Soul Planning from Spirit Realm: Past Life Story of Bessie Gordon | Jenny McLeod

Jenny McLeod was born on November 7, 1949 in Aberdeen, Scotland but prior to that she planned her reincarnation. She was Bessie Gordon. the mother of Margaret, Janet’s mother in her past life, a good proof of same family reincarnation.

How Derived: Memories in Childhood

Researchers: Reverend H.W.S. Muir and Ian Stevenson, MD

From: European Cases of the Reincarnation Type, by Ian Stevenson

Article by Walter Semkiw, MD

In a Past Life, Little Jenny Remembers Feeding her Grandma, the Lump and Little Dogs

IISISReincarnationResearchLumpPortreeJenny McLeod was born on November 7, 1949 in Aberdeen, Scotland. Her parents were Hamish and Margaret McLeod and the family soon settled in Tore, near Inverness.

Jenny was able to speak by the time she was one year old. When she was two, Jenny made statements about a previous lifetime. She was being fed by her grandmother, whose name was Mary Gordon. With her mother, Margaret, sitting nearby, Jenny said to her grandmother:

“Do you remember when I used to feed you, Grannie?” (1)

Let us let Ian Stevenson, MD, describe what happened next:

“Apparently, by association, Jenny then mentioned a hill called The Lump at Portree. She spoke about a house there, which had a little pier of its own. She referred to some steps which provided a shorter way of reaching the house by going over the hill, rather than using the road that went around the The Lump. She talked about ‘nice little dogs’ that she had had. (The McLeods had no dogs of their own, large or small.}” (2)

Her mother, Margaret, related that Jenny then became sleepy, as she had just finished her lunch. Due to her drowsiness, Jenny stopped talking and she never spoke about this past lifetime again.

Validation of Jenny’s Past Life Memories

The McLeods told their minister, Reverend H.M.S Muir, about Jenny’s statements, who wrote a summary of the case. The summary was sent to a colleague of Ian Stevenson in Edinburgh, who forwarded the summary to Stevenson.

IISISReincarnationResearchTerriersIn 1967, Stevenson traveled to Tore, Scotland, to research the case himself. Stevenson interviewed family members and he confirmed that Jenny did not learn details of this proposed past lifetime through normal means.

Margaret McLeod told the researchers that Jenny’s statements corresponded to the life of Bessie Gordon, Jenny’s maternal great-grandmother.

Bessie was born in 1865 in Portree of the Isle of Skye, where she lived her entire life. She lived near the sea and indeed, she had a house with a pier, which was the only pier in the area. Her house was also next to a hill called The Lump, which is pictured above.

There were steps or stepping-stones on this hill, which provided a shortcut to reaching the nearby town of Seafield. This shortcut could be used instead of walking around the Lump.

Of interest, Bessie raised West Highland Terriers. Recall that Jenny made a statement about the “nice little dogs” that she had.

Soul Planning from the Spirit Realm: Bessie Plans her Future Incarnation

IISISReincarnationResearchGrandmotherBabyBessie had nine children, one of whom was Mary Gordon, who was Margaret’s mother and Jenny’s grandmother. Recall that it was Mary Gordon who was feeding Jenny when she made her past life statements.

Bessie was very fond of her granddaughter Margaret, Jenny’s mother. As such, it appears that Bessie, from the spirit world, made arrangements to reincarnate and be born to one of her favorite granddaughters, Margaret McLeod.

Bessie died at the age of 83, in 1948. As Jenny was born in 1949, Bessie reincarnated only one year after her death.

Principles of Reincarnation & Understanding Past Lives

Physical Resemblance: Margaret, Jenny’s mother, thought that Jenny resembled her grandmother, Bessie, in build or overall physique. Margaret noted that Bessie and Jenny’s builds were very unique relative to other family members. There was no mention of whether a facial resemblance existed. Of course, the resemblance in build could be due to genetic factors, as this represents a case of same family reincarnation.

Innate Talent: Margaret noted that Jenny was similar to Bessie “in their ways of speaking and her manner of going about things.” (3)

In addition, Jenny and Bessie both enjoyed home-made soup and highland dancing, though Margaret admitted that her other daughters had these traits also.

More significantly, Jenny and Bessie were unique from other family members in that they both loved to read and they both had good singing voices. As such, it appears that a talent for singing was brought across from one incarnation to another.

Soul Planning & Same Family Reincarnation: As noted, Bessie appears to have planned her reincarnation so that she would be born to one of her favorite granddaughters, Jenny McLeod.

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1. Stevenson, Ian: European Cases of the Reincarnation Type, McFarland & Company, Inc., 2003, p 56
2. Stevenson, Ian: European Cases of the Reincarnation Type, McFarland & Company, Inc., 2003, p 56
3. Stevenson, Ian: European Cases of the Reincarnation Type, McFarland & Company, Inc., 2003, p 58

Split Incarnation or Parallel Lives: The Reincarnation Cases of Charles Parkhurst | Alice Cary | Penney Peirce: Spiritual Communication in Past Life Cases

Through series of three lifetimes as Penney Peirce, Charles Parkhurst and Alice Cary, similarities in physical appearance, writing talent, interests and passions are observed. Change in gender and the phenonmenon of split incarnation or parallel lives are evident, as Penney’s past lives as Alice Cary and Charles Parkhursrt overlapped by 29 years, showing how a soul can animate more that one physical body at a time.

parkhurst peirce reincarnation

How Derived: Past Life Identifications made by a Spirit Being

Researcher: Penny Peirce

Article by Walter Semkiw, MD From: Born Again and Return of the Revolutionaries

Introducing Penney Peirce

In 1999, I joined an e-mail discussion group called Inpresence, which is made up of published authors whose works focus on the development of intuition and related topics. At one point, I sent an e-mail describing the reincarnation research that I was doing and I asked if anyone in the group knew of other cases that I could study. One person who responded was Penney Peirce, who related that she had a past-life story.

Penney is a professional intuitive, counselor, perceptual skills trainer and lecturer who works throughout the United States, Europe and Japan. She is the author of Frequency, The Intuitive Way: A Guide to Living from Inner Wisdom, The Present Moment: A Daybook of Clarity and Intuition and Dreams for Dummies. I met with Penney in her Novato, California home, north of San Francisco, to learn more about her case. Let me share her story with you.

Penney moved all over the country growing up, with much time spent in the Midwest and some on the East Coast. She moved from New York City to California in the early 1970s. She worked as a corporate art director and graphic designer, but pursued meditation and clairvoyance development in her spare time, in California’s then-burgeoning self-help movement.

Penney has a Session with a Trance Medium, Bobby Jo, and receives Past Life Information from a Spirit Being or Spirit Guide

During that period in the 1970’s, a medium, who I will call Bobby Jo, regularly visited the San Francisco Bay area. In her work as a medium, Bobby Jo let non-physical spiritual beings speak through her to provide clients with information about past lives.

Bobby Jo, who remained in a meditative state during this process, would have no memory of the information conveyed. This type of channeling of spirit beings is typical of how a trance medium works. I myself have worked with a trance medium, Kevin Ryerson, since 2001. Kevin channels a spirit being named Ahtun Re, who has demonstrated the ability to make past life matches with a high degree of accuracy.

Past-life information is reportedly accessed from the Akashic Records, a set of memory banks or a library of the planet’s history, found in the spirit realm. Peirce describes Bobby Jo as a dramatic character, with a jovial nature and a naïve faith. Bobby Jo knew nothing about Penney when they met, nor did Penney reveal information about herself at the time of their private session.

Given this background, Penney was shocked when in her reading, Bobby Jo started to rattle off facts regarding a past lifetime as if she were reading out of an encyclopedia.

Spiritual Communication: With Startlingly Specific Information, Penney Peirce is told by a Spirit Guide that She is the Reincarnation of Charles Parkhurst

parallel lives or split incarnationBobby Jo related that in a past era, Penney’s name was Charles H. Parkhurst, that he had been born on April 17, 1842, in Framingham, Massachusetts, had lived on a farm and then become a prominent minister. Parkhurst enjoyed mountain climbing and used the pulpit to fight crime.

Bobby Jo then reported that Parkhurst had written many books, among them: The Sunny Side of Christianity; A Little Lower than the Angels; Analysis of the Latin Verb Illustrated by the Sanskrit; What Would the World Be Without Religion?; The Blind Man’s Creed and Other Sermons; The Pattern in the Mount; The Pulpit and the Pew; Talks to Young Men; Talks to Young Women; and My Forty Years in New York.

Bobby Jo told Penney that Parkhurst had died on September 8, 1933, at the age of 91, and Bobby Jo then exclaimed in a drawl, “And honey, you died sleepwalking off a roof!”

Given this degree of specific information, Penney tried to verify the past-life detailed by Bobby Jo. In her investigation, she found that there was a record of Charles Parkhurst and that Bobby Jo’s description of him was accurate in every detail, including the long list of books Parkhurst had written.

Reincarnation and Personality Traits: Similarities Between Charles Parkhurst and Penney Peirce

Penney realized that there were many similar personality attributes between Parkhurst and herself, and that there was even a physical resemblance. In assessing this proposed past-life match, Penney reflected that there was no way that Bobby Jo could have memorized all that data on Parkhurst. Further, in Parkhurst, Bobby Jo had identified an individual with character features that matched closely with her own. Penney reflected that this was particularly impressive, given that Bobby Jo knew next to nothing her. Further, this session with conducted in the 1970’s, long before the Internet was in place. Let us review some of these common traits.

Past Life Writing Talent

First of all, Parkhurst and Penney share the distinction of being published authors. Penney, as a writer, demonstrated talent at an early age, winning a National Scholastic Magazine award for a short story.

Peirce has had three books published, as noted above, and in addition she has contributed to a number of other titles, such as The Celestine Prophecy and Tenth Insight Experiential Guides by Carol Adrienne and James Redfield; The Purpose of Your Life by Carol Adrienne; Intuiting the Future by William Kautz; and Channeling: The Intuitive Connection, also by Kautz.

In addition to his scholarly works, Parkhurst also wrote for young people. Similarly, Penney has been writing children’s books since college, incorporating spiritual themes into these stories.

