Split Incarnation or Parallel Lives-Introduction

Evidence that a soul can animate more than one body at a time. The symbol for split incarnation is two individuals arising from a central soul.

Article by Walter Semkiw, MD

Split Incarnation or Parallel Lives Defined

Parallel Lives or Split ReincarnationIndependently researched reincarnation cases, including many studied by Ian Stevenson, MD, demonstrate that a soul may animate more than one physical body at a time. Ian Stevenson called reincarnation cases in whIch lifetimes overlap as “cases with anomalous dates.”

I term this phenomenon as “split incarnation.”  I refer to two people who derive from the same soul, who are incarnate at the same time, as “splits”.  “Parallel lives” is an older term that has been used to describe the phenomenon of splits incarnated at the same time. I coined the term “split” in the year 2000.

A variant of split incarnation is when a person is alive and at the same time, that person’s soul has animated a fetus which will be born in the future. In this case, a person and that person’s fetus for an upcoming incarnation exist at the same time.

How does split incarnation work? Though we don’t know for sure, we can imagine split incarnation as similar to how a mirror can split a beam of light into two or more beams of light.  Similarly, the soul can project more than one beam of light or energy template into physical incarnation at a time.

We can imagine two splits as two arms of a human being.  Each arm has its separate existence, yet both arms are controlled by one brain or mind.  In split incarnation, we can see two splits as two appendages of the soul.  How many splits can a soul project onto the physical world at a time?  As is discussed in the section, Soul Evolution, it is believed that the maximum number is about seven, though having this number of splits at the same time is rare.

Reincarnation Cases with Split Incarnation

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Reincarnation Research of Ian Stevenson at the University of Virginia & Children’s Past Life Memories

IanStevensonUniversityVirginiaLib2 (1)

Advances in Reincarnation Research: A Tribute to Ian Stevenson

Another Egg, Another Life by Gordon Keirle-Smith: A Book designed to Stimulate Children’s Past Life Memories

Article by Walter Semkiw, MD

Dr. Ian Stevenson, MD, who died in 2007, served as Chairman of the Department of Psychiatry at the University of Virginia, School of Medicine.  He was also honored as the Carlson Professor of Psychiatry at that institution.  Starting in 1961, for forty years, Dr. Stevenson investigated children who spontaneously remember past lives that could be factually validated.  He chose to only study children as he reasoned that children were unlikely to fabricate past life memories. Jim Tucker, MD has taken over for Dr. Stevenson at the University of Virgina.

As of 2018, Dr. Tucker has related to me that Stevenson and his colleagues compiled “over 2500” childhood past life memory cases. In 1567 of these cases, the past life personality was identifed through research. In another 150 cases, the past life personality has been “tentatively” identified.

As such, in my opinion, the number of validated childhood past life memory cases is best represented by the number 1567.

Most of Stevenson’s cases come from Asia, India or other areas where the doctrine of reincarnation is accepted. In locations where reincarnation is not an accepted belief system, it is thought that parents inhibit a child’s expression of past-life memories. The childhood cases studied by Ian Stevenson have a common pattern, marked by the following features:

1. As soon as the child can communicate, the child starts to describe a previous lifetime. Often, the child declares that his or her name is different from the name given to the child by its biologic parents. The child insists that the current family is not its true family, but that his or her real family lives in a different village or town. The child remembers the names of various family members and geographic locations from the past lifetime. Physical features of the past life house and neighborhood may be recalled. In Dr. Stevenson’s series of cases, the average age at which the child starts speaking about a past lifetime is 3 years of age and the average age when children stop talking about a past lifetime is 7. 5 years of age.

2. The child remembers details of its death in the prior lifetime. In approximately 66 percent of Dr. Stevenson’s childhood reincarnation cases, a violent or premature death occurred in the previous lifetime. Dr. Stevenson has found that individuals who died of traumatic wounds, such as bullet or knife wounds, often are born in a subsequent incarnation with birthmarks or scars that mirror the wounds incurred in the past lifetime. In the contemporary lifetime, the child may have a phobia related to the cause of death in the past life. It has been calculated that of the children who remember a violent past life death, 35 percent have a phobia related to the cause of death.

Planning future lifetimes3. Based on information provided by the child to the biologic family, the child’s family from the prior incarnation is eventually identified. When the child meets this family for the first time, the child is able to identify family members by name or by relationship. The child often knows family secrets that only members of the prior family would know. As a result, the family from the past lifetime often accepts the child as the reincarnation of their deceased relative.

The biologic parents of the child in the current incarnation often fear that the child will leave them for the family from the prior incarnation, as the mutual bond between the child and past life family becomes so strong. This fear turns out to be unwarranted, as the bond between the child and the contemporary parents endures. A long-term relationship, though, typically ensues between the child and family from the prior lifetime.

4. Personality traits, personal preferences, and habits often persist from one incarnation to another.

5. Gender usually stays the same.  In 90 percent of Dr. Stevenson’s cases, the child returns assuming the same sex as in the past lifetime. Thus, in ten percent of cases, gender is reversed from one lifetime to another. The observation that gender only changes in 10 percent of reincarnation cases can bring insights on homosexuality, transsexuallism and gender identity problems.

6. Physical appearance can be similar from one lifetime to another
Stevenson cases show that physical appearance can remain the same from one incarnation to another. Two cases in particular dramatically demonstrate how facial features can remain consistent from one lifetime to another.  Ian Stevenson studied Suzanne Ghanem and Daniel Jurdi in the late 1960’s, when they were small children.  Photographs of these individuals from their prior incarnations were available.  Stevenson revisited Suzanne and Daniel in 1998 and found that these two people, now full grown adults, had the same facial features as in their past incarnations.  These cases were published in Tom Shroder’s book, Old Souls. Two other Ian Stevenson reincarnation cases, in which photo comparison’s are available (and provided to the right) that demonstrate similar facial features involve: Burmese Twins

In his book, Where Reincarnation and Biology Intersect, Dr. Stevenson advised that researchers systematically study “facial resemblances between subjects and previous personalities.”

