Brenda ie-McRae CCHt, Biography in Indonesian-Reincarnation Research Board

ReincarnationResearchInternationalAdvisoryBoardBrendaie-McRaeCCHtBrenda ie-McRae, CCHt lahir dan besar di Jakarta, Indonesia. Dia baru saja kembali ke Jakarta bulan Juni 2009 setelah tinggal in California, USA selama 6 tahun terakhir ini dan bersama suaminya, Scott McRae, CHt yang juga merupakan Certified Master Hypnotherapist, mereka membuka praktek pribadi di Jakarta,

Brenda adalah seorang Certified Regression Specialist & Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist dari Hypnotherapy Training Institute (HTI) di Amerika dan member dari the American Certified Hypnotist Examiners (A.C.H.E). Ia juga seorang Certified Regression Hypnotherapist dari International Association for Regression Research & Therapies (IARRT) ~ Amerika. Lembaga yang diakui sebagai pusatnya para Regression Hypnotherapist di dunia.

Ia juga mengikuti training dari Newton Institute untuk aplikasi Life Between Lives di Amerika, juga telah ditraining untuk Body&Mind Energy Integration.

Brenda merupakan pelopor Regression/Past life therapist di Jakarta dan di Indonesia sebelum ia pindah ke Amerika. Ia adalah pembicara tunggal pada salah satu seminar yang sangat sukses di awal tahun 2004 di Jakarta yang dihadiri oleh lebih dari 800 orang, mempromosikan Regression Hypnotherapy dan pada saat itu sudah ada beberapa kliennya yang datang untuk mencari soulmate, mengatasi masalah phobia, mengontrol berat badan dan juga mengerti tujuan kehidupan ini.

Diantara spesialisasi Brenda adalah: Past Life Regression Therapy (termasuk Life Between Lives), Mengatasi Phobia / Ketakutan (akan Air, Ketinggian, Api, Ruangan tertutup, dll), Mengurangi Stress, Menghilangkan kebiasaan (Merokok, Menggigit Kuku, Minum Alkohol, Jalan selagi tidur (Sleepwalk) dll), Menemukan dan Mengerti tujuan hidup, Melepaskan emosi/energie negatif, Memperbaiki Ketrampilan / Talenta, Kemahiran dalam menggunakan healing energy di pikiran untuk penyembuhan, Mengatasi Kesakitan dan masih banyak lagi.

Ia juga mempelajari tehnik meditasi dari beberapa guru yang membuatnya menjadi seorang terapis yang penuh perhatian untuk membantu para kliennya semaksimal mungkin. Ia selalu memperdalam tehnik penyembuhan yang bisa membantu para kliennya melepaskan masalah dan penderitaan mereka. Ia belajar banyak dari para gurunya untuk selalu menjadi rendah hati dan bisa membantu banyak orang di kehidupan ini.

Brenda sangat menyukai Kupu-kupu dan baginya, Kupu-kupu adalah simbol Transformasi kehidupan; seperti ulat kepompong yang berubah menjadi Kupu-kupu yang merdeka dan indah. Seperti itulah ia menggambarkan klien yang datang kepadanya…


Brenda bisa dihubungi di 0816-764510 /



Past Life Regression Therapist and Providers Directories

Article by Walter Semkiw, MD

Past Life Regression

Past life regression is defined and discussed at the following page: Who was I in a Past Life?

As a service, directories of past life regression providers are provided below. We do not certify these providers and as such, each individual must assess the qualifications of each provider on their own.

Past Life Regression Therapist Directories-International

Earth Association for Regression Therapy (EARTh)

International Board for Regression Therapy

Past Life Regression Academy

Past Life Regression Therapists Association

Spiritual Regression Therapy Association

Past Life Regression Therapist Directories-Asia, India & Sri Lanka

Hypnotherapy School of India (includes Asia)

College of Professional Hypnotherapists, Sri Lanka

Past Life Regression in Turkey


Reincarnation Research International Board-Indonesia: Brenda ie McRae, English Version

IISISReincarnationResearchInternationalAdvisoryBoardBrendaie-McRaeCCHtBrenda ie McRae, Past Regression Therapist, Biography in Indonesian Language

Brenda ie-McRae, CCHt was born and grew up in Jakarta, Indonesia. After spending six years in California in the Oceanside area, she returned to Jakarta in June 2009. There, Brenda and her husband, Scott McRae, CHt, who is also a Certified Master Hypnotherapist, have opened a hypnotherapy and past life regression practice

Brenda is a Certified Regression Specialist & Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist through the Hypnotherapy Training Institute (HTI) and she is a member of the American Certified Hypnotist Examiners (ACHE). She is also a Certified Regression Hypnotherapist by International Association for Regression Research & Therapies (IARRT). Brenda has also trained at the Newton Institute for Life Between Lives in the United States.

Brenda has been one of the pioneers in the past life regression therapy in Indonesia. She was the sole speaker at a very successful past life regression and hypnotherapy seminar held in Jakarta, in 2004, which was attended by about 800 people. Topics Brenda addressed included soul mate search, phobia issues, weight control and life understanding.

Among Brenda’s areas of specialities are past life regression therapy, including life between lives regressions, overcoming phobias (of water, heights, fire, closed spaces, etc), stress reduction, getting rid of bad habits (smoking, nail-bitting, alcohol abuse, sleepwalking, etc), finding and understanding life purpose, releasing negative emotions and energy, enhancing talents and skills, relationship issues, working with natural healing energies, therapeutic guided imagery and pain management.

She learned meditation techniques from wonderful teachers who have helped her become a grounded, caring and compassionate facilitator for her clients. She is humbled by having had the opportunity to have studied with such teachers.

Brenda is passionate about learning and applying combined therapeutic methods to help heal her clients of suffering. On a personal level, Brenda loves butterflies as they are a symbol of life transformation. Just as a caterpillar transforms to a beautiful butterfly which enjoys freedom, she hopes to help her clients transform in a similar way.

Of interest, Brenda and Handaka Vijjananda organized a Indonesian tour on past life regression therapy and evidence of reincarnation, which included Scott McRae and Walter Semkiw, MD, in 2009.

Brenda’s Contact Information

Phone +62-0816-764510

E Mail:


Past Life Regression & Who was I in My Past Life or Lives?

Article by Walter Semkiw, MD

How to Find a Past Life Identity

Of all the E-mail messages that I field through the Reincarnation Research website, the question most frequently posed is: “Who was I in a past life?”

For those who do not have spontaneous memories of past lives, there are basically two ways to learn of past lifetimes. One is by undergoing a past life regression and the second is to consult with a psychic or a medium who has the ability to identify past lives of clients. Let me explain the advantages and pitfalls of each of these two methods.

pastliferegressionIISISreincarnationcasesevidencePast Life Regression

In a past life regression, a regression facilitator or therapist takes a client through a guided visualization in the hope that in a relaxed, meditative state, the client will recovery past life experiences. The client sits in a comfortable chair and is advised to close their eyes.

Often the suggetion is made by the facilitator that the client cross a bridge or go into an elevator. On the other side of the bridge or on the floor the elevator opens, a past life scene may be experienced.