Past Life Traits of Spirituality and Service

image description

Parkhurst and Penney have shared an interest in spirituality and providing service through the ministry. Parkhurst earned his undergraduate and graduate degrees from Amherst College, then studied theology in Halle, Leipzig, and Bonn. He returned to teach at Williston Seminary, in Massachusetts, and went on to become a Congregational Minister in Lenox, Massachusetts, where he spent six years. He then became the pastor at Madison Square Presbyterian Church in New York City and earned a Ph.D. and a doctorate in divinity (DD) from New York University and Columbia.

Penney Peirce also has had a lifelong affinity for spiritual studies. Ever since she can remember, Penney says that “Why” was the word that motivated her behavior. She voraciously read books on world religions, psychic phenomena, and philosophy. Penney was in search of the core truths contained in all religions and became a licensed minister as a result of this interest. She has even served as a substitute minister at a Unity Church.

Past Life Talent in Latin 

Like Parkhurst, Penny has had a natural affinity for ancient languages. Parkhurst taught Greek and Latin and wrote a book called Analysis of the Latin Verb Illustrated by the Sanskrit. Peirce took advanced Latin in high school and scored highly in a state Latin competition. She has also had a fascination with Sanskrit and Egyptian hieroglyphs. Peirce relates that she once had a series of dreams that featured ancient Greek words, words that she had no knowledge of in her waking consciousness.

Past Life Social Activism: Tammany Hall and Whistle Blowing

Charles Parkhurst used his pulpit to right social and spiritual wrongs. Parkhurst lived in New York City at a time when political corruption was a major issue. Tammany Hall, the political regime that held power in the late 1800s, was in collusion with crime bosses. Tammany Hall police officials routinely took bribes, while the general populace stuck their heads in the sand and said nothing.

Parkhurst, who served as President of the Society for the Prevention of Crime, preached perhaps one of the most famous sermons in American history in which he denounced the corruption.

Parkhurst described New York City as “hell with the lid off” and challenged the public to do something about it. A roving reporter happened to be in the audience and the story made the news, arousing much public excitement and a vehement backlash from officials. Parkhurst was attacked and challenged to prove his accusations. He launched his own investigation and soon appeared before a grand jury with facts in hand.

As a result, there ensued the Lexow Investigation and the election of a reform government, the Strong Administration. The appointment of Teddy Roosevelt as the new Police Commissioner followed.

Like Parkhurst, Peirce also has the inclination to act as a whistle-blower and reformer. In her college newspaper, Penney published articles protesting departmental and curriculum changes that she thought were to the detriment of students. When she worked for a large corporation, she launched a letter-writing campaign to warn of unethical practices she observed taking place in her department.

Reincarnation & Love of the Land

Charles Parkhurst and Penney Peirce both grew up on farms and have shared a love for agriculture. Parkhurst, in his autobiography, wrote: “Agriculture is the physical basis of all civilization. It stands to civilization as the body stands to the soul.” (1) Parkhurst went on to say that, “working the soil is the great original art.” (2)

Penney began keeping a journal at age seven and much of her inspiration stemmed from nature and the farm. Further, the National Scholastic Magazine award she won was for a short story about the wheat fields of Kansas. Penney has also loved “working the soil” and has planted a vegetable garden every year since she was twenty.

Past Life Love of Climbing

Parkhurst and Peirce also have shared a love of climbing. Parkhurst was an avid mountaineer, who vacationed annually in the Alps, climbing the Matterhorn, Weisshorn, and other great peaks.

Peirce demonstrated an early affinity for climbing also. At the age of three, she climbed a cedar tree adjacent to her home and peered into the family’s second story bathroom, where her mother was applying makeup. When Penney’s mother looked outside and witnessed her three-year old daughter waving to her from a tree, she almost had a stroke!

The Sleepwalking Death of Charles Parkhurst & Penney’s Nightmares of Falling

Charles Parkhurst | Penney Peirce reincarnation caseIn a tragic incident, Parkhurst’s demise was associated with his love of heights. At the age of 91, Parkhurst had an episode of sleepwalking during which he strode off the roof of his porch, falling to his death.

In what appears to be a residual effect of this traumatic event. Penney Peirce relates that for years she experienced recurring nightmares of driving off cliffs, falling in elevators, and falling out of trees. At the end of every dream, when she realized that she would die, Peirce would wake up in an agitated condition.

When Penney had her session with Bobby Jo and learned that Parkhurst had died by falling off a roof, her nightmares abated. She had one last dream in which she fell out of a tree in “super slow motion,” consciously reviewing the stages one goes through in dying by falling. After that dream, the nightmares stopped entirely.

Penney believes she had these nocturnal images of falling because Parkhurst was asleep and confused when he died, and that the experience had never been processed in a conscious manner.

Peirce also feels that Parkhurst’s death by sleepwalking out a window and off a roof might be related to her own subliminal desire to leap off high places and fly like a bird. Perhaps Parkhurst had the same urge and found a way to let himself fly that fateful night.

Paradoxically, Penney notes that to this day she still has an attraction, rather than an aversion, to elevated locations, to heights. Fortunately, in this lifetime Peirce lives in a one-story, ranch-style house.

Spiritual Communication: Another Past Life for Penney Peirce as Alice Cary is Revealed

Split Incarnation or Parallel LivesIn her session with the Bobby Jo, Penney was also told about an even earlier incarnation. Bobby Jo conveyed that Penney’s name in that lifetime was Alice Cary, that she was born on a farm near Cincinnati, Ohio on April 26, 1820 and that she died on February 12, 1871.

As in the Parkhurst case, Bobby Jo rattled off a series of books that Alice Cary had written, which included the following titles: Poems of Alice and Phoebe Cary; Clovernook: Recollections of Our Neighborhood in the West; Hagar: A Story for Today; Lyra and Other Poems; Clovernook Children; Married, Not Mated; Adopted Daughter and Other Tales; The Josephine Gallery; Pictures of Country Life; Ballads, Lyrics and Hymns; The Bishop’s Son, A Lover’s Diary; The Born Thrall; Snow-Berries: A Book for Young Folks; and Ballads for Little Folks.

Once again, Bobby Jo appeared to have access to an incredible amount of detailed information on spontaneous basis. Bobby Jo also told Penney that Alice Cary had been inseparable from her younger sister, Phoebe, in that lifetime. Bobby Jo related that Phoebe reincarnated as Penney’s younger sister, Paula.

Like with the Parkhurst case, it seemed impossible for Bobby Jo to have memorized all this information about the relatively obscure Cary, especially when validation of the information revealed consistent facial features, personality traits and consistent published works.

Past Life Identity of Penney Peirce as Alice Cary is Validated

As with the Charles Parkhurst past lifetime, even though Penney had never heard of Alice Cary before her session with Bobby Jo, she was able to find Alice Cary in historical records. Once again, as in the past life match regarding Parkhurst, all the detailed information that the spirit guide had conveyed to Penney regarding Cary was correct, including the specific titles of books that Cary had written, the date of birth and the date of death. In addition, the facial features of Cary and Penney are consistent.

Sisters Reunited through Reincarnation

Reincarnation case of Penney Peirce | Alice CareyThe case of Alice Cary | Penney Peirce features a karmic relationship that seems to have persisted from one lifetime to another. Recall that Bobby Jo told Penney that Alice Cary had a sister named Phoebe and that in this lifetime, Phoebe is Paula, Penny’s contemporary sister.

It appears that Bobby Jo’s statement is valid. Penney learned that Alice Cary did indeed have a sister named Phoebe. Further, Penney was able to locate images of Phoebe, whose facial features are consistent with those of Penney’s sister, Paula. Phoebe was considered to be one of the wittiest women in America, known for her ability to see the ludicrous in the glamorous, and for her great ability for parody.

Penney has observed that these personality traits are consistent with Paula, who is also described as witty, like Phoebe. Penney once wrote that Paula is characterized by a “dry wit and cheerful, diplomatic disposition.” Paula is also very intelligent, like Phoebe, as demonstrated by her having earned a PhD. In a more mundane similarity, Phoebe was known to have an aversion to housework. In this lifetime, Paula has the same aversion. Paula sets money aside so that she can utilize a maid service, rather than do housework herself.

Past Life Relationship of Alice and Phoebe is Continued in the Lives of Penney and Paula

split incarnation or parallel livesAnother significant parallel is observed in the relationships between the sisters, Alice and Phoebe and Penney and Paula. Both sets of sisters are approximately the same number of years apart in age, and both have had incredibly close relationships with each other.

Regarding Alice and Phoebe Cary, a biographer wrote: “The connection between the sisters, who had always treated one another with the utmost consideration and delicacy, was one of the most charming things about their unique dwelling.” (3)

The emotional bond between the sisters was so great, in fact, that they practically died together. After Alice succumbed to tuberculosis, Phoebe was so drained with grief that she passed away six months later. This close connection between the sisters persists in contemporary times. Peirce has noted, “Throughout my life, my younger sister Paula has been my best friend.”

A Past Life Relationship Reflected in the Name Phoebe

The bond between the sisters was rekindled early, as Penney recalls that when Paula was born, she had no feelings of jealousy or sibling rivalry; rather, Penney wanted to be close to her little sister. Later in life, Penney seems to have unconsciously intuited the past-life identity of her sister. Penney relates that as a young woman, she fantasized about a list of names that she would give to her children someday. Interestingly, her favorite name was Phoebe, which she learned meant “shining and bright.”

Penney Peirce as Reincarnated Feminist Leader Alice Cary

Split Incarnation or Parallel LivesIn addition to her literary pursuits, Alice Cary was a social activist, like Parkhurst and Penney. Alice was a firm believer in the abolition of slavery and a proponent of women’s rights. She became the first president of first women’s club in America, the Sorority of Sisters (Sorosis), and was friends with Jane Croly, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, and Susan B. Anthony.

In a similar way, Penney became involved with the feminist movement in New York and California. She also became the art director for a feminist magazine. Alice Cary hated human repression or coercion in any form. Penney Peirce started a nonprofit organization in college to study the harmful brainwashing effects of the mass media and advertising on the general public.

