A Buddhist Monk Reincarnates into a Roman Catholic Family: The Case of Sandika Tharanga

Reincarnation CaseschristianityreincarnationpastlivescrossHow Derived: Past Life Memories in Child

How Derived: Past Life Memories in Childhood

Researcher: Erlender Haraldsson, PhD

From: I Saw a Light and Came Here, by Erlender Haroldsson, PhD and James Matlock, PhD

Article by: Walter Semkiw, MD

Sandika Tharanga was born in May 1979 to Roman Catholic parents who lived on the outskirts of Colombo, Sri Lanka. At the age of three, he started to talk about a past life as a monk in a monastery.  He said that there were four or five monks who lived there, who were under the authority of a head monk. He asked to be taken back to his monastery. Like in many reincarnation cases, Sandika stated that his mother was not his real mother. He asked to be taken to his previous mother’s home.

Sandika tries to Convert his Parents to his Past Life Religion: Buddhism

From the time that he started to speak about a past lifetime, Sandika demonstrated the behavior of Buddhist monk. He convinced his parents to obtain a picture of Buddha and later a Buddha statue. He would pick flowers and place them as an offering to the Buddha image and figurine.  He had no interest in going to church but rather wanted to go to Buddhist temples. In a comical twist, the little boy tried to convert his Catholic parents to Buddhism, which they resisted.

Remarkably, Sandika would chant religious stanzas, which his parent did not understand, but they believed their son was chanting in Pali, which is a language from India that the texts of Theravada Buddhism are written in. Sandika engaged in this form of worship two to three times a day. In addition, on days of the full moon, Sandika would ask his father to take him to a Buddhist temple, which is a tradition of that religion.

He also convinced his Catholic parents to give donations to Buddhist monks and he induced his parents to have Buddhist monks come to their home to perform a ceremony. In addition, as a small child, he refused to eat meat, which is also consistent with Buddhist teachings.

Sandika asked to be taken to his past life temple. His father cooperated by taking Sandika to several Buddhist temples in the area, but Sandika did not recognize any of them as his past life home. At one temple, which was situated two miles from their residence, a monk gave Sandika a bouquet of flowers and waited to see what he would do. Sandika promptly climbed steps to the temple shrine room, presented the flowers to an image of Buddha and then worshipped there. These behaviors are typical of a devout Buddhist.

Sandika was an excellent and well-behaved student, always in the top three of his class. His best grades were in his favorite subject, Buddhism. He even went to a Buddhist Sunday school and eventually was admitted to Ananda College, a prestigious Buddhist institution. He later completed a degree in engineering.

Past Life Phobia of Explosions

Regarding his past life death, Sandika said that he was going to an event in which townspeople were going to host Buddhist monks for a ceremonial luncheon. He then heard an explosion, which is the last thing he remembered about his past life.

Sandika had a great fear of fire crackers and loud, sudden noises. When he experienced these types of sounds, Sandika would instinctively and fearfully place his hands on the left side of his chest. This placement of his hands corresponded to a dark birthmark on the left side of his chest.

Though Sandika’s past life persona was never identified, Sri Lanka went through a bitter civil war waged between Hindu militants and the majority Buddhist government. It is speculated that in his past lifetime, Sandika was killed in the turmoil of this war. In particular, in a Hindu uprising in 1971, eight years before Sandika was born, a several Buddhist monks were killed.

Reincarnation: Belief versus Knowledge

Ironically, both the Hindu and Buddhist religions profess a belief in reincarnation. Belief is much different than knowing reincarnation is true based on evidence. Further, those who promote reincarnation do not always preach that the religion one is born into can vary from one lifetime to another. If people understood that one could be born Hindu in one lifetime, Buddhist in another and into a different religion after that, such wars would become obsolete.

Though this case was not “solved” in that Sandika’s past life persona was not specifically identified, his Buddhist behaviors, which were so much in contrast to his parents’ Catholic beliefs, make this an impressive reincarnation story. That said, there are many solved cases that show that souls, from one lifetime to another, can:

Change Religion, Nationality and Ethnic Affiliation through Reincarnation

Principles of Reincarnation-Understanding Past Lives

Past Life Phobia: Sandika had a phobia of explosive noises, which likely was due to his being killed by a gunshot or a bomb in his previous life.

Past Life Birthmark: When Sandika recoiled at the sound of a loud noise, he would place his hands on a birthmark on his chest, which likely represented an entry wound from a bullet or shrapnel that led to his past life death.

Xenoglossy: During worship, Sandika would recite verses in an unlearned language, which his parents believed was Pali, the language used by Buddhist monks in prayer.

Source: Haraldsson, Erlendur and Matlock, James, I Saw a Light and Came Here, White Crow Books, 2016, pages 33-36


A Boy Reincarnates as a Girl, Who Retains a Male Mindset: The Reincarnation Case of Karunasena | Ruby Silva

How Derived: Past Life Memories in Childhood

Researched by: Ian Stevenson, MD and Francis story

Article by: Walter Semkiw, MD

The Life of Karunasena

GG Karunasena was born on March 4, 1952 in the small Sri Lankan town of Aluthwala. His father, who was bald, was GG Punchi Singho and his mother was DW Punchi Nona. In contrast to many natives of Sri Lanka, both parents were fair-skinned. Karunasena had two older brothers, Dhanasiri and Upasena. He had a younger brother named Nandasena, who Karunasena was very fond of. The family’s nickname for Karunasena was Kira.

The family were farmers, who owned a rubber tree plantation and coconut groves. They also grew vegetables in cordoned off plots, which could spark arguments with neighbors regarding whose land it was to cultivate. Karunasena’s father also drove trucks and buses for income. In 1957, GG Punchi Singho suffered a stroke, was bedridden for two years, then recovered to the extent that he could walk, though with a cane and a limp.

Karunasena liked to be clean and well dressed. His hobbies included dancing, drumming and flying kites.  He had a rather avid interest in Buddhism.

phobias in reincarnation casesOne dramatic event that occurred in the family’s life was when two cobras made their way into the Singho home. One snake was killed and the other one was burned.

Karunasena enjoyed gardening and was noted to exert himself vigorously on the family’s agricultural land. When he was seven years old, Karunasena returned from working in the fields, went to the family’s well to wash himself and then fell in and drowned. One of Karunasena’s brothers retrieved his body and held him. The family discussed whether to take Karunesna to the hospital, but it was determined that Karunesena was dead and that there was no point in seeking medical attention. Karunasena’s death occurred on July 18, 1959. He was buried in the grounds of the family’s rubber plantation.

Ruby Silva, the Reincarnation of Kurunasena, is Born

Ruby Kusuma Silva was born on September 12, 1962 in the Sri Lankan city of Galle, about three years after the death of Karunasena. Her father was WK Simon Silva and her mother was Somie Nona Jayasekera. At the time that Ruby was born, her parents had seven children, six boys and one girl. The family lived in the town of Batapola, which lies halfway between the cities of Galle and Colombo. When Ruby was two years old, the family relocated to the village of Pollewa that was 1.5 kilometers or about a mile from Batapola.

Ruby started to speak when she was less than 1 ½ years old and began to talk about a previous life when she was still under two years old. She said that in her previous life she had been a “brother” and not a “sister.”  Rudy stated she wanted to be called a “brother” or “son” and not a “sister” or “daughter.”

IISIS ReincarnationEvidenceYellowBusFrontViewWhen Ruby first spoke about her past life she did not seem to have adequate vocabulary to express herself. At one point, when she was trying to relate that cobras had invaded her past life family’s home and that one snake was burned and another killed, she used childish words. Her father, Simon, related that he had to translate her baby words into adult terms. When she wanted to convey that her past life father was a bus driver, she knew the word for bus but not for driver, so she communicated this by making motions of a person steering a vehicle.

Rudy seemed to perplexed that she was a girl and would say “why did I become a girl?” She also said “I am big” and said that she could do the work of a big person. When her mother asked why she had come to them, Ruby replied, “I was beaten by the other mother.”

Ruby said that her parents were fair-skinned and that her father was bald and lame. Rudy said that she lived in a town called Aluthwala and that she attended religious Sunday school at the temple there. She implied that her current parents were not her real parents, as she stated that her mother and father were in Aluthwala.

Regarding her past life death, Ruby said that she had been working in the paddy fields, went to the well to wash and then slipped into the well and drowned. She also said that she had injured her leg in doing so and had bled, pointing to the right leg just below the knee. She said that one of her brothers said, “Let us take him to the hospital,” while the other brother said “He is dead.” She said that her mother was there and crying when she died. Ruby’s description was true regarding the death of Karunasena.

Ruby would talk as if she was still living her past life, speaking in the present tense. For example, she made the statements:

“there are piles of coconuts at my house”

“buses pass along the road by my house”

“the coconuts are brought by carts and lorries” (lorries are a term used in Sri Lanka for trucks)

“if you do not have coconuts here, we can get them at Aluthwala”

All these statements were correct for the life of Karunasena. Ian Stevenson noted Ruby talked as if she was “on leave” from her past life in Aluthwala.

Stevenson noted that Ruby’s remarks were often stimulated by an activity of a family member which would lead her to say, “I used to do that.” For example, when she saw her mother cutting vegetables, she reported that in her past life neighbors would argue with her family over fences separating their vegetable patches.  Ruby noted that her past life family was much better off financially than her current family.

Ruby Remembers her Past Life Name and Nick Name

Ruby said that at school she was known as Karunasena, but that at home she was called Kira. She said that she had two older brothers and one younger brother. Ruby noted that her older brother and she would go to Sunday school together.  She said that on the way to her past life home one comes to a culvert and then a junction. Her past life home, she related, was tiled and that the walls were color washed. Further, they had many coconuts at her past life home, which was in contrast to her contemporary home, where they had very few coconuts. Ruby related that her older brother would climb trees to bring down coconuts, which they would cut and drink water from. She said that her past life father would bring mangoes from a shop, as they did not have mango trees at their home. Ruby also stated that the family had a rubber plantation, though her past life mother would not allow her to go there. All these statements were correct for the life of Karunasena.

Ruby said that at the temple in Aluthwala, she saw a belly tree. Ruby said that she visited Kataragama, which is a well-known religious center in southern Sri Lanka. She correctly stated that at this center, there were big crowds, a bo tree and a temple. She also said that she had been to Galle and to another Sri Lankan city, Dodanduwa. These remarks were true for the life of Karunasena.

Ruby said that her aunts once washed a burnt part of a machine in a well. In actuality, the Singho family owned looms and one of Karunasena’s aunts had washed a part of a loom machinery that had become blackened with soot from an oil lamp. Karunasena had helped this aunt in cleaning of this machine.

Ruby’s Past Life Identity is Discovered

IISIS Reincarnation, Gender Identity Issues, Thai TempleRuby’s mother, Somie, traveled to Aluthwala in March 1966 and went to the Nandaramaya Temple inquiring whether there was a boy who fitted Ruby’s description of her past life.

After some investigation, Somie was referred to the Singho family. It became clear that Ruby’s memories matched the life of Karunasena. Due to the inquiries that were made, the Singho family heard about Ruby and her past life memories. They went to visit Ruby in Pollewa in April 1966. Aluthwala, where the Singho family lived, is about 14 kilometers or 8 miles from Pollewa. Ian Stevenson, MD, noted that the two families had no prior contact or knowledge of each other before they met.