7. Relationships are Renewed through Reincarnation

Past Life Relationships
Burmese Sisters Reincarnate as Twins

As noted above, Stevenson cases that demonstrate physical resemblance involves Burmese twins, who were sisters in their past lifetimes.  They were part of a study involving 31 sets of twins, whose past lives were objectively validated. In 100% of these cases, the twins had significant past life relationships, concretely demonstrating that souls plan lifetimes to be reunited with loved ones through reincarnation.

8. Children remember the interval in-between lifetimes. In 20 percent of Stevenson’s cases, children report memories of what happened in-between lifetimes in the spirit world. These reports are found on this website under the category:

Spirit Beings in Reincarnation Cases

Of interest, the median interval between the past life death and rebirth is 16 months or about 1.5 years. The average interval between death and rebirth is 4.5 years. For reincarnation cases involving suicide in the prior lifetime, the median interval between death and rebirth is only 3 months.

Society for Scientific Exploration

I also would like to share that I had the opportunity to visit Dr. Stevenson at the University of Virginia at Charlottesville in the year 2001.  He was a very gracious host and he spent an entire day with me.  I was very honored that at the conclusion of my visit, he offered to sponsor me for membership in the Society for Scientific Exploration, an academic organization that he co-founded. I did join the SSE and I highly recommend this organization.

The world owes a great debt to Dr. Stevenson for the important work he did over his long career.  Through our website, ReincarnationResearch.com, and our organization, the Institute for the the Integration of Science, Intuition and Spirit, we hope to build upon his contributions and as a gesture of respect and acknowledgement, a posthumous  Reincarnation Research Award has been given to Dr. Stevenson. As noted, reincarnation research continues at the University of Virginia under the guidance of Jim Tucker, MD.

Ian Stevenson’s Reincarnation Research presented as Children’s Reincarnation Stories

Ian Stevenson. MD wrote in a very academic style, as his target audience was fellow scientists. On the ReincarnationResearch.com web site, his past life cases are presented as children’s reincarnation stories to make his academic work easier to understand. For those interested in appreciating the scientific rigor of his research, such as his use of multiple witnesses to establish corroborated testimony, please refer to the original reports written by Dr. Stevenson.

The validated childhood past life memory  cases compiled at the University of Virginia, along with other important reincarnation cases, allow us to comprehend how reincarnation works. To learn more, please go to:

Evidence and Principles of Reincarnation: Understanding Past Lives


Children Remembering Past Lives: Proof of Reincarnation

Article by Walter Semkiw, MD

Advances in Reincarnation Research: A Tribute to Ian Stevenson

Ian Stevenson Reincarnation Case of Suzanne Ghanem
Suzanne Ghanem

Childhood Past Life Memory Cases of Ian Stevenson, MD

The most compelling reincarnation cases are those in which young children spontaneously remember past lives that can be factually verified. Ian Stevenson, MD, of the University of Virginia, compiled over 1200 of these objectively validated cases, which in aggregate provide proof of reincarnation. His academic research is presented on the Reincarnation Research web site as children’s past life stories for ease of understanding.

Typically, in these cases, the child starts telling his or her parents about a past incarnation as soon as they learn to speak. Past life memories generally persist until the age of seven, at which time memories tend to fade.

Theses memories can include their name in the past lifetime, as well as the names of their parents and family members from the prior incarnation.  The child may also recall the name of the city or town that they lived in.

When the child provides detailed enough information, the parents or involved researchers are able to locate the past life family and introduce the child to this family.  The child will be able to identify these past life family members by name, individuals that the child has never met in their contemporary lifetime.  The child can know information and secrets about their past lifetime that only members of the past life family are aware of.

Based on the child’s past life memories, the past life family will often accept the child as the reincarnation of their deceased loved one.  Two key reincarnation cases of this kind, researched by Ian Stevenson, MD, which also demonstrate physical resemblance from one lifetime to another, are provided below:

Hanan Monsour | Suzanne Ghanem (Suzanne Ghanem is pictured above)

Rashid Khaddege | Daniel Jurdi

As noted, these two cases were researched by the late Ian Stevenson, MD, a pioneer of reincarnation research, who was a Professor of Psychiatry at the University of Virginia, in the Division of Perceptual Studies.  Dr. Stevenson chose to primarily research cases involving children with spontaneous memories as he felt these cases were the most likely to be valid.

Another compelling reincarnation case involving past life memories in childhood is that of: Anne Frank | Barbro Karlen

Past Life Memories in Adulthood

Memories accessed in adulthood can be confounded by the adult reading historical information about the proposed past lifetime or era, which could taint the case.  Dr. Stevenson did not trust information gained through past life regressions, as he felt subjects could fabricate or make up memories.

Though this is true, the case of Carroll Beckwith | Robert Snow, which was derived through a past life regression, is a convincing reincarnation case. The xenoglossy cases of Gretchen Gottlieb | Dolores Jay and Jensen Jacoby | T.E., researched by Ian Stevenson, MD, also emerged through hypnosis or past life regression.


Researchers at the University of Virginia, such as Jim Tucker, MD, continue to focus primarily on children with spontaneous past life memories. These reincarnation cases in aggregate provide proof of reincarnation and indeed, Dr. Jim Tucker has stated on US national television that sufficient evidence now exists to conclude that reincarnation exists.  He did so when appearing in support of the James Huston, Jr. | James Leininger reincarnation case after it was aired on ABC Primetime.

Ideally, researchers should be involved in a case before the child is introduced to the past life family, so that the child’s reactions and identifications of past life family members can be witnessed objectively.

Reincarnation Cases with Past Life Memories in Childhood which are Solved in Adulthood

There also are cases in which children have partial memories, where the child does not provide enough information for the parents to identify the past life family.  Additional memories or information may be accessed later in life, which can allow the individual to identify their past incarnation.  Examples of cases of this sort are provided below:

Wayne Peterson | Francesco Foscari

Wayne Peterson | Louise Vanderbilt

Paul Gauguin | Peter Teekamp

In sum, cases based on spontaneous past life memories in childhood, in which the child’s memories can be validated objectively, are the most compelling of all reincarnation cases.