Past Life Talent: Clairvoyance and Similarities in the Spiritual Beliefs of Alice Cary and Penney Peirce

Spiritually, Alice was attached to the Universalist Church and accepted its doctrines, including the belief in reincarnation and that spirits of the deceased could communicate with the living. She wrote:

“Laugh, you who never had

Your dead come back; but do not take from me
…my foolish dream:

That these our mortal eyes

Which outwardly reflect the earth and skies,
Do introvert upon eternity.” (4)

Cary’s biographer noted that Alice also had an interest in prophecy. Alice’s sister and friends related that she would “tell us each our fortune anew, casting our horoscope afresh in her teacup each morning.”

Similarly, Penney pursued parapsychology and clairvoyance development very early in her career. She has made her living as a professional intuitive. Also, Penney has served as a substitute minister for the Unity Church, which has a very similar theology to the Universalist Church.

Reincarnation & Replication of Writing Talent

Charles Parkhurst | Penney Peirce reincarnation caseParallels between Cary, Parkhurst and Peirce are apparent from their list of book titles alone. All three have been accomplished writers and all three have written children’s books. Alice Cary was a prolific author of poetry, as well as a writer of nonfiction, just like Penney. In an interesting synchronicity, Alice Cary wrote under the pen name “Patty Lee,” which corresponds to the rhythm and initials of Peirce’s first and middle names, “Penney Lee.”

Reincarnation & Love of Nature

Alice Cary had an early quest for knowledge, even reading at night by the light of burning lard when candles were not available to her. Cary loved nature and wrote prolifically about scenes from rural life.

Penney also has a love for nature, as did Parkhurst, and she lives in a setting of rolling farmland. Penney began keeping a journal at age seven and much of her inspiration stemmed from nature, animals, and the farm. Like Alice Cary, Penney published articles and poems in her teens. The National Scholastic Magazine award she won, we recall, was for a short story about Kansas wheat fields.

Reincarnation & Practice of Spirituality in Daily Life

Another parallel Penney has noticed between her own writings and those of Alice Cary and Charles Parkhurst is that all three focused on the need to demonstrate spiritual values in everyday life, in intention and through small actions, and that the practice, the process, and the experience itself is more important than just talking about lofty goals. Peirce has selected the following quotes from their books to illustrate this point. Please note that Penney’s quote was written before she learn of her proposed past lives as Cary and Parkhurst.

Cary: “True worth is in being, not seeming—in doing, each day that goes by, some little good.” (5)

Parkhurst: “Character is the impulse reined down into steady continuance.” (6)

Peirce: “The process, not necessarily the answers, is the sacred thing.” (7)

Reincarnation & Prose On Truth

Parkhurst wrote: “Truth, of course, is from everlasting and has its existence in the being of God, while an idea is only an attempt at truth and comes and goes with the mind that develops it.” (8)

Peirce wrote in her journal: “Information is of the mind. Knowledge is truth, the result of the direct experience of being or Soul. Information is facts, the mere description of knowledge.” (9)

Cary wrote: “For sometimes, keen, and cold, and pitiless truth,/In spite of us, will press to open light/The naked angularities of things,/And from the steep ideal the soul drop/In wild and sorrowful beauty, like a star/From the blue heights of heaven into the sea.” (10)

Reincarnation and Prose on Gratitude

Split Incarnation or Parallel LivesParkhurst wrote: “We have enough to make us all happy and thankful if we will be quiet long enough to take an affectionate inventory of our commonplace mercies, and let our hearts feel of them and mix themselves with them till we become saturated with their comfort and awaken into a loving sense of the patient goodness of their Giver.” (11)

Penney wrote: “Slow down enough to describe in simple terms the things you feel, as though you’re taking inventory. By noticing things, you connect with your world. The ‘feminine mind’ brings you into a sense of beneficence and providence, and as you experience this fully, you may weep, or overflow with praises, or beam with feelings of ecstasy.” (12)

Alice Cary wrote: When I think of the gifts that have honored Love’s shrine—/Heart, hope, soul, and body, all the mortal can give—/For the sake of a passion superbly divine,/I am glad, nay, and more, I am proud that I live!” (13)

Please note that in the Anne Frank | Barbro Karlen reincarnation case, a similarity in content in published writings across lifetimes was also observed.

Reincarnation & Gender Change: Despite Masculine and Feminine Sides of the Soul, Content Stays the Same

Penney notes that she seems to be an interesting link between the masculine, more intellectual, minister, Charles Parkhurst, and the emotional, feminine poet, Alice Cary. In her writings, Penney combines elements of both. It is interesting to observe that in Penney’s reincarnation cases, though the styles of rhetoric may vary with changes in gender and era, core ideas stay the same.

This phenomenon also was observed in the reincarnation case of Paul Gauguin | Peter Teekamp, as Peter replicated ideas and subject matter in his art from the Gauguin lifetime, but he did so in a much more surrealistic way. This is clearly seen in comparing Gauguin’s “Yellow Christ” and Peter’s painting, “Presentation of the Christ.”

Reincarnation & Geographic Correspondences in the Lives of Cary, Parkhurst and Peirce

There are also geographical correspondences between the three lives. Past-life regression therapists have noted that souls often like to retrace their steps, from one lifetime to another. It is almost as if the soul is nostalgic for familiar places and settings of past lives. As such, it appears that prior to incarnating, the soul engineers a life path that will take it to these familiar locations. Planning lifetimes and destiny is discussed in: Principles of Reincarnation

Retracing Past Life Locations in Cincinnati and New York

Split Incarnation or Parallel LivesAs an example, Penney went to college at the University of Cincinnati, in Ohio, only a few miles from where Alice was born. Here, like Cary, Penney began writing poetry in earnest. Also in college, Penney had a boyfriend who wrote poems to and drew portraits of a fictitious woman. Her boyfriend referred to this woman as his muse and he called her “Alice,” as if he were intuiting Penney’s past life as Cary.

Interestingly, Alice Cary had been jilted by a boyfriend when living in Ohio, which prompted her to suddenly move to New York City. Penney wonders whether her college boyfriend might have been the same man who jilted Cary.

After Alice Cary moved to New York, her sister Phoebe soon followed. The women had moved to the city with the intention of making their living from literature—a very adventurous thing to do.

Together, they wrote and published many books of poetry and fiction. In New York, Alice and Phoebe Cary were fondly known as “The Sisters of the West,” as Ohio was still considered the western edge of adolescent America at that time.

The Cary sisters became beloved by the intelligentsia and other types as they hosted a popular literary salon in their home for over fifteen years. Attendees included thinkers, philosophers, early feminists, writers and prominent personalities of the time, such as Horace Greeley, Edgar Allan Poe, John Greenleaf Whittier, and PT Barnum.

In what appears to be a parallel path, Penney also left Ohio abruptly, before graduating from college, and moved to New York City. In New York, Penney, like Alice Cary, soon became involved with a group of feminist writers and other authors. In another geographic correspondence, Penney’s job was situated near Gramercy Park, only blocks from where Alice and Phoebe Cary had lived. In New York, the life of Charles Parkhurst also becomes intertwined with theirs.

Penny’s apartment on West 80th Street was only blocks from where Charles Parkhurst resided on West 74th. She attended night school at New York University and Columbia, which Parkhurst also attended. In time, Penney moved to Park Slope, Brooklyn, close to where Alice and Phoebe are buried in Greenwood Cemetery.

Retracing Past Life Paths to Los Angeles and Framingham, Massachusetts

In another odd parallel, Parkhurst, late in life, traveled from New York to Los Angeles to marry a second time. Similarly, Penney left New York City for Los Angeles to complete her degree in design at the California Institute of the Arts. She also notes that in the year after her session with Bobby Jo, her parents moved near Framingham, Massachusetts, the birthplace and childhood home of Charles Parkhurst. In visiting her parents, Penney has been able to revisit Parkhurst’s old stomping grounds.

Split Incarnation or Parallel Lives

Charles Parkhurst | Penney Peirce reincarnation caseThe compelling reincarnation cases of  Charles Parkhurst | Penney Peirce and Alice Cary | Penny Peirce demonstrate a very interesting and important phenomenon, that a soul can animate two different bodies at the same time. I have termed this split incarnation, as it appears that the soul can split itself, or project itself, into different physical bodies at the same time, This phenomenon has also been called parallel lives.

Alice Cary, the earliest incarnation in this series of lives, was born in 1820 and died in 1871. Charles Parkhurst was born in 1842, at a time when Alice Cary was 22 years old. Alice Cary died in 1871 at the age of 51, at time when Parkhurst was 29 years old. As such, the lifetimes of Cary and Parkhurst overlapped by 29 years.

Parkhurst died 52 years after the death of Alice Cary, in 1933. Penney Peirce was born in 1949, 16 years after Parkhurst’s death, 50 miles from the location where Parkhurst died.

A very compelling Ian Stevenson, MD past life case involving split incarnation is: The Reincarnation Case of Helmut Kohler | Ruprecht Schultz

Did Cary and Parkhurst Ever Meet?

It is of interest to wonder if Alice Cary and Charles Parkhurst ever crossed paths. Though there is no evidence to support that Cary and Parkhurst ever met, it appears that they did come in close proximity to each other. In 1850, Alice, at 30 years of age, journeyed from Ohio to visit John Greenleaf Whittier at his Massachusetts home, not far from where Parkhurst was living on his family’s farm in Framingham. Parkhurst was as an 8-year-old boy at the time.

The two people had another episode of geographic proximity 20 years later, in the summer of 1870 when Alice Cary made her last foray out of New York City to visit friends in Northampton, Massachusetts. Cary was 50 years old at the time. Parkhurst, who was now 28 years of age, was living nearby in Massachusetts and was married in Northhampton 8 months later.

Parkhurst moved to New York in 1880, nine years after Cary died. Though it appears that the two never met, it is likely that Parkhurst knew of Cary. When Parkhurst was a young man, Cary was in her prime as an author, contributing to many popular magazines of the time. It is possible that Parkhurst read articles written by his split, Alice Cary.

Principles of Reincarnation & Understanding Past Lives

Physical Resemblance: The facial features of Alice Cary, Charles Parkhurst and Penney /principles-of-reincarnationPeirce are consistent.

Past Life Talent: Alice Cary, Charles Parkhurst and Penney Peirce have all been published authors, whose focus has been on spirituality.