Ruby Identifies her Past Life Family Members by Name

In April 1966 multiple family members of the Singho family came to visit Ruby and she recognized them on sight and identified all of them by name. These included:

GG Punchi Singho, the father of Karunasena: Specifically, when Ruby saw a man who was a stranger to the family approaching the house she said, “Here comes my father.” Ruby went to him and sat on his lap.

DW Punchi Nona, Karunasena’s mother

Dhanasiri, Karunasena’s older brother

Nandasena, the younger brother of Karunasena

JG Mary Nona, Karunasena’s aunt: No one in the Silva family knew who she was but when Ruby met her, Ruby was very friendly and even affectionate.  Her father asked, “Who is she?” Ruby replied, “That is my aunt.”

Karunasena’s maternal uncle: When he came to the Silva house, he asked Ruby, “Who am I?” She replied “You are my uncle.”

Ian Stevenson noted that these identifications were especially impressive as Ruby’s family had no idea of who these past life family members were when they arrived at their home.

Past Life Phobia

Ruby had a phobia of wells. At the age of 3 ½ she would go to the well only with an adult. She warned her brothers and other persons about the danger of falling into a well. This phobia continued to at least 1968, at which time Ruby was 6 years old, but had resolved by the time she was 8 years old.

Ruby’s Masculine Behavior

As with other cases that involve gender change, Ruby retained the mindset of her previous incarnation, that of a male. In contrast, her older sister did not demonstrate male traits. These included:

A desire to wear boy’s clothing: She said that she had worn trousers in her prior life and she asked to be given trousers. When she would wear a dress, she would wear boy’s shorts underneath. Ruby would also wear her brothers’ shirts and undershirts.

Playing of boys’ games: Ruby liked to fly kites, play marbles, play cricket, ride her brother’s bicycle and climb trees, once even climbing a coconut tree to fetch the fruit.  Recall that Karunasena liked to fly kites.

Ruby liked to whistle and when she wanted to get someone’s attention, she would make a clucking noise from the back of her throat. Karunasena had made the same clucking sound.

Ruby could be aggressive and during arguments with her brothers, she would punch them with her fists.

Ruby had no interest in cooking.

She asked her family to call her a brother or son, not a sister or daughter. Ruby’s mother was referring to Ruby as her son at least up to 1968.

When Ruby attended the funeral of an elderly woman, she told her mother that when she, Ruby, died, she would like to be reborn as a boy.

Ian Stevenson gave Ruby Draw-a-Person Tests twice, in which Ruby was given free choice regarding the gender of the two people she was instructed to draw. In 1968, Ruby drew two males, which Stevenson interpreted as Ruby having an identification as a male. In 1973, Stevenson gave her another Draw-a-Person Test. At this time, she drew a woman and then a girl, indicating that identification as a female had emerged.

Past Life Traits: Similarities between Karunasena and Ruby

ReincarnationPastLifeResearchDrummingIan Stevenson tabulated common features of Ruby and her past life persona, Karunasena. These include:

Both were interested in gardening and planting. Ian Stevenson noted he witnessed Ruby using a shovel type tool with unusual vigor.

Both liked to dance to drum music. When Ruby heard drum music, she would invite her brothers to sing and dance with her.

Both were interested in religion and in particular, Buddhism.

Both liked high quality clothes, with both preferring clothing worn by boys

Both were aggressive: Karunasena was known to be mischievous and he would get into physical fights with other boys. As noted, Ruby would use her fists to strike her brothers during arguments.

Both were very fond of Karunasena’s younger brother, Nandasena. When he would visit Ruby, she would hide Nandasena’s bicycle so that he would be forced to stay longer. Nandasena would typically stay 1 to 2 days with the Silva family.

Principles of Reincarnation: Understanding Past Lives

Gender Change with Gender Identity Issues: Though a girl, Ruby retained the mindset of a boy. A dramatic case in which gender change through reincarnation resulted in homosexuality can be reviewed at the following page:

A Male Japanese Soldier Reincarnates as a Girl and becomes a Lesbian

Past Life Phobia: Ruby had a fear of wells due to her death caused by falling into a well.

Past Life Talents and Behaviors: Ruby was skillful at playing games typically engaged in by boys. She was able to climb trees. She could wield a shovel type tool with the skill of an adult.

Relationships Renewed though Reincarnation: Ruby was reunited with her past life family.

Spirit Beings in Reincarnation Cases: Ruby reported events after Karunasena’s death, such as the family’s discussion of whether to take him to the hospital. As such, the soul of Karunasena/Ruby was able to observe events from the spirit world.

Source: Stevenson, Ian: Cases of the Reincarnation Type, Volume II, Ten Cases in Sri Lanka, University of Virginia Press, 1977, pages 163-202

Phobias in Reincarnation Cases-Introduction

Phobias may be due to past life trauma. The symbol for phobias is a snake.

phobias in reincarnation casesArticle by: Walter Semkiw, MD

Phobias in a current lifetime can result from trauma in a past lifetime. In particular, a traumatic cause of death often leads to a phobia related to that particular cause of death. For example, someone who died in a car accident may have a phobia of automobiles in a subsequent lifetime.

A snake phobia is observed in the Sharada xenoglossy case.

Past Life Phobia Cases

Reincarnation Research Home Page

A Phobia of Loud Noises from a Past Lifetime: Reincarnation Story of General Werner Seehofer | Helmut Krause

How Derived: Memories in Childhood

Researchers: Helga Ullrich, Dr. Karl Muller and Ian Stevenson, MD

From: European Cases of the Reincarnation Type, by Ian Stevenson, MD

Article by Walter Semkiw, MD

During World War I, General Werner Seehofer Walks into Enemy Fire

Werner Seehofer was born in Bratislava, Slovania on Auguest 14, 1868. At that time, Bratislava was part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. When he became old enough, Werner joined the Austrian Imperial Army.

He lived in Vienna for a period of time and gradually rose in rank. By 1902, Werner was a Colonel and he was assigned to a post in Linz, Austria, IISISReincarnationResearchWWIMachineGunwhere he remained until 1907. By January 1918, he had become a General and was assigned as the Commander of a Division on the Italian front in World War I.

On June 17, 1918, inexplicably, Werner left his headquarters and continued walking until he was beyond the front line. Numerous Austrian soldiers warned Werner from going further, but he ignored their pleas.

It is unclear what happened next, but newspapers reported that Werner was wounded and became a prisoner of the Italian army. He was thought to have died in an Italian army hospital soon after his capture, at the age of 48. In retrospect, it was thought that Werner had developed a mental disorder which impaired his judgment, prompting him to walk into the hands of the Italian enemy.

Past Life Memories: Helmut Krause Remembers his Past Life Address in Linz

Helmut Krause was born in Linz, Austria, on June 1, 1931, about 13 years after Werner had died. From the age of 4, Helmut spoke frequently about a past lifetime. Helga Ullrich was a family friend who often brought Helmet home from kindergarten. One day, Helmet told Helga:

IISISReincarnationCaseOldGermanhelm(WWI)“When I was big I lived at 9 Manfred Street.” (1) He also said that he had been a “high officer in the Great War,” referring to World War I. (2)

Helga happened to have a friend, Anne Seehofer, a cousin of Werner Seehofer, who was living at 9 Manfred Street, in Linz. Helga asked Anne if a high officer in World War I who had once lived at her address, at 9 Manfred Street. Anne told her that indeed, General Werner Seehofer had lived there.

Past Life Memories: Helmut Remembers his Past Life Address in Vienna & In-laws in Linz

Helmut also told Helga, “When I was big, I lived for many years in Vienna.” Helmut then told Helga his address, with street and number, in Vienna. He also gave Helga the address where his past-life in-laws lived in Linz. Helga investigated and found that the exact addresses that Helmut gave were indeed the address of General Werner Seehofer in Vienna and the address of Werner Seehofer’s in-laws in Linz.

Past Life Behavior: Little Helmut Maintains the Discipline of an Officer & Salutes

ReincarnationResearchViennaWhen Helmet was 4 years old, he was walking home from school with Helga, who suggested that Helmet keep his overcoat open, as it was warm. Helmet refused to keep his overcoat open, stating: “An officer is not allowed to go with an open overcoat.” (3) When soldiers passed Helmut and Helga, Helmut would face forward and salute.

Reincarnation & Relationships: Helmut Meets his Past Life Wife

When he was introduced to Werner Seehofer’s widow, he behaved very shyly, in contrast to his usual friendly behavior. Ian Stevenson, MD, thought that his atypical, shy behavior may have indicated recognition by Helmet of his wife from a past incarnation.

As he grew older, Helmet developed passions for horseback riding and sports, which was also characteristic of Werner.

Past Life Phobia of Loud Noises

Helmut had a marked fear of loud noises, like gunshots, which may have been related to Werner’s experiences in World War I and the injury he suffered, which led to his death.

Principles of Reincarnation & Understanding Past Lives

The strength of this case rests on Helmut’s ability to name three specific addresses related to Werner Seehofer’s lifetime, which were factually verified. Helmut identified Werner’s address in Linz, his specific address in Vienna and the address of Werner’s in laws in Linz.

Helmut also behaved like a World War I officer, even though no family members were soldiers. Helmut’s father was a biologist and there were no contemporary role models who could have prompted Helmut’s military behavior.

This reincarnation case, if accepted, demonstrates the following feature:

Phobia from a Past Lifetime: As noted, Helmet had an aversion to loud noises, such as gun shots, which may have been related to Werner Seehofer’s death on the Italian front in World War I.

Relationships Renewed through Reincarnation: Helmet met Werner Seehofer’s widow, his past life wife.


1. Stevenson, Ian: European Cases of the Reincarnation Type, McFarland, 2003, page 105
2. Stevenson, Ian: European Cases of the Reincarnation Type, McFarland, 2003, page 107
3. Stevenson, Ian: European Cases of the Reincarnation Type, McFarland, 2003, page 107



Child’s Past Life Story with Phobia, Gender Change and Experience of Heaven: The Reincarnation Case of Chuey Puang Pei | Ampan Petcherat

Chuey, a boy, encounters a snake in a waterway, drowns and is reborn as Ampan, a girl. Ampan has spontaneous memories of her past life as Chuey and retains the midset of a boy. This case can help understand homosexuality and gender identity issues though reincarnation. Ampan also had phobia of snakes and memories of heaven.

How Case Derived: Past Life Memories in Childhood

Researchers: Francis Story and Ian Stevenson, MD

From: Cases of the Reincarnation Type, Volume IV, Thailand and Burma, by Ian Stevenson, MD

Article by: Walter Semkiw, MD

The Drowning Death of Chuey Puang Pei

klongChuey Puang Pei was born in 1946 in Thailand. His father’s name was Tai Puang Pei and his mother was Tong Bai Puang Pei. Chuey had a brother, Chuan, and a sister, Khao.

The family lived along one of the many canals or waterways that are found in the central plain of Thailand, which are called khlongs. These canals stem from major rivers in the area. Through the use of boats, khlongs serve as routes of transportation, much like the canals of Venice, Italy. Chuey lived in the village of Bang Chan, which was on a waterway of the same name, Khlong Bang Chan.