IISISReincarnationResearchPastLifeRegressionBridgePast life memories are often visual, consisting of past life scenes. Facts such as specific names, geographic locations and dates, which would allow the client to research and try to validate the past life experience, are harder to access through regression. The advantage of a past life regression is that if it is successful, the client can have a vivid and personal experience of a past incarnation. Past life regression, by the way, is considered a form of hypnosis.

On the other hand, false information can be obtained through past life regression and in fact, Ian Stevenson, MD had the opinion that regression was not a useful tool for reincarnation research. The reason is that it is very easy for the individual undergoing regression to fabricate memories. As the job of the past life regression therapist or facilitator is to help coax past life memories from the client, the client can feel pressured or obliged to report past life memories. If spontaneous memories do not arise, at times, fabricated memories are provided in order to make the session feel successful to both the client and the therapist.

In my opinion, past life identities garnered from past life regression should meet criteria that are outlined in: Principles of Reincarnation

Reincarnation Cases Solved though Past Life Regression

Though Ian Stevenson, MD was skeptical regarding past life regression, there are very strong reincarnation cases derived through regressions. One such case involves Police Captain Robert Snow, who was featured on Katie Couric’s TV show in September 2013. His reincarnation case provides evidence that past lives can indeed be accessed through past life regression. This case be reviewed at:

Robert Snow past life regression reincarnatoin case The Reincarnation Case of Carroll Beckwith | Robert Snow

Past Life Regression Video

In my opinion, the best description of what it is like to undergo a past life regression is found in a video of Robert Snow telling his story. To view, go to:

Police Captain Robert Snow’s Past Life Regression Experience Video

Xenoglossy Reincarnation Cases Solved through Hypnosis or Meditation

Xenoglossy is the ability to speak a language that was not learned in the contemporary lifetime. These cases are considered to provide strong evidence of reincarnation. Three Ian Stevenson xenoglossy cases derived through hypnosis or mediation, techniques which are related to past life regression, include:

Xenoglossy Reincarnation Case of Sharada | Uttara Huddar 

Xenoglossy Reincarnation Case of Jensen Jacoby | TE

Xenoglossy Reincarnation Case of Gretchen Gottlieb | Dolores Jay

Does the Past Life Regression Facilitator need to be a Licensed Mental Health Professional?

One other point of caution relates to the term “past life regression therapist,” as most individuals who conduct regressions are not licensed mental health professions. The vast majority are lay people who may or may not have training in psychology, but who have a keen interest in reincarnation and the desire to be of service.

This is not an issue if the client is emotionally stable and goes for the regression out of a curiosity regarding past lives. On the other hand, individuals who do have emotional or psychiatric problems should only go to a past life regression faciltator who is also a licensed mental health professional. For a worldwide directory of past life regression facilitators, go to:

Past Life Regression Therapist and Provider Directory

Past Life Information from Psychics or Mediums-John Edward

john edward medium crossing over IISIS Reincarnation CaseAnother way to learn about past lives is to go to a clairvoyant, someone who has the ability to access information through extrasensory means. Let us define a psychic as an individual who can access information directly, while a medium is someone who works with a group of spirit beings who gather information for the medium. These spirit beings then telepathically send this information to the medium, who then passes it on to the client. A famous medium who works in manner way, pictured to the right, is: John Edward, of the TV show Crossing Over

I do believe that some psychics and mediums do have the talent to make accurate past life identifications, but the problem is that unless an individual has extensive experience with a particular psychic or medium, so that they have the opportunity to assess the accuracy of this individual over time, it is difficult to know whether information provided is valid.

Past Life Landmark Associations

An issue that can arise is that a psychic or medium may falsely inform the client that they were a famous personality in a past incarnation. This does not always occur because the psychic or medium is consciously trying to mislead the client. Many times this occurs because of what I call “landmark associations,” where the famous individual serves as a landmark for the client’s incarnation. For example, rather than being Cleopatra, the client may have been Cleopatra’s advisor or friend. This landmark association phenomenon can also occur with past life regressions.

The Research of Gary E. Schwartz, PhD, of the University of Arizona: HBO Experiments involving John Edward & Other Mediums

To learn more about assessing the accuracy of mediums and psychics, go to: The Afterlife Experiments of Gary E. Schwartz, PhD

Past Life Identity Information Derived through Kevin Ryerson & Ahtun Re

Kevin Ryerson, IISIS Reincarnation ResearchKevin-RyersonI can give a recommendation for one medium, Kevin Ryerson, pictured to the right, who I’ve worked with since 2001. Kevin is a trance medium, which means that he goes into a meditative state and allows spirit beings to use his body to communicate with human beings. The term “channeling” is often used to describe this phenomenon. Kevin is not conscious during this process and he does not remember what occurs during the trance channeling session.

Kevin channels a spirit guide named Ahtun Re and in my work with him, which now has spanned well over a decade, I have made the assessment that Ahtun Re can make past life matches with a high degree of accuracy. At times, Ahtun Re can give specific past life names, dates and locations, which allows the client to factually validate the past lifetime. In other cases, Ahtun Re can identify an individual’s past life era, geographic location, occupation, important past life relationships and other personal details which can allow the client to research potential candidates for the identified past lifetime.

Follow-up sessions with Kevin and Ahtun Re can lead to validation of past life candidates or clarification of where else to look. Please let me share that I get no financial remuneration, or payback, for referrals to Kevin, nor do I get a discount regarding my own sessions with Kevin. As mentioned before, identifed past life cases should meet criteria found in: Principles of Reincarnation

Cases that Demonstrate Ahtun Re’s Accuracy in making Past Life Identifications

Under the Celebrity Reincarnation Cases category, my work with Kevin and Ahtun Re is described further. A set of Core Cases solved through Ahtun Re has been assembled which are particularly impressive. These include:

Past Life for Ralph Nader

Past Life for Michael Jackson

Contemporary Lives for the Comedy Team Laurel & Hardy

Kevin does all sessions via telephone, which are as good as in person. He calls these Tele-Readings and they can be arranged for through is web site.

Origin of the Soul and the Purpose of Reincarnation

Once I came to the conclusion that Ahtun Re is truly an extremely intelligent spirit being separate from Kevin Ryerson, I decided to ask him big questions regarding reincarnation and the the purpose of life. My dialogues with Ahtun Re are featured in my book:

Origin of the Soul and the Purpose of Reincarnation

Celebrity Reincarnation Cases

At this point, let me explain that I have done a great deal of work with Kevin and Ahtun Re on celebrity reincarnation cases because we live in a celebrity driven culture and I believe these types of cases will draw interest. My primary motivation in using celebrity cases is to bring attention to independently researched reincarnation cases and in particular, the work of Ian Stevenson and his study of children with spontaneous past life memories that have been factually validated. In my opinion, Dr. Stevenson’s reincarnation cases, in aggregate, provide evidence and proof of reincarnation.

