Reincarnation Case of James Dean | Anonymous & Jaden Smith (Split Incarnation) with Past Life Case of Rogers Brackett | Will Smith

Reincarnation Case Study James DeanAffirmed by: Ahtun Re in a Ryerson-Semkiw Reincarnation Research Session

Preface, Headings & Commentary by: Walter Semkiw, MD

Preface: An individual, who prefers to remain anonymous, has had experiences that provide a compelling argument that he is the reincarnation of actor, car enthusiast and racer James Dean. This past life case has been confirmed in a session with Kevin Ryerson.

In addition, Ahtun Re, the spirit guide channeled through Kevin who has demonstrated the ability to make accurate reincarnation matches, revealed that another individual, Jaden Smith, is also an incarnation of the soul of James Dean. The phenomenon of one soul animating more than one body is called parallel lives or split incarnation.

In addition, Ahtun Re affirmed that Will Smith, the father of Jaden Smith, is the reincarnation of Rogers Brackett, who was a mentor to James Dean. On this page, the story of the older incarnation of the soul of James Dean, who wishes stay anonymous, is presented. Some names have been changed in the following true account. The author cites what I call “Principles of Reincarnation” from my books, Return of the Revolutionaries and Born Again


“I sent Dr. Semkiw that email,” I told my partner, Freddy.

Perched on a bar stool in front of our cook top, Freddy watched me attempting to caramelize the limp onions inside the sizzling skillet, an art I’d not yet perfected over the twenty-two years we’d been together. “Do you think you’ll hear from him?”

I stopped stirring and looked up. “If Walter Semkiw tells me I wasn’t who I think I was, then he’s not following his own rules.”

“You mean if he says you’re wrong, he’s wrong?” He pointed to the skillet. “Um, those are burning.”

I turned down the heat, resumed stirring, and smiled up at him.

Pressing “send” on that e-mail to Walter was one of the most difficult things I’ve done—and I’ve had to do many tough things in my life: coming out to my conservative Catholic parents; putting myself through college and graduate school; quitting smoking; sending a beloved dog off to sleep forever.

Yet this e-mail seemed somehow just as profound.

It was 2009, and after reading Return of the Revolutionaries (Hampton Roads Publishing, 2003), I decided to follow Dr. Walter Semkiw’s outline for determining past-life matches. I found many remarkable parallels between what he hypothesized and what I’d been living with.

Innate talents and personality. Check. Phobias. Check. Facial architecture. Check. Scars. Check. Attraction to geographical locations. Check. Anniversary phenomenon. Check. Karmic relationships. Check.

But for this to make any sense, I should start at the beginning.

My Early Life

I was born in the early 1960s, and from my first day home from the hospital, my three-year-old sister refused to call me by my given name. Instead she called me “Tinnie.” Even today, there remain pages in our crumbling photo albums that bear images of me as an infant or a toddler, under which Tinnie is written in my mother’s careful hand. (My sister, now in her fifties, still has no idea why she chose this moniker but recalls being adamant.) We lived with our parents in a modest, 1920s, single-story Spanish home a couple of miles west of Burbank and several blocks north of Griffith Park.

Past Life Passion: Automobiles

7 James Dean Car Comp IISIS Reincarnation Case Study ImageAs a two-year-old I displayed an unusual obsession with cars (a passion that still consumes me). At an age when most kids are learning what makes “dog” different from “cat,” I innately knew the difference between a Pontiac and a Dodge, and a Chevy from an Oldsmobile. The only cars I initially confused were Cadillacs and Packards: both two-tone pastel sparkling behemoths with Dagmar bumper guards, hooded headlights, and dual exhausts rumbling out the back—much like my mother’s bright-red 1956 Ford Crestline.

I was also transfixed by antique automobiles, and I collected calendars each year from a local business that featured Stutz Bearcats and Stanley Steamers and Pierce-Arrows and my all-time favorite: the sleek, coffin-nosed, supercharged Cord 810, made in Auburn, Indiana.

Many little boys back in the era of The Andy Griffith Show wanted to be firemen or astronauts or policemen or doctors. I wanted to be a race-car driver. So instead of stuffed animals I slept with toy cars, and on many nights I secreted my mother’s lazy Susan from the china cabinet to use as a steering wheel. In bed after lights-out, I growled like an Indy car racing through its gears, and I spun out on phantom curves. Twisting that wheel in my hands gave me ineffable pleasure, even if the careening road in front of me was only in my imagination.

Geographic Memory & Emotional Reaction to a Past Life Location

Then in 1967 something happened that I’ll never forget. My grandparents purchased twenty-odd undeveloped acres in California Valley, a vast plain bordered by rolling hills that separated the western coastline of San Luis Obispo from the state’s central farmlands.

Nanny and Papa were excited to show us the place, so one weekend—with my father’s new Dodge Dart packed with pillows, snacks, and suitcases—we headed north from Los Angeles to explore the area.

Halfway to our destination we lodged in Taft at a bland roadside motel whose only memorable feature was a swimming pool with a turquoise fiberglass slide.

The next morning we headed north again.

5 Junction James Dean IISIS Reincarnation Case StudyEverything went smoothly until we turned west from Highway 99 onto Highway 58, and the topography changed from a monotonous four-lane road into a two-lane highway pointing toward a range of humped-up, barren foothills.

We came to those hills and I began feeling carsick. Then a panic started building inside me until something erupted inside my head and I begged my parents to stop the car. I can still remember sitting cross-legged in the roadside gravel, crying inconsolably as my mother and sister urged me to sip some 7 Up and eat Saltines (my usual cure for motion sickness, which they believed I had), while my taciturn father smoked a cigarette in the driver’s seat and my grandparents’ Cutlass idled just up the road, brake lights pulsing red.

Later that day, after our caravan stopped at a diner for lunch, I ordered my favorite dish: fried chicken. But the sight of the bone and gristle sticking through the cooked flesh made me nauseous again, so I left the meal untouched, and I haven’t been able to eat chicken on the bone since . . . a lifelong reminder of a long drive into Central California.

But as I pieced together decades later, my distress on that day was probably more than simple motion sickness from traveling a winding road.

Something had ignited my panic.

Physical Resemblance in Reincarnation Cases

Comment: As we will learn, the panic reaction described was due to the author, as a child, being very near to the site of where James Dean died in a car crash. A similar reaction occured in the: Reincarnation Case of John B. Gordon | Jeff Keene

School Days, Hot Rods & Dr. Porsche

My childhood was filled mostly with what one might expect: elementary school, where I excelled in my classes (especially writing and art) and played basketball and practiced the clarinet and dreamed of the day when I could earn my driver’s license. I also read books: In addition to the Hardy Boys mysteries, two that stand out are Boy Gets Car, by H.G. Felson (Random House, 1960), featuring a young man in the 1950s who builds his first hot rod from spare parts, and Small Wonder, by W.H. Nelson (Little, Brown, 1965) about Dr. Ferdinand Porsche and the history of the Volkswagen.

In middle school I continued my music studies and tried to squelch the growing attraction I felt to boys my age. And then in high school . . . well, everything changed in high school.

But before I delve into that, let me backtrack to my father.

My Father

A highly intelligent man and a gifted football player and boxer, he’d abandoned his hopes for a professional athletic career after marrying my mother and fathering two kids. He was built like a heavyweight prizefighter, and he had a lightning-quick temper. I was terrified of him, as were my sister and presumably my mother—a stay-at-home mom who loved her children but took a large slice of each day to assuage her depression with home-baked cookies, Rocky Road ice cream, and long naps.

My father and I were as different as two people might be, and he told me more than once that if he hadn’t known my mother so well, he would swear I was someone else’s son . . . and I wished I had been.

In the arena of our tiny Spanish house, I was an unwilling matador, doing everything possible to avoid, rather than engage, the bull’s wrath.

My First Car

Beetle James Dean IISIS Reincarnation Case Study ImageOn the condition that I pay for my own car insurance and gasoline, I got my driver’s license the day I turned sixteen. (I’d secured my learner’s permit six months prior and spent weekend nights racing a friend’s Fiat 124 sedan through the suburban LA hillsides. My friend was eighteen, so he was “the adult” in the car. I can’t believe we didn’t meet with disaster!) My first car—I shared it with my sister—was a 1960 VW Bug, which I bought after scouring the local classifieds, test-driving various offerings, and then getting the cash from my mother who borrowed it from our grandparents. It cost $550—about $2,200 today.

