showed Ram photographs of their relatives. Ram was able to accurately recognize and name these members of Shiv’s family without assistance or leading questions. Based on his past life knowledge, Shiv’s family accepted Ram as the reincarnation of Shiv Behari Jain. They gave Ram gifts and encouraged that he visit their home in Firozabad. Ram would visit his past life family once or twice a month and stay with them for 5 days at a time.

IISIS daniel jurdi reincarnation past life ian stevenson semkiw L
Daniel Jurdi holds his Past Life Photo

Ram’s visits to the family of Shiv Behari Jain are reminiscent of Daniel Jurdi’s stays with his past life family in Lebanon. This past life case demonstrates a remarkable similarity in physical appearance from one lifetime to another. Place your cursor on the image of Rashid holding a picture of his past life persona to enlarge it.

To learn more, go to: Reincarnation Case of Rashid Khaddage | Daniel Jurdi

Past Life Memories: Families of Shiv Behari Jain & Ram Prakash Deny Prior Contact

Dr. Pasricha interviewed the families of Shiv Behari Jain and Ram Prakash in October 1975. The two families vouched that they had never met or had any contact prior to Ram’s statements of remembering to be Shiv in a past life. Ram’s father related that he once heard Shiv Behari Jain make a speech at a political meeting, but had no direct contact with him. Ram’s mother said she had never heard of Shiv Behari Jain. Dr. Pasricha also noted that their differences in religion and wealth would have made prior relationship between the two families very unlikely.

In an interview in 1975, when Ram was 9 1/2 years, when asked his name, he promptly replied “Shiv Behari Jain.” Shiv’s family was still giving gifts to Ram and he was continuing his visits to his past life family in Firozabad. (2)

Principles of Reincarnation & Understanding Past Lives

Change in Religion: Shiv Behari Jain was of the Jain religion, while Ram Prakesh was born into the Hindu faith.

Relationships Renewed through Reincarnation: Shiv Behari Jain was reunited with his past life family.


1. Pasricha, Satwant, Can the Mind Survive Beyond Death? Volume 1: Reincarnation Research, Harman Publishing House, New Delhi, 2008, page 9
2. Ibid, pages 9-12

Past Life Story with Change in Religion & Geographic Past Life Memory: Reincarnation Case of Gioanna Spontini | Laure Raynaud

Laure Raynaud was born in 1868 in the French village of Aumont, near Amiens. At the age of 17, she decided to work as an alternative healer and was then subsequently employed by Dr. Gaston, which connected her to discovering a past lifetime.

How Derived: Past Life Memories in Adulthood

Researcher: Gaston Durville, MD

From: Psychic Magazine and European Cases of the Reincarnation Type, by Ian Stevenson, MD

Article by Walter Semkiw, MD

Laure tells her Parents There is No Heaven or Hell

Laure Raynaud was born in 1868 in the French village of Aumont, near Amiens. As a child, Laure rebelled against the doctrine of the Roman Catholic Church and her parents had to force her to go to mass. Laure insisted that instead of going to heaven or hell following death, people were reborn in another body on Earth.

Past Life Memory: Laure Tells Dr. Gaston About a Lifetime in a Sunny Land

ReincarnationResearchGenoaAt the age of 17, she decided to work as an alternative healer, having learned an form of hypnosis. She moved to Paris and was employed by a physician, Dr. Gaston Durville, in his clinic.

Laure told Dr. Gaston about past life memories that she had, in which she lived in a sunny climate, in a large house with tall arched windows. There was a large terrace around the house, as well as a smaller terrace on top of the house. She said that this lifetime occurred about a century ago. Dr. Gaston was skeptical regarding her story, but he listened and eventually it was he who published the report regarding this case.

Geographic Past Life Memory: Laure Finds her Past Life Home near Genoa, Italy

In March 1917, Dr. Gaston sent Laure to treat a wealthy patient of his in Genoa, Italy. As the train approached Genoa, she felt a sense of familiarity, as if she had traveled through this countryside before. She came to feel that this is where she had lived in a past lifetime. In Genoa, she shared her past life memories and inquired whether there was a house in the area that matched her description.

Laure was taken to a house that one of her hosts thought might be one she was describing. Once there, Laure said this was not the house she remembered, but she thought her past life home was nearby.

They drove further until they came to a mansion that Laure recognized as hers. The building matched the description she had given to Dr. Gaston in Paris. There were large arched windows, a terrace around the house with a smaller terrace on top of the house.

Past Life Memory: Laure Remembers Where She was Entombed in a Genoa Church

ReincarnationResearchGenoaCryptMore impressive is a memory that was stimulated by seeing this house. She had not had this memory before and as such, it can be categorized as a geographic memory, stimulated by a past life location. Ian Stevenson relates her statement:

“She said that she was certain that in the previous life her body was not buried in the cemetery, but in the church itself.” (1)

Dr. Gaston investigated this statement through church records. The mansion belonged to Benjamino Spontini, whose wife, Giovanna, was indeed buried in the church at Notre-Dame-du-Mont in a private ceremony. Unfortunately, there was no mention of looking for similarities in appearance or personality between Giovanna and Laure.

Principles of Reincarnation & Understanding Past Lives

Geographic Memory: Laure recalled a new specific memory, that of being buried in the local church rather than a cemetery, after seeing her past life home. This memory turned out to be accurate.

This case is reminiscent of the Francesco Foscari | Wayne Peterson reincarnation case. When Wayne took a trip to Venice, he too had an intuition as to where he was buried in his past incarnation as Francesco Foscari. Though it would be expected that Foscari should have been entombed at St. Mark’s Cathedral, Wayne knew that he had been laid to rest somewhere else.

Wayne went to the Franciscan Basilica di Santa Maria Gloriosa dei Frari, a Franciscan church. There, he was intuitively led to the front of the church. There, he paused at a red rope barrier with a sign that indicated that further entry was prohibited. Wayne received an internal message that he should cross the red rope barrier and go behind the alter. He did, and there, behind the alter, Wayne found the tomb of Francesco Foscari.

Change in Religion: This case also represents a case in which religion or a spiritual belief system has changed from one incarnation to another. Recall that Gioanna Spontini was given the honor of being buried in the church at Notre-Dame-du-Mont in a private ceremony. This indicates that Gioanna was not only Christian, but she must have been a very highly regarded Christian.

In contrast, Laure rebelled against the Roman Catholic Church ever since she was little. She had to be forced to go to church by her parents and she claimed that after death, people did not go to heaven or hell, rather, they would reincarnate. As such, a prominent Christian in a prior incarnation returned with innate knowledge of reincarnation.


1. Stevenson, Ian: Reincarnation Cases of the Reincarnation Type, McFarland, 2003, page 30


Past Life Story with Innate Talent, Deja Vu, Geographic Memory & Religion Change: Reincarnation Case of an Islamic Persian | Peter Avery

Peter Avery, was born in Derby, England, on May 15, 1923. In World War II, he served in the Royal Indian Navy which he left after the war.He attended the University of London, graduated in 1949 with a degree in Arabic and Persian languages which catapulted him to a career as Training Manager for Arabic and Persian languages for the Anglo-Iranian Oil Company, and it was this job that gave him the opportunity to discover his past lifetime in Isfahan.