Ryerson-Semkiw Celebrity Reincarnation Cases

earth-from-spaceReincarnation Research Can Make the World More Peaceful and Tolerant

A primary reason why I want to draw attention to reincarnation research is because it shows that we can change religion, nationality, gender, race and ethnic affiliation from one lifetime to another. A link to these types of cases is provided below. This observation can help make the world a more peaceful place, as wars are usually based on differences in these cultural markers of identity. A particularly important past life case in this regard is the: Reincarnation Case of Anne Frank | Barbro

Reincarnation Cases with Change in Religion, Nationality, Race and Ethnicity

Reincarnation Research Home

Split Incarnation or Parallel Lives, Twin Flame or Twin Soul Case of Yuvraj Kapadia | Walter Semkiw and Past Life Regression in India

Reincarnation Case Study Yuvraj Kapadia Walter Semkiw Reincarnation RegressionCase Proposed by: Walter Semkiw, MD

Affirmed by: Spirit Guide or Spirit Being Ahtun Re in a Ryerson-Semkiw Reincarnation Research Session

Article by: Walter Semkiw, MD

Through my work with Kevin Ryerson, Yuvraj Kapadia has been identified as my split, which means that Yuvraj and I derive from the same soul. Other terms for split incarnation include twin flames, twin souls or parallel lives. More can be learned about this phenomenon at: Split Incarnation

Reincarnation Research of Stevenson, MD at the University of Virginia Supports Split Incarnation

As it is an entertaining story, let me share how Yuvraj was identified as my split. In 2003, reincarnation cases involving Penny Peirce, which dramatically demonstrate the phenomenon of split incarnation, were published in my book, Return of the Revolutionaries. Later on, I learned that Ian Stevenson, MD of the University of Virginia also researched reincarnation cases that demonstrate split incarnation, though he used the term “cases with anomalous dates,” indicating that lifetimes overlapped in time.

As I studied this phenomenon, I wondered if perhaps I have a split. In a session with Kevin Ryerson, which occurred in 2004 or 2005, I asked Ahtun Re, the spirit guide channeled through Kevin, this question. I had started working with Kevin in 2001 and over time, Ahtun Re demonstrated to me the ability to make accurate past life or reincarnation identifications.

Ahtun Re said that I had a split in India who is involved in past life regression. At that time, I was planning to attend a World Congress for Regression Therapy, which was going to be held in New Delhi, India in 2006. I asked Ahtun Re if I would meet my split at this conference and he said that I would. When I received the program for the New Delhi event, I saw of photo of Yuvraj and based on a similarity in facial features, I wondered if he was my split.

In New Delhi, Yuvraj and Neeta attended my presentation and afterwards I sought them out. I explained to them my hypothesis that Yuvraj and I may be splits. They then surprised me with the following information.

Yuvraj and Neeta Kapadia receive Spiritual Guidance to Attend Walter’s Presentation on Reincarnation Research

They told me that they ran a center for past life regression and hypnosis in Mumbai and to learn as much as possible at the Congress, they intentionally went to different lectures given at the same time with the plan that they would share information afterwards. Yuvraj and Neeta made one exception. They decided to both attend my presentation as they had an intuition that they would be working with me in the future. They related that as they were listening to my presentation, which included a discussion on split incarnation, Neeta commented on how much Yuvraj and I resembled one another.

Split Incarnation, Parallel Lives, Twin Souls or Twin Flames: Parallel Paths on the Opposite Sides of the World

Reincarnation Case Study Yuvraj Kapadia Walter Semkiw Reincarnation RegressionI learned that Yuvraj went to University of Mumbai, where he won the Gold Medal in microbiology, which was given to the top student. I too studied biology as an undergraduate and did well academically. Yuvraj later switched careers and dedicated his life to reincarnation and past life regression. Similarly, though I continued to practice medicine, my greatest passion is objective evidence of reincarnation and I did serve two terms on the board of directors of IARRT, a regression organization based in the United States. In sum, though born on opposite sides the planet, we have followed similar paths.

When I informed Yuvraj that I thought that he may be my split, he paused for a few seconds, looked at me and stated, “I know this is true.” Yuvraj explained that at that moment he had received inner, intuitive confirmation that he was my split. When I returned to the United States, in a subsequent session with Kevin Ryerson, Ahtun Re also affirmed that Yuvraj Kapadia is my split.

At the World Congress for Regression Therapy held in Turkey in 2011, in his presentation, Yuvraj cited and discussed the split incarnation case of Yuvraj Kapadia | Walter Semkiw.

In the image comparisons provided on this page, Yuvraj is featured on the left side, I am on the right and in the center, a proposed past incarnation we had during the time of the American Revolution is shown.

At First Glance, Walter Thinks a Photo of Yuvraj Kapadia is a Photo of Walter

Another amusing story is that a few years later, I was at an IARRT board meeting in San Diego and I walked by a group photo of what I thought included me with a number of colleagues from India. As I walked away, I thought to myself, “I don’t remember taking that photo.” I turned around and examined the image more closely and realized that it was Yuvraj in photo, not me.

If this case of split incarnation is accepted, it shows how a soul can better accomplish chosen goals by incarnating into different places at the same time. Yuvraj and I are both promoting a better understanding of reincarnation in the two largest democracies in the world, India and the United States. Though the predominant religion in India, Hinduism, promotes the doctrine of reincarnation, past life regression has only been introduced to India approximately since the year 2000.

Sunny Satin, Blossom Furtado & Past Life Regression in India

The late Sunny Satin, pictured to the right, who lived in Southern California, helped bring regression to India. Sunny founded the California institute of Hypnosis in New Delhi. It was Sunny who organized the World Congress for Regression Therapy in New Delhi and it was he who facilitated the publication of my book, Born Again, in India. Sunny and I appeared together on CNN-IBN in 2006.

Another past life regression organization in India, located in New Delhi, is the Hypnotherapy School of India, which is headed by Blossom Furtado, another pioneer in past life regression in India. Her husband, Rock Furtado published the first version of Born Again in India.

Drs. Newton and Lakshmi Kondaveti, the Life Research Academy and Past Life Regression in India

Another couple that is invested in promoting past life regression in India is Dr. Newton Kondaveti and his wife, Dr. Lakshmi Kondaveti. Newton and Lakshmi are both trained as medical doctors, but they have dedicated their lives to past life regression and spiritual development. They have created the Life Research Academy (LRA) in Hyperabad, India.

Past life regression has the potential to heal the individual, while objective evidence of reincarnation, which demonstrates that a soul can change religion, nationality and ethnic affiliation from lifetime to lifetime, can bring societal healing to create a more peaceful world.

Yuvraj Kapadia and the EKAA Foundation

Yuvraj now operates the EKAA Foundation, which is dedicated to developing and promoting past life regression, hypnotherapy and spiritual growth.

Reincarnation Case Study Yuvraj Kapadia Walter Semkiw Reincarnation RegressionPrinciples of Reincarnation & Understanding Past Lives

Physical Resemblance in Split Incarnation Cases: Yuvraj and I have similar facial features.

Similar Talents and Interests: Yuvraj and I both did undergraduate work in biology and did well academically. We both later in life turned our energies to reincarnation research and past life regression.

Variation in Nationality and Ethnic Affiliation: My ethnic background is Ukrainian, though I was born in Chicago and am a US citizen, while Yuvraj is a native of India.