Relationships Renewed through Reincarnation: Alice Cary was very close to her sister Phoebe, who appears to have reincarnated as Penney’s sister Paula.

Reincarnation and Gender Change: In these series of cases, Penney had a past lifetime as a male, Charles Parkhurst, and a past lifetime as a female, Alice Cary.

Split Incarnation or Parallel Lives: The lives of Alice Cary and Charles Parkhurst overlapped by 29 years.

Spirit Being or Spirit Guide Involvement: Penny Peirce’s past life identities were revealed by a spirit guide channeled through a medium.


1. Charles H. Parkhurst, My Forty Years in New York, MacMillian, New York, NY, 1923, p. 20.
2. Charles H. Parkhurst, My Forty Years in New York, MacMillian, New York, NY, 1923, p. 20.
3. National Cyclopedia of American Biography, Vol 1, White and Co., p. 535.
4. Mary Clemmer Ames: Alice and Phoebe Cary, Hurd and Houghton, New York, NY, 1873, p. 93.
5. Quote provided by Penney Peirce from an Alice Cary website, source not identified.
6. Quote provided by Penney Peirce from a Charles Parkhurst website, source not identified.
7. Penney Peirce:The Intuitive Way, Beyond Words Publishing, Hillsboro, OR, 1997, p. 10.
8. Charles H. Parkhurst: My Forty Years in New York, p. 230.
9. Penney Peirce, from personal unpublished journal.
10. The Ladies’ Repository, Sept. 1855, “Literary Women of America; Number VI, Some Notice of the Writing Genius of Alice Cary,” editor, Rev. D. W. Clark.
11. Charles H. Parkhurst, A Thanksgiving Message from Dr. Parkhurst, the Foremost Patriotic Preacher in America,” Amherst Library.
12. Penney Peirce: The Intuitive Way, Beyond Words Publishing, Hillsboro, OR, 1997, p. 82.
13 .From “God is Love, “ by Alice Cary, reprinted in: Mary Clemmer Ames, Alice and Phoebe Cary, p. 263.

Past Life Story with Split Incarnation, Suicide, Karma & Past Life Ability: Reincarnation Case of Helmut Kohler | Ruprecht Schultz

Helmut died November 23, 1887, Ruprecht was born October 19, 1887, five weeks before Helmut’s death. Many believe that the soul is involved with the development of the fetus from the time of conception, if this is true this reincarnation case demonstrates evidence of split incarnation or parallel lives.

How Derived: Memories in Adulthood

Researcher: Ian Stevenson, MD

From: European Cases of the Reincarnation Type, by Ian Stevenson, MD

Article by: Walter Semkiw, MD from Born Again

Helmut Kohler’s Successful Business as a Timber Merchant & Broker

IISISReincarnationPastLifeEvidenceShip2Helmut Kohler was born on January 7, 1834, to a Christian family in Wilhelmshaven, Germany, a seaport on the North Sea. He married and had several children, including a son named Ludwig, who was born in 1873.

Helmut was a timber merchant, ship-broker and sawmill operator in his home town of Wilhelmshaven. He purchased timber from various countries, including Norway, Sweden, Russia and America, which was transported by ship. He processed the timber in his sawmill and sold it as lumber.

Helmet Speculates on Timber, Loses his Fortune & Commits Suicide

In 1887, Helmut anticipated that the price of imported lumber would go up due to a proposed tax and he paid a premium price on a large amount of timber from overseas. The tax was never enacted and the price of timber actually fell. This miscalculation resulted in the loss of a great deal of money.

iisisreincarnationpastlifeevidencesuicide2In an effort to survive financially, he enlisted his accountant in a scheme to falsify the company’s financial records. Unfortunately, the accountant panicked and fled with all the company’s cash.

Helmut was devastated by his financial losses. On November 16, 1887, after attending a celebration for the festival day called the Day of Repentance and Prayer, Helmut went back to his office. He put a revolver to his temple and shot himself in the head. He died on November 23, 1887.

Helmut Reincarnates as Ruprecht Schultz with Suicide Behavior

Ruprecht Schultz was born on October 19, 1887, in Berlin, Germany to Christian parents, five weeks before Helmut Kohler died. As such, if this reincarnation case is accepted, it represents a case of split incarnation, where a soul can inhabit more than one human body at a time. Consider that Ruprecht was in the womb for 8 months while Helmut was still alive.

IISISReincarnationPastLifeEvidenceSuicideFingersAs a child, whenever Ruprecht became depressed, he would shape his hand into a gun, with the index finger representing the barrel of the gun. He would put his index finger to his temple and say, “I shoot myself.” (1)

Ruprecht pretended to shoot himself in the temple so often that his mother became concerned and ordered him to stop this behavior.

As a child, Ruprecht was fascinated with revolvers. In addition, he also had a great interest in ships and shipping. He built a collection of model ships and pictures of ships. Ian Stevenson noted this was unusual for a boy who was born and raised in Berlin, which is an inland city without a port.

Past Life Ability: Ruprecht Demonstrates Innate Talent for Business

As he grew up, Ruprecht had little interest in education; rather, he was driven to start a business. He left school at 18 years of age and started a laundry business with a delivery service, which became very popular with young mothers, whose babies created a great deal of dirty laundry. By the age of 20, he had more than twenty employees and his company would grow to employee 200 people.

Ruprecht became rich and enjoyed participating in community affairs. He became a member of his local Chamber of Commerce and a representative in the Berlin municipal council.

iisisreincarnationpastlifeevidencebombersLancasteraidReincarnation & Deja Vu in a Dark Hallway

World War II began in 1939, when Ruprecht was 51 years old. The war would significantly affect Ruprecht’s life and financial holdings. It was during Allied bombings of Berlin that past life memories began to surface.

Ruprecht was assigned duty watch by city authorities to observe for fires that could arise from the bombings. Ruprecht took a regular shift from Saturday evening to Monday morning, during which he would stay at his business office to get work done during quiet hours. His iisisreincarnationpastlifeevidencesuicidevintagesafeoffice was in an old building that was designated as a historical landmark. He had a safe located in a dimly lit hallway. Ruprecht would to go the safe, get his account books and reflect on how the business was going.

Whenever Ruprecht went to the safe to get the account books, he would have the repetitive thought: “You were in this situation once before.” (2)

Past Life Memory: While Fully Awake, Ruprecht Sees Himself Commit Suicide on a Ceremonial Day

While reviewing his account books and while fully awake, Ruprecht would see himself in a past lifetime. In a tape recorded statement, Ruprecht explained:

“I could see how I looked then. I was wearing a high collar and formal clothing. I had come from a ceremony on a special day. My business was finished. An employee had run off with the money—embezzled it and absconded. So I sat down with the account books and could see that there iisisreincarnationpastlifeevidencesuicide2was no future. It was all over. Then I was in a room by myself and put a bullet into my head at the right temple. You would call these images clairvoyance, but for me, they are memories.”(3)

In another statement, Ruprecht noted how similar the settings were in the past lifetime and his current incarnation during World War II, when the memories emerged:

“The setting of the previous time was similar to the one I was in then. The safe was in a similar location and the account books were also similar.” (4)

Ian Stevenson noted that Ruprecht’s memories were vague at first, but over time, they became clearer and clearer. The memories only occurred when Ruprecht was fully awake and they only occurred when he was in his office during his watch duty. The office setting in Berlin replicated the office setting in his previous lifetime. This similarity appears to have triggered his past life memories.

Past Life Memories: Ruprecht Remembers a Lifetime Involving Shipping & Lumbar in Wilhelmshaven

IISISReincarnationPastLifeEvidenceSuicideWilhelmshavenIn a written statement, Ruprecht elaborated on his memories:

“Since my earliest years, I have had a distinct impression, with various details that I was in a previous life somehow connected with ship building or shipping and that I shot myself. I was in the prime of life. For the place of this life I knew that it occurred in an old small or middle-sized seaport; and is seemed to me later and more clearly that this seaport was Wilhelmshaven.

Further, the man I was seemed to be in an ancient house. In this there was a small room with a chest or kind of safe or filing cabinet in which important papers, account books and probably also some cash were kept. The person I was wore dark clothes of the style of that period, as if he had come from some important session or unusually important event. As for the date of these events—the suicide of the person I was—it has seemed to me that it would have been around 1885.” (5)

Ruprecht also recalled that in this past lifetime, he was involved in a business dealing with wood. Ruprecht started to keep a diary, writing down memories as they surfaced. He was not able to verify his memories until after World War II had ended.

Validation of Ruprecht’s Past Life Memories

Ruprecht remembered that his past lifetime was spent in a small seaport town in Northern Germany. He felt that Wilhelmshaven was the correct place, but he also considered several other towns in Germany on the North Sea.

Ruprecht wrote to municipal authorities of Wilhelmshaven and nine other seaside towns, inquiring whether they knew of a businessman who was involved with shipping of timber, the lumber business and who had shot himself and died in the 1880’s.

IISISReincarnationPastLifeEvidenceSuicideatablesawcuttingTimberOf the ten cities he wrote to, all responded indicating that they knew of no such man, except for Wilhelmshaven. An official from Wilhelmshaven wrote to Ruprecht and stated that a man from that town did fit the description. The man was a ship broker and timber merchant, who had committed suicide.

In the first letter from Wilhelmshaven, the official wrote that the family name of timber merchant was “Kohl.” Ruprecht knew that this name was slightly off. In a second letter from the official, the family name was corrected to “Kohler” and Ruprecht was provided with the address of the man’s surviving son, Ludwig Kohler. (6)

Relationship Renewed through Reincarnation: Ruprecht Gets a Letter from his Past Life Son, Who Confirms Helmut’s Past Life Memories

On September 17, 1952, Ruprecht wrote to Ludwig Kohler who responded and confirmed that Ruprecht’s past life memories corresponded closely to the life of his father, Helmut Kohler. Ludwig, in a letter to Ruprecht, gave the following testimony:

iisisreincarnationpastlifeevidencesuicidevintagesafe“My father, Helmut Kohler, had a substantial business in Willhelmshaven that included trading in timber and also a sawmill. Our residence was in 25 Friedrichstrasse, and right next to it was a one-story building that was used for the offices. This building faced north, and it had only small windows, so that it was always dark in there. In a corner of one of the rooms there was a somewhat antiquated safe, which you have mentioned. In it money, account books, and also a cash box and important papers were kept. My father ordinarily wore dark clothing, and when ever he went out he wore a top hat on his head.