How Derived: Geographic Memories

Researcher: Ian Stevenson, MD

From: European Cases of the Reincarnation Type, by Ian Stevenson, MD

Article by Walter Semkiw, MD

Reincarnation Case with Change of Nationality & Religion: Muslim Iranian to British Christian

reincarnationpastliferesearchisfahanThis case provides a dramatic example of geographic memory, in which Peter Avery had innate knowledge of the streets of Isfahan, as well as of the original design of Shalimar Burg, including the location of its original entrance. Though Peter’s specific past life identity could not be found, these past life memories, which were verified, support the validity of this reincarnation case. In addition, it involves a significant change in religion and nationality. Peter Avery appears to have had a past lifetime as a Muslim in Iran. In contemporary times, he was born in England and was presumably a Christian.

Geographic Memory in Reincarnation Cases: A Form of Deja Vu

Geographic memory can be considered a form of déjà vu, where an individual has the feeling that they have been at physical location before, though the individual in fact has never been to that location in their contemporary lifetime.

Some instances of déjà vu may be due to a past lifetime in which time was spent in the geographic area that stimulated the feelings of déjà vu. Ian Stevenson has pointed out that déjà vu is very common and some surveys show that over 60 percent of people have experienced déjà vu. (1)

Navy Officer Peter Avery Trains in Arabic Languages

reincarnationpastliferesearchisfahandome2The subject of this case, Peter Avery, was born in Derby, England, on May 15, 1923. In World War II, he served in the Royal Indian Navy. After the war, he attended the University of London, where he graduated in 1949 with a degree in Arabic and Persian languages.

With these skills, Peter took a job as the Training Manager for Arabic and Persian languages for the Anglo-Iranian Oil Company. He was stationed in the city of Abadan in the southwest region of Iran. For the first six months of his assignment, he was confined to Abadan and the surrounding oil fields.

In the winter of 1949-1950, a manager from the company’s London office, Mr. John Evans, was planning to tour facilities in Iran and he needed an interpreter to travel with him. Peter was assigned to escort Mr. Evans on a trip to Isfahan, in central Iran.

Peter was delighted to be given his assignment, as he would finally get to see more of Iran. As noted, Peter had never been out of the area surrounding Abadan.

Past Life Memories of the Streets of Isfahan

The old arab quarter of Granada is full of narrow alleyways with shops of food and spices and clothing boutiques

In Isfahan, over breakfast, Peter described to Mr. Evans, in detail, the route that they would take from their hotel to the city’s bazaar and to Maidan-I Shah, a public square that was part of a palace complex built by Shah Abbas I between the years 1590 to 1595.

Mr. Evans was surprised by Peter’s extensive knowledge of the streets of Isfahan, as Peter had never been there before. Peter admitted that he seemed to know the way naturally. Peter had not consulted guidebooks or maps to determine the way to the bazaar and Maidan-I Shah; he just seemed to know the way.

As they embarked on their walk through the city, Peter’s proposed route was entirely accurate. This is reminiscent of the case of Anne Frank | Barbro Karlen, as Barbro, at ten years of age, was able to lead her parents from their hotel on a 10 minute walk through the winding streets of Amsterdam directly to the Anne Frank House, even though she had never been to Amsterdam before. Similarly, Peter had led Mr. Evans through the streets of Isfahan to the bazaar and Maidan-I Shah.

A Past Life Flood of Emotions at Madrasa Mader-e Shah

reincarnationpastliferesearchisfahanmaidanishahsquareThe last place that Peter took Mr. Evans that morning was Madrasa Mader-e Shah, a theological complex built by Shah Sultan Hussein in 1706, which Hussein dedicated to his mother. A blue domed mosque sits in the garden of the complex. As soon as Peter and Mr. Evans walked into the courtyard of Madrasa Mader-e Shah, Peter experienced a flood of emotions. Let us let Peter himself narrate the turn of events:

“I burst into uncontrollable sobbing under an overwhelming impression that I had somehow come home. I sat on the parapet of a pond. Mr. Evans very tactfully walked away. He said afterwards that this seemed the best he could do, until I could dry my eyes and rejoin him. Little passed between us about the episode which, in front of one of my employers, embarrassed me, although he showed no sign of disapprobation and seemed quietly understanding. Thus culminated a morning throughout which I had all the time felt a strange familiarity with a city I had never visited before, and the geography of which I had no former conscious knowledge.” (2)

This flood of emotions is similar to what occurred in the case of John B. Gordon | Jeff Keene, when Jeff was intuitively led to a spot called Sunken Road, which is a section of the American Civil War battlefield named Antietam. At Sunken Road, without knowing why, Jeff also started to cry uncontrollably. He felt grief and rage at the same time. Later, he learned that he had almost been killed in the Civil War at that very spot at Sunken Road, in his past lifetime as John B. Gordon.

Past Life Memories: Innate Knowledge of the Original Architecture of Shalimar Bagh

reincarnationpastliferesearchishalimarbaghlahore2Peter had one other experience which seemed to stem from a past lifetime or lifetimes in Iran and India. It was in 1944, when he was serving in the Royal Indian Navy during World War II. Peter were 21 years of age at the time. An Indian officer on his ship had befriended him and invited Peter to visit his family, who lived in Lahore, which is now part of Pakistan.

The friend knew of Peter’s great interest in Islamic literature and culture and he wanted Peter to meet his father, Khan Bahadur Muhammad Shafi, who was a principle of a school for Asian studies and a scholar of Islamic history.

In Lahore, they visited the Shalimar Bagh, a garden complex which was built by the Islamic Mughal emperors. Peter was accompanied by his friend’s father, the scholar Bahadur Muhammad Shafi. Peter had never been to Shalimar Bagh before, nor had he read about its layout.

Past Life Memory: Peter Identifies the Original Door at Shalimar Bagh

reincarnationpastliferesearchishalimarbaghlahoreentryPeter and Mr. Shafi entered Shalimar Bagh through a doorway in a surrounding wall. Peter innately knew that this was not the original entrance. He told Shafi that the original doorway was in the wall opposite them, on the other side of the enclosure. Mr. Shafi told Peter that he was indeed correct.

Later, Peter commented that the pavilion, or small building, in the center of the garden was not part of the original design. Mr. Shafi also confirmed Peter’s statement, noting that the pavilion was originally part of an emperor’s tomb complex and that it was moved to Shalimar Burg by Ranjit Singh, a Sikh who ruled Lahore from 1799 to 1839.

As such, Peter’s proposed past lifetime, in which he became familiar with Shalimar Burg, must have occurred before 1799, prior to the pavilion’s move from the tomb complex to Shalimar Burg.

Reincarnation & Déjà vu Experience in the Shalimar Bagh, Lahore

Peter wrote about his experience at Shalimar Burg:

reincarnationpastliferesearchishalimarbaghlahoreext“Although not as shatteringly moved as I was to be in Isfahan, by my sense of déjà vu, in the Shalimar Bagh in Lahore I certainly had a similar feeling of having been there before: of knowing the place intimately; of returning, as it were, home, to somewhere where I had once been ‘at home,’ but this feeling in the Madrasseh in Isfahan was more penetrating then that in Lahore, where it was confined to the garden and did not extend to the whole environment.” (3)

Peter’s experience at Shalimar Burg also is reminiscent of what happened in the Anne Frank | Barbro Karlen reincarnation case. Recall that Barbro she led her parents to the Anne Frank House in Amsterdam at the age of ten, though she had never been to Amsterdam before. On approaching the Frank house, Barbro noted that the entrance had been changed, which was true. She also knew that photographs that Anne Frank had clipped out of magazines of movie stars should have been on a particular wall. These photos had been taken down to be mounted behind protective glass, so they were not present when Barbro and her parents visited the Frank house. A tour guide, though, confirmed that Barbro was correct regarding where the photos normally would be found.