Ironically and unfortunately, though Chuey lived by a waterway, he never learned to swim. In 1950, when he was 4 years old, Chuey was on the shore of the Khlong Bang Chan with his uncle, Klah Puang Pei, and his older brother, Chuan, who was about 8 years old at the time.

Chuey and Chuan were playing in shallow water by the shore. At one point, Chuan and his uncle lost sight of Chuey. At one moment he was on the bank of the waterway and the next moment he was gone. Shortly thereafter, they found Chuey’s body in the water and as they pulled him out, they discovered that he had drowned. This tragedy was not unusual, as at the time, young children were known to perish in the klongs of Thailand fairly often.

Reincarnation & Gender Change, Ian Stevenson Research, Chuey templeThe uncle, Klah Puang Pei, said that he saw Chuan playfully pulling on Chuey’s legs before the drowning, though when questioned, Chuan denied this. Chuey’s body was taken to the wat or Buddhist temple at Khlong Bang Plee Noi, where it was cremated. As mentioned, Chuey died in 1950 at 4 years of age. His brother Chuan went on to become a Buddhist monk.

Child’s Past Life Memories: Chuey is Reborn as Ampan, a Girl, Who recalls her Past Life Name & Death by Drowning

Ampam Petcherat, a girl, was born in March 1954 in the village of Song Khlong, which is located on the waterway of the same name. Song Khlong is 15 kilometers or 9 miles from Bang Chan, the village where Chuey lived. At the time, Song Khlong could only be reached from Bang Chan by boat. Song Khlong is 37 kilometers or 23 miles from Bangkok, the capital city of Thailand.

Ampan’s father was named Yod and her mother was Kim Saum. When she learned to talk, Ampan said that Yod was not her father and that Kim Saum was not her mother, as she had another mother. Ampan also said she had a previous brother who was going to become a monk.

Ampan’s parents separated when she was a child. Ampan and her mother, Kim Saum, moved 7 kilometers, or a little over 4 miles, north to the village of Khlong Darn. When she was one year old, Ampan told her mother that she had another mother and father at Klong Bang Chan. She said that she was a boy before and described her house. She cried when she talked about her previous home and said that she wanted to be taken there. She said she died by drowning after being bitten by a snake. Ampan repeated this story regarding a previous life from time to time. She said that in her prior lifetime, her name was Chuey.

Past Life Memory: Ampan Recognizes her Past Life Village and Aunt

Each year at harvest time, Kim Saum would paddle by boat to sell produce in the area of Khlong Bang Chan. When Ampan was one and a half years of age, Kim Saum took her on one of these trips. Ampan recognized the area and said that this was where she had lived before as a boy.

When Ampan was 7 years old, she spontaneously recognized a woman who was walking in Khlong Darn, the village where Ampan and her mother lived. Ampan told this woman that she was her aunt. As the woman had never met Ampan and her mother before, she paid no attention to Ampan.

On a second occasion, Ampan saw the same woman and addressed her as “my aunt.” This time the woman stopped and asked Ampan how she knew her. Ampan responded, “You are my mother’s older sister.” Ampan embraced the woman and asked to be taken to her previous family. This woman was Joy Ruang Gun, who was indeed Chuey’s maternal aunt.

Ampan Recalls the Names of her Past Life Parents, Details of her Past Life Home and Place of Cremation

IISIS Reincarnation, Gender Identity Issues, Thai ShoreJoy then asked, “Who are your parents?” Ampan replied that that her father’s name was Tai and that her mother’s name was Bai. Recall that Chuey’s father’s name was Tai Puang Pei and that his mother was Tong Bai Puang Pei.

Ampan went on and said that at her prior home, there was a bamboo tree in front of the house and that there were 2 red jars at the house. She said that there were 2 red dogs and 3 buffaloes at her prior home. Regarding her death in the prior lifetime, Ampan said that she was playing in the water when she fell into the water and drowned. She said that her father took her body to the Wat Bang Plee for cremation (the full name of the temple is Wat Bang Plee Noi).

As all these statements were correct for the lifetime of Cheuy, Joy decided to take Ampan and her mother to meet Cheuy’s family.

At her Past Life Home, Ampan recognizes her Past Life Parents, Sister and Place of Drowning

When Ampan was taken to Khlong Bang Chan and her past life family’s home, she went to Tong Bai, Chuey’s mother, embraced her tightly and said “mother.” Chuey’s father was not at home initially, but Tai returned shortly thereafter in a boat with two other men. While they were still in the vessel at the boat landing, Ampan was asked to identify her previous father. Though attempts were made to mislead her, Ampan correctly identified Tai as her past life father.

When Ampan saw Khoa, she pointed at her and said, “Sister.” Khoa was Chuey’s sister.

In surveying the property where Chuey’s family lived, Ampan noted that there used to be banana and coconut trees. She also said that there used to be two houses, rather than just one. Ampan was right, as when Chuey was alive, the banana and coconut trees were there, but removed after his death. Similarly, one of the structures that had been on the property had been removed, but was present during Chuey’s time. Ian Stevenson was impressed that Ampan made these accurate statements regarding items that were no longer there.

Ampan also correctly pointed out the location near the house where she, as Chuey, had drowned.

Past Life Memories: At the Temple, Ampan Identifies her Past Life Brother, Cousin & Friend

IISIS Reincarnation, Gender Identity Issues, Thai TempleAfter being taken to her past life home, Ampan was taken to the temple, or wat, at Bang Plee Noi where Chuey was cremated and where Chuan, Chuey’s brother, was now living as a monk. At the temple, Ampan recognized, among a group of a dozen or more monks, Chuan. Ampan correctly pointed out Chaun as her brother in her prior lifetime. Both Chuan and Ampan wept at this reunion.

Another monk in the group was one of Chuey’s cousins. Ampan also correctly identified this monk, Sa Ing, as one of her past life cousins. She pointed to another young monk, named Sak, who was seated among the group and said, “This monk is the son of Nang Pad.” Chuey was acquainted with this individual and Ampan’s statement that Sak was the son of Nang Pad was accurate.

Ampan’s Account of Drowning & Past Life Phobia of Snakes

IISIS Reincarnation, Transgender & Gender Identity Issues, Water SnakeThere was a discrepancy between Ampan’s account of how she had drowned in her prior incarnation and the version known by Chuey’s parents. According to Ampan’s memory, Chuey had been playing with Chuan in shallow water near the shore. Ampan said Chuan was pulling on Chuey’s legs, which was observed by Chuey’s uncle, Klah Puang Pei. Ampan said that Chuey was then bitten by a snake on the right leg, fell into the water and drowned. Chuey’s family had no knowledge of Chuey being bitten by a snake prior to drowning.

Ian Stevenson noted that there are many water snakes that inhabit Thai waterways or khlongs, and that some inflict fatal bites that do not cause significant swelling. As such, Stevenson reasoned, Chuey could have been bitten by a snake without his brother or uncle noticing the snake or a snake bite.

Stevenson questioned whether there would have been enough time for venom from a snake bite to take effect. Recall that Chuey was present on the shore at one moment, suddenly disappeared and was then found dead in the water. Stevenson hypothesized that Cheuy may have simply been startled by the sight of a snake in the klong and in attempting to flee, slipped into the water, which led to his drowning.

Ampan had a severe phobia of snakes, presumably due to her memories of being bitten or startled by a snake in the water, which led to her drowning death as Chuey.

Ampan Scolds Chuan for Causing Her Past Life Death as Chuey

Ampan also insisted that one of the series of events that had led to his drowning was Chuan pulling at his legs in the water. As noted, Chuey’s uncle, Klah Puang Pei, had reported that Chuan was pulling at Chuey’s legs before he disappeared. Chuan, as an 8 year old, denied this claim, perhaps out of fear that he would be blamed for Chuey’s death. Of interest, when Ampan recognized Chuan at the temple where he was living as a monk, after they embraced and wept together, Ampan chastised Chuan for causing her drowning as Chuey.

Of interest, Ampan had a phobia of snakes, though she did not have a fear of water.

Ampan’s Experience of Heaven

Reincarnation, Transgender & Gender Identity Issues, HeavanWhen Ian Stevenson met with Ampan in 1966, he asked if she remembered what happened in the period between Chuey’s death in 1950 and her birth in 1954. Ampan said that after Chuey drowned and his body was cremated, a man, who we will call the first man, took him to another place where other dead persons were located and introduced him to the “head man.” Then he, Chuey, went with a second man who escorted him to heaven. In heaven, he met a third man of large size and black complexion who was dressed in white and who he remembered was kind. The second man then took him back to the first man. Ampan said she, or he as Chuey, was then given a piece of fruit. When she ate the fruit, she was reborn.

Reincarnation and Change in Gender: Ampan Acts as if She is Still a Boy

Ampan, when young, had definite masculine traits, which seem to reflect her past lifetime as Chuey, a male. Ampan’s mother said that she liked to dress like a boy, including wearing pants instead of a skirt. Ampan also engaged in boy’s sports, such as boxing. In 1968, when Ampan was 14, she told Ian Stevenson that she would prefer to be a boy as men have freer lives. Stevenson noted that Ampan walked with a masculine gait. A year later, in 1969, Ampan still did boxing, still wished she was a boy and had little romantic interest in boys, which is unusual for a teenage girl.

Reincarnation & Homosexuality, Lesbianism, Transsexualism & Gender Identity Issues

Ampan’s wish to be a man, which appears to be related to her past incarnation as a male, has prominent similarities to: The Reincarnation Case of a Japanese Soldier | Ma Tin Aung Myo

In this Ian Stevenson reincarnation study, a male Japanese soldier serving in Burma during World War II died, reincarnated as a Burmese woman named Ma, but maintained masculine traits and was attracted to women. Ma became a lesbian. This case shows how reincarnation can bring insight in understanding homosexuality, lesbianism, bisexuality, transsexualism, transgender and gender identity issues.

In Ian Stevenson’s series of approximately 1200 validated reincarnation cases in which young children spontaneously remembered their past lives, in only 10 percent of cases did the soul change gender. It may be that if a soul is accustomed to incarnating into a particular gender and then reincarnates into the opposite sex, gender identity issues may arise.

In contrast to the Japanese Soldier | Ma reincarnation case, Ampan eventually married a US male soldier who was stationed in Thailand. The couple later moved to California.

Principles of Reincarnation & Understanding Past Lives

Phobia from a Past Lifetime: Ampan demonstrated a phobia of snakes, apparently due to her memories of being bitten or startled by a water snake, which led to her drowning.

Gender Change: Chuey, a boy, reincarnated as Ampan, a girl. As a child and teenager, Ampan insisted on wearing boy’s clothing, she participated men’s sports such as boxing and she walked like a boy. Ampan told Ian Stevenson that she wished that she were a boy. Though she demonstrated these gender identity issues when young, she eventually married a man.

Spirit Beings in Reincarnation Cases: Ampan, as a spirit being, described her experience of heaven.

Relationships Renewed through Reincarnation: Ampan was reunited with her past life family.



Japanese Soldier Reincarnates as a Woman and Becomes a Lesbian, Understanding Homosexuality & Gender Identity Issues through Reincarnation; Sasha Fleishman

The retention of the mindset of the gender of a prior incarnation is demonstrated in this childhood memory reincarnation case researched by Ian Stevenson, MD. A WW II Japanese soldier in occupied Burma was killed in a strafing run and reincarnated as a Burmese woman, showing how a persecutor can return to life as the persecuted, demonstrating the futility of war.