Go to: Reincarnation Research Case Categories

Go to: Reincarnation Research Home Page

Born Again: Reincarnation Cases Involving Evidence of Past Lives, with Xenoglossy Cases Researched by Ian Stevenson, MD

Expanded International Edition, by Walter Semkiw, MD

Born Again Reincarnation Past Lives Walter Semkiw

In Born Again, key cases that provide evidence of reincarnation are complied, which are presented as easy-to-read synopses. In aggregate, these cases provide proof of reincarnation. Principles of reincarnation are reviewed, including observations that facial features, personality traits, talents and passions can remain consistent from lifetime to lifetime.

Dr. Semkiw also reviews the important twin study researched by Ian Stevenson, MD, of the University of Virginia, which shows that souls can plan lifetimes and that loved ones can be reunited through reincarnation. Xenoglossy cases demonstrate that past life personalities are retained intact within the soul following death.

Significantly, religion and nationality can change from lifetime to lifetime, as demonstrated in the Anne Frank reincarnation case. Dr. Semkiw asserts that this knowledge will help create a more peaceful world. Cases derived through Kevin Ryerson, a world-renowned trance medium, are also presented.

Born Again Expanded International Edition Printed Version and E Book

Are Now Available Worldwide through Amazon.com

In the United States, please go to: Born Again

Reincarnation Research Award

Reincarnation Research LogoTealThe Reincarnation Research Award is given to individuals who have made significant contributions to reincarnation research, which provide evidence or proof of reincarnation and past lives. In addition, consideration is given to efforts that support the positive societal change that evidence of reincarnation can bring.

Ian Stevenson, MD Honorary and Posthumous Recognition

Barbro Karlen 2008

Robert Snow 2009

Andrea, Bruce and James Leininger 2010

Carol Bowman 2011

Jeffrey Keene 2012

Peter Teekamp & Michelle Moshay 2013

Satwant Pasricha, PhD 2014

Francis Story 2015

Wayne Peterson 2016

Roy Stemman 2017

Erlendur Haraldsson, PhD 2018


Reincarnation Research Stars

MarinaDel ReyReincarnationConference2735The focus of ReincarnationResearch.com is research that provides evidence or proof of reincarnation and past lives.

Individuals who donate to ReincarnationResearch.com are our Stars. Your donations will be used to translate key independently researched reincarnation cases, including many studied by Ian Stevenson, MD of the University of Virginia, into multiple languages.

Dissemination of these reincarnation cases will help create a more peaceful world by showing that religion, nationality and ethnic affiliation can change from on lifetime to another.

The protocol for translation is described on our Mission Statement.

MarinaDel ReyReincarnationConference1735In addition, funds will be used for further development of our web site and to create an international community that supports reincarnation research and the positive social change that can result from evidence of reincarnation.

Images provided to the right are from our Reincarnation Conference held in Marina del Rey, California in October 2008.

Donate Now!

Split Incarnation or Parallel Lives, Twin Flame or Twin Soul Case of Yuvraj Kapadia | Walter Semkiw and Past Life Regression in India

Reincarnation Case Study Yuvraj Kapadia Walter Semkiw Reincarnation RegressionCase Proposed by: Walter Semkiw, MD

Affirmed by: Spirit Guide or Spirit Being Ahtun Re in a Ryerson-Semkiw Reincarnation Research Session

Article by: Walter Semkiw, MD

Through my work with Kevin Ryerson, Yuvraj Kapadia has been identified as my split, which means that Yuvraj and I derive from the same soul. Other terms for split incarnation include twin flames, twin souls or parallel lives. More can be learned about this phenomenon at: Split Incarnation

Reincarnation Research of Stevenson, MD at the University of Virginia Supports Split Incarnation

As it is an entertaining story, let me share how Yuvraj was identified as my split. In 2003, reincarnation cases involving Penny Peirce, which dramatically demonstrate the phenomenon of split incarnation, were published in my book, Return of the Revolutionaries. Later on, I learned that Ian Stevenson, MD of the University of Virginia also researched reincarnation cases that demonstrate split incarnation, though he used the term “cases with anomalous dates,” indicating that lifetimes overlapped in time.

As I studied this phenomenon, I wondered if perhaps I have a split. In a session with Kevin Ryerson, which occurred in 2004 or 2005, I asked Ahtun Re, the spirit guide channeled through Kevin, this question. I had started working with Kevin in 2001 and over time, Ahtun Re demonstrated to me the ability to make accurate past life or reincarnation identifications.

Ahtun Re said that I had a split in India who is involved in past life regression. At that time, I was planning to attend a World Congress for Regression Therapy, which was going to be held in New Delhi, India in 2006. I asked Ahtun Re if I would meet my split at this conference and he said that I would. When I received the program for the New Delhi event, I saw of photo of Yuvraj and based on a similarity in facial features, I wondered if he was my split.

In New Delhi, Yuvraj and Neeta attended my presentation and afterwards I sought them out. I explained to them my hypothesis that Yuvraj and I may be splits. They then surprised me with the following information.

Yuvraj and Neeta Kapadia receive Spiritual Guidance to Attend Walter’s Presentation on Reincarnation Research

They told me that they ran a center for past life regression and hypnosis in Mumbai and to learn as much as possible at the Congress, they intentionally went to different lectures given at the same time with the plan that they would share information afterwards. Yuvraj and Neeta made one exception. They decided to both attend my presentation as they had an intuition that they would be working with me in the future. They related that as they were listening to my presentation, which included a discussion on split incarnation, Neeta commented on how much Yuvraj and I resembled one another.

Split Incarnation, Parallel Lives, Twin Souls or Twin Flames: Parallel Paths on the Opposite Sides of the World

Reincarnation Case Study Yuvraj Kapadia Walter Semkiw Reincarnation RegressionI learned that Yuvraj went to University of Mumbai, where he won the Gold Medal in microbiology, which was given to the top student. I too studied biology as an undergraduate and did well academically. Yuvraj later switched careers and dedicated his life to reincarnation and past life regression. Similarly, though I continued to practice medicine, my greatest passion is objective evidence of reincarnation and I did serve two terms on the board of directors of IARRT, a regression organization based in the United States. In sum, though born on opposite sides the planet, we have followed similar paths.