Just as Barbro knew details of the structure and interior of the Anne Frank house from a past incarnation, it appears that Peter knew of the original design of Shalimar Burg, apparently from a past lifetime or lifetimes in Iran and Pakistan.

Past Life Passion: Peter Becomes a Cambridge Lecturer in Persian Studies

reincarnationpastliferesearchpersiacambridgeFrom 1958 to 1990, Peter served as a University lecturer in Persian Studies at Cambridge University. After that, he continued as a Fellow of King’s College, Cambridge, where he became established as a famous scholar of Persian studies. Peter is most well known for his translations of Persian poets Hafiz and Omar Khayyam. In addition, he wrote extensively on the history of Iran, from its earliest origins to contemporary times.

Where did Peter’s passion for Persia and Islamic studies come from, given that he was born in England, which is predominantly a Christian nation?

It appears that his love for Persia, Iran and Islamic studies stems from a past lifetime or lifetimes in Iran and Pakistan, given his innate knowledge of the original design of Shalimar Burg, in Lahore, Pakistan, his innate knowledge of the streets of Isfahan, in Iran, as well as the flood of emotions that he experienced in Madrasa Mader-e Shah, in Isfahan, Iran.

Peter Avery died on October 6, 2008 in England.

Principles of Reincarnation & Understanding Past Lives

Peter Avery did not remember any names from his proposed past life experience in Iran and Pakistan and as such, he was not able to identify who he may specifically have been in the past. As such, this case could not be historically validated. Still, his déjà vu experiences and innate knowledge of geographical locations that he had not previously visited in his contemporary incarnation are consistent with past life memories.

This demonstrates the following features:

Past Life Geographic Memory: Peter had detailed knowledge of the streets of Isfahan, Iran and knew of the original design of Shalimar Burg, in Lahore, Pakistan (pictured to the right), though he had never been to these places in his contemporary lifetime. Peter stated that he also did not gain this information through maps or books.

In addition, he experienced a flood of emotions Madrasa Mader-e Shah, which is located in Isfahan, Iran (pictured below and to the right), including the overwhelming feeling that he had come home.

It is likely that these experiences stemmed from a past life or lifetimes in which he had spent time in these geographic locations in Iran and Pakistan. The distance between the cities where he experienced geographic memory, between Isfahan and Lahore, is approximately 1000 miles or 1600 kilometers. Based on when the pavilion was moved to Shalimar Burg, Peter’s past lifetime, when he visited this garden complex, must have been before 1799.

It is unclear whether travel between Isfahan and Lahore in the seventeenth century was common. If it was, then Peter’s experiences could have occurred in one prior incarnation. If travel between these cities did not occur in that era, then Peter likely had two prior incarnations, one lifetime in the area of Isfahan, Iran, and another in the area of Lahore, Pakistan.

Past Life Innate Interest and Talent: Peter became a fluent in Persian and later became a world recognized scholar in Persian and Islamic studies. It is likely that his talent for the Persian language and his love of Persian and Islamic literature, history and culture stem from a past lifetime or lifetimes as a Muslim in Iran.

Reincarnation & Change of Nationality and Religion: Though Peter Avery’s religion is not specifically identified in Ian Stevenson’s case report, it is likely that Peter was raised in a Christian family, given his last name and birth in England, a predominantly Christian country.

If Peter did have a past lifetime or lifetimes in Iran and Pakistan, and if his passion for Islamic culture stems from a Muslim past incarnation, then this case demonstrates a significant change in nationality and religion from one lifetime to another.

As we observe events such as the destruction of he World Trade Center in New York and the ongoing conflicts between the Taliban, Al-Qaeda and Judeo-Christian cultures, this case can teach us a valuable lesson.

This reincarnation case demonstrates that we can be Islamic in one lifetime and Christian in another, as well as Iranian or Pakistani in one incarnation and British in a subsequent lifetime. These realizations should make us see ourselves as universal souls that are not limited to one religion or nationality. This realization can help create a more peaceful world.

Note to Readers: Ian Stevenson. MD was a Professor of Psychiatry at the University of Virginia who wrote in a very academic style, as his target audience was fellow scientists. On the Reincarnation Research web site, his past life identity cases are presented as children’s past life-reincarnation stories to make his academic work easier to understand. For those interested in appreciating the scientific rigor of his research, such as his use of multiple witnesses to establish corroborated testimony, please refer to the original reports written by Dr. Ian Stevenson.


1. Stevenson, Ian: European Cases of the Reincarnation Type, McFarland, 2003, page 231
2. Stevenson, Ian: European Cases of the Reincarnation Type, McFarland, 2003, page 234
3. Stevenson, Ian: European Cases of the Reincarnation Type, McFarland, 2003, page 234

Past Life Story with Phobias, Innate Talent & Religion Change: Reincarnation Case of a Young Holocaust Victim | David Llewelyn

David died as a young Jewish boy in a Nazi concentration camp, David reincarnated into a Christian family though David’s biologic father, Solomon, was Jewish, David was not aware of this. If Nazis and German people knew that one could be born Jewish in one lifetime and Christian in another, would the Holocaust still have happened.

How Derived: Memories in Childhood

Researcher: Ian Stevenson, MD

From: European Cases of the Reincarnation Type, by Ian Stevenson, MD

Article by: Walter Semkiw, MD

David Llewelyn has a Secret Jewish Father but is Raised Christian

reincarnationpastliferesearchchesterDavid Llewelyn was born in Chester, England, on September 1, 1970. His mother, Susan Llewelyn, was Welsh. At the time that David was born, she was married to Jeffery Llewelyn, but David’s biologic father was Solomon Rosenberg, a Jewish man who Susan had an affair with for a period of two years.

Susan hid the affair with Solomon from her husband, Jeffery. As such, David was raised as the son of Susan and Jeffery. The couple stayed together at least to the time that David was nine years of age and as such, David was raised in a Christian culture. Susan and Jeffery Llewelyn eventually divorced.

Susan noted that Solomon Rosenberg saw David a few times, but he never took interest in or responsibility for David. Growing up, David was not aware that Solomon was his biologic father.

Susan contacted Ian Stevenson, MD about her son’s reincarnation case after she heard him on a BBC television program on reincarnation in 1982. Following a period of correspondence, Stevenson traveled to Chester, England to meet with David and Susan.

Past Life Memories: Deep Pits or Holes with Bodies

reincarnationpastliferesearchholocaustpitAs a young boy, David had nightmares of large, dark, deep holes which contained bodies. He smelled the stench of dead bodies and he was afraid that he would fall into the holes. There were people with guns.

At times, David would run crying to Susan describing the camps, guns and the dying people he saw in his dreams. He complained of an unusual odor in his bed room.

Past Life Memories of a Gas Chamber

Former polish political prisoner of the Nazi concentration camp in the camping striped uniform

At home, the family cooked on an electric stove. When they visited an aunt who cooked with gas, David said, it “was like the smell in my room at night, it’s going to smother me.” (1) The Nazis had used gases, such as carbon monoxide or hydrogen sulfide, to kill concentration camp victims.

David also had past life images arise in his mind during waking hours. These images included people who were prisoners of war who lived in wood huts. David thought these people were Jewish.