He imported wood by ship from Danzing, Konisberg, and Mermel, but in particularly from Norway, Sweden, Finland, Russia and America. In 1888 he mistakenly believed that a customs duty would increase, and he purchased from abroad an unusually large amount of timber. Unfortunately, this was a faulty speculation, because the price of timber fell and much more than the customs duty rose. He then had difficulty in paying the invoices.

In order to get through the crisis he had arranged for his accountant, who had been his ‘right hand’ and enjoyed his complete trust, to falsify the records of their foreign exchange transactions. The two of them thought that they would extricate themselves when the exchange rate fell. This did not happen. The accountant became afraid that he would be arrested, and he fled to America taking with him a substantial amount of the company’s available funds.

My father now got into a complete panic and shot himself on the Day of Prayer and Repentance. The company had to declare bankruptcy, although this was in fact unnecessary. Even though the buildings, the sawmill, and the lumber on hand were all sold in a forced auction, all the creditors were paid off.” (7)

Relationships Renewed through Reincarnation: Ruprecht Meets Ludwig and Recognizes Other Past Life Sons in Photographs

In October 1956, Ruprecht traveled to Wilhelmshaven for the first time, where he met Ludwig Kohler. Wilhemshaven is 370 kilometer or 230 miles from Berlin. As noted, Ruprecht had never been to Wilhemshaven before. Ludwig was 12 years old when his father, Helmut, committed suicide. Now, as an adult, Ludwig would meet the proposed reincarnation of his father.

Ruprecht said that he recognized certain buildings, such as the Town Hall, in Wilhelmshaven. He stated that when Ludwig showed him photos of the Kohler children, who were pictured among a large group of schoolchildren, he was able to recognize Helmut’s other sons from the crowd, though he was not able to recognize his past life daughters.

Ian Stevenson, MD on the Strength of the Helmut Kohler | Ruprecht Schultz Reincarnation Case

In sum, Ruprecht was able to validate his past life memories by contacting his past life son, Ludwig Kohler. Ian Stevenson considered the case of Helmut Kohler | Ruprecht Schultz as one of the strongest reincarnation cases he had studied. Stevenson was particularly impressed with Ruprecht’s validated memories involving a past life involving a shipping and timber business in the remote town of Wilhelmshaven, which ended in suicide. Stevenson felt this combination of memories was far too unusual to occur by chance or coincidence.

The Karma of Suicide

Is there a penalty for committing suicide? I asked this question in a session with Kevin Ryerson, who channels a spirit being named Ahtun Re who I have worked with since 2001. Ahtun Re is the most intelligent being I have ever interacted with. In sum, the consequence of suicide is that one will have to reincarnate and face the same type of situation that led to the suicide. In other words, one cannot escape a difficult situation through suicide, for one will have to face the same situation in a future lifetime.

Past Life Karma: Rupecht Loses his Fortune, Replicating the Circumstances of Helmut’s Suicide

IISISReincarnationPastLifeEvidenceBombingThe case of Helmut Kohler | Ruprecht Schultz provides a dramatic example of this principle. Reflect that Helmut became wealthy in dealing with timber imports and the processing of lumber. When his financial situation took a downturn and he faced bankruptcy, he committed suicide to escape the consequences of his loss of fortune.

Helmut then reincarnated as Ruprecht Schultz, who as a youth demonstrated natural skill as an entrepreneur. As such, Ruprecht appears to have retained business talent from his past lifetime as Helmut. Ruprecht, like Helmut, became very wealthy. He also became involved in civic duties. Helmet appears to have been a city official who dressed in formal attire for the Day of Repentance and Prayer. Ruprecht became a member of his local Chamber of Commerce and a representative to the Berlin municipal council. Life patterns are observed to repeat.

Like Helmut, Ruprecht also lost all his wealth, though for Ruprecht, it was not due to bad business decisions. Quite the opposite, Ruprecht noted that in his contemporary lifetime, he had been a very conservative investor who avoided risk, which he attributed to the losses incurred in his lifetime as Helmut. Instead, the cause of Ruprecht’s lost fortune was the destruction of Berlin during World War II. The division of Berlin into East and West sides after the war caused him further financial loss.

Ruprecht retired from business when he was 68 years old and moved with his wife from Berlin to Frankfurt, where he died at the age of 80 in 1967.

If Evidence Indicates Reincarnation is Real, is Suicide a Viable Option?

IISISReincarnationPastLifeEvidenceSuicideCloudsThough everyone has to make their own decisions, it is recommended that suicide not be considered an option for those in difficult circumstances for several reasons:

1. First of all, one never knows when life circumstances will change. Recall that Ludwig, Helmut’s son, noted that his father’s suicide was unnecessary, as when Helmut’s business assets were sold in the forced auction, all creditors were paid. Helmut, it appears, underestimated the worth of his assets. Helmut could have lived out his life and enjoyed seeing his children grow, though his lifestyle would have been less luxurious.

In my medical career, I have witnessed several cases in which people were acutely suicidal due to adverse life events. Within a few years, though, their situations had changed considerably and they found themselves living very happy lives. Anyone with suicidal thoughts should seek psychiatric help. Psychotherapy and antidepressant medication can be very effective and help people make it through periods of depression.

2. Suicide is not an escape, as one will need to return to deal with the same situation, as demonstrated in the reincarnation case of Helmut Kohler | Ruprecht Schultz. Suicide does not lead to eternal damnation, as some religions teach. Rather, suicide will make the soul face the same lesson so that a more adaptive and positive decisions can be made.

3. Suicide causes emotional trauma to loved ones who are left behind. In addition to experiencing grief due to the loss of their loved one, other emotions that can be felt are guilt and confusion, as the surviving loved ones wonder if they could have done more to prevent the suicide. There are karmic consequences to causing emotional pain to others. Pain caused in others may need to be experienced by the suicide victim in a future incarnation.

In the United States, people struggling with depression and suicidal thoughts can be access help through the:

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline Phone Number: 1 800 273-8255

Principles of Reincarnation & Understanding Past Lives

This reincarnation case has several interesting features:

Geographic Past Life Memory: We have defined geographic memory as past life memories or emotions that are stimulated by visiting a past life location. In this case, it was not a visit to a past life physical location, rather, the replication of a past life scenario which stimulated memories.

Recall that when Ruprecht would go to his safe in the dark hallway to look at his account books, he had the thought that he had been in this situation before. Later, as he returned to the hallway and retrieved the account books from the safe, memories started to surface, which became clearer and clearer.

The stimulus for Ruprecht’s memories was being in the same setting, a dark office with an old safe and reviewing business account books, which replicated the setting of Helmut’s suicide.

Relationships Renewed through Reincarnation: After committing suicide, Helmut reincarnated as Ruprecht and was reunited with Ludwig Kohler, Helmut’s surviving son. Indeed, it was through Ludwig that Ruprecht was able to validate his past life memories.

Split Incarnation or Parallel Lives: Helmut died on November 23, 1887, while Ruprecht was born on October 19, 1887, five weeks before Helmut died. As such, this represents a case of split incarnation, where a soul animates more than one human body at a time. Consider that Ruprecht was in the womb for 8 months while Helmut was still alive.

As will be discussed in the section entitled, Soul Evolution, it is believed that the soul is involved with the development of the fetus from the time of conception. If this is true, the soul of Helmut Kohler was involved in developing a new incarnation as Ruprecht Schultz while it was still animating the body of Helmut. Why would it do so?

In general, the soul uses split incarnation to more effectively develop or accomplish goals. For example, if a soul is involved in a project to help the world evolve, the soul may plant several incarnations of itself in different parts of the world.

The soul can also be aware of patterns of behavior, including suicide, and anticipate that an incarnation may be cut short. Consider that in the reincarnation case of Paul Gauguin | Peter Teekamp, Paul had an unsuccessful suicide attempt, as did Peter in contemporary times.

Though we cannot know for sure, in the case of Helmut, his soul may have foreseen that a suicide might occur. His soul then started the process of another incarnation as Ruprecht, prior to Helmut’s death, to continue its evolution.

Reincarnation & Innate Talent-Past Life Ability: Ruprecht demonstrated natural talent as an entrepreneur and businessman at the age of 18, becoming wealthy in a short period of time. It appears that Ruprecht was drawing upon business abilities developed in his prior incarnation as Helmut.

1. Stevenson, Ian: European Cases of the Reincarnation Type, McFarland, 2003, page 221
2. Stevenson, Ian: European Cases of the Reincarnation Type, McFarland, 2003, page 213
3. Stevenson, Ian: European Cases of the Reincarnation Type, McFarland, 2003, page 213
4. Stevenson, Ian: European Cases of the Reincarnation Type, McFarland, 2003, page 213
5. Stevenson, Ian: European Cases of the Reincarnation Type, McFarland, 2003, page 214-215
6. Stevenson, Ian: European Cases of the Reincarnation Type, McFarland, 2003, page 211
7. Stevenson, Ian: European Cases of the Reincarnation Type, McFarland, 2003, page 216

Muslim Reincarnation Case of Mushir Ali | Naresh Kumar: A Past Life Case with Change in Religion from Islamic to Hindu

Naresh Kumar, a Hindu was reunited with his past life family, the Muslim family of Haider Ali, who accepted Naresh as the reincarnation of their deceased son,

How Case Derived: Past Life Memories in Childhood

Researcher: Satwant K. Pasricha, PhD, Associate of Ian Stevenson, MD

From: Can the Mind Survive Beyond Death, Volume 1, by Satwant K. Pasricha, PhD

Article by: Walter Semkiw, MD

The Life and Death of Mushir Ali, a Sunni Muslim

Islam reincarnation past lives cresent moonMushir Ali lived with his family in Kakori, a town in the Lucknow district in the Indian state of Uttar Pradesh. His family was Sunni Muslim and his father, Haider Ali, was very religious, dedicating himself to praying for others and living off of alms or donations. The family spoke the Urdu language, which is common among Muslim people in the area.