Split Incarnation: Yuvraj and I believe that we derive from the same soul.


Karma in Xenoglossy Past Life Story of a German Woman

Xenoglossy reincarnation story with bad karma, the story of an 1862, hypnotist in Hamburg, Germany, named Ricne Galitian, who hypnotized a poverty stricken German woman who spoke French. She described the events of a previous lifetime to which she attributed her present day life situation equating it as bad karma for an evil deed.

How Case Derived: Past Life Regression

Researcher: Ricne Galitain

From: Xenoglossy, by Ian Stevenson, MD

Article by Walter Semkiw, MD

A Poor German Woman Speaks a Past Life Language: French

IISISReincarnationResearchXenoglossyEvidenceCliffThis case dates back to 1862, when a hypnotist in Hamburg, Germany, named Ricne Galitian, hypnotized a poverty stricken German woman who began speaking French. The German woman didn’t know French, yet she described events of a previous life in very good, conversational French. In her usual state of consciousness, she could only speak German.

Karma from a French Past Lifetime: Woman Pushed her Husband off a Cliff

The woman described the events of a previous lifetime in which she got rid of her husband by pushing him over a cliff. She attributed her poverty as karma related to this act.

Though this German woman’s past life memories could not be verified, the report of her xenoglossy is notable, as it is one of the earliest accounts of this phenomenon.

Principles of Reincarnation & Understanding Past Lives

If this is accepted as a reincarnation case, it demonstrates the following features:

Xenoglossy: The German woman in this case, who was poor and uneducated, could speak French when she was hypnotized, but in her waking consciousness, she would only speak German.

Change of Nationality: This case demonstrates that a person can change nationality from one incarnation to another, from French in a past lifetime to German in a subsequent lifetime.


Xenoglossy Reincarnation Case of Jenson Jacoby | TE Past Life Personality Retained Intact within the Soul

Under hypnosis or past life regression, A physician’s wife starts speaking Swedish. In sessions conducted from 1955 to 1956, Tania’s hypnosis, revealed a personality named Jensen Jacoby who spoke Swedish and claimed to be Tanya’s past life.

How Case Derived: Past Life Regression

Researcher: Ian Stevenson, MD

From: Xenoglossy, by Ian Stevenson, MD

Article by Walter Semkiw, MD, from Born Again: Reincarnation Cases Involving Evidence of Past Lives with Xenoglossy Cases Researched by Ian Stevenson

Under Hypnosis or Past Life Regression, A Physician’s Wife Starts Speaking Swedish

IISISReincarnationPastLifeResearchHypnosis (1)This case involves a physician who practiced medicine in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and his wife. As this physician wished to keep his identity private, Ian Stevenson documented the case using pseudonyms for the couple. Stevenson referred to the couple as KE, the physician, and TE, his wife. Since using initials makes it difficult to remember who is who, I will assign them first names for simplicity. KE will be called Ken and his wife, TE, will be referred to as Tania.

In addition to practicing mainstream medicine, Ken learned to do hypnosis in 1954 and he would practice on his wife. Ken found Tania to be a good hypnosis subject.

In sessions conducted from 1955 to 1956, when Tania was under hypnosis, a personality emerged who spoke Swedish, a language that neither Tania nor Ken knew. As such, this represents a case of xenoglossy, where an individual can speak a language that has not been learned through normal means.

Tania was born in Philadelphia and as such, English was her native language. Her parents, who were Jewish, were born in Odessa, Russia. No one in the family had ever been to Scandinavia and they knew no one who could speak Swedish.

Ian Stevenson Validates of Tania’s Xenoglossy: Lie Detector Tests Employed in this Reincarnation Case

IISISReincarnationResearchPolygraphLieDetectorIan Stevenson, as usual, studied this case in meticulous detail. He had three different Swedish people sign statements confirming that the language Tania was speaking was indeed Swedish. In the statements, it was noted that the accent was that of a natural Swedish speaker.

Stevenson also had transcripts and tape recordings analyzed by Swedish linguistic experts, who confirmed that Tania was speaking Swedish in a conversational manner. These experts also testified that an excellent Swedish accent was being spoken and that the language was an old form of Swedish, identified as Middle Swedish. Stevenson counted a vocabulary of over 100 Swedish words spoken by Tania.

In addition, Ian Stevenson had Ken and Tania take polygraph or lie detector tests to rule out fraud, which they passed. Stevenson concluded that this was a genuine case of responsive xenoglossy, in which Tania could carry on a conversation in Swedish.

Past Life Personality Jensen Jacoby Emerges and Describes Being Driven into Water & Struck on the Head

In Tania’s first hypnosis or past life regression session, she went back into a lifetime in which she, and a group of old people, were being forced into a body of water. Tania then felt she was being hit in the head and she experienced severe head pain. Due to her apparent suffering, Ken took Tania out of the hypnotic state. Still, Tania experienced head pain for the next two days and she repeatedly felt her head, looking for a lump.

In a subsequent session, Ken told Tania to go back ten years before the episode in which she was hit on the head. Tina then said, in English, in a deep masculine voice, “I am a man.” The personality with the deep voice stated that his name was Jenson Jacoby and that he was a farmer. (1)

In eight sessions that were held between 1955 and 1956, Jenson Jacoby appeared. In the first five sessions, he could understand and reply in English, but his English was halting and it was spoken with a heavy Swedish accent. Jenson could also speak and understand Norwegian. In sessions 6 through 8, Jenson only spoke Swedish. Tina had no memory of what happened in the hypnosis sessions when Jensen appeared.

iisisreincarnationpastliferesearchbearOn the Swedish Coast, Past Life Personality Jenson Jacoby Raises Livestock, Eats Salmon & Hunts Bears

Jenson described that he lived in a tiny village called Morby Hagar, which was near a harbor town called Havero. Another nearby town was called Torohaven. Jensen related that he raised cows, horses, goats and chickens. He baked bread and made goat cheese. Jenson said that he would take his produce to be sold at Havero, the town with a sea harbor. At times, his family would eat salmon, which presumably came from the harbor town.

Jenson related that he was one of three sons. He had a wife whose name was Latvia, who made poppy-seed cakes and poppy-seed juice. The couple had no children. Jenson related that he built his own stone house, that he hunted for bears and that he liked to drink at a tavern. Jenson related that he worshiped Jesus Christ.

Past Life Personality Jenson Does Impersonations

IISISReincarnationPastLifeResearchSkuta2In one session, Jensen, speaking Swedish, did a comical impersonation of a drunken man at an inn trying to sing. Jenson also showed strong emotion when he was shown a picture of a horse, apparently as it reminded him of home.

Xenoglossy: Jenson Knows Swedish Terms, Including a Skuta

Jenson knew of Swedish things from prior centuries. For example, when shown a model of a Swedish seventeenth century sailing ship, Jenson correctly called it a “skuta” or “skute.” He also correctly named a Swedish container used to measure grain. When shown a picture of a wolf, he correctly named it in Swedish.

In contrast, when shown a modern tool, such as a pair of pliers, Jenson could not name it.