Can you imagine trusting any sixteen-year-old to shop for, and inspect mechanically, a vehicle that would be driven by both your teenagers? But such was my expertise with cars. That VW stayed in our family until it was stolen years later, but the significance of this purchase only recently dawned on me.

At seventeen I fell in love with my best friend, Mario, yet I still carried on intimate relationships with women with the hope that my attraction to men would falter and vanish. But it didn’t, and it took me another ten years (and a broken wedding engagement) to come to terms with this.

Finally a senior in high school, I quit my garden-care and odd-jobs business and began working thirty hours each week with the intent of buying a faster, more stylish car. I also saved money by shopping for necessities at thrift stores, purchasing what my friends referred to as “old-man shoes” along with pleated-front trousers, narrow-lapelled, speckled-wool sport coats, shirts with French cuffs, and a 1950s chrome cigarette case, which was always tucked into my coat’s breast pocket. On one excursion I even found a zippered-front, fire-engine-red Windbreaker with a high, pointed collar. At the nearby army surplus store I bought sailor tops and mailman pants and a heavy old navy pea coat. I knew I looked eccentric, so I wasn’t surprised when one of my girlfriends and I were named Most Unusual Dressers in our high school yearbook.

I turned eighteen. And as an adult I finally had the confidence to cast aside the religion I was raised with to begin searching for a spirituality that made sense to me; years before, my father had suggested reincarnation as the explanation for my strange ability to identify cars, reasoning that perhaps there had been a lifetime that I’d just recently returned from.

The idea stuck in my head—especially since the notion of a past life was so far outside the box (or rather, the vault) my Joseph McCarthy–loving father usually thought within.

Rebel Without a Cause & Past Life Recognition

Rebel James Dean IISIS Reincarnation Case StudyThen one summer evening after graduating from high school, my good friend Polly asked if I’d like to accompany her to see Rebel Without a Cause. “No, thanks,” I replied, laughing. “Not interested.” And I wasn’t. For some reason I still don’t understand, I had assiduously avoided seeing any of James Dean’s movies.

“I guarantee you’ll love it,” Polly urged. “If we hurry, we can make the seven o’clock.”

Reluctantly, I agreed. And when the curtains opened and Lenny Rosenman’s blaring, discordant brass intro segued into that sexy sax solo, there was Jimmy with his toy monkey lying in the middle of Franklin Avenue, hands tucked between his knees for warmth.

My breath caught.

That’s me. And those . . . are the clothes I wear.

Then halfway through the film I realized, That’s my red jacket!

So I waited for East of Eden to make its way around to the revival movie house (these were pre-VHS days, not to mention DVD or streaming), where I was awed by Dean’s impassioned portrayal of Cal. Then I watched Giant. It was just okay, but Jimmy as the young Jett Rink was as lurchingly charismatic as his portrayal of the same man as an unhappy middle-aged oil tycoon was sad and disconcerting.

Soon after, I wandered into a Crown Books and found the bio James Dean: A Short Life by Venable Herndon (Doubleday, 1974).

Past Life Talents, Personality Traits & Appearance

5%20red%20jacket%20james%20deanOn those pages I learned that the young actor had a strained relationship with his father . . . like me. That he was terribly nearsighted . . . like me. That he played the clarinet and recorder . . . like me. That he’d been good at basketball . . . like me. That he was artistic and bisexual and loved to draw and smoked cigarettes and listened to classical music and was obsessed with cars . . . like me. We even looked alike . . . at least enough that on Halloween that year when I donned jeans, a white T-shirt, and my red Windbreaker (and a whiplash neck brace), one of the guests at the party remarked, “He’s more James Dean than James Dean.”

And Jimmy had been on his way to compete in a car race when he was killed . . . not long before I was born.

Could . . . it . . . be?

One evening I was studying for a college test with a woman who let me know she was psychic and had self-trained as a Rosicrucian—a mysterious spiritual belief system I knew nothing about. She believed in reincarnation, so I told her my theory. “No,” she said after falling into a light trance. “You’re being tricked by an entity who’s flattering you. It’s very dangerous, and there are those on the other side who are waiting to see how you handle this. Go home and throw away everything you have that’s associated with Dean, send this entity on its way, and don’t look back.”

I followed her advice because she had been correct about a number of things I hadn’t previously known: She told me my grandmother had suffered a miscarriage in her twenties and my grandfather kept a picture in a box of his childhood best friend; she also said this friend died young. All true, as I discovered soon after—and enough to scare the hell out of me about some earthbound entity persuading me to believe I had once been James Dean. So I gave away the few objects that were Dean-centric—a Sanford Roth calendar, the bio by Venable Herndon, and my beloved red Windbreaker—and I didn’t look back.

For the next twenty-odd years I also didn’t give Jimmy another thought. I was too busy building a life together with Freddy and working full-time and subjecting myself to the travails of college night courses while pulling myself, an inch at a time, toward my goals: I wanted to be a social worker or a therapist and work within the LGBT community.

Principles of Reincarnation

But then I read Dr. Semkiw’s book Return of the Revolutionaries. I’d continued to be interested in reincarnation, because nothing else about the afterlife made sense to me . . . especially considering that business about identifying cars when I was two. So I began inserting my experiences into Dr. Semkiw’s schematic for identifying past lives . . . and the more pieces of the puzzle I slipped into place, the clearer Jimmy’s face twisted—once again—into focus. For example:

5 Studio James Dean IISIS Reincarnation Case Study ImageAttraction to geographical location: The house where I grew up is about four miles from Warner Bros. studios, where Dean lived and made his films.

As mentioned before, our home was a 1920s single-story, stucco Spanish home with archways and a clay-tiled roof . . . a fraternal twin to the house in Santa Monica (twenty-nine miles away) where Jimmy grew up until his mother died and his father shipped him off to Indiana. My parents’ home is also within walking distance of the old Pickwick Stables, where Jimmy boarded his horse, Cisco.

In high school and college my favorite place to relax and take dates had been the Griffith Park Observatory (where much of Rebel Without a Cause had been shot, a film I hadn’t yet seen), and I spent summer nights and weekends zooming along Mulholland Drive with the car’s top down, the same street where Jimmy raced his MG and Porsches.

7 Stables James Dean IISIS Reincarnation Case Study ImageBut the most startling example of this geographical attraction phenomenon occurred when Freddy and I moved, in the late 1980s, into our first apartment in Sherman Oaks, less than a mile from Jimmy’s old house on Sutton Street. And the day? September 30th—the same day Jimmy died thirty or so years before, after leaving his home in Sherman Oaks.

Did I have prior knowledge of his address in Sherman Oaks? No. And remember: This happened in my “Dean-free” years. It was only decades later that this information became available via the Internet, so you can imagine my surprise when I discovered this four years ago and saw how close we’d lived: only eight-tenths of a mile away! The Herndon bio I’d discarded twenty-five years earlier only briefly mentions his living in Sherman Oaks, while omitting any address; and considering the city encompasses more than nine square miles of densely populated housing, we could have easily chosen an apartment considerably farther away. I confirmed this: Just recently I repurchased the Herndon bio to check if it listed any address that I’d subconsciously filed away, but it does not.

Facial architecture / physical resemblance: I was never as good-looking as Jimmy, but our faces bear enough similarities that people have remarked about this throughout my life—even into my fifties (Walter Semkiw can attest to this). His left eyebrow sits lower than his right, as does mine. We share the same nose, cheekbones, and jawline, and an identical smile line just above the left side of our mouths—and only on the left side, not the right. And strangely, his index and ring fingers curved markedly inward, just as mine do. Finally, Jimmy was nearly blind without his glasses, and I have also been terribly nearsighted since fourth grade, the only member of my family to be. Contrary to what you’ve seen in his movies, Dean was not blond; his natural hair was quite wavy and almond-brown colored, exactly as mine was before the gray set in.

5 Junction James Dean IISIS Reincarnation Case StudyPast life birthmark: But what I consider the greatest physical evidence of my connection to Dean is what the late Dr. Ian Stevenson, in his landmark book, Twenty Cases Suggestive of Reincarnation (University of Virginia Press, 1980), spent much of his life investigating: scars people bear as a result of traumatic/fatal injuries in previous incarnations.