Mushir Ali was the primary breadwinner for the family, selling vegetables and fruits at area markets. In the early morning of June 30, 1980, Mushir was taking mangoes to the market in Lucklow in a horse cart that he had rented. A little over 2 kilometers from Kakori, his horse cart collided with a tractor and Mushir suffered fractures of the ribs on the right side of his body, succumbing to his injuries almost instantly. He was 25 years old when he died.

Mushir Ali is Reincarnated into a Hindu Family but Prays like a Muslim

Naresh Kumar was born in February 1981, less than a year after Mushir Ali died, in the village of Bazbagar, which was also in the district of Lucknow. His father’s name was Guruprasad and his mother was Bishwana. The family was Hindu of the lower middle class. Nasir was born with a birth defect, a depressed area near the middle of the chest, slightly on the right side.

IISISReincarnationResearchGaneshWhen he started to speak at one year of age, Naresh said the words Kakori, the town where Mushir Ali lived, and kharkhara, which means horse cart. When he was 2 years old, Naresh demonstrated unusual behavior for a Hindu boy by assuming the posture of kneeling down and saying Namaz, a Muslim style of praying. Naresh would do this alone and he if he noticed other people watching him, he would stop.

Past Life Behavior and Xenoglossy-A Language from a Prior Lifetime

Naresh also would play by pretending to drive a horse cart. He would tie a rope to a cot, which served as the cart, and he would make sounds as if he was instructing horses to proceed.

In addition, Naresh was heard speaking a few words of Urdu, a language that his family did not speak. As such, this constitutes a case of xenoglossy, in which an individual can speak a language from a past lifetime which was not learned in the contemporary lifetime.

Naresh shares his Past Life Memories and Recognizes his Past Life Father

When he was 4 years old Naresh elaborated further about a past lifetime, stating that he was carrying mangoes in his horse cart when it collided with a vehicle and he died. Further, he stated that he was a Muslim who lived in Kakori. Naresh was eager to talk about his past lifetime and would talk about it whenever villagers asked him about it.

Haider Ali, the father of Mushir Ali, would travel to Bazbagar every Thursday to pray for villagers and to collect alms or donations. After Naresh learned to walk, he would follow Haider Ali around the village, claiming that he was his father. Naresh would even call Haider Ali “Abba,” which means father, and he told Haider Ali that he wanted to go home with him.

Naresh’s family asks Haider Ali for Help, Who is Evasive, Perhaps due to a Fear of the Islamic Community’s Attitude regarding Reincarnation

Naresh kept insisting that his family to take him to Kakori. Bishwana, Naresh’s mother, decided to ask Haider Ali for his assistance, since he was from Kakori, as well as a Muslim. Haider Ali did not seem to want to get involved and instead advised Bishwana to take Naresh to the grave of a Muslim saint in Mazar, so that the boy would stop talking about his previous life. The family did so but it did not have any effect, as Naresh continued to enjoy talking about his past lifetime. Naresh also insisted on going to his previous home and once even started going down the road by himself to go there.

Dr. Pasricha speculated that at this point in time, Haider Ali likely knew that Naresh was claiming to be his deceased son Mushir Ali reborn, but was afraid to say anything due to concern of being criticized by his Muslim community, which did not believe in reincarnation.

Naresh finds his Past Life Home and Identifies Past Life Relatives & Friends

Guruprasad, Naresh’s father, finally decided to take him to Kakori. They were accompanied by some friends. Once in Kakori, Naresh led the group to the house where Mushir Ali lived. Inside the house, he identified several objects that belonged to Mushir, including Mushir’s cap and contents of Mushir’s suitcase.

Naresh also recognized and named members of Mushir’s immediate family, relatives and friends. He also accurately told the Ali family about a bank account that the family had at the time that Mushir died. Further, Naresh mentioned the name of a person who owed money to Mushir, which the family verified. The Ali family added that this individual who owed money paid it back after Mushir’s death.

Reincarnation, Past Lives & Birth Defects

Based on the accurate identifications and statements made by Naresh, the Ali family, including Haidar Ali, accepted Naresh as the reincarnation of Mushir Ali. In retrospect, Dr. Pasricha hypothesized that the birth defect that Naresh was born with on the right side of his chest reflected the trauma and rib fractures that Mushir Ali incurred in the tractor accident which killed him. (1)

Principles of Reincarnation & Understanding Past Lives

Change in Religion: Mushir Ali was Muslim, but reincarnated into a Hindu family.

Past Life Talent & Behavior: As a child, Naresh would pretend that he was driving a horse cart. In addition, he would pray in the Muslim style.

Geographic Memory: Once brought to Kakori, Naresh was able to lead his group to his past life home and the family of Haider Ali.

Xenoglossy: Naresh was heard speaking Urdu, a language that was used by the Muslim community, but not in Naresh’s family. As such, this represents a case of xenoglossy, where a language from a past lifetime is retained in a subsequent lifetime.

Reincarnation & Birth Defects: Naresh had a depression on his chest wall which seemed to reflect the broken ribs that Mushir incurred when struck and killed by a tractor.

Relationships Renewed through Reincarnation: Naresh was reunited with his past life family, the family of Haider Ali, who accepted Naresh as the reincarnation of their deceased son, Mushir Ali.


1. Pasricha, Satwant K., Can the Mind Survive Beyond Death, Volume 1, Harman Publishing, New Delhi, 2008, pages 159-161

Reincarnation Case of Nellie Sharp | Karen Frazier and the Wellington, Washington Avalanche and Train Disaster

A Past Life Obsession with the Wellington, Washington Avalanche & Train Derailments was found to have connections with a past life as Nellie Sharp. The facts as researched by herself, all the events agrees or affirms that she, Karen Frazier is the reincarnation of Nellie Sharp.

Proposed & Researched by: Karen Frazier

Narrative by: Karen Frazier

Recurrent Past Life Nightmares of Train Derailments

5 Wellington Train Disaster Reincarnation EvidenceFor all of my life, I have had recurring dreams about train derailments. I have had these dreams since I was about five years of age, and they occur to this day. I would guess I have about one per year since that time. Interestingly, many have corresponded with actual train derailments. That is, I have the dream, and within 24 hours a derailment shows up in the news.

The same thing has happened with earthquake dreams. I can’t even remember how old I was when the earthquake dreams started, so I would guess I was quite young. I have one or two each year. Like the train derailments, I have the dreams and then within 24 hours an earthquake occurs. This pattern has included several major West Coast earthquakes including the Northridge earthquake in Los Angeles, the 1989 Loma Prieta earthquake in San Francisco and the 2001 Nisqually earthquake near Seattle. I was actually in San Francisco the day before the Loma Prieta earthquake occurred.

Past Life Obsession with the Wellington, Washington Avalanche & Train Derailments

In 2009, someone told me about the worst avalanche disaster in the history of the United States, which occurred at Wellington, Washington in the North Cascade Mountain Range in 1910. The avalanche swept two trains off the face of a mountain, killing at least 96 people. A photo of the aftermath of the derailment is provided below. Place your cursor on the image to enlarge it.

5 Reincarnation Wellington Train Disaster AvalanceFrom the first moment I heard about Wellington, I was drawn to it. My husband describes it as a “near-obsession” with Wellington. In fact, I’ve written two books about the subject and spent hundreds of hours at the location in spite of the fact Wellington is about 3 hours from my home. Likewise, I’ve spoken about Wellington at conferences, as well as on radio and television.

The Life of Nellie Sharp: A Victim of the Wellington, Washington Avalanche & Train Derailment

As I began my research into Wellington in 2009, one of the train passengers killed in the avalanche drew my attention. Her name was Nellie Sharp and she was 26 years old when she was killed. As I felt drawn to her, a friend, Elaine Davison, and I began researching Nellie. It took us five years to get all the information we currently have about her.

Nellie was born in Bloomington, Illinois in December of 1893, the youngest of seven or eight siblings. Her parents were George and Minnie Sharp. George was a railroad engineer running out of Bloomington or Chicago. The Sharp family lived in several places, including Missouri, Texas, and Oklahoma. At the age of 21, she married John T. McGirl . The couple moved to San Francisco and was there for the earthquake of 1906. By 1910, Nellie and John had separated.

Nellie was a musician who played the clarinet. She worked for a short time as a telephone operator. She was also a writer who’d written for local newspapers and covered events such as the St. Louis World’s Fair. She was a golfer, as well.

5 Reincarnation Wellington Train DisasterFebruary 1910 found Nellie in Spokane, Washington with her friend, Mrs. Herbert Tweedie. The two were heading in separate directions on trains so they could write about their adventures in the Wild West for McClure’s magazine. They drew straws to see who went in which direction.

By this simple twist of fate, Nellie Sharp McGirl wound up on Great Northern Railway’s Local No. 25, headed for Seattle. In the North Cascade mountain range at the town called Wellington, this train, along with a second, became stuck in snow for the next nine days, as snowstorms raged around them. At 1:42 AM on March 1, 1910, a lightning bolt struck the hillside above the trains, which triggered an avalanche. The train Nellie was in, along with the second train, was swept down the mountainside and deposited on the banks of the Tye River. Nellie was one of at least 96 people killed.

Reports from avalanche survivors suggest Nellie hung out with “the smart crowd” on the train. They were a group who would gather and laugh, drink, and smoke cigars. Some reports suggest she also helped out waiting tables at the local restaurant in Wellington, at the Hotel Bailets, when train passengers ate their meals. A photo of Wellington before the avalanche, as Nellie would have experienced it, is provided above.

When Nellie was killed in the avalanche, John McGirl was still listed as her next of kin. He took the money the railroad provided so the families of the victims could bury them, but he left Nellie’s body behind at Wellington. Instead, two of her sisters came from the Midwest and claimed Nellie’s body. Without the funds from the railroad, the family couldn’t afford a headstone, so Nellie is buried in an unmarked plot.