Past Life Memories: David Recalls Being Placed into a Pit

When Ian Stevenson interviewed him, David said that he had past life memories in which he was being put into a pit as a young boy. He remembered looking up to the top of the pit where he saw another boy looking at him. He thought the boy was a companion who might save him. There were other bodies in the pit. (2) This image recurred many times and David told Stevenson that he remembered the terrible odor of the camp.

Stevenson noted that in Nazi concentration camps, children 14 years of age and younger were killed, as they were deemed unfit for work. Stevenson noted that at the concentration camp of Treblinka, “children were thrown into a ditch, sometimes still alive, where they are consumed by fire. Alternately, they could be thrown into a ‘regular mass grave.’” (3)

Past Life Ability & Knowledge of Jewish Customs: Writing from Left to Right, Kosher Food and Kippahs

reincarnationpastliferesearchjewishkippahA most dramatic aspect of this case is that when David began to read and write, he would spontaneously read and write from right to left, which his how the Hebrew language is read and written. No one had taught him to do so, rather, he was taught to read and write in the usual English manner, from left to right. Though teachers would correct him, he continued to have this Hebrew habit of writing from right to left until he was 11 years old.

David, as a child, surprised his mother by asking whether food she was serving had blood in it, an apparent reference to Kosher processing of meat. No one had told David about Kosher customs. When he and his parents went to another city when he was nine, David looked at a building that looked like a church. He told his parents, “They wear caps there. Jeffery, Susan’s husband, then noted that the building was a Jewish synagogue. David was referring to Kippahs that Jewish people wear.

Past Life Phobias of the Star of David, the Color Yellow, Camps & German People

reincarnationpastliferesearchjewishyellowstarofdavidWhen David drew pictures, he would always include a star, though at the same time, he seemed to have a phobia of stars. When he was 12 years old, Susan took David into a shop where he saw a necklace with a Star of David attached to it. David then started to cry and ran out into the street. Susan ran after him and asked what disturbed him. David said that the necklace with the Star of David was “beckoning to him.” (3)

David also had a strong aversion to the color yellow. Susan stated that David “hated” yellow. The Nazi’s made Jews wear yellow stars on their clothing, so that they could be distinguished from gentiles. David also had a strong fear of camps. When Susan told him that people have very pleasant vacations at camps, David replied:

“No. There is no happiness there. People are caged in and cold, hungry, and frightened. They’ll never get out.” (4) David said that the people in camps were like skeletons, they were bald and they had no food. David would say in despair, “I’m worried for the other people. Why did it happen? Why did it have to happen?” (5)

reincarnationpastliferesearchholocaustcamp2Susan, David’s mother, insisted that David did not learn of the Holocaust, Nazi concentration camps or Jewish customs as a child in their home. When David was older, she noticed that when David saw Germans on television, he became fearful and angry. Similarly, he displayed fear and anger when he saw German people on a vacation trip that he took with his mother to the island of Corfu.

Summary & Past Life Case Analysis

David’s past lifetime in a concentration camp could not be validated historically, as he did not remember his name or give other specific details from which could allow verification.

The strength of this case rests on David having innate knowledge of Jewish customs, such as reading and writing from right to left, and memories of scenes characteristic of Nazi concentration camps. David’s mother, Susan, strongly denied that David could have learned this information by normal means.

Regarding whether David somehow acquired this knowledge from Solomon Rosenberg, his biologic father, through some type of genetic memory, Dr. Stevenson commented:

“Even the most ardent geneticist would not suggest that genes would transmit the habit of reading and writing from right to left, concern about whether food has blood in it, and images of a concentration camp.” (6)

Principles of Reincarnation & Understanding Past Lives

This reincarnation case demonstrates the following features:

Past Life Talent & Knowledge: When he began to read and write in the English language, he did so from right to left, which is the technique used for the Hebrew. Though teachers tried to correct this practice, David persisted in this practice until he was 11 years of age. He seemed to have innate knowledge of Kosher food and Kippahs.

Past Life Phobias: David had fears of the Star of David, the color yellow, vacation camps and of German people.

Change of Religion and Ethic Affiliation: In his past lifetime, David died as a young Jewish boy in a Nazi concentration camp. In contemporary times, David reincarnated into a Christian family. Though David’s biologic father, Solomon, was Jewish, David as a boy was not aware of this paternal relationship since Susan, his mother, kept her affair with Solomon secret.

A dramatic and very compelling reincarnation case of this type is the Anne Frank | Barbro Karlen reincarnation case, as Anne too was persecuted as a Jew in a Nazi concentration camp, yet she reincarnated as Barbro Karlen to a Christian family in Sweden. If the Nazis and German people knew that one could be born Jewish in one lifetime and Christian in another, the Holocaust could never have happened. In this way, evidence of reincarnation can help create a more peaceful world.

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(1) Stevenson, Ian: European Reincarnation Cases of the Reincarnation Type, McFarland, 2003, page 82
(2) Stevenson, Ian: European Reincarnation Cases of the Reincarnation Type, McFarland, 2003, page 82
(3) Stevenson, Ian: European Reincarnation Cases of the Reincarnation Type, McFarland, 2003, page 84
(4) Stevenson, Ian: European Reincarnation Cases of the Reincarnation Type, McFarland, 2003, page 85
(5) Stevenson, Ian: European Reincarnation Cases of the Reincarnation Type, McFarland, 2003, page 83
(6) Stevenson, Ian: European Reincarnation Cases of the Reincarnation Type, McFarland, 2003, page 83
(7) Stevenson, Ian: European Reincarnation Cases of the Reincarnation Type, McFarland, 2003, page 85
(8) Stevenson, Ian: European Reincarnation Cases of the Reincarnation Type, McFarland, 2003, page 85

Reincarnation with Religion Change: A Christian is Born Again as a Buddhist-Past Life Story of Palitha Senewiratne | Gamini Jayasena

Change of religion reincarnation case.

Researched by: Ian Stevenson, MD and Francis Story

From: Cases of the Reincarnation Type, Volume II: Ten Cases in Sri Lanka, by Ian Stevenson, MD

Article by: Walter Semkiw, MD

A Christian Boy’s Short Life in Sri Lanka

Palitha Senewiratne was born in 1952 and lived in Nittambuwa, a town 22 miles or 35 kilometers northeast of Colombo. Colombo is the capital of Sri Lanka with a population of about 650,000 people. Sri Lanka is an island country off the west coast of India. (1)

Palitha’s father was named Lionel and his mother Vinnis. Palitha was very close to his mother, who enjoyed sewing. He had a more distant relationship with his father. One activity that Palitha and his father did enjoy doing together was planting in the garden. Palitha had a brother named Nimal, who was 4 years younger than Palitha. The two boys fought frequently and once Nimal even bit Palitha. Despite this animosity, when a dog bit Nimal, Palitha was so angry at the canine that he wanted to kill it. Palitha also had a brother named Ranjith. (2)

Uncle Charlie has Electricity and Car; Palitha’s Toy Elephant

Charles Senewiratne was the great uncle of Lionel Senewirante, Palitha’s father, who lived next door to Palitha’s family. Charles was financially successful and enjoyed many luxuries for the time including electricity in his home and the possession of an automobile. Charles’s son had a motorcycle. (3)

Palitha was fascinated by elephants, which are found in Sri Lanka. Ian Stevenson pointed out that elephants have to live by rivers or streams, as they need to bath themselves. Palitha had a toy elephant, which he would bath in a well on the family’s property. (4)

Palitha Attends a Christian School and has a Death Premonition

The Senewiratne family was Christian and Palitha went to a Christian elementary school, which was part of St. Mary’s College. Though Buddhism has been the predominant religion in Sri Lanka for over 2000 years, the Portuguese, Dutch and English colonized the island country and with their rule, they brought Christianity to the Sri Lanka. Currently, about 7 percent of country’s population is Christian, 70 percent are Buddhists, 13 percent are Hindu and 10 percent Muslim.