I have an arcing birthmark on the left side (parietal bone) of my head that my dermatologist could not explain; but if one is to abide by Dr. Stevenson’s theories, this birthmark is a result of what the coroner’s examination, dated October fifth 1955 (body processed by Martin Kuehl, Kuehl’s Funeral Home), stated: “. . . the left side of the face was damaged much more than the right . . .” from being smashed into by the front left of the oncoming car. In addition, my neck has given me trouble since my teens (Dean’s primary cause of death: broken neck), and this became so painful two years ago that I finally consulted my doctor, who ordered X-rays.

He opened the examination room door clutching the films. “When did you have your accident?”

I stifled a smile, suspecting this was coming. “Never had one.”

“I hope you’ve given up contact sports.”

“Never played them.”

Phobias: That experience as a panicked, carsick child holds significance. When I looked up California Valley on Google Maps, I saw that Highway 58 is the road closest (about 20 miles, as the crow flies) to Highway 46 where Dean was killed, and the topography and appearance of that two-lane road are just as Highway 46 looked in 1955, before it was straightened and widened in 1959.

Reincarnation Case Study Pool James DeanAdditionally, I didn’t learn to swim until I was twelve because I was terrified of the public swimming stadiums where my mother took me each summer for lessons. One time I even hooked my fingers into the chain-link fence so she couldn’t drag me inside to the treacherous pool, where I was convinced I would drown.

So you might imagine my shock while reading David Dalton’s James Dean the Mutant King (Chicago Review Press, 2001), which relayed the incident when Jimmy was tricked by his frat brothers at UCLA into diving into the university’s Olympic-size pool and swimming down to touch the drain. Once he’d swum all the way down, the idiot pranksters opened the drain valve and Jimmy was pressed onto the pool’s bottom; then, even after closing the valve, he needed to be pulled to the pool’s surface by a lifeguard, who also revived him. He’d come that close to drowning!

When I read this account, I felt like I was waving hello to myself.

Innate talents and interests: I’ve mentioned music, but I also became an author, which Dean reportedly wanted to be once he “settled down.” With regard to reincarnation theory suggesting one’s talents build from one life to the next (explaining, for example, child prodigies), I believe some of the success I’ve enjoyed as a novelist is an extension of Dean’s success as an actor. In order to create believable (and engaging!) characters in my books, I insert myself into the mind-set of each—young, old, male, female, rich, poor, good, evil—so that, in essence, I talk and walk and think and move my characters with words just as Jimmy did with his face and body. But instead of playing one character as the actor does, the novelist, in a sense, plays all the characters . . . in addition to being the script writer, director, set designer, location manager, producer—even the sound and lighting engineers. And let’s not forget that novels, like movies, transport the reader to other times and places.

 Reincarnation Case Study Surviving James DeanAnd I’ve enjoyed some success: several literary awards and a top selling international title. Moreover, my novels have spent considerable time at number one in their respective Amazon genres while breaking into the overall Top 100 in the United States, the United Kingdom, Germany, and Canada as recently as this past year. However, I’ve had no training in the art and science of novel writing. I’m self-taught. Therefore, I find it more than coincidental that author William Bast, in Surviving James Dean (Barricade Books, 2006), stated that Jimmy desired to be a successful writer almost as much as he wanted to be a great actor.

But what about acting? If this was Dean’s singular passion besides cars, why did I shun that profession? Even as a child I was a talented mimic (as was little Jimmy), and acting was something I knew I could do.

I just wasn’t interested. This was especially evident back in 1986, when I was at work (in Sherman Oaks!) and a friendly gentleman wearing glasses who was scouting merchandise for his home’s screening room introduced himself as “Johnny.” This man told me I was “cute” and had a good personality; then he added that he was in a position to help struggling young actors. “No, thanks,” I replied. He pressed on, suggesting that if I had some head shots, he could get them to the right people. I told him I had none to give him (I didn’t) and declined his offer with a sincere smile and words of thanks.

Two days later that man’s face was on the cover of the Los Angeles Times Calendar section, because he had a new movie coming out: Ferris Bueller’s Day Off. I had unknowingly given famed director John Hughes the brush-off.

Past Life Memories

 Reincarnation Case Study Chateau Marmount James DeanThere’s more I’ll mention but won’t elaborate upon: spontaneous memories of parking on the sloping, hairpin-curved side street directly in back of the Chateau Marmont in Hollywood and then running up the stairs and under a high Gothic colonnade, late for a meeting (this is where the cast of Rebel Without a Cause read their lines at director Nicholas Ray’s bungalow); three hypnotic regressions where I transitioned back to Jimmy’s lifetime, as well as an earlier lifetime in southern Europe where Freddy and I had fallen deeply in love but, but our relationship met a tragic end; my first real estate purchase of a tiny 1930s cabin with a great room, river-rock fireplace, sleeping loft, and beamed ceilings that recalled Jimmy’s tiny 1930s cabin in Sherman Oaks (which also had a great room, river-rock fireplace, sleeping loft, and beamed ceilings, and which I only became aware of ten years after I had already bought mine); a psychic trance medium who had no foreknowledge of my past lives and said, “They’re telling me about two lifetimes, one in the Civil War when you fought for the Confederacy and lost a leg, and the other when you were a good-looking B-movie actor from the 1940s who died tragically in a car crash.”

Obviously, Jimmy wound up being an “A-movie” actor and he died in 1955, but I thought she was pretty darn close to what I’d already suspected—and this woman subsequently told me she had identified the era as the 1940’s from details she “saw” in her mind’s eye: fashions, cars, etc., much of which populated the visual landscape of the 1950’s.

And speaking of psychics, I’m not certain why my Rosicrucian schoolmate advised me the way she did, other than I’ve since learned that all mediums relay their information through their personal “filters,” and these gifted people, like us all, have “on” days and “off.” Or perhaps those entities who were guiding her from beyond knew I needed to experience a long stretch of years without thinking for a minute about Mr. Dean and the possibility of our being karmically linked. This hiatus, in a sense, allowed me to strive and flourish in a manner that was independent of any and all “Dean parallels,” and it also makes the synchronistic decisions I made during this fallow time even more significant.

My Volkswagen Beetle as the Reincarnation of Jimmy’s Porsche

7 VW Porsche James Dean IISIS Reincarnation Case StudyBack to cars: That 1960 VW Beetle that I shopped for, inspected, and purchased for my sister and me at age sixteen? It was designed by Dr. Ferdinand Porsche, had an air-cooled four-cylinder rear engine, white Bakelite steering wheel and knobs, a metal dash with a passenger’s grab handle, and VDO gauges—just like Jimmy’s 1955 Porsche Spyder, which had been purchased at Competition Motors in Hollywood, one of the few dealership at the time that also sold VW Beetles. Place your cursor over the image of these car interiors to better appreciate the similarities in design.

Of course this could be mere coincidence; after all, plenty of people were buying used VW Beetles in the 1970’s. But it could also have been the closest thing to Dean’s movie-star Porsche 550 that the $550 my mother had borrowed from our grandparents could buy (I had really wanted a Karmann Ghia, which would have even more closely approximated the Spyder, but those carried too high a premium, even when well-worn).

What’s also interesting is the date the car was purchased, as documented in the journal I kept during high school: September 30th 1977, which was years before I knew anything of Dean, and somehow twenty-two years to the day after Dean died in his Porsche. It was also exactly ten years before Freddy and I moved in together. And just recently I had cause to look up my professional certification online, when I noticed the date the certification was issued: September 30 1996.

Reincarnation & Anniversary Phenomena

To recap: Dean’s fatal accident happened on September 30th 1955.

My first car, a Volkswagen similar in engineering to Dean’s Spyder, was purchased on September 30th 1977.

My first night together with my partner in our first home, less than a mile from Dean’s final residence: September 30th 1987.

My first day as a State certified professional? September 30th 1996.

Dr. Semkiw calls this “Anniversary Phenomena” when important dates from two or more lifetimes coincide, so my experience parallels patterns that others have observed.

But what about “Tinnie”? Looking back, perhaps my three-year-old sister—who as an adult acknowledges a somewhat vexing sixth sense for the paranormal—heard an inner voice that identified me as “Jimmie,” and “Tinnie” was as close as she could get. Unlike the t sound, the j sound is hard for three-year-olds to make. I should mention that her insistence on using Tinnie as my “real” name, as well as my early identification of automobile brands, coincides with what author and researcher Carol Bowman reports in her books about past-life evidence manifesting in children ages two to five (Children’s Past Lives: How Past Life Memories Affect Your Child [Bantam, 1998]).

Past Life as James Dean Affirmed in Session with Kevin Ryerson

About two weeks after I sent my e-mail to Dr. Semkiw, I received an answer.