Past Life Parallels between Nellie Sharp & Karen Frazier: Musicians, Golfers & Reporters

5 Wellington Train Disaster Reincarnation EvidenceI was born in December of 1965. My father was Catholic and my mother Protestant. I don’t currently practice any religion. I went to college and got married when I was 21. I divorced a few years later. Like Nellie, I am a musician. Nellie played clarinet while I play flute, piano, mandolin, and percussion instruments. Nellie was a golfer as am I. In fact, I’ve been golfing since I was a child because my grandfather was a golf pro. Like Nellie, I work professionally as a newspaper reporter and a freelance writer.

Nellie’s personality has been described as intelligent, irrepressible and of ebullient good humor. Many have described my personality in terms similar to those used to describe Nellie Sharp. I am intelligent, very good-humored, and energetic.

All my life, I have also dreamed of earthquakes. I am geosensitive, and can often accurately predict earthquakes. As noted, Nellie was in the great San Francisco quake.

A Past Life Physical Resemblance between Nellie Sharp & Karen Frazier

A friend of mine spent several months trying to locate a photograph of Nellie Sharp because she was curious about the connection. Recently, she found one and showed it to me. Nellie was in her late teens in the picture (it was used for her college admission application, and she went to college when she was 16). I had myself convinced that if Elaine ever found Nellie’s picture, it wouldn’t look a thing like me. I was certain that the similarities I discovered between Nellie and me were mere coincidence. That’s why I was surprised when I saw the picture, and it looked like my paternal grandmother. Likewise, the photograph looked similar to a picture I’d seen of myself when I was much younger – but I couldn’t remember what it was.

After some digging, I realized it was a picture from when I was about 22. I see many similarities between Nellie and me in these pictures. Our hair is the same color and texture, and appears to be of the same thickness (my natural hair color is much darker than the attached photograph and I no longer look like I belong in an 80s hair band). I see similarities in the set of the eyes, the cheekbones, the nose, and the shape of the mouth.

Note from Walter Semkiw, MD

Karen’s story suggests that she is the reincarnation of Nellie Sharp. Though independently researched by Karen, I did review her case in session with Kevin Ryerson. Ahtun Re, the spirit guide channeled through Kevin who has demonstrated an ability to make past life matches with a high degree of accuracy, agrees or affirms that Karen Frazier is the reincarnation of Nellie Sharp. The work I have done with Kevin can be reviewed at: Ryerson-Semkiw Reincarnation Cases

Principles of Reincarnation & Understanding Past Lives

Physical Resemblance in Reincarnation Cases: Nellie and Karen have similar facial architecture or bone structure. Similar physical appearance would be better appreciated if they were captured in the same expression. In the images featured above, Nellie is photographed with a slight smile, while Karen has a wide grin.

Past Life Talent: Nellie and Karen share abilities as musicians and golfers. They both have been employed as writers or reporters.

Past Life Nightmares or Dreams: Karen has had repetitive dreams of train derailments and earthquakes. Nellie died in a train derailment and she lived through the great 1906 San Francisco earthquake.

Affinity Reincarnation Case: Karen had an immediate attraction, bordering on obsession, with the Wellington train disaster. With her research of the event, she was intrigued by Nellie Sharp, a victim of the avalanche. I term reincarnation cases in which individuals are drawn to their own past life personas as “affinity cases.” A pair of compelling affinity past life cases are the: Reincarnation Cases of Laurel & Hardy


Past Life Dreams & Memories-ET or Spirit Being Contact: The Reincarnation Story of Belle Starr | Karen Pigott

Karen Pigott has a recurring childhood Past Life Dream. She discovered the truth behind her dreams with the help of a mechanical sounding entity telling her enough information about her dreams bridging it to her present day’s reality.

How Derived: Spontaneous Dreams in Childhood of a Past Lifetime

Researcher: Karen Pigott

Narrative by Karen Pigott, Edited by Walter Semkiw, MD

Belle Starr: February 5, 1848-February 3, 1889, Born in Missouri

Karen Pigott-Born in 1957 in Missouri

Karen Pigott’s Recurring Childhood Past Life Dream of Being Shot off a Horse

iisisreincarnationbellestarrkarenpigotthatKaren is a registred nurse who works in a hospital surgical unit in Colorado. She has also worked in emergency rooms, as well as other medical settings. As a young child, she started having dreams of a past lifetime as a woman outlaw.

Karen’s past life memory provided below, which occurred when she was five years old, is the last event in Belle Starr’s life.

“As I rode even to the spot where he stood behind the bush I heard a loud blast and felt searing pain strike me in my upper left back, neck and face. I fell to the ground and lay on the damp earth. I was lying on my stomach and tried to raise myself up with my arms and was only able to lift myself up just a tiny bit and as I did this a second blast from the shotgun was fired into me.”

It is unusual for a five-year-old girl to have a recurring dream of being shot in the back, off a horse. Karen did not attempt to validate her memories until she was 14 years old. In the narrative that follows, after each memory is described, her validation of the memory through historical research is presented. Place your cursor on image comparisons to enlarge and the arrow keys to scroll on the enlarged image,

Please note that the strength of this reincarnation case rests upon the extremely detailed memories of a past lifetime that Karen, as a child, accessed through dreams, which were later historically validated. Karen experienced these memories long before she read anything about Belle Starr.

Karen’s Childhood & Her Desire to Learn about a Past Lifetime in the Wild West

IISISReincarnationResearchBelleStarrAssasinationKaren grew up in Raytown, Missouri, a suburb of Kansas City. In 1967, when Karen was nine years old, her family moved to Torrance, California, as her father was hired by the company, TRW. In 1972, when Karen was 14, her family moved back to Missouri.

At this time, Karen started to read about women outlaws in an attempt to identify a past lifetime that she saw in her dreams. As such, Karen began trying to validate her memories 9 years after her recollections of a past lifetime started to occur. Karen explains:

“In the summer of 1972, I started to become more and more interested in reincarnation. I felt like I was being either guided or pushed into my pursuit by something, I did not know what. My mother and I would go to the library for books and I would get books on past lives. I became driven in my pursuit to find out who I had been. All I had to go on was all my dreams that I had about the Wild West.

I came up with an idea one day that I should get books on women in the Wild West. I reasoned that it should not be too hard to find this past lifetime, as I didn’t think many women in that era had been shot off a horse, because men did not treat women that way.

To save time, I decided to just read the last few pages of these books to see how these women died. I read about Calamity Jane, Cattle Kate, Big-Nose Kate, Belle Boyd, Little Britches, Cattle Annie and Belle Starr.”

Belle Starr was Shot in the Back Off her Horse: A Scene from Karen’s Past Life Dream

iisisreincarnationbellestarrkarenpigotthat“When I read how Belle Starr had been shot off her horse I became excited, almost hysterical. I had never heard of Belle Starr prior to this moment. I ran down our stairs to the kitchen where my mother was cooking. I said ‘Mom I know who I was! I was Belle Starr, have you heard of her?’

She replied that she had and told me of movies that had been made about Belle. I do not think at that point my mother believed that I was Belle Starr in a past lifetime, but she soon would. Even the name Belle Starr was familiar to me, as familiar as my own name.”

The Story of Missouri and the American Civil War

Historical points that will help the reader understand events in Belle Starr’s life involve Missouri’s situation during the US Civil War. Missouri was a border state between the North and South, in which pro-Union and pro-Confederate forces both existed within Missouri. Missouri citizens were in conflict over the issue.

When the Union, or North, won the war, sanctions were placed on Confederate supporters. In addition, violent grudges existed based on relatives being killed during the war. Some Confederate supporters, rather than acquiescing to Northern sanctions and domination, took to a life of crime. Belle Starr and the people around her were in this camp.

The Killing of Belle Starr’s Brother turns Belle into a Confederate Outlaw

Belle Starr’s brother, whose name was Bud, was a Confederate sympathizer and he served with Quantrill’s Raiders, a Confederate militia group. Union soldiers surrounded a house in Missouri that he was being sheltered in and Bud was killed as he tried to escape.

When her brother was killed by the Union Army, Belle became a Confederate sympathizer and she became acquainted with other Confederates who became outlaws, such as the Jessie James and Frank James, and the Younger brothers, led by Cole Younger.

With this introduction, Karen’s past life memories and other experiences will be presented in her own words.

A Childhood Spirit Being or Extraterrestrial Experience at Age 5, 1963 in Raytown (Kansas City), Missouri

“I was 5 years old in 1963. We were living in Raytown, Missouri at the time. Raytown is a suburb south of Kansas City, Missouri. One night my older brother, Rob, wanted to show me a book of his on the stars, planets, solar system and galaxies. The book he was showing me was a book and record combo. A narration by Walter Cronkite went along with the pictures. After a couple of minutes Rob asked if I would like to see the Big Dipper. I did not know what a Big Dipper was, but went to the window so that he could point it out.

IISISReincarnationResearchUFO (1)As I looked up at the sky in the direction over our neighbor’s house to the south of us, I immediately saw a huge white light. It moved back and forth and from side to side gently. I then heard a mechanical male sounding voice asking me: ‘Can you see us?’

I started screaming and crying. I then heard the voice say. ‘Do not be afraid, we won’t hurt you.’ I told my brother to make it go away.

He could not hear the voice or see the light. I ran and hid under his bed but could still hear that voice telling me to come back to the window. I said ‘no, no,’ over and over but eventually, I went back to window because that voice kept saying ‘come back to the window, we won’t hurt you.’

I then heard that voice ask ‘What is your name, how old are you?’ The next thing I remember is the sound of my mother running up the stairs yelling for us to stop fighting.

My brother told her we were not fighting and that ‘Karen is afraid of the Big Dipper.’ I told my mother about what I saw. Realizing that something had scared me she suggested that all of us go out to the front yard and I could point out what had frightened me in the sky.

It was a clear, cool night. We all went outside and then my mother asked if what I saw was still up there, but it was gone.”

A Mechanical Extraterrestrial or Spirit Being Voice Tells Karen She was a Horse Thief in a Past Lifetime

iisisreincarnationbellestarrkarenpigotthat“I believe it was the next night that I had a strange dream. In it I heard that same mechanical voice telling me that I had lived before and that I was a horse thief. In this dream I was shown an image of a young girl with dark hair and wearing a long skirt.

