Reincarnation Case of Steve Allen | Steve Higgins with a Past Life for Jimmy Fallon: 2 Souls Working Together in Comedy Across 2 Overlapping Lifetimes


Steve Allen | Steve Higgins Case Proposed by: Supporter

Affirmed by: Spirit Being Ahtun Re in a Ryerson-Semkiw Reincarnation Research Session

Article by: Walter Semkiw, MD

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Steve Allen, Steve Higgins and the Phenomenon of Split Incarnation

Steve Allen was a co creator and the first host of The Tonight Show, which initially aired in 1954. This was the first late night talk show in the United States. Allen was a television icon and was honored by two stars on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.

Allen was also TV producer and a comedy writer. He died in the year 2000, at the age of 78.

Steve Higgins was born in 1963, 37 years BEFORE Steve Allen died. As such, this represents a case of split incarnation, in which a soul inhabits two human bodies at the same time, in this case for a period of 37 years. In other words, the lifetimes of Allen and Higgins have overlapped by 37 years.

Ian Stevenson, MD of the University of Virginia, Reincarnation Research and Split Incarnation

Though split incarnation is a difficult concept to accept, there is evidence that this phenomenon does indeed occur. Ian Stevenson, MD of the University of Virginia compiled over 1500 childhood past life memory cases that were objectively validated. Split incarnation is observed in some of these cases. In fact, split incarnation is demonstrated in one of Dr. Stevenson’s strongest cases. To learn more, please to go:

The Suicide and Split Incarnation Case of Helmut Kohler | Ruprecht Schultz

Another split incarnation case, in which a 27-year overlap in lifetimes is observed, is cited below:

Past Lives of Penney Peirce

The topic of Split Incarnation is addressed in my book Born Again, as well as in Origin of the Soul and the Purpose of Reincarnation.

Past Life Talent: Allen and Higgins both have Demonstrated Comedic Gifts

5 Jackie Gleason-Jimmy Fallon Reincarnation CaseLike Allen, Steve Higgins is a comedy writer and in fact, he was the co-head writer of the iconic show, Saturday Night Live, from 1995 to 1997. In addition, he has been a producer of Saturday Night Live since 1996. Higgins has also been nominated for several Emmy Awards.

A Past Life for Jimmy Fallon

Of interest, I have posted a reincarnation case involving Jimmy Fallon. To learn more, please go to:

The Split Incarnation Case of Jackie Gleason | Jimmy Fallon

Jackie Gleason and Steve Allen worked together on the Jackie Gleason Show. In a continuation of this relationship, Jimmy Fallon and Steve Higgins are working together on The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon.

This is a bit mind-boggling, isn’t it?

Planning Lifetimes to be Reunited with Those You Like, Care For and Work With

It is not a coincidence that Allen | Higgins and Gleason | Fallon are working together across two incarnations. There is very compelling evidence that souls plan lifetimes to be reunited with those that they have known and loved in past lives.

The most impressive study was done by Ian Stevenson, MD, who compiled 31 sets of twins who had past life memories that were objectively validated. In 100 percent of these reincarnation cases, the twins had very significant past life relationships, including being siblings, spouses and friends. In one case, twin boys even managed to reincarnate as twin boys again! To learn more, please go to:

Ian Stevenson, MD Twin Study

The Power of Souls: Twins are Murdered and then Reincarnate as Twins Again

In sum, Gleason and Allen purposely reincarnated together to continue their work together. To review other Television and Movie past life cases, please go to:

TV and Movie Reincarnation Cases

Evidence and Principles of Reincarnation-Understanding Past Lives

Physical Resemblance in Reincarnation Cases: There is a resemblance between Allen and Higgins, though Steve Higgins has a longer face.

My understanding is that physical appearance is determined by an energy template projected from the soul into the developing fetus, as well as by genetic factors. A discussion of physical appearance in reincarnation cases is found on the page, Evidence and Principles of Reincarnation, cited above.

Past Life Passions, Talent and Abilities: The souls of Allen | Higgins and Gleason | Fallon have been displaying their comedic talents in continuum.

Split Incarnation: Steve Allen’s lifetime has overlapped with that of Steve Higgins, and the lifetime of Jackie Gleason has overlapped with the life of Jimmy Fallon.