Jenson’s Past Life Hatred for War & Russians

Jenson described a hatred for warfare and a fear of Russians. When asked how his life ended, Jenson related that he was engaged in some type of fight with enemies, was forced into a body of water and received a blow to the head, which apparently killed him.

This statement corresponds to the memory that Tania experienced when she was first put under hypnosis, as well as her subsequent headache, which made her search for a lump on her head.

Reincarnation versus Possession

IISISReincarnationPastLifeResearchSwedenMapIan Stevenson, firmly believed in the legitimacy of the case of Jenson Jacoby | TE. He notes that the physician who conducted the hypnosis sessions on his wife, KE, who we have named Ken, never sought publicity for the case. Based on the polygraph testing and his familiarity with the couple involved, Stevenson rejected that any fraud was involved.

Stevenson concluded that Jenson Jacoby had once lived on the west coast of Sweden, near Norway, in the seventeenth century. Gothenburg is the largest city in this area. Place your cursor on the map to enlarge it and arrow keys to scroll up and down.

As Tania, or TE, had no memory of what occurred when Jensen appeared, Stevenson did raise the question of whether this represented a case of reincarnation or of possession by a discarnate spirit. Either way, Stevenson commented that the case represented strong evidence for the survival of personality after death.

Stevenson did feel that reincarnation may be the more plausible explanation. In defense of this position, he posed the following question:

If Jenson was a discarnate spirit, why would the Christian, Swedish spirit from the seventeenth century, Jenson Jacoby, show up in Philadelphia in 1955, speaking through a Jewish woman of Russian descent?

Principles of Reincarnation & Understanding Past Lives

Xenoglossy: Jenson only spoke Swedish, a language that Tania did not learn or understand.

Change of Religion and Nationality: Jenson was a Swedish Christian who feared Russians, while Tania was Jewish and of Russian heritage.

Soul Retains Personality Intact: Jenson came through Tania as if he were stuck in time, unaware that he was dead or that Tania had a separate existence. As such, it appears that Jenson’s personality had been retained intact within the soul.

Other xenoglossy cases which dramatically demonstrate this phenomenon include the Sharada | Uttara Huddar case and the Gretchen | Dolores Jay case.

Note to Readers: Ian Stevenson. MD was a Professor of Psychiatry at the University of Virginia who wrote in a very academic style, as his target audience was fellow scientists. On the IISIS web site, his past life identity cases are presented as children’s past life-reincarnation stories to make his academic work easier to understand. For those interested in appreciating the scientific rigor of his research, such as his use of multiple witnesses to establish corroborated testimony, please refer to the original reports written by Dr. Ian Stevenson.

1. Stevenson, Ian: Xenoglossy: A Review and a Report of a Case, 1976, page 26

Xenoglossy-Unlearned Language: Past Life Story of Gretchen Gottlieb | Dolores Jay

Past Life Personality: Who was Gretchen? Carroll Jay was a Methodist Christian minister who started to practice hypnosis in 1954. His wife, Dolores, was having back pain and on May 10, 1970, Carroll conducted a hypnosis session with the aim of relieving his wife’s pain. When, in hypnosis, Dolores, speaks in German, and later revealed she was Gretchen in her past life resulting to an investigation of a Xenoglossy reincarnation case.

ReincarnationResearchMethodistMinister (1)How Case Derived: Hypnosis or Past Life Regression

Researcher: Ian Stevenson, MD

From: Unlearned Language, by Ian Stevenson, MD

Article by: Walter Semkiw, MD, from Born Again: Reincarnation Cases Involving Evidence of Past Lives with Xenoglossy Cases Researched by Ian Stevenson

During Hypnosis or Past Life Regression, Gretchen, a Past Life Personality, Emerges

Carroll Jay was a Methodist Christian minister who started to practice hypnosis in 1954, initially to help people get relief from chronic pain. In the 1960’s, he started to experiment with past life regression.

Dolores, his wife, was having back pain and on May 10, 1970, Carroll conducted a hypnosis session with the aim of relieving his wife’s pain. When, in hypnosis, Carroll asked Dolores, “Does your back hurt?” she replied in German, “Nein,” which means “No.” (1)

On May 13, 1970, in another hypnosis session, Dolores said in German, “Ich Bin Gretchen,” which means “I am Gretchen.” (2)

In hypnosis sessions conducted over the next few months, Gretchen appeared repeatedly and spoke only German. After 10 such sessions, a native German speaker was invited to participate in a session, who had a conversation with Gretchen in German. On April 23, 1971, Dolores wrote 40 words in German during a manifestation of Gretchen.

Of interest, the handwriting of Gretchen was different than the handwriting of Dolores Jay. This infers that handwriting does not necessarily stay the same from one incarnation to another.

Dolores had never learned German and she could not understand or speak German in her normal state of consciousness. As such, this represents a case of xenoglossy, where a person can speak a language that was not learned through normal means. As discussed below, xenoglossy is considered to be strong evidence of reincarnation.

Xenoglossy: Ian Stevenson, MD Validates Gretchen is Speaking German

Ian Stevenson, MD
Ian Stevenson, MD

When Ian Stevenson, pictured to the right, heard about this xenoglossy case, he traveled to Mt. Orab, Ohio, where the Jays lived, to research the case. On September 2, 1971, Stevenson, who knew German, participated in a session and had a conversation with Dolores in German. Stevenson enlisted several other German speaking individuals to participate in the hypnosis sessions where Gretchen emerged and they also had conversations with her in German.

On March 25, 1974, Dolores came to Ian Stevenson’s laboratory at the University of Virginia. Dr. Stevenson and a colleague, Ms. Elisabeth Day, had conversations with Gretchen in German. Ian Stevenson and Ms. Day transcribed conversations they had with Gretchen spanning 19 sessions. Six sessions were tape recorded. These transcripts totaled 346 double spaced typewritten pages. Transcripts of sessions are provided in the appendix of Ian Stevenson’s book, Unlearned Language.

Stevenson found that Gretchen spoke 237 different German words in these transcripts. She used 120 specific words before anyone else had said them, which indicates that she was not just mimicking conversation. In one session that was taped, Gretchen introduced 96 German words that were not previously spoken by interviewers, 21 of which neither Gretchen, nor interviewers, had ever spoken before. Stevenson had three different German speakers sign statements that Gretchen was truly speaking German.

Xenoglossy: Ian Stevenson has Dolores take a Lie Detector Test & Affidavits Signed-Dolores Never Learned German

As noted, Dolores Jay did not know German, other than a few words such as “Nein,” which most Americans would know. As such, this represents a case of xenoglossy where an individual can speak a language that was not learned by normal means. Ian Stevenson notes that a language must be learned and practiced at some point in time. If a language was not learned in the contemporary incarnation, then it must have been learned in a prior incarnation.

ReincarnationResearchPolygraphLieDetectorIan Stevenson went to great lengths to rule out that Dolores may have learned German by normal means. Stevenson even had Dolores undergo a polygraph, or lie detector test, on February 5, 1974. She passed the lie detector test, vouching that she had not learned or known German prior to Gretchen emerging.

Stevenson also interviewed Dolores’s parents, Boyd and Laura Skidmore, as well as her sister, Mary. All three signed statements that no one they knew spoke German and that there were no German speaking individuals in the area where they lived.