Reincarnation & Gender Change, Past Life Story of Japanese SoldierHow Derived: Past Life Memories in Childhood

Researcher: Ian Stevenson, MD

From: Cases of the Reincarnation Type, Volume IV, Thailand and Burma, by Ian Stevenson, MD

Article by Walter Semkiw, MD

Nathul, Burma during the Japanese Occupation

The setting of this case is in the village of Nathul, in Burma. During World War II, the Japanese army occupied Nathul, starting in 1942.

As there was a railroad station nearby, Allied fighters and bombers regularly bombed the area and used machine guns to strafe the ground to kill any Japanese soldiers that were spotted. Attacks would often happen twice a day.

As the Allied planes ran sorties during the day, the Burmese villagers of Nathul would scatter into the countryside in the mornings. The villagers would then return to their homes in the cover of the night’s darkness. The Allied attacks continued through the spring of 1945. (1)

Daw Aye Tin and the Japanese Army Cook

U Aye Maung and his wife, Daw Aye Tin, were poor members of the community. U Aye Maung worked as a porter at the railway station. They had three daughters.

During the occupation, Daw became acquainted with a Japanese army cook, who was stocky or heavy set man. Due to the heat, this cook typically wore shorts without a shirt. Daw and the Japanese soldier had a common interest in cooking and they shared their respective knowledge regarding Burmese and Japanese cooking methods. After a period of time, Daw lost contact with this soldier. (2)

Reincarnation & Gender Change, Past Life Story of Japanese CookReincarnation & Planning Lifetimes: Daw has an Announcing Dream involving the Japanese Soldier as a Spirit Being

Time passed and Daw became pregnant with a fourth child. During this pregnancy, Daw had a recurrent dream in which “a stocky Japanese soldier wearing short pants and no shirt followed her and said he would come and stay with them” … She recognized him as the Japanese army cook. “In the dream Daw Aye Tin was afraid of the soldier and told him not to follow her. The same dream occurred three times at intervals of five to ten days.” (3)

Reincarnation Birthmark on Ma’s Groin and a Phobia of Aircraft

Daw gave birth to another daughter on December 26, 1953, who was given the name Ma Tin Aung Myo. It was noted that she had a birthmark, described as a dark patch the size of a thumb, on her groin. The birthmark appeared to itch, as Ma would scratch it. (4)

As a child, Ma demonstrated a severe phobia of aircraft flying overhead. When she was 4 years old, as she was walking with her father, a plane flew by and Ma began frightened and began to cry. Her father asked what was wrong, but Ma would only say, “I want to go home, I want to go home.” (5)

Thereafter, whenever a plane flew overhead Ma would cry. In response to her father’s inquiries regarding her fear, Ma explained that she was afraid the planes would shoot them.

Her father explained to Ma that in the past planes shot at people, but that this no longer occurred. Recall that the Japanese occupation of Burma, with the associated Allied aircraft machine gun strafing runs, ended in 1945. Ma was born in 1953 and as such, Ma had never witnessed planes shooting at people. Her father’s attempts to reassure her failed and Ma continued to have a severe phobia of planes for years. (6)

reincarnation-japanese-soldier-gender-identity-issuesA Child’s Past Life Memories: Ma says She misses Japan and her Family

In addition to having this phobia, Ma often appeared depressed and would sit by herself weeping. When she was asked what was wrong, Ma said, “I am pining for Japan.” (7)

She then began telling her family that she had memories of being a Japanese soldier stationed in Nathul, who was shot and killed by machine gun fire that came from an airplane.

Her memories gradually became more detailed. She said that she had been a male Japanese soldier who came from northern Japan, who was married and had 5 children. He was stationed in Nathul as a cook. (8)

Past Life Memory: Ma Remembers being Shot and Killed by an Airplane in a Past Lifetime

Ma remembered that she was near a pile of firewood and was about to start cooking a meal when the noise of an airplane approached. Ma recalled that the pile of firewood was next to an acacia tree, which stood about 75 meters from the house where Ma’s family lived.

She said that during this incident, the soldier, that she was, was wearing short pants and a big belt, but that he had taken off his shirt. Ma recalled that the pilot of the plane saw the Japanese cook and made a strafing run in an effort to kill him. The Japanese soldier ran around the pile of firewood trying to escape but a bullet struck him in the groin, which resulted in his death. (9)

Ma’s Reincarnation Birthmark is in the Location of the Japanese Soldier’s Bullet Wound

Recall that Ma was born with a birthmark in the area of her groin. Ian Stevenson has found that in many cases in which an individual died of a traumatic wound, such as a bullet or stab wound, a birthmark would be found in the same location in the individual’s next incarnation. In other words, a wound can become a birthmark. (10)

Reincarnation Japanese Soldier, Gender Identity Issues, P 38The US War Plane that Killed Ma in a Past Lifetime was a P-38 Lightning

Ma also recalled that the plane that killed her in the lifetime as the Japanese soldier had two tails. The plane Ma was referring had to be a Lockheed P-38 Lightning, which was an US-built fighter that was indeed used by the Allies in the Pacific Theater and in particular, in Burma.

Past Life Phobia of Aircraft

After sharing these memories, when an aircraft flew overhead that would frighten Ma and she was told by her relatives that her fear was unwarranted, Ma would angrily respond, “What do you know? I was shot and killed.”

In 1963, when Ma was 9 years old, a helicopter landed in a field in Nathul. Most villagers had never seen a helicopter and they gathered around to inspect this unusual machine. In contrast, Ma began crying and fled in fear to the family’s home. (11)

reincarnation-japanese-soldier-gender-identity-issuesPast Life Emotions: Ma wants to go Back to Japan

Ma told her family that she wanted to go back to Japan, as she missed her children from her prior lifetime. She said that when she grew up, she would move to Japan. She wanted a big belt, like the Japanese soldier had, to protect her stomach from the cold. Her identification with Japan was very unusual, as the Burmese did not have any fondness for the Japanese, due to their occupation of Burma and the attendant cruelties that the Japanese inflicted on the Burmese. The family demonstrated their annoyance by calling Ma, “the Japanese guy.” (12)

A Possible Case of Xenoglossy

Her family also noticed that Ma would talk to herself and other children using words they didn’t understand. Though the language Ma was speaking was not identified, it is possible that Ma was speaking Japanese. (13) If so, this represents the ability to speak a language learned in a previous lifetime, a phenomenon known as: Xenoglossy

Reincarnation & Gender Change: Ma Dresses like a Man and is Repulsed by her Menstruation

Ma demonstrated definite masculine traits. She insisted on wearing boy’s clothes and refused to wear girls’ apparel. When her mother tried to dress her as girl, she would throw the clothing aside. When Ian Stevenson asked her about this issue, Ma boasted that she didn’t own even one piece of women’s clothing. (14)

She wore her hair cropped short like a man’s and wore mens’ shirts. The clothing issue became a major problem when Ma was in sixth grade. School authorities demanded that she dress like a girl. Ma refused and had to drop out. (15)

When she had her first menstrual period, she hated it, stating that it was “unbecoming for a man.” (16)

Reincarnation & Gender Change: Ma Accepts that She is a Lesbian

In 1972, when Ma was 19, she told Ian Stevenson that she had no desire to be with men and that she wanted a woman to be her wife. She said that she already had a steady girlfriend at that time. (17)

In 1981, when Ma was 28 years old, she had a girlfriend whom she was living with. Ma said that if she married, she would wed a woman. Ma still talked about joining the army, “to live and fight with the men.” (18)

Change of Gender Reincarnation Cases may Explain Homosexuality in Some

This case demonstrates how reincarnation cases that involve gender change can provide an explanation for homosexuality, lesbianism, transsexualism and other gender issues. Ian Stevenson’s reincarnation studies, in aggregate, show that souls change gender in only 10 percent of cases. If a soul is accustomed to incarnating in one gender and then has a lifetime as the opposite gender, that soul may still identify with the previous, usual gender. This may lead to homosexuality, transsexualism, transgender issues and gender identity disorder.

Sasha Fleischman: An Agender Teen’s Skirt is Set on Fire

In November 2013, 18 year old Sasha Fleischman was taking the bus home from high school in Oakland, California. Sasha was born a male, but prefers to wear skirts. While riding the bus, Sasha fell asleep. A 16 year old high school student then set Sasha’s skirt on fire. Sasha incurred second and third degree burns and had to be hospitalized at the St. Francis Bothin Burn Center, in San Francisco.

Initial media reports characterized the incident as a hate crime, though the defendant’s attorney has indicated that it actually was intended to be a harmless prank, which went terribly wrong. Regardless, individuals who are gay, lesbian or transsexual have been victims of persecution. Recall the case of Matthew Shepard.

It may be that the soul of Sasha is accustomed to incarnating as a female. Though male in his contemporary lifetime, Sasha appears to have a female mindset, which could account for his preference to wear skirts.

Reincarnation, Gender Change & Gender Identity Issues

Reincarnation, Transgender & Gender Identity IssuesOther reincarnation cases which demonstrate gender identity issues due to change of sex include:

Chuey, a Boy, Drowns & Reincarnates as a Girl, but Retains Male Traits

Jaako Vuorenlehto Reincarnates as his Wife’s Daughter, Taru Jarvi: Gender Confusion in Two Lifetimes

Poldi Holzmuller, a Female, Isn’t Attracted to Boys, Says She Will Reincarnate as a Boy and Does

Reincarnation can help us be more tolerant of individuals with gender identity issues by giving insight that such issues can be a complication of changing gender from one lifetime to another. In the course of our evolution through lifetimes on Earth, any of us can experience gender confusion when we incarnate into a sex that we are not accustomed to. I do believe that we all do change gender in our course of lifetimes on Earth, as the soul seeks a comprehensive understanding of what it is to be human, through both male and female incarnations

Principles of Reincarnation & Understanding Past Lives

Reincarnation & Change in Gender: The Japanese soldier was male, but reincarnated as Ma, a female. Ian Stevenson’s past life research indicates that in 90 percent of cases, souls reincarnate in the same gender, inferring that souls have a preferred sex or gender. In this case, Ma retained the masculine orientation of the Japanese soldier, including an attraction to women, which led to Ma becoming a lesbian. It appears that this soul was accustomed to incarnating as a man and though a woman in the incarnation of Ma, retained the mindset of a male.

Reincarnation Japanese Soldier, Gender Identity Issues, P 38Phobia from a Past Lifetime: Ma demonstrated a severe phobia of airplanes, apparently due to being shot and killed in an Allied P-38 strafing run in her past lifetime as a Japanese soldier.

Birthmark at the Site of a Past Life Wound: Ian Stevenson, MD, found that when an individual died of a traumatic wound, such as those inflicted by a gun or knife, a birthmark would be found in the same location in the subsequent lifetime. In this case, Ma had a birthmark on her groin, which is in the same location as the bullet wound that killed her in her lifetime as the Japanese cook, according to her past life memories.

Reincarnation and Change in Nationality: The Japanese soldier reincarnated as a Burmese woman. This case demonstrates the futility of war, as the Japanese occupied Burma and persecuted its citizens. In this case, the persecutor reincarnated as the persecuted.