When I informed Yuvraj that I thought that he may be my split, he paused for a few seconds, looked at me and stated, “I know this is true.” Yuvraj explained that at that moment he had received inner, intuitive confirmation that he was my split. When I returned to the United States, in a subsequent session with Kevin Ryerson, Ahtun Re also affirmed that Yuvraj Kapadia is my split.

At the World Congress for Regression Therapy held in Turkey in 2011, in his presentation, Yuvraj cited and discussed the split incarnation case of Yuvraj Kapadia | Walter Semkiw.

In the image comparisons provided on this page, Yuvraj is featured on the left side, I am on the right and in the center, a proposed past incarnation we had during the time of the American Revolution is shown.

At First Glance, Walter Thinks a Photo of Yuvraj Kapadia is a Photo of Walter

Another amusing story is that a few years later, I was at an IARRT board meeting in San Diego and I walked by a group photo of what I thought included me with a number of colleagues from India. As I walked away, I thought to myself, “I don’t remember taking that photo.” I turned around and examined the image more closely and realized that it was Yuvraj in photo, not me.

If this case of split incarnation is accepted, it shows how a soul can better accomplish chosen goals by incarnating into different places at the same time. Yuvraj and I are both promoting a better understanding of reincarnation in the two largest democracies in the world, India and the United States. Though the predominant religion in India, Hinduism, promotes the doctrine of reincarnation, past life regression has only been introduced to India approximately since the year 2000.

Sunny Satin, Blossom Furtado & Past Life Regression in India

The late Sunny Satin, pictured to the right, who lived in Southern California, helped bring regression to India. Sunny founded the California institute of Hypnosis in New Delhi. It was Sunny who organized the World Congress for Regression Therapy in New Delhi and it was he who facilitated the publication of my book, Born Again, in India. Sunny and I appeared together on CNN-IBN in 2006.

Another past life regression organization in India, located in New Delhi, is the Hypnotherapy School of India, which is headed by Blossom Furtado, another pioneer in past life regression in India. Her husband, Rock Furtado published the first version of Born Again in India.

Drs. Newton and Lakshmi Kondaveti, the Life Research Academy and Past Life Regression in India

Another couple that is invested in promoting past life regression in India is Dr. Newton Kondaveti and his wife, Dr. Lakshmi Kondaveti. Newton and Lakshmi are both trained as medical doctors, but they have dedicated their lives to past life regression and spiritual development. They have created the Life Research Academy (LRA) in Hyperabad, India.

Past life regression has the potential to heal the individual, while objective evidence of reincarnation, which demonstrates that a soul can change religion, nationality and ethnic affiliation from lifetime to lifetime, can bring societal healing to create a more peaceful world.

Yuvraj Kapadia and the EKAA Foundation

Yuvraj now operates the EKAA Foundation, which is dedicated to developing and promoting past life regression, hypnotherapy and spiritual growth.

Reincarnation Case Study Yuvraj Kapadia Walter Semkiw Reincarnation RegressionPrinciples of Reincarnation & Understanding Past Lives

Physical Resemblance in Split Incarnation Cases: Yuvraj and I have similar facial features.

Similar Talents and Interests: Yuvraj and I both did undergraduate work in biology and did well academically. We both later in life turned our energies to reincarnation research and past life regression.

Variation in Nationality and Ethnic Affiliation: My ethnic background is Ukrainian, though I was born in Chicago and am a US citizen, while Yuvraj is a native of India.

Split Incarnation: Yuvraj and I believe that we derive from the same soul.


What is the Meaning of our Lives, Past, Present and Future? How Evidence of Reincarnation can create a More Peaceful World

Article by: Walter Semkiw, MD

Written for Excellence Reporter managed by Nicolae Tanase

View Viral Video: Evidence of Reincarnation

Reincarnation Physical ResemblanceReincarnation Research of Ian Stevenson, MD

There is ample evidence based on case studies involving young children who have spontaneous memories of past lives to conclude that reincarnation is a reality. The most compelling cases come from the work of Ian Stevenson MD at the University of Virginia.

Over a period of 40 years, Dr. Stevenson traveled around the world studying young children with spontaneous memories of past lives that could be objectively validated. Approximately 1200 of these validated reincarnation cases exist, which have been meticulously documented by Dr. Stevenson. Two cases that are especially dramatic because they were followed over a period of about 30 years and demonstrate physical resemblance from one lifetime to another are:

Hanan Monsour | Suzanne Ghanem

Rashid Khaddege | Daniel Jurdi

From independently researched case studies, such as those from the University of Virginia, principles of reincarnation can be derived. These include the findings that facial features, talents and passions can remain consistent from lifetime to lifetime. Further, research shows that we reincarnate with people we have known in prior incarnations. To understand how reincarnation works, please review:

Principles of Reincarnation

How Reincarnation Research can create a More Peaceful World

One the most important findings that reincarnation research reveals is that individuals can change religion, nationality and ethnic affiliation from one lifetime to another. This observation has the potential to help create a much more peaceful world, as conflicts and war are usually based on differences in these cultural markers of identity.

Anne Frank | Barbro Karlen Past Life CaseA particularly impressive case in this regard involves the reincarnation of Anne Frank. Anne Frank was persecuted as a Jew and died in a Nazi concentration camp. In my assessment, she has reincarnated as Barbro Karlen, who was born into a Christian family in Sweden. If the Nazis knew that one could be born Jewish in one lifetime and Christian in another, then the Holocaust could not have happened. Similarly, if Muslims knew they could reincarnate as Christians or Jews and vice versa, the conflicts we witness in the Middle East would end. Please review the following pages.

Anne Frank | Barbro Karlen Reincarnation Case

Reincarnation Cases with Change of Religion, Nationality and Ethnic Affiliation

What I consider the most important independently researched reincarnation cases are compiled in my book Born Again.