Further, Gretchen could converse in German in an interactive way; she could both understand and respond in German. Ian Stevenson terms this form of xenoglossy as “responsive xenoglossy,” which indicates a firm comprehension of the language. In conversations, Gretchen could understand German and English, but she only would speak in German.

Past Life Personality: Who was Gretchen?

ReincarnationResearchHorseBackRidingIn sessions, Gretchen rarely spoke spontaneously, rather, she replied politely to questions, like a well-behaved girl. She said her name was Gretchen Gottlieb and that she lived with her father, whose name was Herman. She described him as old, with white hair. Gretchen would chuckle when describing her father riding a horse. She said her mother, Erika, had died when Gretchen was 8 years old. She had no brothers or sisters.

Gretchen said her father was the Mayor of Eberswalde, Germany, where they lived. She said that they resided on a street called Birkenstrasse. Gretchen described Eberwalde as a small town with a bakery, butcher shop, church and a college. There was a forest and river outside the town. She also spoke of the cities of Worms and Wiesbaden.

Gretchen related that a housekeeper named Frau Schilder would come to their home to cook and clean. Gretchen stated that Frau Schilder would bring her own four children to the Gottlieb’s home and that she, Gretchen, would play with the children. In fact, she said she spent most of her time in their kitchen, caring for the children. She gave names for the four of them and stated the youngest was three years old.

Gretchen said that she never went to school, which was normal for girls at that time, and that she could not read or write. Gretchen was Roman Catholic and she knew that the Pope was the head of the church. She was opposed to the Protestant Reformation and she referred to Martin Luther several times as a troublemaker. She repeated the phrase, “Martin Luther, betrayer of the people,” several times. (3)

reincarnationresearchbrandenburggateGretchen repeatedly showed fear and even paranoia when she talked about the Bundesrat. Ian Stevenson noted that the Bundesrat was a cabinet in Germany that was active from 1875-1900, which was powerful in that it had to approve all bills before they became law. Due to her statement regarding the Bundesrat, Stevenson assumed that Gretchen lived in the late nineteenth century in Germany, when the Bundesrat was in existence.

Gretchen said that she was dead by the age of 16. She said she had a serious illness with the primary symptom of headache. She would put her hand to her head and made a facial expression which conveyed suffering.

Like in the Sharada | Uttara Huddar case, at times Gretchen did not seem to realize that she was dead. In some sessions, Gretchen thought that she was speaking to interviewers on the street near her home. She would plead to the interviewers, such as Stevenson, that she had to go home, as her father would be upset if he found she was talking to strangers.

As such, this represents another case in which it appears that a soul has retained a past life personality intact.

Confirmation of Gretchen’s Statements

Ian Stevenson tried to confirm Gretchen’s statements. As noted, she did discuss the Bundesrat, which was indeed a cabinet in Germany that was active from 1875-1900.

The town of Eberswalde did exist, but there was no mayor by the name of Gottlieb on record. Stevenson reasoned that her father may have been a lesser official or that Gretchen may have been an illegitimate daughter of a Mayor of Eberswalde, who was given the name Gottlieb after her birth. It is also possible that Gretchen was speaking of a different town called Eberswald, which eventually was incorporated into a larger city.

Reincarnation versus Possession

Ian Stevenson raised the issue that the Gretchen Gottlieb | Dolores Jay case may represent a case of possession, where Gretchen was a discarnate spirit who temporarily took over the body of Dolores Jay. This issue of reincarnation versus possession was discussed in some detail in the Sharada | Uttara Huddar xenoglossy case.

ReincarnationResearchMartinLuther's portraitTwo incidents support reincarnation as the explanation for the xenoglossy of Dolores Jay. First, in 1968, Dolores had a dream which occurred a year before Gretchen emerged. In this dream, Dolores saw a young girl sitting in a saddle on a horse, with an older man on foot. A crowd had gathered consisting of angry people with sticks and stones. A man burst through the crowd and grabbed the bridle of her horse. At that point, Dolores awoke.

This dream is reminiscent of scenes Gretchen later described regarding her life. Gretchen described her father as an elderly man with white hair and she chuckled when she described him riding a horse. She also called Martin Luther a trouble maker and a “betrayer of the people.” The crowd’s anger in the dream could reflect conflict related to the Protestant Reformation in Germany, which Martin Luther led. An image of Martin Luther is provided to the right.

Memories of past lives often occur in the dream state and as such, this dream would support reincarnation as the explanation for the xenoglossy that Dolores later would demonstrate.

Secondly, during a hypnosis session, Carroll Jay instructed Gretchen to have a vision that Dolores could describe in English. Dolores then said, in English, that she saw herself being taken away to a city far away. There, she saw a man speaking at a church. Mounted policemen then dispersed the crowd. A young girl and an older man, presumably Gretchen and her father, became frightened and ran away.

When her husband asked Dolores who the young girl in the vision was, Dolores said, “It was me.” (4)

Conclusions & Reincarnation Case Analysis

Having worked with Carroll and Dolores Jay for several years on this xenoglossy case, Ian Stevenson was able to get to know them very well and he became convinced that they were being honest and forthright in their statements. He noted that for Dolores, as a Christian, reincarnation conflicted with her belief system. Her husband, Carroll, observed that Dolores was “bewildered and a little scared,” by her ability to speak German. (5)

Carroll Jay also struggled with his wife’s xenoglossy, as it make life difficult for him as a Methodist Christian minister. On January 20, 1975, the Washington Post published a newspaper article on the xenoglossy demonstrated by Dolores. When their community members read the article, some of them accused the Jays with dealing with the devil.

Overall, Ian Stevenson, MD, saw no reason for the Jays or their family to make false statements and he believed this to be a legitimate xenoglossy case. If reincarnation is indeed accepted as the explanation, we see how talents, including the ability to speak a language, can be conveyed from one incarnation to another.

Further, as Gretchen emerged with her personality intact, along with the observation that at times she didn’t realize that she was dead, this case demonstrates how the soul can retain its personalities. This phenomenon was also observed in the Sharada | Uttara Huddar and Jensen Jacoby | TE reincarnation xenoglossy cases and is discussed in Origin of the Soul and the Purpose of Reincarnation.

Principles of Reincarnation & Understanding Past Lives

Responsive Xenoglossy: Dolores Jay under hypnosis could speak and respond in German, a language she did not understand in her waking consciousness. It appears that Dolores accessed this ability from a past lifetime as Gretchen.

Retention of the Personality with the Soul: When Gretchen emerged, she acted like a well-behaved young girl. Indeed, like in the Sharada | Uttara Huddar case, at times Gretchen did not seem to realize that she was dead. In some sessions, Gretchen thought that she was speaking to interviewers on the street near her home.

Change of Nationality and Religion: Gretchen was German, while Dolores was a citizen of the United States. Religious affiliation has also changed, as Gretchen was very much aligned with the Catholic Church and against the Protestant Reformation. In contrast, the Jays were Methodist, which grew out of the reformation movement in England.

Please note that the photographs provided above representing Carroll and Dolores Jay, as well as Gretchen’s father, are not historical images, rather, these are dramatizations.