Reincarnation and Planning Lifetimes: Daw, Ma’s mother, during her pregnancy, had a dream of the Japanese soldier in which the soldier indicated that he was coming to stay with them.

Spirit Beings in Reincarnation Cases: As noted above, from the spirit world, the Japanese soldier sent an announcing dream to Daw indicating he would be born to her.



1. Stevenson, Ian: Cases of the Reincarnation Type, Volume IV, Thailand and Burma, University Press of Virginia, Charlottesville, 1983, page 231
2. Ibid, p. 232
3. Ibid, p. 229
4. Ibid, p. 238
5. Ibid, p. 230
6. Ibid, p. 230
7. Ibid, p. 230
8. Ibid, p. 232
9. Ibid, p. 232
10. Ibid, p. 238
11. Ibid, p. 233
12. Ibid, p. 234
13. Ibid, p. 234
14. Ibid, p. 234
15. Ibid, pages 236, 241
16. Ibid, p. 236
17. Ibid, p. 236
18. Ibid, p. 241

Reincarnation Case of Mandeep Kaur | Pushpa: Change of Religion in a Past Life Case

Mandeep Kaur, a member of the Sikh religion, lived in New Delhi, India, with her husband and on June 2, 1961, Mandeep’s husband stabbed her to death. About 4 years later, a girl named Pushpa was born on June 16, 1965 into a family of Hindu religion.

How Case Derived: Past Life Memories in Childhood

Researcher: Satwant K. Pasricha, Ian Stevenson, MD Collaborator

From: Can the Mind Survive Beyond Death? Vol. 1 Reincarnation Research, by Satwant K. Pasricha

Article by: Walter Semkiw, MD

The Death of Mandeep Kaur, a Sikh

5-sikh-reincarnation-case-religion-change-golden-templeMandeep Kaur lived in New Delhi, India, with her husband, who made a living repairing bicycles. Mandeep had younger sisters. Mandeep’s family was uneducated, relatively poor and they belonged to the Sikh religion. A famous place of worship for Sikhs is the Harmandir Sahib, popularly known as the Golden Temple, which is pictured to the right.

On June 2, 1961, Mandeep’s husband stabbed her to death.

Mandeep Reincarnates as Pushpa, a Hindu Girl

About 4 years later, a girl named Pushpa was born on June 16, 1965 in New Delhi, approximately 350 meters or 380 yards from where Mandeep lived. Pushpa’s family was of the Hindu religion.

When she was 18 months old, Pushpa stated pointing in the direction of where Mandeep and her husband lived. Later on, Pushpa said she was married to a Sikh and she recited the names of her children in a past incarnation. When her family asked what her past life husband did for a living, Pushpa made movements with her legs as if she was pedaling a bicycle.

Pushpa’s Past Life Phobia of Knives & Innate Knowledge of Sikh Religious Practices

When she was between 2 to 3 years of age, Pushpa demonstrated a severe fear of knives. She also had knowledge of Sikh religious practices, which was unusual for a young Hindu girl.

Eventually, Pushpa told her family that in her past life, her name was Mandeep Kaur and that her husband stabbed her to death. Pushpa expressed deep concern for her children from her past incarnation and she wanted to visit her past life family.

The family decided to investigate Pushpa’s claims, making inquiries regarding a Sikh woman who was stabbed to death. They found that Pushpa’s story matched the life of Mandeep Kuar, whose husband was a bicycle repairman.

Pushpa Accurately Identifies Members of her Past Life Family

IISISReincarnationResearchGaneshPushpa’s family contacted the Kaur family and arranged a meeting, where Pushpa accurately named members of her past life family. When Pushpa met Mandeep’s sisters, who were now older than she, Pushpa treated them as if they were still younger, as if their chronological status was still unchanged.

When Pushpa met Mandeep’s husband and murderer, she demonstrated “coolness and indifference.” (1)

Mandeep’s and Pushpa’s families denied any prior knowledge, acquaintance or interaction with one another. Dr. Pashricha pointed out that though only 350 meters separated their homes, socially they lived in different worlds. Pushpa’s family was well-educated, with members of her family including a medical doctor, a Sanskrit scholar, a journalist and a schoolteacher. In addition, they were Hindu and quite prosperous. In contrast, Mandeep’s family was poor, uneducated and Sikh.

Pushpa Attends the Wedding of her Past Life Daughter

Pushpa maintained a relationship with Mandeep’s family and participated in the wedding of Mandeep’s third daughter.

Dr. Pasricha interviewed Pushpa four times between 1973 and 1975, as well as 17 other informants involved in this case. Dr. Pashricha also reviewed Mandeep’s autopsy report. Her conclusion is that this is a valid reincarnation case. (2)

Principles of Reincarnation & Understanding Past Lives

Change in Religion: Mandeep was a Sikh, whereas Pushpa was born into the Hindu religion. Pushpa had innate knowledge of Sikh religious practices, even though she was born into a Hindu family.

Past Life Phobia: As a child, Pushpa had a marked fear of knives, reflecting her past life in which she was stabbed to death.


1. Paricha, Satwant, Can the Mind Survive Beyond Death? Volume 1: Reincarnation Research, Harman Publishing House, New Delhi, 2008, pages 6
2. Ibid, pages 5-7

Soul Plan in Past Life Story of Angelina Lopes | Alfonso Lopes Reincarnation Case with Phobia & Gender Change

Angelina Lopes was born in Loures, Portugal on July 20, 1953, and died when she was 7 years old in a car accident, then she subsequently reincarnated as her younger brother Alfonso and was born on August 23, 1962 in Loures.

How Derived: Memories in Childhood

Researcher: Ian Stevenson, MD

From: European Cases of the Reincarnation Type, by Ian Stevenson, MD

Article by Walter Semkiw, MD

Angelina Lopes is Hit by a Car After a Day at the Beach

iisisreincarnationresearchportugalAngelina Lopes was born in Loures, Portugal on July 20, 1953. Her mother was Irma Lopes, who as a devout Roman Catholic. Angelina had a normal childhood, though on one occasion, she stated that she wished that she was a boy.

Angelina was a very affectionate and unusually generous. She had a habit of referring to her mother, Erma, as “Dear Mother.” (1) This was in contrast to Erma’s other two daughters, who did not use this phrase.

On July 9, 1960, when Angelina was 7 years old, Erma took her and her two sisters to a beach on a river, near their home. On the way home, they were crossing a road and a car struck Angelina and killed her.

Soul Plan: Angelina will Be Reincarnated as a Boy

IISISReincarnationResearchSpanishCrossAfter Angelina’s death in 1960, Erma was extremely distraught and she wondered why God would allow such as tragedy to occur. Six months after Angelina’s death, a friend recommended that Erma see a Rosicrucian sage with psychic abilities, who was named Francisco Marques Rodrigues.

Francisco told Erma that Angelina would be reborn to her in 2 years. As a devout Roman Catholic, Erma was confused about Francisco’s prediction, as reincarnation was not part of her faith.

Francisco continued to reassure Erma. He told her to be prepared for Angelina’s return, though she may be a boy in her next incarnation.

Erma became pregnant at the end of 1961. In her seventh month of pregnancy, Erma had a dream in which Angelina communicated to her, indicating that her baby would be a boy.

Alfonso’s Past Life Memories of Events from the Lifetime of Angelina

Alfonso was born on August 23, 1962 in Loures, a little over two years after Angelina’s death. Within a few months of Alfonso’s birth, in 1963, the Lopes family moved to Lisbon, Portugal.

As soon as he could speak, Alfonso made statements which indicated that he was the reincarnation of Angelina. Erma, his mother, vowed that Alfonso had not learned this information about Angelina’s life by normal means. These statements include:

1. At 1½ years of age, Alfonso referred to Erma as “Dear Mother,” which was the phrase that Angelina used for Erma. Recall that Erma’s other daughters did not use this term.

2. Also when Alfonso was 1½, he was watching a television program in which a truck was going down a street with a child running across the street. Alfonso shut his eyes and started shouting, “No, no, no,” an apparent reaction to Angelina’s death by being struck by a car.

Alfonso’s Past Life Memories of Hernani’s Wooden Horse & Angelina’s Red Checkered Cloth

3. When Alfonso was 4 years old, neighbors the Lopes family had in Loures came to visit them in Lisbon. These visiting neighbors included a boy named Hernani, who Angelina used to play with. Spontaneously, Alfonso asked Hernani:

ReincarnationResearchWoodenHorse“Have you kept the wooden horse?” (2) When Angelina was alive, she and Hernani would play with Hermani’s toy wooden horse.

Hernani then asked his mother if they still had the wooden horse. His mother replied: “No, I gave it to Ana.” (3)

Alfonso then said: “Oh yes, To Anihas and her little son.” (4)

Erma noted that Ana was the nick name of a servant who worked for both the Lopes family and the Hernani family in Loures. Ana’s full name was Anihas, just as Alfonso had said. Angelina was very fond of Anihas. In spontaneously stating Ana’s full name, Alfonso was having a past life memory from his lifetime as Angelina.

4. When Alfonso was almost 6, before he started going to school, he came into the family’s kitchen where Erma was cooking. Alfonso noticed a red checked napkin. Alfonso then said:

“Look, Mama, the napkin I used to take to school with my snack. I will take it again when I go back to school, won’t I?” (5)

Indeed, Erma would make snacks for Angelina and wrap them in a red checked napkin, which Angelina would take to school. As such, Alfonso again remembered events in the lifetime of Angelina.

Reincarnation & Gender Change: Alfonso tells his Teachers that He is a Girl

5. A few months after Alfonso started school, his teacher requested a meeting with Erma. The teacher said that in school, Alfonso was claiming to be a girl and that when he spoke or wrote, he would refer to himself using feminine word forms. The teacher would try to correct Alfonso’s feminine word forms, pointing out that he was a boy. Alfonso then retorted:

“No, I am a girl.” (6)

Alfonso was apparently remembering the feminine word forms that he used when he was Angelina, which led to his confusion regarding his own gender. He stopped using feminine word forms by the age of seven.

IISISReincarnationResearchSteamstressAlfonso’s Past Life Memories of how to Mend Stockings

6. One day, when Alfonso came home from school, he spontaneously took a drinking glass and put it inside a stocking. He then took a needle and pretended that he was repairing the stocking. While doing so, Alfonso said:

“Oh, I have not done this for such a long time.” (7)

Erma then recalled that when they lived in Loures, one of Angelina’s aunts was a seamstress who would place a drinking glass inside a stocking and then mend the stocking. The glass made it easier to see the knitting of the stocking.

Angelina was very fond of this aunt and would visit her at the seamstress shop. At the shop, Angelina would pretend that she was mending stockings in the same way. Again, Erma vouched that no one had told Alfonso about these stocking mending activities that Angelina participated in.

As such, Alfonso unconsciously replicated a behavior of Angelina.

Past Life Memories: Alfonso Finds the Gypsies’ River

iisisreincarnationresearchstonebridge7. When Alfonso was about seven years old, he repeatedly asked his mother to take him to the stone bridge on the gypsies’ river. Irma did not know what he was talking about. There was no bridge where they lived in Lisbon and she could not remember any bridge with gypsies.