The Purpose of Reincarnation

Kevin Ryerson & Meaning of Life, Walter Semkiw MD IISIS Reincarnation Case StudyThough reincarnation research sheds much light on the process of reincarnation, not all questions can be answered through evidence of past lives. For example, the number of lifetimes we go through and the overall purpose of reincarnation remains speculative.

To fill in the gaps that reincarnation research leaves open, I have used another source for information. Since 2001, I have worked with Kevin Ryerson, the trance medium who is featured in the books of Shirley MacLaine. Kevin channels a spirit guide named Ahtun Re, who I have conversed with on a monthly basis since 2001. Ahtun Re and I have vigorous dialogues and over the span of time, I have come to the conclusion that Ahtun Re is truly a spirit being separate from the consciousness of Kevin Ryerson. Ahtun Re has an encyclopedic scope of knowledge and he has also demonstrated the ability to make accurate past life matches. Cases that show this ability can be reviewed at the following page:

Core Past Life Cases Solved through Ahtun Re

A particularly fascinating case is: Reincarnation Case of Thomas Edison | Elon Musk

Dialogues I have had with Ahtun Re regarding big picture questions are summarized in my book Origin of the Soul and the Purpose of Reincarnation. In sum:

Origin of Souls

Purpose of Reincarnation Dean Radin Larry Dossey Walter Semkiw MDWhen we were created as souls, which are individual expressions of God, each of us was imbued with a certain set of energies or abilities, the sum of which I call one’s energy spectrum. These qualities predispose us to follow certain career paths and occupations. As such, musicians tend to reincarnate as musicians, scientists tend to reincarnate and pursue careers in science or technology and social activists tend to pursue activist roles across lifetimes. Much as we wake up in the morning with a personality consistent from the night before, from lifetime to lifetime, we are similar in the way that we approach life. How we express our energies can be altered by the genetic inheritance and life circumstances we are born with.

Reincarnation and the Establishment of Identity

In early phases of incarnation a chief task is to develop a stable sense of identity. Imagine if in your contemporary lifetime you have no memories of what happened prior to the current moment. You would not have a sense of identity. Experiences through a series of lifetimes builds identity. Identity is commonly based on the religion, nationality and the ethnicity that we are born into. When we are still immature souls, identification with these factors can be too strong, causing separation and conflict. We forget that we all originate from one source.

As we reincarnate, we can make mistakes and hurt others generating karma that must be worked out in future incarnations.

Just as a child must go through school and learn from mistakes in the course of becoming a self-sufficient human being, we as souls develop through the school of Earth life.

Becoming a Universal Soul through Reincarnation

After we establish a strong identity, develop our set of skills to a sufficient degree, work off karma and finally achieve an all-encompassing love of humanity, we no longer have to reincarnate and can instead pursue further experience and growth in the spiritual realms. On average, Ahtun Re says that it takes about 100 lifetimes to reach this point in development. This number can vary significantly based on the earnestness that a soul pursues spiritual growth and evolution through its incarnations.

Many, though, still choose to reincarnate, even when they don’t have to, in order to pursue projects to help humanity evolve. Ahtun Re estimates that at least 20% of the population on Earth is here on a voluntary basis.

Meaning of Life by Walter Semkiw, MD IISIS Reincarnation Case StudyReincarnation: Enjoy the Journey

There are times when life can be very hard. During these episodes, we may dread having to reincarnate, but we do so at the behest of our own souls. As such, we should try to keep things in perspective, be kind to others and enjoy the journey as much as possible.

Walter Semkiw, MD April 7, 2015

Reincarnation Cases of David O. Selznick | Ben Stiller & Alfred Hitchcock | Oren Moverman

Ben Stiller as Reincarnation of David O. Selznick, IISIS Walter Semkiw, MDProposed by: Walter Semkiw, MD

Affirmed by: Spirit Guide or Spirit Being Ahtun Re in a Ryerson-Semkiw Reincarnation Research and Session

Article by: Walter Semkiw, MD

Evidence of Reincarnation can Help Create a More Peaceful World

In 2010, I placed an advertisement for ReincarnationResearch.com in the Hollywood Reporter ‘s philanthropy issue to seek donations to fund translation of key independently derived reincarnation cases, such as those researched by Ian Stevenson, MD of the University of Virginia, into multiple languages. Since these cases show that a soul can change religion, nationality and ethnic affiliation from one incarnation to another, evidence of reincarnation can help create a more peaceful world. An especially powerful case in this regard is the: Reincarnation Case of Anne Frank | Barbro Karlen

The work of Ian Stevenson, MD and the Anne Frank Barbro Karlen case is featured in the viral reincarnation research video:

Evidence of Reincarnation

To have a positive impact, though, these independently researched reincarnation cases have to be made available to people of diverse cultures.

The ReincarnationResearch.com website page, Principles of Reincarnation, with the 23 independently researched reincarnation cases that are cited, form the template for our translation efforts.

Past Life Attraction: Ben Stiller and the Biopic on David O. Selznick

With the placement of the ad, I was given a complimentary subscription to the Hollywood Reporter. In the November 4, 2011 issue I was struck by an article on Ben Stiller, who was described as “an astute, driven filmmaker,” which is very different from his public, comic persona. My curiosity was further piqued by the following line:

“Two of his favorite future films have show business at their heart, each centered on a larger-than-life character whose moral ambivalence intrigues Stiller and whose drive is perhaps something he relates to. One is about David O. Selznick, the obsessive producer of Gone with the Wind.” (1)

I then read a different article in which it was stated that Stiller very much wants to be involved in the production of this movie on the life of David O. Selznick and is even considering playing the lead role of Selznick.

Affinity Reincarnation Cases: Attraction to One’s Own Past Life

There is a category of reincarnation cases that I term “affinity cases,” in which an individual is attracted to their own past life persona. One example involves the reincarnation case of Dorothy Dandridge | Halle Barry and two others involve the reincarnations of Laurel and Hardy. In this light, I wondered if Stiller might be the reincarnation of Selznick.