St. Mary’s College is located in a town called Veyangoda, which is 4.3 miles or 7 kilometers from Nittambuwe. During the school year, Palitha stayed in a boarding house near the school. In July 1960, Palitha came home from school on vacation. Though he had no known medical problems, he seemed irritable and unwell. Though his usual practice was to place his schoolbag, which contained books and his toy elephant, in a cupboard or cabinet, this time he abandoned the schoolbag on a chair and stated: ” I shall not be going to school again.” (5)

Ian Stevenson noted that with this statement, Palitha seemed to have a premonition that he would die soon. This phenomenon was also observed in the Reincarnation Case of Hanan Monsour | Suzanne Ghanem. (6)

After returning from school, Palitha soon developed a serious illness marked by vomiting. He was taken to the hospital and passed away within just a few days of the beginning of his illness. Palitha died on July 28, 1960, at eight years of age. (7)

Palitha is Reincarnated into a Buddhist Family as Gamini Jayasena

A little over two years after Pakutha died, Gamini Jayasena was born in a section of Colombo named Nugegoda on November 13, 1962. His father was G. Jayasena and his mother’s name was P. K. Nadawathie. He was the first child of family and was called “baby.” This nickname stuck and the family continued to use “baby” to refer to Gamini. (8)

When he was about 18 months old, he started talking about a previous life. Gamini stated that he had another mother whom he considered his ”real mother.” Gamini said that his past life mother was much bigger than his present mother. This was true as P.K. Nadawathie was a small woman, in contrast to Palitha’s mother. (9)

When he saw his mother using a sewing machine, Gamini said, “There is machine like that at our house.” As mentioned, Vinnis, Palitha’s mother, did have a sewing machine. (10)

Gamini said that there was someone named Nimal, who Gamini said had bitten him. Gamini also stated that Nimal had been bitten by a dog, which was true. Ian Stevenson said that Nimal himself confirmed this event to him and even showed Stevenson the scar from the dog bite. Gamini also said that Nimal was gored by a cow, which later was confirmed when the family met Vinnis, the mother of Palitha and Nimal. (11)

Gamini said that in his past lifetime, he had a schoolbag that was still on the chair at his past life home. In this bag, he said, he kept books and a toy elephant, which he would bath in a well. Ian Stevenson noted that Gamini often made statements as if he was still living the life of Palitha. (12)

Past Life Memories: Gamini Knows about Electric Lights, Switches and Olive Trees, Even though None Exist at his Parent’s Home

The Jayasena family was relatively poor and their modest home did not have electricity. As such, the family was surprised when Gamini, as a toddler, indicated to his parents that electric light could be turned on by a switch, a phenomenon he had never observed or been taught. In addition to the luxury of electricity, Gamini said that his clothes were better at his past life home. (13)

Gamini stated that at his prior home, there was a “Charlie Uncle” who had an automobile and that Charlie Uncle’s family had a red motorcycle, which was true regarding Charles Senewiratne, the great uncle of Palitha’s father. Gamini said that Charlie Uncle would drive him to school in the car. Recall the Charles Senewirtne’s home had electricity. As such, Gamini’s knowledge about electric lights and light switches represents a past life memory. (14)

Gamini also said that at his prior home, his father would break branches from an olive tree and give the branches to him. Gamini’a mother was surprised to hear Gamini use the term “olive,” as the family never used this word as there were no olive trees in the vicinity of their house. (15)

According to his father, Gamini was always talking of his previous home between 2 and 3 years of age. He noted that when Gamini got angry, he wanted to retreat to his prior home. This behavior, of threatening to return to a past life home when upset, was also observed in Reincarnation Cases of Burmese Twins. (16)

Past Life Behaviors: Gamini Prays like a Christian, Covets a Cross and Celebrates Christmas

The Jayasena family, who were Buddhists, was quite surprised to observe Gamini praying in the posture typical of a Christian, kneeling with body erect. This is in contrast to how Buddhists and the Jayasena famly prayed, kneeling but with the buttocks on the heels in a sitting position. (17)

When Gamini found a wooden cross he brought it home and asked his mother to hang it on the wall. The family also noticed that Gamini resisted going to Buddhist temples and he would not bow to Buddhist monks, which was considered rude behavior for a Buddhist child. (18)

Another unusual behavior for a Buddhist is that Gamini liked to celebrate Christmas. He would talk about Santa Claus an expected to receive gifts at Christmas time. (19)

Due to these behaviors, the Jayasena family suspected Gamini had a past lifetime as a Christian.

Gamini recognizes his Past Life Village and finds his Past Life Home

In April 1965, when he was two and a half years of age, his family took a bus trip and when they came to the town of Nittambuwa, Gamini said this was the location of his previous home. (20)

The family was close to Baddegama Wimalawansa, who was a cousin of Gamini’s mother, a Buddhist monk and a well known principal of a school in Colombo. The Jayasena family shared Gamini’s statements regarding an apparent past lifetime with the Venerable (the way Buddhist monks are addressed) Wimalawansa, who decided to research the case. (21)

On May 2, 1965, Ven. Wimalawansa took Gamini, along with his mother, to Nittambuwa in an attempt to research the possible past lifetime that Gamini was referring to. As the car neared the town, they drove past a narrow street or lane. Gamini pointed at the lane and the car was halted. Gamini walked back to the lane and stated, “This is the way to my house.” He then walked down the lane and approached a house, which nobody in the party had been to before. Gamini then said, “That is my house.” He also stated, “My ‘mummy’ lives there.” This indeed was the home of the Senewiratne family and the place where Palitha had lived. (22)

Xenoglossy: Gamini uses Past Life Terms in Referring to his Past Life Parents

Gamini then went up to the gate of the house and said, “Daddy is not there.” The group was surprised to hear Gamini use the words “mummy” and “daddy,” as these terms were not used in their family. Instead they used the Sri Lankan terms for father, “tatha,” and “amma” for mother.