Walter confirmed, with the assistance of trance medium Kevin Ryerson, my hunch along with the additional information that I share Jimmy’s prior incarnation with someone else in this lifetime. Semkiw calls it a soul split, and I’m still learning about this phenomenon.

So now that I’ve pieced all this together and had confirmation from one of the United States’, if not the world’s, foremost experts on reincarnation, as well as from more than one entity in the “spirit world,” do I think of myself as James Dean?


Young Mr. Dean is dead, and has been for nearly sixty years. And although I strongly believe my life, talents, and personality are linked to his, mine are also significantly different from his, just as each individual’s life is detached from all others.

Thus, I consider Jimmy’s incarnation to be a single, flickering candle atop my soul’s flaming birthday cake. He’s a sort of spiritual ancestor . . . a part of my soul who informs my life—a complete life, by the way, that includes a long career in the helping professions (the aforementioned graduate degree), a happy, decades-long relationship with my spouse, many treasured friends, financial security, and a second career as a writer.

Reflections on a Past Life as James Dean

Rebel James Dean IISIS Reincarnation Case StudyWhere a belief in reincarnation really makes a difference is in the resolution it can bring to strings dangling from a life cut short: In Jimmy’s case it was the storm and stress of his meteoric career, the early death of his mother from cancer, and the ensuing icy relationship with his father. From what I’ve read, his unresolved relationship with his dad—and the issues they struggled with—mirrors mine. But I can report now that the opposition we presented to each other has been relieved. In fact, just this year I finally told my father I loved him, and he told me for the very first time that he loved me.

Speaking of love, everything I’ve read about Mr. Dean suggests he didn’t have much of it in his life—at least in his Hollywood days—with the exception of true friendship coming from a few good folks, such as the aforementioned Bill Bast, Lew Bracker, and über-goddess Liz Taylor. But when it came to partnered intimacy, he was on his own. Yes, there had been his much ballyhooed relationship with the lovely Pier Angeli . . . but that ended badly, and some suggested the pair had been manufactured for the sake of an upcoming film (Somebody Up There Likes Me, which went on to star Ms. Angeli with Paul Newman after Dean’s death). Another friend turned biographer, actor John Gilmore, regaled readers in Live Fast—Die Young: Remembering the Short Life of James Dean (Thunder’s Mouth Press, 1998) with stories of Jimmy’s homosexual flings and tricks, but even Gilmore identified no one whom Jimmy might have caramelized onions for.

But I have Freddy, and we’ve spent more than half our lives together. We’re friends, we’re lovers, and we’re partners in the most egalitarian sense. He is my heart, and ever since our first date back in the late 1980s we’ve been hard at work building a wonderful life together. I appreciate him and our life every day—especially since surviving the AIDS crisis together, when we saw many of our friends die slow, painful deaths.

Other troublesome aspects of Jimmy’s persona were brought to light by biographer Donald Spoto in Rebel: The Life and Legend of James Dean (Harper Collins, 1996, p.235). While working on the set of Giant Jimmy was described as “. . . short, rude, sloppy, often anti-social and rarely cared about gratifying anyone but himself.” Mercedes McCambridge said, “. . . nobody had more problems with Jimmy than Jimmy. You could feel the loneliness beating out of him, and it hit you like a wave.” Jane Withers was “saddened” that he was “. . . so insecure, so afraid to get near anyone or attached to anyone.” Even author Edna Ferber suggested he “suffered from success poisoning . . .” He was “utterly winning one moment, obnoxious the next.” And so on. Almost every brush painted the same portrait of Dean as a lonely and confused young man with a boulder of angst as heavy as his talent.

Rogers Brackett & James Dean’s Dark Side

Rogers Brackett James Dean Reincarnation Case-Will SmithIt has also been reported that Jimmy appeared to forget the assistance he’d required from loving family and generous friends along his trajectory to success, and he boasted afterward that he “did it all on his own.” He even refused to loan his ex-lover Rogers Brackett some cash after the man lost his high-profile job, ignoring the fact that, in addition to supporting Jimmy financially, Brackett had probably been the single most instrumental person to catapult the young actor’s career toward stardom.

Allegedly, Dean also barked at waiters. He flicked burning cigarettes onto other people’s carpeting. He drove like a madman with passengers in his car or on his motorcycle. He made promises he had no intention of keeping, and he toyed with the hearts of lovers.

Those who’d known “the old Jimmy” saw that he’d suddenly grown too big for his boots, and, as Edna Ferber pointed out, success had indeed poisoned him.

I like to think this arrogance died with him—which is not to suggest I’m without ego, faults, rough edges, and maddening idiosyncrasies (Freddy, my sister, and my closest friends can attest to this), or that I’m finished working out my karmic issues.

Which brings me, once again, back to that strained relationship with my father, à la Jimmy and his father Winton.

Reflections on my Father, Reincarnation & Psychotherapy

This sense of isolation and rejection from my father has gnawed at me all my life, so upon Freddy’s urging this past year I began seeing a very capable and dynamic therapist, a psychologist who holds an EdD and has decades of experience.

As it turned out, he is also a believer in reincarnation who advocated understanding and forgiveness as karmic hammers and chisels, respectively, to smash the barriers between my father and me.

One day I braced myself and told him about my Dean theory.

“You don’t have a personality disorder and you’re not delusional,” he flatly told me. In fact, it was under his care that I experienced my second and third regressions back to Jimmy’s lifetime.

Recently, this doctor and I discussed my coming forward. “If it’s to bring awareness to reincarnation, then it’s a good thing,” he said. “If it’s to dance within Jimmy’s fame, then I think you’re going backward.”

I told him I concur, but I was still considering telling my story anonymously.

“What’s your motivation?” he asked.

5%20red%20jacket%20james%20dean“Jimmy’s life was so well documented,” I said. “The movies, the photos of him, the biographies, even the whispers and the rumors. I feel like I was leaving bread crumbs for myself to follow back from my next life, because maybe this is what I’m supposed to do. There’s huge significance here for everyone . . . not just me. But other people aren’t as lucky as I am to have these puzzle pieces exist in books and on the Internet, so they might not ever take the time to search. And finally, maybe it’s my soul’s purpose to share my experience . . . that maybe this is all a big karmic ball that started rolling even back before Dean got famous and had his accident.”

But wouldn’t lifting my veil give my account more credence? If I did, you could examine my face, investigate my publishing chops, confirm my academic credentials, and discover I have no police record and I’ve never been institutionalized.

But I’m not willing to do that. Not yet. Maybe not ever. My lack of notoriety is something I cherish, and surrendering it would crack open the lid on a big Pandora’s box.

Because I realize that to some people this sounds more than a little crazy.

And I’m still not absolutely sure that I lived a prior life as James Byron Dean.

Why? For one thing, I’m still catching those puzzle pieces, which the universe pitches slowly. And to quote from Dean Spanley (Miramax, 2008), one of my favorite movies about reincarnation, “Only the closed mind is certain.”

Everything I’ve reported here, as well as the other parallels I’ve omitted in the interest of brevity, could be coincidences and/or wishful thinking.

After all, lots of kids get carsick and are afraid of water . . . and what guy wouldn’t want to be James Dean?

I’m only sharing my experiences with the hope of inspiring you to keep plodding and walking and skipping along your own spiritual journey, knowing you’ll discover something akin to what I’ve learned. Because if karma has shaped my soul’s development, it’s most assuredly molding yours . . . whether you realize it or not.

But why reincarnation? How does humankind benefit from coming back to re-experience both the sweet blessings and the bitter strife of life?

Evidence of Reincarnation Can Help Create a More Peaceful World

Anne Frank | Barbro Karlen Past Life CaseIf we accept evolution as one of the “great truths” of life, then might it make sense that our consciousnesses (eight of them, if you subscribe to Buddhism), which are as alive as our physical bodies, should thrive more efficiently through the same principles of survival through adaptation? Just as whales are related to cows and hippos through environmental adaptation, I believe the intangible, invisible human spirit evolves through reincarnation. I also believe spirit evolution, in this same sense, dovetails beautifully with Dr. Semkiw’s assertion that we sometimes switch genders, nationalities, religions, and even sexual orientations upon our rebirth . . . which, in a sense, is like the cow becoming the whale so she comes to know the joys and dangers of the ocean.

Finally, this evolution-of-soul theory might also illuminate those perils we recognize as evil, disease, and discord as the counterforces (predators, in a sense) that accelerate and impel the soul’s evolution, in much the same way that cheetahs cull zebra packs and hawks snatch sparrows.