I noted that the shape of Ben Stiller’s face is similar to that of Selznick, though Selznick was much heavier in weight then is Stiller. The reincarnation case of Oliver Hardy | Danny Bacher demonstrates how facial architecture can remain the same from lifetime to lifetime, though appearance can vary due to body weight. As with Stiller, Danny is not nearly as heavy as Ollie was.

Spirit Being Ahtun Re Affirms Ben Stiller as the Reincarnation of David O. Selznick

Ben Stiller as Reincarnation of David O. Selznick, IISIS Walter Semkiw, MDIn a session with Kevin Ryerson, I asked about this proposed match and Ahtun Re, a spirit guide channeled through Kevin who has demonstrated an ability to make accurate past life matches, affirmed that Ben Stiller is the reincarnation of David O. Selznick. I then became excited about trying to find members of Selznick’s soul group reincarnated around Stiller. For example, it was Selznick who brought Alfred Hitchcock from England, introduced him to American audiences and made him one of the most famous directors in the world.

Oren Moverman as the Reincarnation of Alfred Hitchcock

In investigating possible soul group connections, I started with the movie that is being planned about Selznick. I learned that the screenplay was written by Pulitzer Prizewinning playwright Donald Margulies. Further, I read that an Israeli filmmaker, Oren Moverman, had rewritten Margulies’ screenplay and was being considered to direct the movie on Selznick.

I noted that Moverman bears a strong resemblance to Alfred Hitchcock, with the variation that Hitchcock was extremely overweight and Moverman is not. Like Hitchcock, Moverman started as a journalist and then moved into screenwriting and movie direction. In the session with Kevin Ryerson, Ahtun Re verified my hypothesis that Oren Moverman is the reincarnation of Alfred Hitchcock.

Ben Stiller as Reincarnation of David O. Selznick, IISIS Walter Semkiw, MDPrinciples of Reincarnation & Understanding Past Lives

Physical Resemblance from One Lifetime to Another: There are similarities in facial features in the cases of David O. Selznik | Ben Stiller and Alfred Hitchcock | Oren Moverman.

Innate Past Life Talent: Similar talents in film making are demonstrated in these reincarnation cases from one lifetime to another.

Renewal of Relationships through Reincarnation: If these cases are accepted, then a collaboration from an earlier era has been renewed in contemporary times

Change in Nationality from One Incarnation to Another: Alfred Hitchcock was born in England, while Oren Moverman was born in Israel.

Split Incarnation: The lifetimes of Alfred Hitchcock and Oren Moverman overlap by about 16 years.



Reincarnation Case of Ludwig Leichhardt | Darrell Lewis: Australian Explorers Across Two Lifetimes

Proposed by: Terry Olesen, PhD, of Perth, West Australia

Affirmed by: Spirit Guide or Spirit Being Ahtun Re in a Ryerson-Semkiw Reincarnation Research Session

Article by: Terry Olesen, PhD

Ludwig Leichhardt and his Exploration of Australia

IISIS Reincarnation Case Study Ludwig Leichhardt Darrell LewisThe exploration of Australia has a long and noble history of explorers scouting its vast reaches. I read the intriguing story of one such nineteenth century “Age of Discovery” explorer, Dr. Ludwig Leichhardt, covered in the August 17 2013 edition of Australian Weekend Magazine. This article suggests not one man’s life story of exploration–but two, seemingly in parallel.

There was Leichhardt’s (b. 1813 – d.1848?) exploration of “Down Under” in the middle of the 1800s. Then there was the equally captivating modern journeys of his biographer 160 years later, cultural historian and de facto folk archaeologist, Dr. Darrell Lewis (b. 1949).

Whilst the content of the two men’s stories were striking in and of itself, even more striking was the scientific curiosity, love of the natural world, travel lust and drive that both men demonstrated. A comparison of the facial architecture between Dr. Leichhardt (via sketches and daguerreotypes) and Dr. Lewis (photographs, video recordings) are amazingly similar.

I believe this to be, as Ian Stevenson, MD would say, “A Case Suggestive of Reincarnation.”

Reincarnation Indicators in the Proposed Case of Ludwig Leichhardt | Darrell Lewis

In reviewing this case I wanted to rely on the protocols established/codified by Walter Semkiw, MD. Walter Semkiw has listed these indicators as Principles of Reincarnation. I describe now this case in detail and how the indicators “‘match up” in the lives of both men. At the end of this article I provide a summary of the indicators and make some conclusions. I also enclose an early map of Australia, and the sources from which I draw this case study.

The Journey of Ludwig Leichhardt: Explorer, Naturalist & Researcher of the Australia Outback

Australia Ludwig Leichhardt Darrell Lewis IISIS Reincarnation CaseThe Australian Weekend Magazine began by quoting the modern day personality Darrell Lewis:

“In 1848 an expedition led by German-born scientist Ludwig Leichhardt set out from Moreton Bay (Brisbane) with the intention of crossing the continent to the Swan River (Perth). The mission?: A 500 km east-to-west scientific expedition on horseback covering the virtually unknown Australian center. The trip was expected to take two to three years, but instead the entire expedition disappeared and its fate remains a mystery to this day.”

It is now recognised that in his time Leichhardt was the best-trained scientist-explorer that blessed Australia, having studied under many of the most eminent European scientists and being schooled during the Age of Discovery. He was a mere lad of 20-something when he arrived. Leichardt was the Indiana Jones of white Australia’s settlement.

Yet his demise and story became an enduring mystery that has segued into legend. It is speculated that the party met a grisly or dire end (starvation, disease, being waylaid). However their remains and expedition gear were never found. This is somewhat surprising given that the Leichhardt Expedition consisted of seven well-prepared men, eight horses, 20 mules, five camels and enough gear/supplies to last the three years of effort.

Over the last 150 years the Leichhardt exploration mystery has nibbled at the Australian collective unconscious. Three government and close to a half-dozen private expeditions have since tried to retrace and uncover Leichhardt & Company’s final fate. None of these forays were successful in determining how Leichhardt’s Party ended their journey, what they learned or discovered (Leichardt’s habit was to keep meticulous records of his scientific, geographic and cultural findings in leather-bound notebooks).