The terms “daddy” and “mummy” were used in Sri Lanka by Christian colonists from England and Gamini’s knowledge of these terms represent past life recollections from Palitha’s schooling at St. Mary’s College. Indeed, Gamini’s parents had never even heard the terms “daddy” and “mummy” until Gamini started using them spontaneously. (23)

Past Life Memories: Gamini finds Charlie Uncle’s Farm

Gamini made a second recognition while on the lane. When walking down the lane towards the Senewiratne family’s home, Gamini found another small road that branched from the lane. Gamini made a left turn onto this small road and walked down it to a farm. He then returned and stated, “Charlie Uncle is not there.” The home of Charles Senewiratne, the great uncle of Lionel Senewirante, Palitha’s father, was indeed at the end of this small road. Ian Stevenson speculated that Gamini surmised that Charles was not home as his automobile was not parked in front of the house. (24)

Christianity & Reincarnation: Christians in Sri Lanka are Especially Closed Minded

At this time, the group did not attempt to introduce themselves to the occupants of the house that Gamini identified as his past life home. Ven. Wimalawansa was reluctant to introduce themselves to the residents of the house as it was assumed that the past life family were Christians, and they did not know how a Christian family would react to being told that their deceased family member, Palitha, had reincarnated as Gamini, who belonged to a Buddhist family. (25)

Ian Stevenson noted that Christians in Sri Lanka were especially resistant to the idea of reincarnation, in contrast to Christians in other countries who are more open, which he attributed to the Sri Lankan Christians being a minority in a country of Buddhists and Hindus who believe in reincarnation. (26)

Past Life Attachments: Gamini’s Family Decides Not to Contact Occupants of Gamini’s Past Life Home, which makes Gamini Weep

In addition, there was some confusion as to whether Gamini had been referring to having had a toy elephant or a real elephant in the past incarnation. Since the property that Gamini indicated was his past life home was not situated by a body of water, which is needed for live elephants, Ven. Wimalawansa was unsure whether this was the correct past life location. Due to this and the Christian issue, Ven. Wimalawansa thought it would be better to first make inquiries about the family living in the house that Gamini indicated was his past life home, rather than just barging in. As such, the party returned to Colombo. (27)

Gamini was very distraught that he was not allowed to go into his past life home and he cried continuously for 10 days after the visit. He kept saying that he wanted to go to his previous mother’s house and kept asking for the school bag that he left at the house. In an attempt to appease him, Gamini’s parents bought him a new school bag, but Gamini said he that did not want the new one, rather, he wanted the one he had before. (28)

Reincarnation Case Investigation: The Senewiratne Family Seeks Out the Reincarnation of Palitha

Unknown to them, villagers of Nittambuwa recognized the Buddhist monk and school principal, Ven. Wimalawansa, and related to other villagers that this distinguished party was researching a reincarnation case and that they were interested in the family living in the house at the end of the lane that Gamini had brought them to. These villagers told the occupants of this house, the Senewiratne family, of the Buddhist monk and his party’s interest in their home. (29)

Subsequently, Lionel and Vinnis Senewiratne traveled to Colombo and called on Ven. Wimalawansa at the school where he was the principal. They explained that their son, Palitha, had died a few years before. They asked to see Gamini, but were told they could not do so at that time. They gave a photo of Palitha to Ven. Wimalawansa, who forwarded the image to the Jayasena family. When Gamini saw the photo of Palitha, he said, “That’s my baby.” Since he was called “baby” by the family, they assumed that Gamini was referring to himself. (30)

Gamini is Brought to his Past Life Home & Family and Recognizes his Past Life Mother & Siblings

On May 2, 1965, when he was less than 3 years old, Gamini was brought back to Nittambuwa by Ven. Wimalawansa and taken to the house that Gamini said was his past life home. The Senewiratne family and a large crowd of neighbors gathered in front of the house. Ven. Wimalawansa suggested that Gamini give a gift of sweets, which was brought by the party, to his past life mother. Though Ian Stevenson noted that Gamini may have received clues from glances that neighbors may have made, Gamimi did place the sweets at the feet of Vinnis Senewiratne, Palitha’s mother. (31)

Vinnis then asked Gamini to identify Palitha’s brothers, Nimal and Ranjith, out of the crowd. Gamini correctly pointed them out. (32)

Past Life Memories: Gamini Notes Changes in his Past Life Home and Finds the Toy Elephant Bathing Well and the Olive Tree He Climbed

Gamini then observed that the roof of the Senewiratne home was not “shiny” before. Indeed, when Palitha was alive, a thatched roof covered the house. After he died, a corrugated iron roof was installed, which made it shiny. (33)

Gamini also found the well in which he, as Palitha, bathed his toy elephant. He did so by crossing a weeded area on the property. Vinnis explained that when Palitha was alive, a path led to the well, but after his death, the path was abandoned. Gamini also pointed to rice paddy fields in the town and said, “Those paddy fields are ours.” These fields did indeed belong to the Senewiratne family. (34)

When in the Senewirtne home, Ven. Wimalawansa showed a photo of Palitha to Gamini and inquired, “Do you know how this is?” Gamini replied, “It is myself.” (35)

While inside the Senewiratne home, Gamini stated, “There used to be an olive tree.” When asked to point it out, Gamini, went out on his and walked behind the house, where he found the olive tree. He said that he used to climb this tree. Palitha did indeed climb this olive tree. Recall that Gamini had previously told his parents that his past life father had broken off olive branches and given them to him, and that Gamini’s parents were surprised that he used the word olive, as they never used the term as there were no olive trees in the area that they lived in. (36)

Past Life Memories: At St. Mary’s College, Gamini finds his Past Life School Bench, Church Pew & Boarding Home & Identifies his Favorite Past Life Sweet

After visiting Nittambuwa on May 2, 1965, Gamimi was taken to St Mary’s College, where Palitha went to school. Once there, Gamini spontaneously found the classroom where Palitha was taught and ran to a bench and sat on it. Palitha’s teacher verified that this was the very bench that Palitha sat on. In the church at the school, Gamini recognized the pew that he used to sit on during his lifetime as Palitha. (37)

When taken near the boarding house where Palitha lived during the school year, Gamini found the boarding house unaided and when he found that the front door was locked, he ran around to the back of the house. Not finding anyone, he ran back to their group and stated, “Sister is not there.” This statement may mean that Gamini was expecting to find a Christian nun. Ian Stevenson was impressed at Gamini’s bold eagerness to enter a house that he had never been to in his current lifetime. Recall that Gamini was less than 3 years old at this time. (38)

At the boarding house, as at the Senewiratne home, Gamini stated that there used to be an olive tree on the property. Later, it was learned that this was true and that the olive tree had been cut down after Palitha’s death. (39)

On the way back from the boarding house to the group’s car, Gamini also recognized a candy shop where Palitha had bought sweets. At this shop, Gamini identified Palitha’s favorite sweet, a chocolate called sinibola, out of 5 different chocolate bars on display. Vinnis, Palitha’s mother, confirmed that this was Palitha’s favorite sweet. (40)

Reincarnation & Behavioral Similarities between Palitha and Gamini

Ian Stevenson reported that many similarities in personality and behavior existed between Palitha and Gamini. Both Palitha and Gamini were fascinated with elephants, liked to plant in the garden, liked poultry curry but disliked beef and both were very active, energetic boys. There were also similarities in dress. Most boys in Sri Lanka wore their shirts outside of their pants, but Palitha and Gamini preferred to tuck their shirts inside their pants. Ian Stevenson noted that at St. Mary’s College, boys were expected to have their shirts tucked in, which likely is the place where Palitha and Gamini acquired this habit. (41)

In addition, Gamini’s reactions to Senewiratne family members were consistent with how Palitha felt about these individuals. For example, Palitha was very close to his mother, but distant to his father. Similarly, when Gamini was taken to the Senewiratne home, Gamini was affectionate to Vinnis and appeared to be very happy to be with her. In contrast, Gamini cried when Palitha’s father tried to take his hand and resisted efforts to be brought closer to him. Ian Stevenson also noted that Gamini was aloof with Nimal. Gamini explained that he was still mad at Nimal for biting him. (42)

Christians Accept Reincarnation: Palitha’s Christian Relatives & Schoolteachers believe that Gamini is the Reincarnation of Palitha

Ian Stevenson considered this one of the most extensively researched reincarnation cases, in terms of interview hours, of all the cases he had studied. He also reported that the Senewiratne and Jayasena families had no prior acquaintance or mutual friends. (43)