It’s an ugly part of life that we don’t question in the animal kingdom.

Or when one orders fried chicken.

It’s merely an accepted part of life . . . which I believe someday reincarnation will be.

But how will this happen?

Can DNA Analysis Prove Reincarnation?

world-peopleJust as the ancient Romans—oblivious to the wobbling earth—believed Demeter’s grief caused the seasons, we likewise hold on to our various ideas about the afterlife because science hasn’t yet discovered a plausible explanation.

But science is looking.

Consider, for example, “junk DNA”—the mush of deoxyribonucleic acid that was previously considered to have little effect on our human characteristics. Now this junk DNA has been discovered to play a specific role in genetics and behavior. According to a recent scholarly work titled The Mind in Context (by Batja Mesquita, Lisa Feldman Barrett, and Eliot R. Smith; Guilford Press, 2010, p. 2), “only a small proportion of human DNA (estimated between 2 and 5%) was genes; the rest . . . (that does not directly produce proteins) was labeled ‘junk,’ on the assumption that it was largely irrelevant to the biological understanding of life. As it turns out, however, ‘junk DNA’ has some important functions, including regulation of gene expression (i.e., turning on and off protein production) in a contextually sensitive fashion. . . . [M]uch of what makes us human, and what makes one person different from another, lurks in this junk.”

Perhaps it’s also inside this junk DNA, which constitutes at least 95 percent of an animal’s genetic material, where instinct lies: instincts that compel birds to build sturdy nests, newborn pups to suckle greedily, and bees to build perfectly symmetrical honeycombs. Instincts that inspire talents in humans—those inexplicable abilities that make us exceptional at the piano or soccer or chemical engineering or stand-up comedy, just because it comes so easily. Not even science knows what causes instincts or sparks talents, but considering that “DNA is not an inert set of blueprints; it responds to life experiences” (Sharon Begley, “When DNA Is Not Destiny,” Newsweek, November 2008) and is malleable, as further evidenced by evolution, I’d wager that our genetic, innate talents are an extension of the abilities we’ve developed in our previous lives.

Put simply, science agrees that energy cannot be created or destroyed, so if we alter—by how hard or how little we strive—our physical, mental, and consciousness (soul) DNA in one lifetime, then according to the laws of energy and evolution, we will return in our next for better or for worse.

That’s karma.

And science may now be on the cusp of discovering these correlations.

I’ll end with a quote of James Dean’s that I find especially apropos: “If a man can bridge the gap between life and death . . . if he can live on after he has died, then maybe he was a great man. To me the only success, the only greatness, is immortality.”

In this sense, I believe we are all great men and women.

Principles of Reincarnation & Understanding Past Lives

Physical Resemblance in Reincarnation Cases: There is a physical resemblance between James Dean and the author of the narrative provided above.

The author noted that James Dean wanted to be a successful writer almost as much as he wanted to be an actor. The author also explained how in being a successful writer of fiction, he has to understand all the characters he creates, much like an actor becomes his character on stage.b

As a child, the author pretended that he was a race driver and he had an innate knowledge of makes of authomobiles. Similar behavior and innate knowledge is observed in the: Reincarnation Case of WW II Pilot James Huston, Jr. | James Leininger

Geographic Memory: As a child, when the author was driven close to the site of James Dean’s death in California Valley, he had a panic reaction, much like the reaction of Fire Chief Jeff Keene at the Antietam Battlefield.

Past Life Phobia: As a child, the author an irrational phobia of swimming pools. James Dean almost died by drowning at the UCLA pool as a result of a fraternity prank.

Past Life Birthmark: Since childhood, the author has had a birthmark which corresponds to the site of head trauma incurred by James Dean in his fatal automobile accident.

Split Incarnation or Parallel Lives: As noted in the Preface, another incarnation of the soul of James Dean has been identified as Jaden Smith, the son of actor Will Smith. Whereas the anonymous author of the narrative provided above is fulfilling Jimmy’s dream to be a successful writer, Jaden is pursuing Jimmy’s passion for acting, as well as his soul’s love for music. One reason a soul pursues split incarnation is to develop diverse talents. Another is to work on karmic relationships more efficiently.

Relationships Renewed through Reincarnation: Will Smith has been identified as the reincarnation of Rogers Brackett, the mentor of James Dean. When Dean became successful, he was less than kind to Brackett when Brackett needed help. If these reincarnation cases are accepted, then the relationship of Rogers Brackett and James Dean are being mended in the father and son relationship of Will and Jaden Smith.



Reincarnation Case of Sadhona Bose | Shah Rukh Khan: Overlap of Lifetimes in a Past Life Case & Lady Gaga’s Belief in Reincarnation

 Reincarnation Case Study-shah-rukh-khan-reincarnation-sadhona-boseRevealed by: Spirit Guide or Spirit Being Ahtun Re in a Ryerson-Semkiw Reincarnation Research Session

From: Born Again, Indian Version, by Walter Semkiw, MD

Article by: Walter Semkiw, MD

Past Life of Shah Rukh Khan as a Female Indian Dancer

In sessions with Kevin Ryerson, I asked about Shah Rukh Khan, who has been described as India’s heartthrob. Ahtun Re revealed that Mr. Khan, in a past lifetime, was a well-known female Indian dancer and actress who lived during the early years of Indian cinema. After some research, I found a possible candidate in Sadhona Bose. In as subsequent session with Kevin Ryerson, Ahtun Re confirmed that Shah Rukh Khan is the reincarnation of Sadhona Bose, who lived from 1914 to 1973.

The Life of Sadhona Bose

Sadhona was an actress and dancer from Calcutta, a city which is now called Kolkata. Sadhona was trained in classic Indian dance, but she also performed ballet. In 1929, she even worked with Anna Pavlova on a stage version of Alibaba. Her best known movie is Raj Nartaki, which was released in the United States as Court Dancer. Sadhona Bose also produced the show, Rhythm of Victory, an extravaganza which featured 40 dancers.

Past Life Talent: Dancing Ability of Shah Rukh Khan

As a boy, Shah Rukh Khan was described as an extrovert with a mischievous streak. At school, he liked to entertain classmates with imitations of their teachers and celebrities. Shah Rukh Khan was attracted to the theater early on and eventually earned a Master’s degree in film and journalism.

The dancing talent of Sadhona Bose was expressed early on in the career of Shah Rukh Khan, who performed as a dancer under Barry John, an internationally known director and actor. John was producing Annie Get Your Gun with his Theater Action Group in New Delhi. Shah Rukh Khan asked John for a role and was cast as a male dancer in the production. Barry John has remarked on Shah Rukh Khans talent: “His ability to mime and clown, his dancing skills and his gymnastic skills were remarkable.” (1)

Shah Rukh Khan performed in other musicals, including Wizard of Oz, and continues to engage in musical productions. In 2004, he went on a two month song and dance tour which included venues in Europe and North America.

The Love Story of Shah Rukh Khan and Gauri Chhiba

An interesting part of Shah Rukh Khan’s life is his romance and marriage with Gauri Chhiba. Shah Rukh Khan is Muslim, whereas Gauri Chhiba is Hindu. As such, their romance has a Romeo and Juliet quality, in that their different religions created complications in the relationship.

At one point, Gauri Chhiba went to Mumbai for solitude, without informing Shah Rukh Khan. This unexpected separation led to Rukh Khan’s realization that he must be with Gauri. Though he did not know her specific whereabouts in Mumbai, which is a huge city, he went there to search for her.

Knowing that Gauri liked beaches, on the last day of his expedition to Mumbai he asked a cab driver for a recommendation regarding a beach he might go to in order to find his lady. The driver told Rukh Khan to try Aksa Beach, where he indeed found Gauri. The couple embraced and knew that they were meant to be with one another.

om shanti om born again walter semkiw IISIS Reincarnation CaseGenerally, when there is such a strong pull between people, such as demonstrated in the relationship of Shah Rukh Khan and Gauri Chhiba, there is usually a past life connection. It would be interesting to investigate the relationship history of these two people over the eons, over many lifetimes.

Walter Semkiw’s Born Again & Om Shanty Om

Of interest, when my book Born Again came out in India in 2006 and I was interviewed in India on CNN-IBN, Shah Rukh Khan was in the middle of making a movie. According to the Times of India, Shah Rukh Khan left that production to capitalize on the publicity that Born Again generated to make a movie on reincarnation. That film was Om Shanty Om, a wonderfully entertaining movie that has enjoyed international distribution.