Past Life Regression Story of Carroll Beckwith | Robert Snow

A regression of a retired Captain to prove the veracity of memories. The journey into the past is documented in a book, Looking for Carroll Beckwith, a totally honest, humorous and candid recollection of his regression journey.

How Derived: Past Life Regression

Researcher: Robert Snow

From: Portrait of a Past-Life Skeptic: The True Story of a Police Detective’s Reincarnation

Article from: Born Again: Reincarnation Cases Involving Evidence of Past Lives with Xenoglossy Cases Researched by Ian Stevenson, by Walter Semkiw, MD

Captain Robert Snow Goes to for a Past Life Regression on a Dare

image description

Robert Snow is a retired Captain of the Indianapolis Metropolitan Police Department, who in his career was in charge of the department of the Homicide and Robbery and the department of Organized Crime. He has written numerous books on police work. In addition, Captain Snow has written a book called Looking for Carroll Beckwith, Portrait of a Past Life Detective, which documents his reincarnation case in detail. A summary is provided below.

Bob’s story begins at a party, where a police psychologist, who had conducted past life regressions as a hobby, was describing how she would guide clients into a relaxed state so that past life memories could emerge. Captain Snow thought that these so-called memories must be fabricated, that they were fantasies, and he told this to the regression therapist.

Incensed, the psychologist dared Captain Snow to have a past life regression himself. Snow said, “Sure, I’ll do it,” though he really had no intention of following through.

The regression therapist, though, kept hounding Snow and even accused him of being “scared.” That did it and reluctantly, Captain Snow got a referral for a different regression therapist and scheduled an appointment. He decided to have the regression only so it wouldn’t look like he had “welshed on the dare.” Snow did not believe in reincarnation and did not expect to have a meaningful experience during the session.

A delightful aspect of Bob’s book is the high level of skepticism and a mischievous sense of humor that infuses the narrative. Let us share in Captain Snow’s experiences through the following passages from Looking for Carroll Beckwith. We start with the regression therapist, Dr. Mariellen Griffith, guiding the regression. Dr. Griffith begins by instructing Snow to imagine that he is relaxing comfortably in his den at home. The narrative from Captain Snow’s book follows:

“’Now, picture your higher self coming into the room to greet you,’ Dr Griffith said.

beckwith%20snow%20reincarnation%20past%20life%20semkiw%20wrI did that, too, though as I sat on the couch with my eyes closed, I couldn’t help but wonder what the hell I was doing there, particularly with she asked me what my higher self was wearing. How the hell would I know? This was her daydream. But I decided to give it a try.

‘White,’ I answered, ‘A long white gown. Wasn’t that what all spirits wore?’

‘Your higher self is standing there and asking if you’re ready to go on a trip. It is telling you that it will guide you and protect you on your trip.’

‘Oh Lord, I thought, as I tried to maintain a facial expression of seriousness, I can’t believe I’m doing this.'” (1)

Robert Snow’s Unexpected Past Life Memories are More Real than Waking Consciousness

Eventually and much to his shock, Captain Snow experienced powerful and very clear past-life memories during the regression. Captain Snow has related that his perception of the past-life events were more clear than waking consciousness. He recalled several different lifetimes, but the one that was most prominent was as a portrait painter in what seemed to be the 19th century. Captain Snow remembered 30 specific details regarding this lifetime as an artist.

One very clear memory involved him painting a portrait of a hunchback woman. Captain Snow vividly remembered the experience, of the paint strokes that were used to create that painting, and even of his questioning of why someone with a pronounced deformity would want a portrait. A summary of the most specific regression memories is provided below:Reincarnation Case of Robert Snow & The Hunchback Woman

hunchback snow beckwith reincarnation past life semkiw s1. He painted a portrait of a hunchbacked woman

2. He painted portraits to make money but hated painting portrait

3. He used the name “Jack”

4. He used a walking stick

5. His wife and he spent time in France

6. His wife could not have children

7. They were desperate for money and he argued with his wife about money

8. Despite their problems with money and inability to have children, their marriage was happy

9. He had an art studio with a bank of skylight and a row of windows

10. He once stayed at an estate with large gardens

11. A female relative died of a blood clot

12. He died in a large city with tall buildings in the fall of the year 1917

The regression had such a profound effect on Captain Snow that he became obsessed with trying to determine whether it was authentic. Captain Snow himself still did not believe in reincarnation and operated under the assumption that he had learned about the portrait painter in the past, through a book, in school or at a museum, and that the regression experience represented a forgotten memory that had surfaced.

Police Captain Robert Snow Investigates a Past Lifetime as the Painter of the Hunchback Woman Portrait

Snow investigated the regression experience as he would a police case. He methodically examined art books, visited art galleries and contacted art dealers, searching for the portrait of the hunchback woman he had seen in the regression, or to find some other clue. Captain Snow was unable, though, to identify any historical artist consistent with the regression persona.

Snow is an experienced researcher, having written six books on police management and other police topics. He is also highly intelligent; he scored straight A’s in college and earned a full scholarship for a doctorate program in psychology. Nonetheless, after a year of trying to find the portrait of the hunchback woman, he came to a dead-end. He concluded that it was unlikely that he would ever be able to identify the artist seen during his regression.

Spirit Being or Soul Guidance: Captain Robert Snow Finds the Hunchback Woman in New Orleans

beckwith snow reincarnation past life semkiw noAt that point in time, Captain Snow’s wife, Melanie, suggested that they take a vacation trip to New Orleans to celebrate their anniversary. Bob agreed.

On the last day of their trip, Bob wandered into an art gallery in the French Quarter of New Orleans. Here, he had another profound experience. This incident demonstrates how people can be guided, apparently by spiritual sources, in discovering past lives. In the gallery which Captain Snow had walked into by apparent “chance,” he discovered the portrait of the hunchbacked woman he had seen in his regression. Captain Snow describes the scene:

“Whirling around, I stared open-mouthed at the portrait, reliving an experience I’d had once when I grabbed onto a live wire without knowing it, the current freezing me in my tracks as huge voltage surged up and down my arms and legs . . .

hunchback snow beckwith reincarnation past life semkiw sFor the next several minutes, I didn’t move from in front of the portrait, but instead continued closing my eyes to see again and again the scene of me painting this very portrait in my studio, and then opening my eyes to see the actual finished portrait. The situation began to feel surreal, more like a very vivid dream that you wake up sweating from, a dream that you have to keep telling yourself over and over again was only a dream. It wasn’t real.

Bob wonders if He has had a Stroke

Finally, even though I knew with absolute certainty that this was the same painting I had seen while under hypnosis, I convinced myself that stumbling onto it by accident like this was simply too bizarre to be true. I toyed with the idea for a few moments that perhaps I’d had some kind of stroke and just thought I stood in front of this portrait, when in actuality I was in a hospital bed somewhere or maybe even in a nursing home.

After giving this possibility a few moments’ consideration, I realized how very desperate I had become to find a rational answer for what was happening. But desperate or not, things like this just didn’t happen in real life. What were the chances, after all the months of systematic searching, that I would just happen onto the painting like this? What were the chances that Melanie would just happen to want to go to New Orleans, and that we would just happen to visit this gallery, just when they happened to have this painting for sale? ..