Soon after, Erma took Alfonso on a trip to Loures to visit a relative. Once there, Alfonso and other children left the house to play. When they returned, a playmate said that she was scared because Alfonso had said that he was going to see the bridge and he then crossed the street. Alfonso responded to this concern, telling Erma:

“Yes, I went to see the bridge; but it was quite changed, and there are no gypsies there.” (8)

Erma then asked Alfonso whether this was the bridge that he was talking about before, that he wanted to visit. He replied:

“Yes, Mama. Can you remember the gypsies that used to be there? I wanted to help them wash their clothes.” Alfonso continued, “Now there is big bridge there, completely different from the old one.” (9)

Erma then remembered that when the family lived in Loures, there was no Roman Catholic church in their neighborhood. To attend mass on Sundays, the family had to walk to a church in another community. To get there, they had to cross a river using a crude rock bridge. Erma, Angelina and the family would cross this rock bridge to go to church.

Alfonso had never seen this crude rock bridge in his contemporary lifetime, as by the time he was born, the new bridge had been built, replacing the stone bridge. As such, Alfonso was remembering scenes from Angelina’s lifetime.

8. Alfonso accurately described of the death of a small white dog with black spots that the Lopes family had when Angelina was alive.

Erma confirmed that the family did have a small white dog with black spots, as Alfonso had described. This dog had died 2 months before Angelina’s died. Erma vouched that no one had told Alfonso about this dog. As such, the memory of the dog represents a scene from Alfonso’s past lifetime as Angelina.

Alfonso’s Past Life Memories: As Vivid as in Contemporary Lifetime

IISISReincarnationResearchCarsIn 1997, when Alfonso was 35 years old, he told Ian Stevenson that his memories of the wooden toy horse, the river with the rock bridge with woman washing clothes in the river, and the death of the white dog with white spots were so vivid that it seemed that these memories were from his own childhood, rather than from a past lifetime.

Alfonso wasn’t born when the events described occurred. As such, these vivid memories were from Alfonso’s past lifetime as Angelina.

This is reminiscent of the reincarnation case of Carroll Beckwith | Robert Snow, in which Snow stated that his past life memories were more real than waking consciousness.

Phobia of Cars from a Past Lifetime

Alfonso developed a phobia of vehicles, a reflection of Angelina’s lifetime in which she was struck by a car, which led to her death. For some reason, Alfonso’s phobia did not manifest until Alfonso was 16 years of age.

In the Rashid Khaddege | Daniel Jurdi reincarnation case, Daniel also had a phobia of fast-moving cars resulting from Rashid’s death in an auto accident.

Principles of Reincarnation & Understanding Past Lives

Same Family Reincarnation: Angelina Lopes reincarnated into her the same family.

Change in Gender: As a child, Angelina told her mother that she wished she was a boy. Reincarnation research indicates that gender changes in only 5-10 percent of cases. It appears that the soul has a preferred gender and in this case, it appears that the soul of Angelina prefers male incarnations. When she reincarnated, she did incarnate as a boy in the persona of Alfonso.

Phobia from a Past lifetime: Angelina died when an automobile struck and killed her. Alfonso developed a phobia of vehicles.

Soul Plan & Spirit Being Guidance: When Erma was distraught over Angelina’s death, she visited a Rosicrucian mystic or psychic named Francisco Marques Rodrigues. Francisco predicted that Angelina would be reincarnated as her child. Further, he told her that Angelina may be reborn as a boy. His predictions came true. It appears that from the spirit world, Angelina was communicating to Francisco, indicating her plans for a future incarnation.

Reincarnation & Change in Religion: Erma was a devout Roman Catholic. She came to believe that her deceased daughter, Angelina, reincarnated as her son, Alfonso. As such, Erma converted from her Roman Catholic beliefs, in which reincarnation is not promoted, to a belief in reincarnation.

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1. Stevenson, Ian: European Cases of the Reincarnation Type, McFarland, 2003, page 108
2. Stevenson, Ian: European Cases of the Reincarnation Type, McFarland, 2003, page 111
3. Stevenson, Ian: European Cases of the Reincarnation Type, McFarland, 2003, page 111
4. Stevenson, Ian: European Cases of the Reincarnation Type, McFarland, 2003, page 111
5. Stevenson, Ian: European Cases of the Reincarnation Type, McFarland, 2003, page 111
6. Stevenson, Ian: European Cases of the Reincarnation Type, McFarland, 2003, page 111
7. Stevenson, Ian: European Cases of the Reincarnation Type, McFarland, 2003, page 112
8. Stevenson, Ian: European Cases of the Reincarnation Type, McFarland, 2003, page 112
9. Stevenson, Ian: European Cases of the Reincarnation Type, McFarland, 2003, page 112

Past Life Love Story with Spirit Being & Past LIfe Phobia: Turkish Reincarnation Case of Sehide Suzulmus | Cevriye Bayri

The Reincarnation of Sehide Suzulmus which she announced in a dream. Her clear recall of all past life memories: Cevriye Remembers her Murder and Demonstrates a Phobia of the Dark from a Past Lifetime were thoroughly reviewed in this case.

How Derived: Memories in Childhood

Researchers: R. Bayer and Ian Stevenson, MD

From: Cases of the Reincarnation Type, Volume III, Twelve Cases in Lebanon and Turkey, by Ian Stevenson, MD

Article by Walter Semkiw, MD

The Murder of Sehide Suzulmus

4pastliferegressiontherapyturkeykidskissThis case involves a woman, Sehide Suzulmus, who was murdered along with her husband, Abit, on January 31, 1957. It is a dramatic case, as a couple that was murdered together appear to have reincarnated in close proximity of one another. They were then able to meet and embrace one another as children. These cases demonstrate how souls can plan incarnations to ensure that those who loved one another in prior incarnations can be reunited in subsequent lifetimes through reincarnation.

Abit Suzulmus, Sehide’s husband, was murdered after an employee at his farm told him that an animal was lame. It was nighttime and in the dark, Abit went with the employee to the stable to look at the animal. When Abit leaned over to examine the animal, someone struck Abit over the head with a heavy metal bar or hammer, which killed him.

When Abit didn’t return to the house, Sehide, his wife, went to the stable to see what was delaying him. She too was killed by a blow to the head. Similarly, their two children, Zihni and Ismet, were also killed that night.

Two men were later hanged for these crimes, whose names were Ramazan and Mustafa. For a complete description of the lives of Abit and Sehide Suzulmus, please refer to the case of Abit Suzulmus | Ismail Altinkilic.

The Reincarnation of Sehide Suzulmus

Cevriye Bayri was born on October 1, 1958, in Adana, Turkey, just shy of two years after the death of Sehide Suzulmus. Her father was Kerim Bayri, who was a tinsmith, and her mother was named Cemile.

Soul Plan: An Announcing Dream

After Cevriye was born, Kerim, her father, had a dream in which Abit Suzulmus appeared to him. Recall that Abit is the one who was murdered along with his wife, Sehide. As the murder of Abit was well publicized in Adana, Kerim knew who Abit was. In the dream, Abit told Kerim that he was sending him a gift that he should look after. When Kerim asked what the gift was, Abit replied:

“The one who has come with you.” (1)

This dream occurred when Abit Suzulmus had already reincarnated as Ismail Altinkilic, who was about a year old at the time Kerim had his dream. As such, this dream indicates that the soul can function independently of its physical incarnations, which is further discussed in the section entitled Soul Evolution.

iisis4pastliferegressiontherapyturkeymanwithhammerPast Life Memories: Cevriye Remembers her Murder and Demonstrates a Phobia of the Dark from a Past Lifetime

As soon as Cevriye could speak, she tried to communicate something that was unclear, but as her verbal skills improved, the words she was trying to say evolved into the following statement:

“Ramazan killed.” (2)

As a small child, Cevriye had a pronounced phobia of the dark. This phobia persisted at least to when she was 15 years old. As one example, when the electricity at their home when out, Cevriye began crying and ran to her mother, exclaiming:

“Ramazan is going to kill me.” (3)

IISIS4PastLifeRegressionTherapyTurkeyIslamicPregnantBetween the ages of two and three, she described how she was murdered in a prior incarnation. She said that she had gone in search of her husband, who had been killed by Ramazan. She said that she then too was killed by Ramazan by a hammer. Cevriye said that she had been killed in the dark and that she was pregnant at the time of her death.

Cevriye told her parents that her name had been Sehide and that her husband’s name was Abit Suzulmus.

All of these details were historically correct, as recounted in the case of Abit Suzulmus | Ismail Altinkilic. In addition, Cevriye said that as Sehide, she gave birth to her child after her death. Indeed, Sehide Suzulmus was going into labor at the time of her murder, but it was not publicly known that she had delivered after her death. As part of the investigation of the murders, Sehide’s body had been exhumed from her tomb and it was found that indeed, her unborn baby had been partially extruded from Sehide’s body.

A skeptic could claim that Cevriye’s knowledge of the murder of Sehide could have come from coaching by her father, Kerim, as the murders were well publicized and Kerim did have the announcing dream that involved Abit. The recognitions made by Cevriye that are provided below, though, could not have involved coaching, as they were spontaneous events.

Past Life Memories: Cevriye’s Recognition of Past Life Relatives and Friends

IISIS4PastLifeRegressionTherapyTurkeyIceCream (1)At two years of age, Cevriye recognized an ice cream seller that she had known in her lifetime as Sehide. She told him that on the day that she, as Sehide, had been murdered, she had given the ice cream seller, who was poor, some food to eat. The ice cream seller confirmed that Sehide did give him food on the same day that she was murdered.

When Cevriye was less than three years of age, she was introduced to Hatice, the second wife of Abit Suzulmus. Cevriye was told that this person was a friend or partner in her past incarnation, without being given Hatice’s name. Cerviye spontaneously identified Hatice by name.

Cevriye recognized Fehime, her sister from her past incarnation as Sehide Suzulmus. In addition, Cevriye was able to identify Gulserne, who was Sehide’s surviving daughter. When they met, Cevriye named Sehide’s children and when Gulserne asked who she was, Cevriye responded, “Gulserne.” (4)

Cevriye was taken to the Suzulmus home by her mother, Cemile, and was asked if she could identify a young woman who was referred to as “this girl.” Cevriye was given no other clues, but she spontaneously identified the girl as Hikmet, another surviving daughter of Abit and Sehide Suzulmus. Cevriye then ran to Hikmet, hugged her and then related to her how she had been killed as Sehide.

When Cevriye was introduced to Ziki, the surviving son of Abit and Sehide, she embraced him and started to cry. She then stated, “This is my son.” Cevriye asked Ziki if Hattice, the second wife of Abit, was taking good care of him. (5)

Cemile, Ceviye’s mother, obtained a photo from the Suzulmus family of Abit and Sehide. When Ceviye was between two and three years old, Cemile showed the photo to Ceviye and asked who the people were in the picture. Ceviye replied:n“This is my photograph and my husband.” (6)

When Cevriye was five years of age and she and her mother were passing a restaurant, Cevriye recognized her past life friend, Gullu, inside the restaurant. Her mother, Cemile, did not know Gullu. Still, they went inside the restaurant and Cevriye correctly identified the woman as Gullu. Gullu was about 70 years old at the time and she denied any familiarity with Cevriye or her family. As such, this represents an accurate past life memory.

iisis4pastliferegressiontherapyturkeymanwithhammerCevriye then asked Gullu, “What happened to Semiha? I was going to get her married to Ramazan. What a way to repay me!” (7)

Semiha Akdi was a girl employed by Abit and Sehide. Sehide wanted Semiha to marry their other employee Ramazan, but Ramazan ruined this plan by murdering Abit and Sehide.