Om Shanti Om was released in November 2007 and broke box office records, grossing over 1.49 billion worldwide, becoming the highest-grossing Hindi film of all-time.

Lady Gaga & Reincarnation

Also of interest, Lady Gaga was interviewed by Shah Rukh Khan when she was in India. In that interview, as reported in the Times of India and on the website Digital Spy, she expressed her belief in reincarnation.

In Shah Rukh Khan Interview, Lady Gaga says: “I was reincarnated”

“Lady Gaga has told Bollywood star Shah Rukh Khan that she believes she was reincarnated. The Born This Way performer was interviewed by the Indian film star during her recent trip to India, reports The Times of India

‘I believe you can be reborn over and over again,’ Gaga explained. ‘I believe I was my father’s sister. My father’s sister died when she was 19 years old and I believe her spirit is with me and so I believe that I am her reincarnation.'”

In session I had with Kevin Ryerson, I asked Ahtun Re, the spirit being channeled through Kevin who has demonstrated an ability to make past life matches with a high degree of accuracy, whether Lady Gaga’s belief that she is the reincarnation of her paternal aunt is valid. Ahtun Re indicated that this is true. To learn more, go to: Reincarnation Case of Joanne Stefani Germanotta | Lady Gaga

Reincarnation Case Study-shah-rukh-khan-reincarnation-sadhona-bosePrinciples of Reincarnation & Understanding Past Lives

Physical Resemblance: Despite the change in gender, there is similarity in the facial arcitecture of Shah Rukh Khan and Sadhona Bose.

Change in Gender though Reincarnation: Shah Rukh Khan is male while Bose was female.

Change in Religion through Reincarnation: Bose was a Hindu woman, while Shah Rukh Khan is Muslim man.

Innate Past Life Talent: The dancing, singing and acting talent of Sadhona Bose is expressed in the career of Shah Rukh.

Split Incarnation: Sadhona Bose died in 1973, while Shah Rukh Khan was born in 1965, which represents an overlap of eight years. Ian Stevenson, MD of the University of Virginia published a number of reincarnation cases in which lifetimes overlapped, which he termed cases with “anomalous dates.”

View Viral Reincarnation Research Video: Evidence of Reincarnation


1. Biswadeep Ghosh, Hall of Fame: Shah Rukh Khan, Magna Publishing Company, 2004, p. 46

Reincarnation Case of Robert Todd Lincoln | Steven Spielberg with the Reincarnation Case of Edwin Booth | Amitabh Bachchan

5-edwin-booth-amitabh-bachchan-reincarnationRevealed by: Spirit Guide or Spirit Being Ahtun Re in a Ryerson-Semkiw Reincarnation Research Sessions, 2003, 2005

From: Born Again

Article by: Walter Semkiw, MD

After I made the assessment that Ahtun Re, a spirit guide that Kevin Ryerson channels, can make accurate reincarnation matches, I started asking about the past lives of accomplished individuals.  When I asked Ahtun Re for a past lifetime for Steven Spielberg, I was surprised when he told me that Spielberg was Abraham Lincoln’s only son to grow to adulthood, Robert Todd Lincoln. I never would have made that connection, though Lincoln was a great theater fan, which appears to have extended to his sons.

About two years later, I was working on reincarnation cases for an Indian version of Born Again, including that of Amitabh Bachchan, one of India’s most prominent movie stars. Ahtun Re told me that Bachchan in a past lifetime was Edwin Booth, one of the most prominent actors of 19th century America and the brother of John Wilkes Booth, the man who assassinated Abraham Lincoln.

Further investigation revealed that Edwin Booth’s entire family has reincarnated around Amitabh Bachchan in India, while the Lincoln family, including Abrahan and Robert Todd Lincoln | Steven Spielberg, have reincarnated in modern day Hollywood.

5-edwin-booth-amitabh-bachchan-reincarnationThe specific identities of members of these two linked soul groups, the Lincoln soul group and the Booth soul group, provide fascinating examples of how relationships are renewed by reincarnation. These cases are featured in Born Again.

Principles of Reincarnation & Understanding Past Lives

Physical Resemblance from One Lifetime to Another: There the facial features of Robert Todd Lincoln and Steven Spielberg are similar, including matching beards. One difference is that Robert Todd was heavier than Steven is. An uncanny resemblance exists between Edwin Booth and Amitabh Bachchan.

Renewal of Relationships through Reincarnation: The Lincoln family has reincarnated in Hollywood and the relationship of Robert Todd Lincoln with his father, Abraham, has been renewed. The case of Abraham Lincoln is featured in Born Again. The family of Edwin Booth has reincarnated in Bollywood, the movie center of India.




Reincarnation Cases of David O. Selznick | Ben Stiller & Alfred Hitchcock | Oren Moverman

Ben Stiller as Reincarnation of David O. Selznick, IISIS Walter Semkiw, MDProposed by: Walter Semkiw, MD

Affirmed by: Spirit Guide or Spirit Being Ahtun Re in a Ryerson-Semkiw Reincarnation Research and Session

Article by: Walter Semkiw, MD

Evidence of Reincarnation can Help Create a More Peaceful World

In 2010, I placed an advertisement for in the Hollywood Reporter ‘s philanthropy issue to seek donations to fund translation of key independently derived reincarnation cases, such as those researched by Ian Stevenson, MD of the University of Virginia, into multiple languages. Since these cases show that a soul can change religion, nationality and ethnic affiliation from one incarnation to another, evidence of reincarnation can help create a more peaceful world. An especially powerful case in this regard is the: Reincarnation Case of Anne Frank | Barbro Karlen

The work of Ian Stevenson, MD and the Anne Frank Barbro Karlen case is featured in the viral reincarnation research video:

Evidence of Reincarnation

To have a positive impact, though, these independently researched reincarnation cases have to be made available to people of diverse cultures.

The website page, Principles of Reincarnation, with the 23 independently researched reincarnation cases that are cited, form the template for our translation efforts.

Past Life Attraction: Ben Stiller and the Biopic on David O. Selznick

With the placement of the ad, I was given a complimentary subscription to the Hollywood Reporter. In the November 4, 2011 issue I was struck by an article on Ben Stiller, who was described as “an astute, driven filmmaker,” which is very different from his public, comic persona. My curiosity was further piqued by the following line:

“Two of his favorite future films have show business at their heart, each centered on a larger-than-life character whose moral ambivalence intrigues Stiller and whose drive is perhaps something he relates to. One is about David O. Selznick, the obsessive producer of Gone with the Wind.” (1)

I then read a different article in which it was stated that Stiller very much wants to be involved in the production of this movie on the life of David O. Selznick and is even considering playing the lead role of Selznick.

Affinity Reincarnation Cases: Attraction to One’s Own Past Life

There is a category of reincarnation cases that I term “affinity cases,” in which an individual is attracted to their own past life persona. One example involves the reincarnation case of Dorothy Dandridge | Halle Barry and two others involve the reincarnations of Laurel and Hardy. In this light, I wondered if Stiller might be the reincarnation of Selznick.

I noted that the shape of Ben Stiller’s face is similar to that of Selznick, though Selznick was much heavier in weight then is Stiller. The reincarnation case of Oliver Hardy | Danny Bacher demonstrates how facial architecture can remain the same from lifetime to lifetime, though appearance can vary due to body weight. As with Stiller, Danny is not nearly as heavy as Ollie was.

Spirit Being Ahtun Re Affirms Ben Stiller as the Reincarnation of David O. Selznick

Ben Stiller as Reincarnation of David O. Selznick, IISIS Walter Semkiw, MDIn a session with Kevin Ryerson, I asked about this proposed match and Ahtun Re, a spirit guide channeled through Kevin who has demonstrated an ability to make accurate past life matches, affirmed that Ben Stiller is the reincarnation of David O. Selznick. I then became excited about trying to find members of Selznick’s soul group reincarnated around Stiller. For example, it was Selznick who brought Alfred Hitchcock from England, introduced him to American audiences and made him one of the most famous directors in the world.

Oren Moverman as the Reincarnation of Alfred Hitchcock

In investigating possible soul group connections, I started with the movie that is being planned about Selznick. I learned that the screenplay was written by Pulitzer Prizewinning playwright Donald Margulies. Further, I read that an Israeli filmmaker, Oren Moverman, had rewritten Margulies’ screenplay and was being considered to direct the movie on Selznick.