Ludwig Leichhardt’s Brass Gun Plate is Found

7-ludwig-leichhardt-gun-name-plate-reincarnation-caseSome 150 years after his death, in the late 1990s a South Australian museum chanced upon a final vestige of that Expedition: a brass gun plate clearly bearing Leichhardt’s name and the date 1848. Curators, physical scientists and archaeologists are agreed the find is authentic.

Aboriginal groups claim it was found in Western Australia in the Tanami Desert/Sturt River area, a location far from where most commentators thought Leichardt would have ended up. This is accepted by the modern-day personality/biographer Lewis; however, the many other team artifacts were never located.

The original Aboriginal man who found the object was a stockman who is unlikely to be a forger or a liar. Experts indicate the plate was said to be taken from a tree from which hung a burnt rifle stock and a leather sling. The tree in question, a Boab tree (aka Bottle Tree), was thought to be non-native to the region but later research showed these trees are still extant in the Tanami Desert. Lewis among others has searched this area for such a tree, as Leichhardt often left his landmarks on such trees with an emblazoned “L.”

Where have the artifacts from such a large party gone? The Australian Weekend Magazine writer Nicholas Rothwell ends his piece “and perhaps that last tree is still there, somewhere, still awaiting its discoverer, lost in the desert’s hazy, mirage-like light, an ancient, weathered witness, with a spectral “L” mark blazed upon its trunk.”

The Journey of Darrell Lewis: Australian Academic, Field Hand & Historian, 1947-present

IISIS Reincarnation Case Study Ludwig Leichhardt Darrell LewisNicholas Rothwell covers the biography of Darrell Lewis at length in the August 2013 issue of Weekend Australian Magazine. I will only summarise it here.

Born in 1949 in Wagga Wagga, New South Wales, Darrell Lewis was introduced to Australian outback history, as well as gun-smithing, early on. In his teens, he became an apprentice plumber. This he hated. Fortunately at the end of his fifth year of plumbing “a boon” fell into his lap; he was hired to be a geologist/surveyor for the Bureau of Mineral Resources in the vast area known as the Victoria River District, or VRD. There he was introduced to hydrographical exploration and natural history fieldwork. He wrote: “…I was high; I was going to the Outback: it was a wonderful adventure. I was looking intently. I saw it all: new animals, the change in vegetation, and the rocks.”

The following year Lewis was transferred to the very most northern end of Australia, Arnhem Land. Rothwell said of this turning point: “He saw the region’s rich rock art, and was overwhelmed. He was meeting great Scholars and Scientists, and spending his days with wild bush characters…traditional Aboriginal people living on their own country. The past he had lamented down in the Riverina (Victoria) wasn’t ‘past’ at all up north.” The Northern Territory Museum hired Lewis as site recorder for state museum; the natural and cultural history of the “Top End” became his special focus, just as it had been for Leichardt 140 years earlier.

Déjà Vu: Darrell Lewis Becomes the Expert that Ludwig Leichhardt Strove to Be

IISIS Reincarnation Case Study Ludwig Leichhardt Darrell LewisHere is where the stories of the two men overlap to an uncanny extent. As part of his job as a museum researcher, Lewis, according to Rothwell, “headed far into that [Northern Territory] landscape. He rediscovered the old forgotten station tracks and homestead ruins…he became a detective of its past. He tracked down northern Cattlemen from early days and picked their memories. He minded the archives. Slowly, surely he was reinventing himself—from an amateur he became an expert.” [Italics added]

Now in his late 20s Lewis found himself needing credentials to be more widely heard. He enrolled at a leading scientific institution, the Australian National University (ANU). Lewis finished with distinction honours and then married American Anthropologist Deborah Bird Rose.

Ludwig Leichhardt & Darrell Lewis: Meticulous Researchers

They migrated north to Queensland to study Aboriginal cultures firsthand. While in the “top end” he continued his burning desire to research native culture and their artifacts. Rothwell notes that Lewis had such a tendency toward thoroughness, that he (Lewis) complied a “kind of Domesday Book for the Victoria River Districts containing every surviving scrap of information about the old runs and homesteads, their managers and their vivid history, containing not just official records but the recollections of ‘remarkable but little known bushmen’ along with an archive of 6,000 period photos.”

Rothwell then quotes Lewis on this tendency: “I like to capture memories that would otherwise be lost….to pin down stories with hard proof, find their material traces in the landscape. Tie up the loose ends, finish off the stories we find out in the country, just lying there.” [Italics added].

Darrell Lewis on the Trail of Ludwig Leichhardt

Sometime in 2003 Lewis stumbled upon a letter of 1890 written by botanist Ferdinand von Mueller, a letter which suggested Leichhardt’s final resting place to be near Lake Mackay in the deserts of Western Australia (See Map). Again almost compulsively Lewis undertook a ravenous and widespread investigation of archives and accounts related to Leichardt’s itinerary and intentions.

From this Lewis constructed a non-traditional but quite feasible alternative theory. Lewis’s belief was that Leichhardt and Company had successfully journeyed across the top end of Australia skirting the top end river catchments and moving through savannah. Lewis concluded and now argues that the Party met their end somewhere in the Tanami Desert, at the southern tip of the somewhat diminished Sturt River. About two years following Lewis’s new narrative based on the von Mueller letter, the South Australia Museum obtained the brass gun plate bearing Leichhardt’s name.

Spirit Being or Spirit Guide Intervention in Reincarnation Cases

From a spiritual point of view, one may speculate that such pieces of “evidence,” such as the brass gun plate with Leichhardt’s name on it, were discovered through the intervention of “invisible hands” or synchronicities orchestrated by the spiritual worlds, a phenomenon observed in, as Dr. Semkiw calls them, “affinity cases,” where a person is unconsciously attracted to their own past life persona. To learn more, go to: Spirit Beings in Reincarnation Cases

Ludwig Leichhardt | Darrell Lewis as a Proposed Affinity Reincarnation Case & Where is Ludwig Leichhardt? by Darrell Lewis

5 What Happened to Ludwig Leichhardt Darrell Lewis2003 Darryl Lewis graduated with a PhD in Cultural History from the ANU. His thesis has become the basis for his book, Where is Ludwig Leichardt?