Nadir Mirel was a friend of Sehide Suzulmus. When she heard of Cevriye’s memories of being Sehide, she visited the young girl with two friends. As a test, Nadir asked Cevriye:

“Who was your tailor?” (8)

Cevriye’s mother, Cemile, did not know the answer to this question, yet Cevriye pointed to one of the other women who came with Nadir, whose name was Nadir Midel. While pointing at Nadir, Cevriye stated, “There is my tailor.” (9) Cevriye was correct; Nadir was the tailor of Sehide Suzulmus.

Past Life Emotions: Cevriye’s Attachment to Sehide, her Past Life Name

Cevriye had an attachment to the name, Sehide. She asked her mother many times to change her name to Sehide. This phenomenon, of a person wanting to change their name to that of a past life identity, also occurred in the case of Abit Suzulmus | Ismail Altinkilic, as well as the case of Francesco Foscari | Wayne Peterson.

Past Life Love: Cevriye | Sehide and Abit | Ismail are Reunited through Reincarnation

iisis4pastliferegressiontherapyturkeykidskissWhen Cevriye’s memories of being Sehide in a past lifetime were conveyed to the family of Ismail Altinkilic, both families wished to see what would happen if Cevriye and Ismail were brought together. Ismail had memories since childhood of being Abit Suzulmus, the husband of Sehide, who was murdered with her. A meeting between Cevriye and Ismail was arranged when Cevriye was four years of age and Ismail was about five.

According to Ismail’s father, when Cevriye and Ismail first met, they ran to each other, hugged and kissed. Cevirye’s mother also related that Ismail hugged Cevirye.

Cevirye’s account of the meeting, as related to Ian Stevenson, was that Ismail held and caressed her hand, that they exchanged gifts and that they then related to each other the memories of how they were murdered.

Ismail asked Cevirye why she did not come to his aid when he cried out for help at the time of his murder. Cevirye posed the same question to Ismail. Ismail replied that he was “near his ox.” (10)

Up until five or six years of age, Cevirye kept referring to Abit Suzulmus as “my husband.” Ian Stevenson noted that she spoke in the present tense, as if Abit was still her husband in contemporary times. (11)

Ismail consistently stated that he wanted to marry Cevirye, at least through his last meeting with Ian Stevenson, which occurred in 1973. At the time of this meeting with Stevenson, Ismail was 16 year of age when he reported his continuing love for Cevirye.

Past Life Emotions, Past Life Love Story & Past Life Children

iisis4pastliferegressiontherapyturkeycryinggirlWhen she was between one and one and a half years old, her father, Kerim, said that Cevirye made the following statement:

“Who knows whether my children are hungry?” (12)

Cevirye’s brother said that when Cevirye was young, she often asked to be taken to where Sehide’s children were staying. Eventually, Cevirye was taken to the home of Hatice Suzulmus, the first and surviving wife of Abit Suzulmus. Hatice was raising the surviving children of Abit and Sehide Suzulmus.

When Cevirye asked to see Zeki, a son of Abit and Sehide, Hatice was uncooperative. Cevirye was persistent and found Zeki sleeping upstairs, where she caressed him lovingly.

Cevirye continued to show attachment to the children of Abit and Sehide at least until she was 14 years of age. When Ziki, her son from her past incarnation, was married, Cevirye and was very upset that she was not invited.

Cevirye continued to visit Ziki and Hikmet, the surviving children of Abit and Sehide, through 1973, when Cevirye was 15 years of age.

Similarly, when Ismail was young, he was very concerned with Abit’s children and wished to take care of them. Ismail insisted that his father take food to the children of Abit and Sehide. These episodes are detailed in the case of Abit Suzulmus | Ismail Altinkilic.

Ian Stevenson last met with Cevirye on her birthday, on October 1, 1967, when she was 15 years old. Stevenson was surprised by the charming young woman who met him at the door, as he had not seen her for a few years.

Cevirye related to Ian Stevenson that she would sometimes meet Ismail on the street, but that she found it embarrassing to speak to him. She still continued, though, to visit Sehide’s children, Ziki and Hikmet, from time to time.

Principles of Reincarnation & Understanding Past Lives

Spirit Being Involvement: There are two instances in this case which involve spirit beings.

First, there was the dream that Kerim, the father of Cevirye, had just after she was born. In this dream, Abit Suzulmus appeared to him and told Kerim that he was sending him a gift that he should look after. Abit was referring to Cevirye, who was Abit’s wife, Sehide, in their prior incarnations.

Recall that Abit had already reincarnated as Ismail Altinkilic and that Ismail was about a year old when this dream occurred. This demonstrates how the soul can function independently of its physical incarnations, as the soul of Abit | Ismail was able to communicate to Kerim in a dream while Ismail was incarnate. This ability of the soul to function independently of its physical incarnations is further discussed in the section entitled, Soul Evolution.

A second example of spirit beings involves Cevriye’s knowledge that Sehide’s baby was born after she was murdered. As Sehide had been killed, she must have observed from the spirit world what happened after her death. Recall that the criminal investigation of the murder involved opening Sehide’s tomb to see if she was pregnant when she was killed. When the tomb was opened, it was found that she was indeed pregnant and that the child was partially extruded from her womb.

Past Life Phobia: As a small child, Cevriye had a pronounced phobia of the dark, which persisted at least to when she was 15 years old. As one example, when the electricity at their home went out and the house became dark, Cevriye began crying and ran to her mother, exclaiming:

“Ramazan is going to kill me.” (13)

Recall that in her past lifetime as Sehide, she was murdered by Ramazan in the dark when she went to see what was delaying her husband, Abit, when he went to the stable to check on a lame animal.

Family Relationships Reunited through Reincarnation: Abit and Sehide Suzulmuz were murdered together in Adana, Turkey, on January 31, 1957. Shortly thereafter, they reincarnated together in Adana.

Abit reincarnated on September 30, 1957 as Ismail Altinkilic, while Sehide reincarnated as Cevriye Bayri on October 1, 1958. As such, both reincarnated less than two years after their murders.

When Cevriye’s family learned of Ismail’s memories of being Abit, they arranged a meeting for the children, which occurred when Ismail was about five and Cevriye was four years of age. According to Ismail’s father, when Cevriye and Ismail first met, they ran to each other, hugged and kissed. Cevirye’s mother also related that Ismail hugged Cevirye.

Cevirye’s account of the meeting, as related to Ian Stevenson, was that Ismail held and caressed her hand, that they exchanged gifts and that they then related to each other the memories of how they were murdered.

Ismail continued to declare his love and intention to marry Cevirye at least until he was 16 years of age. In contrast, at the same time, when Cevirye was 15 years of age, she related to Ian Stevenson that when they would spontaneously meet on the street, she was embarrassed to speak to Ismail of their past lifetimes together.

Though we don’t know if Cevirye and Ismail were ever able to renew a romance in a story book fashion, we do know that Abit and Sehide were able to meet again and renew relationships though reincarnation, as Ismail and Cevirye.

Please note that the images provided on this page are not of the subjects of this case, but images used to help recreate this case.

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1. Stevenson, Ian: Cases of the Reincarnation Type, Volume III, Twelve Cases in Lebanon and Turkey, University of Virginia Press, 1980, page 236
2. Stevenson, Ian: Cases of the Reincarnation Type, Volume III, Twelve Cases in Lebanon and Turkey, University of Virginia Press, 1980, pages 237
3. Stevenson, Ian: Cases of the Reincarnation Type, Volume III, Twelve Cases in Lebanon and Turkey, University of Virginia Press, 1980, page 254
4. Stevenson, Ian: Cases of the Reincarnation Type, Volume III, Twelve Cases in Lebanon and Turkey, University of Virginia Press, 1980, page 248
5. Stevenson, Ian: Cases of the Reincarnation Type, Volume III, Twelve Cases in Lebanon and Turkey, University of Virginia Press, 1980, page 249-250
6. Stevenson, Ian: Cases of the Reincarnation Type, Volume III, Twelve Cases in Lebanon and Turkey, University of Virginia Press, 1980, page 251
7. Stevenson, Ian: Cases of the Reincarnation Type, Volume III, Twelve Cases in Lebanon and Turkey, University of Virginia Press, 1980, page 247
8. Stevenson, Ian: Cases of the Reincarnation Type, Volume III, Twelve Cases in Lebanon and Turkey, University of Virginia Press, 1980, pages 248
9. Stevenson, Ian: Cases of the Reincarnation Type. Volume III, Twelve Cases in Lebanon and Turkey, University of Virginia Press, 1980, page 248
10. Stevenson, Ian: Cases of the Reincarnation Type, Volume III, Twelve Cases in Lebanon and Turkey, University of Virginia Press, 1980, page 254
11. Stevenson, Ian: Cases of the Reincarnation Type, Volume III, Twelve Cass in Lebanon and Turkey, University of Virginia Press, 1980, page 257
12. Stevenson, Ian: Cases of the Reincarnation Type, Volume III, Twelve Cases in Lebanon and Turkey, University of Virginia Press, 1980, page 255
13. Stevenson, Ian: Cases of the Reincarnation Type, Volume III, Twelve Cases in Lebanon and Turkey, University of Virginia Press, 1980, page 254

Past Life Story with Spirit Being, Past Life Phobia & Behavior: Muslim Reincarnation Case of Abdulkerim Hadduroglu | Necati Caylak

Abdulkerim Hadduroglu met his death in a Minibus Crash and he reincarnated as Necati Caylak who possessed clear and vivid memories of his past life and death.

How Derived: Memories in Childhood

Researchers: R. Bayer and Ian Stevenson, MD

From: Cases from of the Reincarnation Type: Volume III, Twelve Cases in Lebanon and Turkey, by Ian Stevenson, MD

Article by Walter Semkiw, MD

The Life of Abdulkerim Hadduroglu & Death in a Minibus Crash

IISIS4PastLifeRegressionTherapyTurkeyvancrashAbdulkerim Hadduroglu was born in Cekmece, a village near Antakya, in 1934. He lived most of his life in Bedirge, which is north of Antakya. Another village in the area is Karaali, which lies 8 kilometers south of Bedirge. All these locations are part of the southernmost Turkish province of Hatay.

Abdulkerim was a farmer and his land was along a highway. Abdulkerim married a woman named Surevya, who was from Arsus, with whom he had three children. She was pregnant again at the time that Abdulkerim died.

Abdulkerim was a Muslim who observed the month long fast of Ramadan, which also requires abstinence from alcohol. Ramadan is followed by the three day holiday of Seker Bayram, which some Muslims celebrate with indulgence in alcohol. On February 26, 1963, Abdulkerim celebrated Seker Bayram in Antakya with friends by drinking raki, an alcoholic beverage made in Turkey.