I noted that Moverman bears a strong resemblance to Alfred Hitchcock, with the variation that Hitchcock was extremely overweight and Moverman is not. Like Hitchcock, Moverman started as a journalist and then moved into screenwriting and movie direction. In the session with Kevin Ryerson, Ahtun Re verified my hypothesis that Oren Moverman is the reincarnation of Alfred Hitchcock.

Ben Stiller as Reincarnation of David O. Selznick, IISIS Walter Semkiw, MDPrinciples of Reincarnation & Understanding Past Lives

Physical Resemblance from One Lifetime to Another: There are similarities in facial features in the cases of David O. Selznik | Ben Stiller and Alfred Hitchcock | Oren Moverman.

Innate Past Life Talent: Similar talents in film making are demonstrated in these reincarnation cases from one lifetime to another.

Renewal of Relationships through Reincarnation: If these cases are accepted, then a collaboration from an earlier era has been renewed in contemporary times

Change in Nationality from One Incarnation to Another: Alfred Hitchcock was born in England, while Oren Moverman was born in Israel.

Split Incarnation: The lifetimes of Alfred Hitchcock and Oren Moverman overlap by about 16 years.



Reincarnation Case of Theda Bara | Madonna

Affirmed by: Spirit Guide or Spirit Being Ahtun Re in a Ryerson-Semkiw Reincarnation Research Session

Article by: Walter Semkiw, MD

In a session with Kevin Ryerson, Madonna has been confirmed by Ahtun Re to be the reincarnation of Theda Bara, who was a sex symbol of the silent screen era.

Theta wore very revealing and provocative costumes, much like Madonna’s lingerie-like outfits.

Of interest, Madonna likely believes in reincarnation, as she has been a strong supporter of the Kabbalah Centre in Los Angeles. Reincarnation is accepted in the teachings of this organization. I had the good fortune to do a presentation on evidence of reincarnation for Yehuda Berg, who is a co-director of The Kabbalah Centre.

Principles of Reincarnation & Understanding Past Lives

Physical Resemblance: The facial features of Theda Bara and Madonna are consistent. One difference is that Theda maintained a heavier body weight, while Madonna seems to get leaner as she gets older.

Innate Past Life Talent: Theda Bara and Madonna have both been extremely successful and internationally famous entertainers.

Change of Religion and Ethnic Affiliation: Theda was born to a Jewish family with Polish and Swiss roots, while Madonna was born into an Italian Catholic family. Madonna’s Jewish past lifetime as Theda may explain her affinity for the Kabbalah, which is an esoteric Jewish system of spirituality.



Reincarnation Cases of Harriet Tubman | Angela Davis, Fredrick Douglass | Walter Fauntroy and William Shakespeare | August Wilson; Past Lives of Barack Obama and Jon Stewart

Reincarnation Case Study Lyman Trumbull Reincarnation Barack ObamaAffirmed by: Ahtun Re in a Ryerson-Semkiw Reincarnation Research Sessions

Article by: Walter Semkiw, MD

Click on images to enlarge

The Harriet Tubman | Angela Davis Reincarnation Case

To learn more, please go to:

Past Life of Angela Davis as Harriet Tubman

Reincarnation Case of Frederick Douglass | Walter E. Fauntroy

Ahtun Re has revealed that African American Abolitionist Frederick Douglass has been reborn as African American Civil Rights activist Walter E. Fauntroy.

Reincarnation Case of Henry Ward Beecher | Jon Stewart

A prominent White Abolitionist was Henry Ward Beecher, who has reincarnated as Jon Stewart.

A White Abolitionist Senator Lyman Trumbull Reincarnates as Barack Obama: Change of Race through Reincarnation to Perpetuate a Mission

Go to: Reincarnation Case of Lyman Trumbull | Barack Obama

Effects of the Anne Frank Reincarnation Case on Civil Liberties

In the Anne Frank | Barbro Karlen reincarnation case, it is noted that Anne Frank was persecuted and died in a Nazi concentration camp because she was a German Jew, then reincarnated into a Christian family in Sweden. I point out that if the Nazis knew that one could be Jewish in one lifetime and Christian in another, the Holocaust could never have happened.

Similarly, if people knew that one could be born dark-skinned in one lifetime and Caucasian in another and vice versa, slavery, segregation and racial prejudice in the United States would not have happened.

Go to: Reincarnation Cases with Change in Religion, Nationality and Ethnic Affiliation

August Wilson as the Reincarnation of William Shakespeare

Anne Frank | Barbro Karlen Past Life CaseAnother interesting case in which race changes from one lifetime to another is involves William Shakespeare, who reincarnated as African American playwright August Wilson. Wilson wrote plays about segregationist America and the media has described him as: “The Shakespeare of Our Time.”

This case is featured in my book:  Born Again

Principles of Reincarnation


Reincarnation Case of Jules Verne | David Mitchell & Cloud Atlas

Proposed by: Walter Semkiw, MD

Affirmed by: Spirit Guide or Spirit Being Ahtun Re in a Ryerson-Semkiw Reincarnation Research Session

Article by: Walter Semkiw, MD

David Mitchell is the author of Cloud Atlas, which has been made into a film by Lana and Andy Wachowski, along with Tom Tykwer. The Wachowskis are best known for their Matrix movie series. Lana Wachowski was previously Larry Wachowski, as this individual has changed gender from male to female. Transsexualism from the point of view of reincarnation is discussed on the page regarding past lives for Lana and Andy Wachowski (pending).

Halle Berry as the Reincarnation of Dorothy Dandridge

Cloud Atlas involves reincarnation, which makes this movie of great interest to me, especially since one of the stars, Halle Berry, is featured as a reincarnation case in Born Again. She is also featured on the web site at the: Reincarnation Case of Dorothy Dandridge | Halle Berry

David Mitchell has stated, regarding, Cloud Atlas: “All of the [leading] characters are reincarnations of the same soul … identified by a birthmark. … The “cloud” refers to the ever-changing manifestations of the “atlas,” which is the fixed human nature. The book’s theme is predacity … individuals prey on individuals, groups on groups, nations on nations.” (1)

Ian Stevenson, at the University of Virginia, found that individuals who died of a traumatic wound, such as a bullet or stab wound, would have a scar or birthmark in the same anatomic location in a subsequent incarnation. This likely relates to David Mitchell’s use of a birthmark to identify a soul in a series of incarnations.

Cloud Atlas Author David Mitchell as the Reincarnation of Jules Verne

I was intrigued by who the author may have been in a prior lifetime. As I pondered this question, the words “Jules Verne” entered my mind. I found that an image of a young, clean-shaven Verne, which demonstrated a physical similarity between Verne and David Mitchell.

In a subsequent session with Kevin Ryerson, Ahtun Re confirmed that David Mitchell is the reincarnation of Jules Verne.

Principles of Reincarnation & Understanding Past Lives

Physical Resemblance in Reincarnation Cases: The facial features of the young Jules Verne correspond to those of David Mitchell.

Innate Past Life Talent: Jules Verne was a pioneer of science fiction, whose talent is evident in the writing of David Mitchell. Travel is prominent in the works of Verne and Mitchell.

Change in Nationality and Ethnic Affiliation: Jules Verne was born in France, while David Mitchell is a native of England.


Reincarnation Case of Oliver Goldsmith | Neil Simon

Affirmed by: Spirit Guide or Spirit Being Ahtun Re in a Ryerson-Semkiw Reincarnation Research Session

Article by: Walter Semkiw, MD

Neil Simon is one the most successful playwrights in contemporary times. His works, which have been made into many movies, focus on relationships of everyday people. He is known for his tolerant and understanding view of human behavior.

In a session with Kevin Ryerson, Ahtun Re affirmed that Neil was Oliver Goldsmith in a prior incarnation. Goldsmith wrote The Vicar of Wakefield, which was one of the most popular novels of the 18th-century. Goldsmith, in his written works, is known for his portrayal of the innate goodness of human beings, which seems to reflect Neil Simon’s sympathetic approach to his characters.

Principles of Reincarnation & Understanding Past Lives

Physical Resemblance: Oliver Goldsmith and Neil Simon share physical features, including a very round head. Click on the image to enlarge it.

Past Life Talent: The writing talent of Goldsmith has shined forth in the career of Neil Simon.

Change in Nationality and Religion: Oliver Goldsmith was born in Ireland, where his grandfather was a Christian clergyman. In contrast, Neil Simon was born in the Bronx, New York to a Jewish family.