While Lewis himself admits the brass gun plate doesn’t establish the Leichardt Expedition’s final resting place, it does offer a view of the journey that Leichardt had indeed made an East-West Passage a reality. (Something that many at the time hoped Leichardt could and would do; but later many doubted. Could the “soul” of Leichardt be seeking to set the record straight?)

Darryl Lewis in his book argues strongly that Leichhardt had indeed reached the furthest West frontier of the huge island continent (it was in UK courts referred to as Terra Nullius (“Great Empty Land”). Due to a combination of physical accident, robbery and perhaps heat exhaustion the team failed to complete the final 2550 kilometres to the Swan River Colony, just north of Perth. Yet since the publication of Lewis’s book and Rothwell’s article, the Leichhardt Legend has gone viral in the Australian mind– at least among historians, writers, bush legend readers, and adventurers.

Finally at the end of his article Rothwell quotes Lewis as citing again the Aboriginal oral history; this basically recites (I don’t yet have the exact text) that a band of “perished horsemen” could not negotiate the remote desert landscape near Lake Mackay after travelling down from Sturt Creek. (Note to Reader: Native Aboriginals did NOT have means to travel by horses in 1848; horses were both a rarity and non-native to Australia).

Match Ups or Correlates between Ludwig Leichhardt & Darrell Lewis

In keeping with the Semkiw Reincarnation Principles (Indicators) I outline below points where I found matches between the two personalities/lifetimes on several indicators. It is obvious that the matches are many.

Facial architecture is the same (physical resemblance)

Both were driven to become experts in their fields

Both had a tendency to read and analyze archives

Both immersed themselves in the natural sciences including geology and hydrology, with an emphasis on the study of rivers

Both explored uncharted lands with a love for the wilderness

Both organized extensive expeditions with skill and with the use of pack animals

Both were “hands on” people and both were skillful with firearms

Both used anthropological methods with careful recording using journals

Both were published by scientific societies

Both men “discovered” their calling toward natural science via “hands on” exploration in their early 20s,

Both left the comfort of Anglo-European culture,

Both had/have similar fascinations with natural history of Australia,

Both associated with experts in cultural anthropology and universities,

Both demonstrate ability to live in wild reaches (again almost entirely in Australia, not elsewhere).

Summary/Final Note

I have more work to do in this investigation. For now, we can see the many overlapping facets in both men’s life pathways. In addition, this case features what Dr. Semkiw calls an “anniverary phenomenon,” in that Darrell Lewis was born 100 years after Leichardt’s death. Leichardt died in 1848 or 1849, while Lewis was born in 1949.

I note with particular interest the fact that gun paraphernalia was an early interest of D. Lewis.  It was a piece of paraphernalia, namely the gun brass name plate with Leichardt’s name on it, that is a most important piece of evidence in retracing the path of Leichhardt’s final expedition. I also note that Lewis’s grand life project is to shed light on Leichardt’s journey. As noted, his book is entitled, Where is Dr. Leichhardt.

It’s as if Lewis/Leichardt is trying to come to terms with his own earlier (undesired?) death. I note that Leichardt would have disliked the idea of his findings being waylaid, abandoned or destroyed. This would have concerned Leichardt greatly.

I feel as a reincarnation researcher that it would be of great benefit if Dr. Lewis agreed to be interviewed to shed light on how he became so motivated to explore a dead explorer’s life for half of his own life. As noted before, if this case is valid, it demonstrates another of Dr. Semkiw’s principles, in which an individual is unconsciously attracted to their own past incarnation. Semkiw terms these types of cases “affinity cases.” Two other affinity cases include those of Halle Berry and Laurel and Hardy. Links to these cases are provided below:

Dorothy Dandridge | Halle Berry

Laurel and Hardy | Josh and Danny Bacher

Note by Walter Semkiw, MD: Darrell Lewis Affirmed as the Reincarnation of Ludwig Leichhardt

Reincarnation Case Study Ludwig Leichhardt Darrell LewisIn a session with Kevin Ryerson, Ahtun Re, a spirit guide or spirit being channeled through Kevin who has demonstrated an ability to make past life identifications with a high degree of accuracy, agreed that Darrell Lewis is the reincarnation of Ludwig Leichhart. To learn more about my work with Kevin and Ahtun Re, go to: Ryerson-Semkiw Reincarnation Research

Principles of Reincarnation & Understanding Past Lives

Physical Resemblance in Reincarnation Cases: There is a similarity in bone structure, or facial architecture, shared by Darrell Lewis and Ludwig Leichhardt. Younger images of Darrell Lewis would likely show a more impressive physical resemblance.

In addition, Leichhardt and Lewis have worn very similar beards. Reincarnation research shows that men, from one lifetime to another, often maintain the same facial hair. Examples include:

Explorer Reincarnation Case of Sir George Wilkins | Astronaut Edgar Mitchell

Reincarnation Case of General John B. Gordon | Jeff Keene

Police Captain Robert Snow as the Reincarnation of Carroll Beckwith

Past Life Talent: As described above, Darrell Lewis shares many skills, abilities and interests with Ludwig Leichhardt.

Change in Nationality and Ethnic Affiliation: Leichhardt was German, while Lewis was born in Australia.


Aboriginal History – Volume 37. Chapter: “Where is Dr Leichhardt? The Greatest Mystery in Australian History.” Edited by Shino Kohiro. Australian National University, 2013.

Lagan, Bernard. What really happened to Ludwig Leichhardt? He went missing in the Australian desert and inspired Patrick White’s greatest novel. Where did he go? The Global Mail(theguardian.com), Friday 31 May 2013.

Lewis, Darrell. The Fate of Leichhardt, Historical Records of Australian Science 17(1) 1 – 30
2 June 2006

Rothwell, Nicholas. “L” Marks the Spot. The Weekend Australian Magazine. 17-18 August 2013.