Though they were Christians, both Palitha’s father and Charles Senewiratne (Charlie Uncle) came to believe that Gamini is the reincarnation of Palitha. Palitha’s father stated:

“As Christians we are not supposed to believe this nonsense, but he [Gamini] has recognized all of us and I think he is definitely our son reborn.” (44)

Reincarnation as the Work of the Devil: A Challenge to Religious Doctrine

Two teachers at St. Mary’s College were also convinced of the validity of the case, but were afraid to say so openly for fear of being censured by a priest at St. Mary’s who said, regarding this reincarnation case, “It was the work of the devil.” (45)

Ian Stevenson noted that this case is challenging as it pits evidence versus religious doctrine. (46)

Religion, Reincarnation, Christianity and the Past life Story of James Huston, Jr. | James Leininger

Another case in which Christian beliefs were challenged by evidence of reincarnation involves James Leininger, a young boy who had spontaneous nightmares and memories of being a US World War II fighter pilot whose plane was shot down. Bruce Leininger, James’s father, became the primary investigator of this reincarnation case. As Bruce methodically validated his son’s specific past life memories through research, he had to reconcile his evangelical Christian belief system with the growing evidence of reincarnation that he was compiling. To learn more, go to: James Huston, Jr. | James Leininger Reincarnation Case

When Chastised, Gamini Threatened to Retreat to his Past Life Home

Visits between the families persisted at least through 1975, oftentimes initiated by Gamini. He appeared happy when with the Senewiratne family at Nittambuwa and became angry when taken away. If he was scolded or chastised at home, Gamini continued to threaten that he would go back to his past life home in Nittambuwa. As previously noted, this behavior was also observed in the Reincarnation Cases of Burmese Twins. (47)

This case demonstrates the following features:

Principles of Reincarnation & Understanding Past Lives

Change in Religion: Palitha was raised as a Christian and went to St. Mary’s College, a Christian school, but reincarnated as Gamini into a Buddhist family.

Geographic Memory: Gamini recognized the his past life village, found his past life home, as well as the home of Charlie Uncle. He also found his past life boarding house at St. Mary’s and a candy shop he frequented in his lifetime as Palitha.

Xenoglossy: Gamini used English terms to refer to his past life parents, which he was not taught in his contempory lifetime as Sri Lankan terms were used in his home. Gamini likely learned the terms “mummy” and “daddy” in his past incarnation as Palitha, who attended a Christian elementary school where English was taught.

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1. Stevenson, Ian, Cases of the Reincarnation Type, Sri Lanka, Volume II, University Press of Virginia, Charlottesville, 1977, pages 44-47
2. Ibid, page 66
3. Ibid, page 53
4. Ibid, page 52
5. Ibid, page 47
6. Ibid, page 48
7. Ibid, pages 44, 48
8. Ibid, page 43
9. Ibid, page 50
10. Ibid, page 43
11. Ibid, page 43, 59
12, Ibid, page 43, 49
13. Ibid, page 43
14. Ibid, page 53
15. Ibid, page 55
16. Ibid, page 67
17. Ibid, pages 43, 68
18. Ibid, pages 43, 68
19. Ibid, page 72
20. Ibid, pages 43, 44
21. Ibid, page 44
22. Ibid, page 44, 57, 66
23. Ibid, page 44, 57, 66
24. Ibid, page 57
25. Ibid, page 44
26. Ibid, page 71
27. Ibid, page 56
28. Ibid, page 66
29. Ibid, page 44
30. Ibid, pages 44, 57
31. Ibid, pages 44, 57
30. Ibid, pages 44, 57
31. Ibid, pages 44, 57
32. Ibid, page 59
33. Ibid, page 58
34. Ibid, page 59, 60
35. Ibid, page 61
36. Ibid, page 61
37. Ibid, page 62
38. Ibid, page 62
39. Ibid, pages 62, 63
40. Ibid, page 64
41. Ibid, pages 68-70
42. Ibid, page 66, 67
43. Ibid, page 47
44. Ibid, page 71
45. Ibid, page 72
46. Ibid, page 71
47. Ibid, page 76

Soul Plan in Past Life Story of Angelina Lopes | Alfonso Lopes Reincarnation Case with Phobia & Gender Change

Angelina Lopes was born in Loures, Portugal on July 20, 1953, and died when she was 7 years old in a car accident, then she subsequently reincarnated as her younger brother Alfonso and was born on August 23, 1962 in Loures.

How Derived: Memories in Childhood

Researcher: Ian Stevenson, MD

From: European Cases of the Reincarnation Type, by Ian Stevenson, MD

Article by Walter Semkiw, MD

Angelina Lopes is Hit by a Car After a Day at the Beach

iisisreincarnationresearchportugalAngelina Lopes was born in Loures, Portugal on July 20, 1953. Her mother was Irma Lopes, who as a devout Roman Catholic. Angelina had a normal childhood, though on one occasion, she stated that she wished that she was a boy.

Angelina was a very affectionate and unusually generous. She had a habit of referring to her mother, Erma, as “Dear Mother.” (1) This was in contrast to Erma’s other two daughters, who did not use this phrase.

On July 9, 1960, when Angelina was 7 years old, Erma took her and her two sisters to a beach on a river, near their home. On the way home, they were crossing a road and a car struck Angelina and killed her.

Soul Plan: Angelina will Be Reincarnated as a Boy

IISISReincarnationResearchSpanishCrossAfter Angelina’s death in 1960, Erma was extremely distraught and she wondered why God would allow such as tragedy to occur. Six months after Angelina’s death, a friend recommended that Erma see a Rosicrucian sage with psychic abilities, who was named Francisco Marques Rodrigues.

Francisco told Erma that Angelina would be reborn to her in 2 years. As a devout Roman Catholic, Erma was confused about Francisco’s prediction, as reincarnation was not part of her faith.

Francisco continued to reassure Erma. He told her to be prepared for Angelina’s return, though she may be a boy in her next incarnation.

Erma became pregnant at the end of 1961. In her seventh month of pregnancy, Erma had a dream in which Angelina communicated to her, indicating that her baby would be a boy.

Alfonso’s Past Life Memories of Events from the Lifetime of Angelina

Alfonso was born on August 23, 1962 in Loures, a little over two years after Angelina’s death. Within a few months of Alfonso’s birth, in 1963, the Lopes family moved to Lisbon, Portugal.

As soon as he could speak, Alfonso made statements which indicated that he was the reincarnation of Angelina. Erma, his mother, vowed that Alfonso had not learned this information about Angelina’s life by normal means. These statements include:

1. At 1½ years of age, Alfonso referred to Erma as “Dear Mother,” which was the phrase that Angelina used for Erma. Recall that Erma’s other daughters did not use this term.

2. Also when Alfonso was 1½, he was watching a television program in which a truck was going down a street with a child running across the street. Alfonso shut his eyes and started shouting, “No, no, no,” an apparent reaction to Angelina’s death by being struck by a car.

Alfonso’s Past Life Memories of Hernani’s Wooden Horse & Angelina’s Red Checkered Cloth

3. When Alfonso was 4 years old, neighbors the Lopes family had in Loures came to visit them in Lisbon. These visiting neighbors included a boy named Hernani, who Angelina used to play with. Spontaneously, Alfonso asked Hernani:

ReincarnationResearchWoodenHorse“Have you kept the wooden horse?” (2) When Angelina was alive, she and Hernani would play with Hermani’s toy wooden horse.