Reincarnation Case of Will Rogers | Robin Williams Robin Williams Reincarnation Movie Suicide & Reincarnation

Proposed by: Supporter

Affirmed by: Spirit Guide Ahtun Re in a Ryerson-Semkiw Reincarnation Research Session

Article by: Walter Semkiw, MD

Robin Williams as the Reincarnation of Will Rogers

Will Rogers Robin Williams Smile Reincarnation Case ImageRobin Williams committed suicide during the evening of Sunday, August 10 or the early morning of Monday, August 11, 20 14. A few days after this tragic event, a Reincarnation Research supporter sent me a message with the hypothesis that in the past lifetime, Robin Williams was the great American humorist and movie star, Will Rogers. Will Rogers was one of the most famous celebrities of the 1920s and 1930s.

In looking at images of the Rogers, I was very impressed by the physical resemblance between the two. In fact, one can almost see Robin Williams in the eyes and smile of Will Rogers. Also, in reading some of Will Rogers’ most famous quotations, one can almost hear Robin Williams saying the same things. Place your cursor over images to enlarge and use arrow keys to scroll up and down on the image.

In a session with Kevin Ryerson which took place on August 16, 2014, Ahtun Re, the spirit guide channeled through Kevin who has demonstrated the ability to make past life matches with a high degree of accuracy, affirmed that Robin Williams was the reincarnation of Will Rogers.

Robin Williams’ Interest in Reincarnation Research & What Dreams May Come

5 Robin Williams Will Rogers Reincarnation & Suicide ImageI happen to know that Robin Williams was very interested in reincarnation. The way this knowledge came about is that I met an individual in August 2013 who had created one of the early Internet E-mail providers, such as Hotmail or Yahoo. His company was then purchased by a venture capital group, which allowed this hi-tech entrepreneur to retire at an early age.

Hoping that this person may be interested in financially supporting I showed him the our website. I explained that independently researched reincarnation cases, including cases studied by Ian Stevenson, MD at the University of Virgina, demonstrate that individuals can change religion, nationality and ethnic affiliation from one incarnation to another. I pointed out that understanding of this observation can help create a more peaceful world, as most conflicts are based on differences in these cultural markers of identity.

I then showed this hi-tech entrepreneur the Evidence of Reincarnation video, which I had put up on You Tube on May 21, 2013. This video centers on the reincarnation research of Dr. Ian Stevenson at the University of Virginia. Over a period of 40 years, Dr. Stevenson studied young children who had spontaneous memories of past lifetimes. In approximately 1200 Stevenson cases, the children’s past life memories could be objectively validated. In my opinion these cases, in aggregate, provide proof of reincarnation

After watching the Evidence of Reincarnation video, which has had millions of views, the hi-tech entrepreneur became quite excited and stated that a person who he lives next to is very interested in reincarnation research and has spoken of Ian Stevenson.

IISIS Image of Robin Williams Reincarnation Sea CliffThe hi-tech entrepreneur explained that he lives in the Sea Cliff neighborhood of San Francisco and that once a month, he and this neighbor would get together, smokes cigars and discuss life. The hi-tech entrepreneur said that he would tell his friend about the work that I was doing in reincarnation research and he stated that he was sure that his neighbor would contact me due to our mutual interest in reincarnation research. I asked the hi-tech entrepreneur who his neighbor is and he replied, “Robin Williams.” Robin Williams did indeed live in Sea Cliff at that point in time in 2013, but he subsequently moved to Tiburon, where he committed suicide in August 2014.

As we parted, this individual reiterated that he was sure that Robin Williams would contact me. I gave the hi-tech entrepreneur my Born Again and Origin of the Soul books to forward to Robin, along with my contact information. Much to my disappointment, Robin Williams never did get in touch with me.

Of interest, Robin Williams starred in a movie, What Dreams May Come, which deals with suicide and reincarnation. Robin also had a joke about reincarnation which has received much publicity. He said, regarding reincarnation: “With my luck I will come back as myself.” This is a funny, albiet true, statement.

Reincarnation and Suicide

5 Robin Williams Will Rogers Reincarnation & Suicide ImageIf reincarnation is real, which reincarnation research does support, what are the ramifications of suicide on the progression of the soul? Ian Stevenson did publish a reincarnation case involving suicide, which he considered one of the strongest cases he had ever studied. In addition, two other reincarnation cases involving suicide were published by Stevenson’s colleague, Satwant Pasricha, PhD. Please review the Ian Stevenson case involving Ruprecht Schultz by clicking on the link provided below

Reincarnation Case of Helmut Kohler | Ruprecht Schultz and the Karma of Suicide-Must Read

To review other reincarnation cases involving suicide, go to:

Independently Researched Reincarnation Cases Involving Suicide

Is Mental Illness Continued from One Lifetime to Another through Reincarnation?

Though in the end, Robin Williams developed a neurologic disease which appears to have made is life intolerable, he also suffered from biochemical depression and he may have also had bipolar disorder, also known as manic-depressive illness. Both of these conditions are caused by an imbalance of neurotransmitters in the brain. Will Rogers, on the other hand, does not appear to have had a history of depression or bipolar disorder. As such, if this reincarnation case is accepted, it appears that mental illness is not a quality of the soul and is not continued from one lifetime to another. Rather, these conditions appear to be related to an individual’s genetic inheritance.

Criticism regarding Robin Williams’ & Kurt Cobain’s Suicides

The media has reported that family members of Robin Williams, including his children, have received hostile messages regarding Robin’s suicide. Hostility is generated by the point of view that Robin had everything one could want, such as a loving family, worldwide fame and wealth. With so many riches, how could he commit suicide? A similar reaction occurred with the suicide death of Kurt Cobain, the late lead singer of the rock group Nirvana.

5 Kurt Cobain Suicide Reincarnation ImageThis hostility and lack of empathy for suicide deaths stems from the inability of those who have not experienced depression to imagine how somebody could possibly feel so bad to commit suicide. Very simply, when an individual has severe biochemical depression, that person can experience a total lack of enjoyment in life, as well as profound despair. Only somebody who has experienced severe depression can fully understand it.

The psychological term for the feeling one experiences in depression is “anhedonia,” in which an individual does not experience any joy or pleasure in life. It should be noted that in the vast majority of depression cases, anhedonia can be successfully treated with anti-depressant medications. For individuals who do not respond to medications, ECT (Electroconvulsant Therapy), also known as electroshock therapy, can be of benefit.

Unfortunately, whether appropriate treatment is not taken advantage of or if treatment does not succeed in controlling anhedonia, people commit suicide as they can no longer tolerate feeling the way that they do. They perceive suicide as being a method to relieve themselves of depression and despair.

Individuals who experience depression must be open to taking medications that will modify the neurochemistry of the brain to relieve anhedonia. Rather than criticize those who succumb to suicide, we must have empathy for the person who feels so bad that they feel they cannot continue living.

Is Suicide Justified in Light of Evidence of Reincarnation?

Though I do urge empathy and understanding for those who do commit suicide, I do not believe that suicide is a wise choice and that suicide does have karmic implications. Once again, to review these issues please go to:

Reincarnation Case of Helmut Kohler | Ruprecht Schultz and the Karma of Suicide-Must Read

In sum, based on reincarnation research, Robin Williams will not be eternally damned or go to hell. Rather, he will reincarnate and be the same comic genius as he was in his lifetimes as Will Rogers and Robin Williams. He will likely have to deal with karma related to committing suicide, including the grief he caused loved ones, but the progress of Robin’s soul will continue. Hopefully, he will not be born with similar biochemical afflictions in the future. One should keep in mind that Robin had a big heart and did much good for people in need, so he does have positive karma, which will help balance the negative karma incurred by committing suicide.

Principles of Reincarnation & Understanding Past Lives

5 Robin Williams Suicide & Reincarnation Movie What Dreams May Come, Walter Semkiw ArticlePhysical Resemblance in Reincarnation Cases: There is a marked resemblance between Will Rogers and Robin Williams.

Past Life Talent: In may ways, Robin Williams replicated the career of Will Rogers in becoming a comedian, actor and world-renown celebrity.

Reincarnation & Suicide: Reincarnation research demonstrates that those who commit suicide reincarnate like everyone else. The individual who commits suicide may need to face circumstances similar to those that drove the person to suicide in a past lifetime, but hopefully, the individual will not commit suicide again in the future incarnation.