During my 30 years as a police officer, I have always searched for the truth. Sometimes the truth didn’t turn out to be what I expected, but still, the truth was what I had always searched for. And now, here I was seeming to be facing the truth I had been looking for, but at the same time trying to deny it, trying to find any way to deny the truth of what I had found. . . . Supernatural things didn’t happen to real people. Maybe they did in the movies, but not in real life.” (2)

From the portrait, Snow learned that the painter’s name was J. Carroll Beckwith. Snow’s rational side then took over again. He reasoned that he may still have seen this portrait of the hunchback woman at a museum or at an exhibit. He asked the gallery worker if this was possible. Snow describes the response.

Beckwith Snow diary reincarnation past life“No,” the man said giving his head a slight shake, “you haven’t seen this work before. This portrait has been in private hands for years. And besides, let me be honest with you, I don’t think there has been an exhibition of Beckwith’s work in the last 75 years. He wasn’t that famous.” (3)

Spirit Being or Soul Guidance

Please note that it is likely that Captain Snow did not find the portrait of the hunchback woman by chance or accident. Rather, I believe that a spirit being or Bob Snow’s own soul sent a telepathic message to his wife, Melanie, to go to New Orleans. Similarly, once in New Orleans, I posit that a spirit being or Bob’s own soul telepathically led him to the art gallery so that he would find the portrait of the hunchback woman, which, as described below, was the key to solving his reincarnation case. As such, a spirit being or Bob’s own soul was responsible for making this past life identification.

Captain Snow Finds his Past Life Portrait Painter’s Diary

Snow later found that Beckwith’s last exhibition was in 1911, well before Snow was even born. Snow also found that though Beckwith wasn’t a famous artist, he was a good administrator, as is Bob. Beckwith became the President of the National Academy of Design, in New York. The Academy had kept Beckwith’s diaries, as well as an unpublished autobiography.

From Beckwith’s diary and autobiography, Snow was eventually able to validate all thirty of the specific memories from his regression, including the twelve specific items listed above.

Though initially reluctant to accept reincarnation as the basis for his regression experience, Captain Snow finally came to the conclusion that he had been Carroll Beckwith, who had indeed used the name Jack, in a prior lifetime. He has stated that he has proven reincarnation and that if this were a police case, the evidence he compiled would stand up in court and that no plea-bargaining would be entertained.

Captain Snow Doesn’t Realize there is a Past Life Physical Resemblance

Interestingly, Captain Snow was not aware of a physical resemblance that exists between himself and Carroll Beckwith. When I met first Captain Snow at a meeting of the International Association for Regression Research and Therapies (IARRT) in September 2000, I offered to take his picture and compare it with Beckwith’s. I knew from experience that these comparisons are best done by lining up images side by side in the same pose.

Robert Snow past life regression reincarnatoin caseIn the image comparison, Beckwith is on the left side and Captain Snow is on the right side. Though Captain Snow is a bit older and heavier in the photograph than Beckwith was at the time of the portrait, facial architecture is very similar between the two. Both even chose to maintain a similar mustache.

Captain Snow’s case demonstrates a characteristic phenomenon that occurs when one becomes concretely aware of a specific past lifetime. The past-life information often triggers a traumatic reaction in a person, followed by a period of integration. When one faces the reality of reincarnation, a reevaluation of how one views the world is required.

Over a lifetime, we all develop a unique way of understanding the world. That belief system may involve a spiritual aspect to life, or an atheistic view may be held. We usually come to our philosophical understanding of the world in our twenties and we generally are resistant to changing our point of view.

Evidence of Reincarnation can be Disturbing

Regardless of what one’s belief system is, concrete evidence of reincarnation demands an alteration of one’s belief system. Even if one already believes in reincarnation, the shift from a belief in past lives to becoming aware of objective evidence of reincarnation can be a shock.

Recall that Captain Snow did not believe in reincarnation at the time of his regression and that following his past-life experience, he tried to find a logical explanation for his memories. Even after stumbling into the portrait of the hunchback woman in the art gallery in New Orleans, Captain Snow still explored the possibility that Beckwith’s work had been displayed in a museum and that at some point in his lifetime he had viewed it.

Snow was falling back on the theory that his regression experience represented repressed memories from his current lifetime. Let us revisit Captain Snow’s reaction when the gallery salesman in New Orleans told him that he could not have previously seen the portrait of the hunchback in a museum or exhibit. Snow explains:

“As the gallery worker’s answer dashed my seemingly logical explanation for what had happened, the vertigo returned. My whole belief system was not only teetering. It was falling. Everything around me had such a surrealistic feeling to it that I could have been in a Kafka novel. And so I simply stood there open-mouthed, feeling numb and detached from reality.”

snow beckwith grave reincarnation past life semkiwWe will collectively need to adjust our belief systems as objective evidence of reincarnation comes into the world. Overall, the news is good, but it takes some getting used to.

Captain Snow’s Knee Shakes when He visits his Own Past Life Grave

In the image provided to the right, Robert Snow visits the grave of Carroll Beckwith, that is, Snow is visiting his own grave from a past lifetime. Snow writes in his book that at Beckwith’s grave, his left knee started to shake uncontrollably and he became drenched in sweat, much like when he was a rookie cop in a life threatening situation. Snow has mused that in the line of duty, he has been shot at and suspects have tried to stab him, but nothing has unnerved him as much as discovering a past lifetime.

View a Video of Robert Snow telling his Story in a Hilarious Manner: Robert Snow Video

Principles of Reincarnation & Understanding Past Lives

Physical Resemblance: Even though Robert Snow at first didn’t realize there was a resemblance between him and Beckwith, a resemblance does exist.

Spirit Being or Soul Guidance: The breakthrough in validating this reincarnation case came when Captain Snow found the portrait of the hunchback woman in New Orleans. It is my contention that this did not happen by coincidence but rather, that Bob was lead to the painting through guidance by spirit beings.

It is likely that a spirit being or Robert Snow’s own soul telepathically inserted the thought into his wife’s mind that they should visit New Orleans for their anniversary. Once in New Orleans, Bob was intuitively guided to the art gallery where he found the portrait of the hunchback woman.

From the portrait, he learned the name of the artist, Carroll Beckwith, and he then was able to find Beckwith’s diary, which allowed him to validate his past lifetime as Beckwith. Many reincarnation cases feature such apparent guidance by spirit beings.

Postscript: The depictions of the hunchback provided in the above article are not from the painting of the hunchback woman done by Carroll Beckwith, which was bought by an anonymous individual. If you are the owner of the Beckwith painting of the hunchback woman and would be kind enough to allow an image of the painting to be posted on the web site, please contact Walter Semkiw, MD at:


1. Snow, Robert: Looking for Carroll Beckwith, Daybreak/Rodale Books, 1999, p. 12-13
2. Snow, Robert: Looking for Carroll Beckwith, Daybreak/Rodale Books, 1999, p. 79-84
3. Snow, Robert: Looking for Carroll Beckwith, Daybreak/Rodale Books, 1999, p. 89