After Ramadam, Abdulkerim Drinks Raki

iisis4pastliferegressiontherapyturkeyrakipartyAs Abdulkerim and his friends had became intoxicated, they asked a friend, Cevri Simsek, to take them home. The group, consisting of Abdulkerim, Suphi Elmas, Huseyin Yenoicak and Abdulgani Kizildag, got into a Fiat minibus with Cevri at the wheel. Two of the drinking companions, Hasan Bereket and Remzi Simsek stayed behind.

Abdulgani Kizildag asked to be taken back to the gasoline station where he worked. After they dropped him off, the group headed towards Bedirge. Just as the minivan approached the bridge at Karaali, a truck came from the other direction with its high beam lights on. The lights blinded Cevri who went off the edge of the road, striking the wall of the bridge. The minibus spun around and stopped on the embankment below the bridge.

Abdulkerim was sitting next to the driver. With the impact of the crash, he was smashed against the frame of the vehicle, the force causing one of his shoes to fly off. Abdulkerim was killed instantly. As noted the date was February 26, 1963. The driver, Cervi, suffered a concussion, was hospitalized for three days and was then transferred to prison. He later went to trial for reckless driving and driving while intoxicated, but was acquitted.

Past Life Memories: Necati Caylak Remembers his Past Life and Death as Abdulkerim Hadduroglu

Necati Caylak as born in 1963 in the village of Karaali, about a month after Abdulkerim died in the crash. His parents were Mikdat Caylak and his wife, Zekiye.

When he was two or three years old, Necati started talking about a past lifetime. His first statement referred to his having owned a field near a highway. He said that he was from Bedirge in his prior incarnation.

Necati then said that he had been killed at the Karaali bridge when the vehicle he was in hit the bridge as he was returning from Antakya to Bedirge. He said that he had been drinking before the accident and that it occurred on a Muslim religious holiday. Necati accurately stated the vehicle he was in was a minibus and that he lost a shoe in the crash.

Past Life Memories: Necati Identifies Past Life Companions in the Minibus

IISIS4PastLifeRegressionTherapyTurkeyvancrashNecati correctly named Cevri and Abdulgani as being in the minibus with him, and that Abdulgani worked in a gas station. He said that the minivan was stolen, which was partially correct, as the minivan was taken without permission of the owners.

Necati identified Remzi as being another friend in the minibus. In actuality, Remzi was part of the group that drank raki on the night of the accident, but Remzi was left behind and did not travel in the minivan. Necati states that Ferrac was another occupant of the minvan, but in reality Ferrac was a part owner of the minivan who was not involved in the accident. Necati did not accurately identify Suphi Elmas and Huseyin Yenoicak as the other occupants of the minivan.

In sum, Necati gave an accurate description of the crash, in that he said it happened in a minivan at the bridge at Karaali and that he lost a shoe in the accident. He also made a number of accurate statements involving occupants of the minibus, namely that he, Cevri and Abdulgani traveled in the minibus before the crash, but he also confused a few names and details regarding the occupants.

Necati’s family had heard about the crash at the Karaali bridge, which only happened a month before Necati was born, but they didn’t know any details regarding those involved in the accident. As such, they could not have supplied Necati will all these details involving the occupants of the minivan.

Past Life Phobia: Necati’s Fear of Crossing the Bridge where Abdulkerim was Killed

IISIS4PastLifeRegressionTherapyTurkeyBridge1When Necati was two to three years old, he and his older brother were walking down the highway when they came to the bridge at Karaali, where Abdulkerim was killed. When Necati saw the bridge, he became extremely anxious and he started to cry.

When asked why he was crying, Necati told his brother that he had been killed in a car accident there. He said that in the crash, he lost one of his shoes. Necati refused to cross the bridge and wanted to find a different way to cross the small river beneath the bridge.

Ian Stevenson noted that Necati’s phobia of the bridge lasted many years, only weakening when he reached ten years of age. Necati also had a phobia of traveling in automobiles, which persisted until he was seven years old.

A similar reaction of experiencing fear at a geographic location was also observed in the case of Rashid Khaddege | Daniel Jurdi, which was also researched by Ian Stevenson, MD. Rashid had died in an automobile crash at a spot called Military Beach, in Lebanon.

As a small child, Daniel was in a car that was being driven by his mother. As they came to the place on the road called Military Beach, little Daniel started to cry uncontrollably. When his mother asked why he was crying, Daniel said that he had been killed at this spot in his prior lifetime. Like Necati, Daniel also had a phobia of cars, though Stevenson said Daniel’s phobia was limited to fast moving vehicles.

The Rashide Khaddege | Daniel Jurdi case is especially important, as it demonstrates that facial features can remain the same from one incarnation to another.

Past Life Memories: Necati Identifies Past Life Family Members

Following his reaction to the bridge a Karaali, Necati gave additional details about his past lifetime. He said that his name had been Abdulkerim. Necati said that his wife was named Sureyya, who came from Arsus. He said that he had sons named Mehmet and Ali, as well as a daughter named Enver, which may have been his attempt to say Munnever. Later on, when he met Abdulkerim’s widow, he correctly told her that their daughter’s name was Munnever.

Necati also said that in his past lifetime his mother was named Fatma, his sister was named Katif and that he had an aunt named Meryem. All these statements were correct.

He said that he had been drinking alcohol at the time of the crash. Necati initially mistakenly said that he had been driving the vehicle that crashed. Later on, he said that Cevri was the one driving the car. Necati added that Cevri should not have been driving, as he had been drinking.

Spirit Being: Abdulkerim Hadduroglu Observes Events after his Death

iisis4pastliferregressiontherapyturkeybabyNecati said that his wife in his prior incarnation had given birth after his death. Sureyya was pregnant at the time that Abdulkerim died and she did give birth to another child after his death. Necati’s knowledge that Sureyya delivered a child after his death implies that the soul of Abdulkerim was able to observe his loved ones from the spirit world. This phenomenon has been observed in many reincarnation cases, which are complied in the section entitled Spirit Being Involvement in Reincarnation Cases.

Past Life Relationships: Necati is Reunited with his Past Life Wife and Family

Sureyya Hadduroglu, the widow of Abdulkerim, heard about Necati’s claim to have died in an auto accident at the Karaali bridge. In the autumn of 1966, three and a half years after the accident, when Necati was about three and a half years old, Sureyya came to visit Necati. She brought with her Abdulkerim’s great uncle, Hasan Sufi Hadduroglu, and two of Abdulkerim’s friends, the brothers Zeyneb and Ahmet Adahi.

iisis4pastliferegressiontherapyturkeywomanWhen the visitors were all assembled, Necati’s brother brought Necati in the room and asked him, “Who is this woman.” (1)

Necati replied, “Sureyya.” (2)

Sureyya then had little Necati sit on her knee. She then asked, “Who am I?” (3)

Necati then stated, “You are my wife.” Necati then added that Sureyya was the daughter of his past life uncle, which was correct. (4)

When asked who Hasan Sufi Hadduroglu was, Necati correctly responded that he was a past life paternal uncle. Necati also correctly identified by name Zeyneb and Ahmet Adahi.

Necati’s spontaneous identifications made Sureyya believe that Necati was indeed the reincarnation of her deceased husband, Abdulkerim. Necati’s correct identification of Abdulkerim’s family members brought Sureyya to tears.

Sureyya then said to Necati, referring to him as her husband reborn: “How could you leave Sureyya?” (5)

Necati replied, “But you are Sureyya.” (6)

Past Life Memories: Necati Identifies Past Life Family Members at the home of his Past Life Wife, Sureyya

Sureyya invited Necati and his father to her home to visit her and her children. There, Sureyya’s father-in-law, that is, Abdulkerim Hadduroglu’s father, took Necati in his arms and showed him photographs on the wall and asked, “Who is this?” (7)

Necati looked at the photos and correctly identified himself in his past incarnation, Abdulkerim Hadduroglu, and Abdulkerim’s sister, Katif.

At Sureyya’s home, Necati also spontaneiously identified Meryem Haddurouglu, Abdulkerim’s stepmother. While he was at Surreyya’s home, Mehmet, Abdulkerim’s eldest son, entered the house. When Necati saw him, he immediately and spontaneously said, “This young man is my son.” (8)

Past Life Behavior: Little Necati likes Raki and Identifies his Past Life Drinking Companions in Karaali

IISIS4PastLifeRegressionTherapyTurkeyRakiHasan Bereket, one of the people who was drinking raki with Abdulkerim on the night that he was killed, heard about Necati’s memories of being the reincarnation of Abdulkerim.

Unannounced, he and two others who had been drinking with Abdulkerim on the day he died decided to visit Necati. This occurred in 1968, when Necati was five years old. As they arrived in Karaali, Necati saw them.

Necati spontaneously said to Hasan: “Oh, how are you, Hasan?” (9)

Hasan reported that Necati also recognized the two other drinking companions.

Of interest, Necati also demonstrated a premature interest in raki.

Principles of Reincarnation & Understanding Past Lives

Phobia from a Past Lifetime: Necati demonstrated a great fear of crossing the bridge at Karaali, where Abdulkerim Hadduroglu was killed. This phobia lasted until he was ten years old. In addition, Necati had a fear of traveling in automobiles, which lasted until he was seven.

Spirit Being Involvement: Necati’s knowledge that Sureyya, his past life wife, delivered a child after his death implies that the soul of Abdulkerim was able to observe his loved ones from the spirit would. He was apparently able to observe that his wife’s pregnancy ended in the delivery of a healthy child.

Relationships Renewed through Reincarnation: Necati was reunted with this past life family and wife.

Split Incarnation: Necati was born about a month after Abdulkerim had died. If it is assumed that he soul is involved in the development of the fetus, then Abdulkerim’s soul was animating Necati’s fetus for 8 months of gestation. This phenomenon of a soul being able to inhabit more than one human bodies at a time is termed split incarnation.

A similar case, which features split incarnation and also shows that facial features can remain consistent from one lifetime to another, is the case of Hanan Monsour | Suzanne Ghamen


1. Stevenson, Ian: Cases of the Reincarnation Type: Volume III, Twelve Cases in Lebanon and Turkey, University of Virginia Press, 1980, page 314
2. Stevenson, Ian: Cases of the Reincarnation Type: Volume III, Twelve Cases in Lebanon and Turkey, University of Virginia Press, 1980, page 314
3. Stevenson, Ian: Cases of the Reincarnation Type: Volume III, Twelve Cases in Lebanon and Turkey, University of Virginia Press, 1980, page 314
4. Stevenson, Ian: Cases of the Reincarnation Type: Volume III, Twelve Cases in Lebanon and Turkey, University of Virginia Press, 1980, page 314
5. Stevenson, Ian: Cases of the Reincarnation Type: Volume III, Twelve Cases in Lebanon and Turkey, University of Virginia Press, 1980, page 306
6. Stevenson, Ian: Cases of the Reincarnation Type: Volume III, Twelve Cases in Lebanon and Turkey, University of Virginia Press, 1980, page 306
7. Stevenson, Ian: Cases of the Reincarnation Type: Volume III, Twelve Cases in Lebanon and Turkey, University of Virginia Press, 1980, page 316
8. Stevenson, Ian: Cases of the Reincarnation Type: Volume III, Twelve Cases in Lebanon and Turkey, University of Virginia Press, 1980, page 317
9. Stevenson, Ian: Cases of the Reincarnation Type: Volume III, Twelve Cases in Lebanon and Turkey, University of Virginia Press, 1980, page 317