Hernani then asked his mother if they still had the wooden horse. His mother replied: “No, I gave it to Ana.” (3)

Alfonso then said: “Oh yes, To Anihas and her little son.” (4)

Erma noted that Ana was the nick name of a servant who worked for both the Lopes family and the Hernani family in Loures. Ana’s full name was Anihas, just as Alfonso had said. Angelina was very fond of Anihas. In spontaneously stating Ana’s full name, Alfonso was having a past life memory from his lifetime as Angelina.

4. When Alfonso was almost 6, before he started going to school, he came into the family’s kitchen where Erma was cooking. Alfonso noticed a red checked napkin. Alfonso then said:

“Look, Mama, the napkin I used to take to school with my snack. I will take it again when I go back to school, won’t I?” (5)

Indeed, Erma would make snacks for Angelina and wrap them in a red checked napkin, which Angelina would take to school. As such, Alfonso again remembered events in the lifetime of Angelina.

Reincarnation & Gender Change: Alfonso tells his Teachers that He is a Girl

5. A few months after Alfonso started school, his teacher requested a meeting with Erma. The teacher said that in school, Alfonso was claiming to be a girl and that when he spoke or wrote, he would refer to himself using feminine word forms. The teacher would try to correct Alfonso’s feminine word forms, pointing out that he was a boy. Alfonso then retorted:

“No, I am a girl.” (6)

Alfonso was apparently remembering the feminine word forms that he used when he was Angelina, which led to his confusion regarding his own gender. He stopped using feminine word forms by the age of seven.

IISISReincarnationResearchSteamstressAlfonso’s Past Life Memories of how to Mend Stockings

6. One day, when Alfonso came home from school, he spontaneously took a drinking glass and put it inside a stocking. He then took a needle and pretended that he was repairing the stocking. While doing so, Alfonso said:

“Oh, I have not done this for such a long time.” (7)

Erma then recalled that when they lived in Loures, one of Angelina’s aunts was a seamstress who would place a drinking glass inside a stocking and then mend the stocking. The glass made it easier to see the knitting of the stocking.

Angelina was very fond of this aunt and would visit her at the seamstress shop. At the shop, Angelina would pretend that she was mending stockings in the same way. Again, Erma vouched that no one had told Alfonso about these stocking mending activities that Angelina participated in.

As such, Alfonso unconsciously replicated a behavior of Angelina.

Past Life Memories: Alfonso Finds the Gypsies’ River

iisisreincarnationresearchstonebridge7. When Alfonso was about seven years old, he repeatedly asked his mother to take him to the stone bridge on the gypsies’ river. Irma did not know what he was talking about. There was no bridge where they lived in Lisbon and she could not remember any bridge with gypsies.

Soon after, Erma took Alfonso on a trip to Loures to visit a relative. Once there, Alfonso and other children left the house to play. When they returned, a playmate said that she was scared because Alfonso had said that he was going to see the bridge and he then crossed the street. Alfonso responded to this concern, telling Erma:

“Yes, I went to see the bridge; but it was quite changed, and there are no gypsies there.” (8)

Erma then asked Alfonso whether this was the bridge that he was talking about before, that he wanted to visit. He replied:

“Yes, Mama. Can you remember the gypsies that used to be there? I wanted to help them wash their clothes.” Alfonso continued, “Now there is big bridge there, completely different from the old one.” (9)

Erma then remembered that when the family lived in Loures, there was no Roman Catholic church in their neighborhood. To attend mass on Sundays, the family had to walk to a church in another community. To get there, they had to cross a river using a crude rock bridge. Erma, Angelina and the family would cross this rock bridge to go to church.

Alfonso had never seen this crude rock bridge in his contemporary lifetime, as by the time he was born, the new bridge had been built, replacing the stone bridge. As such, Alfonso was remembering scenes from Angelina’s lifetime.

8. Alfonso accurately described of the death of a small white dog with black spots that the Lopes family had when Angelina was alive.

Erma confirmed that the family did have a small white dog with black spots, as Alfonso had described. This dog had died 2 months before Angelina’s died. Erma vouched that no one had told Alfonso about this dog. As such, the memory of the dog represents a scene from Alfonso’s past lifetime as Angelina.

Alfonso’s Past Life Memories: As Vivid as in Contemporary Lifetime

IISISReincarnationResearchCarsIn 1997, when Alfonso was 35 years old, he told Ian Stevenson that his memories of the wooden toy horse, the river with the rock bridge with woman washing clothes in the river, and the death of the white dog with white spots were so vivid that it seemed that these memories were from his own childhood, rather than from a past lifetime.

Alfonso wasn’t born when the events described occurred. As such, these vivid memories were from Alfonso’s past lifetime as Angelina.

This is reminiscent of the reincarnation case of Carroll Beckwith | Robert Snow, in which Snow stated that his past life memories were more real than waking consciousness.

Phobia of Cars from a Past Lifetime

Alfonso developed a phobia of vehicles, a reflection of Angelina’s lifetime in which she was struck by a car, which led to her death. For some reason, Alfonso’s phobia did not manifest until Alfonso was 16 years of age.

In the Rashid Khaddege | Daniel Jurdi reincarnation case, Daniel also had a phobia of fast-moving cars resulting from Rashid’s death in an auto accident.

Principles of Reincarnation & Understanding Past Lives

Same Family Reincarnation: Angelina Lopes reincarnated into her the same family.

Change in Gender: As a child, Angelina told her mother that she wished she was a boy. Reincarnation research indicates that gender changes in only 5-10 percent of cases. It appears that the soul has a preferred gender and in this case, it appears that the soul of Angelina prefers male incarnations. When she reincarnated, she did incarnate as a boy in the persona of Alfonso.

Phobia from a Past lifetime: Angelina died when an automobile struck and killed her. Alfonso developed a phobia of vehicles.

Soul Plan & Spirit Being Guidance: When Erma was distraught over Angelina’s death, she visited a Rosicrucian mystic or psychic named Francisco Marques Rodrigues. Francisco predicted that Angelina would be reincarnated as her child. Further, he told her that Angelina may be reborn as a boy. His predictions came true. It appears that from the spirit world, Angelina was communicating to Francisco, indicating her plans for a future incarnation.

Reincarnation & Change in Religion: Erma was a devout Roman Catholic. She came to believe that her deceased daughter, Angelina, reincarnated as her son, Alfonso. As such, Erma converted from her Roman Catholic beliefs, in which reincarnation is not promoted, to a belief in reincarnation.

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1. Stevenson, Ian: European Cases of the Reincarnation Type, McFarland, 2003, page 108
2. Stevenson, Ian: European Cases of the Reincarnation Type, McFarland, 2003, page 111
3. Stevenson, Ian: European Cases of the Reincarnation Type, McFarland, 2003, page 111
4. Stevenson, Ian: European Cases of the Reincarnation Type, McFarland, 2003, page 111
5. Stevenson, Ian: European Cases of the Reincarnation Type, McFarland, 2003, page 111
6. Stevenson, Ian: European Cases of the Reincarnation Type, McFarland, 2003, page 111
7. Stevenson, Ian: European Cases of the Reincarnation Type, McFarland, 2003, page 112
8. Stevenson, Ian: European Cases of the Reincarnation Type, McFarland, 2003, page 112
9. Stevenson, Ian: European Cases of the Reincarnation Type, McFarland, 2003, page 112