Every night after I saw the light in the sky, I had these kinds of dreams. It was always narrated by this male voice. It was like I was being taught something. I remember in one dream the voice told me that:

‘The entity that is your brother is one that you were married to in your past life.’

I had never heard the word ‘entity’ before, but to this day I remember that word was the one that was used. I told my brother about all of this, but he became afraid and begged my mother for me to stop talking about past lives.”

Karen Sparks an Interest in Reincarnation & Tells her Mother that She Chose Her as a Parent before She was Born

“My mother did not know what to say to me but she became interested in reading books on reincarnation. She did not believe in that subject until I started telling her about my dreams and past life. She recalls that as a child, I had told her that I picked out my parents for this life and that we all do.”

Karen Hides Herself from the Extraterrestrial or Spirit Being Mechanical Voice under Stuffed Animals

“I soon became afraid to sleep in my room after having so many strange dreams. I was being pestered by the ‘dreams.’ Every night I would go out in the hallway after everyone was asleep and cry. I was so afraid. I begged my parents to let me sleep in their room. I was allowed a few times but my parents got tired of it and I was told to go back to my room.

I asked them to put my bed behind my door. I would then have the door open so my bed was partially hidden. I put all my stuffed animals on top of me so no one would know I was there. I tried everything to hide from my night-time guests. My brother to this day remembers when I was afraid of the Big Dipper. For several years I believed the Big Dipper to be one giant light in the sky.”

Karen’s Past Life Dream & Memory, at age 5 in 1963, of Being Shot Off a Horse & Killed by Shotgun Blasts

IISISReincarnationResearchBelleStarrAssasination‘When I was around 5 years old, in 1963, while we were living in Raytown, Missouri, I had a recurring dream in which i was shot off the back of a horse. The dream always started out the same way. I was accompanying a man to a farmhouse. The next morning we say goodbye and he left through the back door and rode away. I watched him ride off and then I rode back the way we had come the day before.

After riding for a bit I noticed that I was being followed by this man who was supposed to be going into town. I wondered why he was following me and expected him to catch up to me to explain what he was doing. He just kept following me.

I stopped at a friend’s house for a rest and then started back home. I did not see this man behind me but I still felt uneasy about him. I finally made my way down a trail towards a river. I saw out of the corner of my eye this man. He was hiding behind a bush but he was hardly concealed by it. He was wearing a bright shirt, white I think. I did not know if I should speak to him or just pretend I did not see him. I decided to ignore him and not take him seriously, but I should have. I saw that he had a shotgun raised in his arms.

As I rode even to the spot where he stood behind the bush, I heard a loud blast and felt searing pain strike me in my upper left back, neck and face. I fell to the ground and lay on the damp earth. I was lying on my stomach and tried to raise myself up with my arms and was only able to lift myself up just a tiny bit and as I did this a second blast from the shotgun was fired into me. I fell back to the ground. I recognized the man who shot me as my Uncle Floyd in this life. In the dream, he was an Indian.”

Walter’s Questions: “How many times did you have this dream? In your contemporary lifetime at the age of 5, did you live around horses? Did the dream correspond to any events that you saw on television or heard about from other sources?”

Karen’s Answers: “I had this dream of being shot in the back off a horse approximately 4 to 5 times during my childhood. I had no horses around me other than what I would see on farms while driving on the highway. This dream did not correspond to any event that I had seen on television or heard about.”

Walter’s Questions: “In the dreams, did you feel physical pain when you had the dream? As a 5-year-old, how did you react to this dream? Did you tell your parents about it? If so, how did they react? Would your parents be able to talk about these childhood dreams of yours?”

Karen’s Answers: “At the moment of impact I would feel a temporary sensation of pain but it was very quick and instantly went away. I was not sure how to act at age 5 to this dream. I initially told both of my parents about the dreams, but my mother was more receptive.”

Karen’s Historical Validation of Her Dreams: “In the summer of 1972, when I was 14 years old, I was reading the book Belle Starr, the Bandit Queen by Burton Rascoe. On pages 233-236, I came across the chapter of Belle Starr’s death. Her death and the events leading up the death were all described in this book. Everything that I had dreamed of being shot off a horse was written in this book.”

Note regarding image comparison: Facial features would be more similar if Jim July Starr and Uncle Floyd were captured in the same pose. In the photos presented, Jim July Starr holds his head backwards, while Uncle Floyd holds his head slightly downward.

Karen’s Interpretation of her Past Life Death Dream at 5 Years of Age: A Past Life Relationship Revealed

“From the book, I now understood the dream I had when I was 5 years old. I realized that the person who shot me, Jim July Starr, was my Uncle Floyd in my current lifetime. My Uncle Floyd and Jim July Starr have a very similar physical appearance. Jim was a Cherokee Indian and I had married him so that we could live in the Indian Territories, away from the Missouri law.

I could now recreate the details of the recurring dream that I had since I was 5 years old. Jim and I were visiting a friend’s house and we later left. I was going back to our home in the Indian Territories, while Jim had to go to Fort Smith to face charges of theft. In the dream, while I was riding home, I soon sensed that someone was following me. I now realized it was Jim. That was strange, I thought. Maybe he changed his mind about going to Fort Smith.

He never caught up with me but instead stayed back a comfortable distance. I stopped by another neighbor to chat along the way back and I think this is when Jim rode past me. I left the neighbors home and continued on my way. I almost made it to the river’s edge when I was shot in the back and neck. I saw that it was Jim.

I was not close to my Uncle Floyd. He was nicer to my brother than me. My mother had told me that my uncle did not like women very much and I had the same impression of him. My Uncle Floyd was half Indian, while in my dream, I saw him as a full-blooded Cherokee.”

Walter’s Questions: “How did you react when you read this account? How did your parents react?”

Karen’s Answers: “I did not want to think that the man in this dream was my Uncle Floyd. I could not ignore the similarities, not only regarding the face but the way he stood. The mannerisms were all the same. When I read about Jim July Starr, I also noticed that the manner of speech was the same.

It is written that when Jim July was planning on the murder of his wife, he needed to borrow a gun. He borrowed a shotgun from a local farmer’s son. Jim July Starr told him he needed to, ‘Kill some fox that had been killing his chickens.’ My uncle would word sentences this way.

In the dream, I noticed that the stance that Jim July held, when he aimed the shotgun, is the same stance that my Uncle had a habit to maintain.”

Karen’s Past Life Dream & Memory, at Age 12, of Belle Starr’s Burial with Cornbread thrown into the Casket

iisisreincarnationresearchbellestarrcoffin.jpg“I had dream in 1970, when I was 12 years old and while we were living in Torrance, California, which added details to the event in which I had been shot off my horse. As I lay on the dirt after being shot, I was aware that my daughter was riding fast to the spot where I lay after she had been told of my death. I watched her from above riding down a trail and crossing a river.

In this dream, I also saw a scene in which my body was being prepared for burial. I was placed in a coffin and people filed by to pay respects. The Indians who attended the funeral threw pieces of cornbread into the casket as they walked past my body. I did not like seeing this and thought it was dirty.

In this dream, I was out of my body at times and I was also in it at times as well. I do not know why this was. Maybe I had second thoughts about leaving?”

Karen’s Historical Validation of Her Dream: “Two years later, when I was 14, I read Glenn Shirley’s book, Belle Starr and Her Times, The Literature, the Facts, and the Legends, and on page 240, this incident is described. It is mentioned that the Cherokee people did throw cornbread into Belle’s casket, based on an old Cherokee custom.”

Walter’s Question: “How did you react when you read about the Cherokee people throwing cornbread into Belle’s coffin?”

Karen’s Answer: “Reading about the cornbread was more than coincidental for me. In the dream I did not like cornbread being thrown into my coffin, but I could not do anything about it.”

Karen’s Past Life Dream & Memory, at 12 or 13 Years of Age, of Warning Confederate Soldiers of Union Troops

iisisreincarnationbellestarrkarenpigottbaby5“I was riding in the countryside and came upon a quaint home with Union soldiers milling about. I stayed overnight with this family. I pretended to be worried about staying out later than I should and that my family would be worried about me. I did this so the soldiers would not be suspicious of me. I may have also said that it was too late for me to start back home and needed to stay the night.

I realized that this family consisted of Union sympathizers, with Union troops staying with them. I knew that this information would be vital to the Confederates.

I ate dinner with this family and their guests. I played the piano for them and then the Union troops left the house. I was alone in this house and standing on the stairway listening to a conversation outside between the family patriarch and a military man. I realized that my brother was in danger, as the Union troops were looking for him.

I stayed the night at this house. The next morning I had my horse brought to me and as I was getting ready to leave, I broke off a branch of some bushes. The daughter of the family was standing there watching me. I had the feeling that the family did not trust me. As I rode off I muttered something like ‘I will beat them.’ I think it meant that I would beat the troops into town. (I noticed that the daughter was a little overweight with light brown hair).

I rode fast and hard and came to a clearing in the woods. The trail went down into the clearing and then it went uphill and curved to the right. In the clearing some Confederate troops were doing chores. I rode past and as softly as I could speak I gave these men the location of the house where the Union troops were.”

Walter’s Questions: “Why did you pretend to be worried about staying out late? How did you know that the Union troops were talking about your brother, as opposed to someone else? Did they use your brother’s name from that lifetime?”

Karen’s Answers: “I had to pretend to worry about staying out late because women just did not do that kind of thing then. I also did not want to arouse suspicion.

I knew the Union troops were looking for my brother because he had made their lives miserable. After I had played the piano everyone retired for the night. It was getting dark. I was preparing to go upstairs for bed when I heard a visitor outside talking to the owner of the house.

I stood on the third stair listening and I heard my brother’s name mentioned. The troops were looking for him. I knew I had to get home early so I could warn him. My brother and I were well-known in the area.”

Karen’s Historical Validation of her Dream: A year or two after this dream, in the book Belle Starr by Rascoe, Belle’s daring ride to save her brother Bud is described in detail. This ride is also mentioned in Belle Starr by Glenn Shirley, pages 49-51.

Karen’s Past Life Dream & Memory in 1971 of Receiving Her Brother’s Body and Harassing Union Soldiers

Civil war sergeant of 13th Mass in Concord

“I had a dream when I was 13 years old, in which I had accompanied my father to retrieve the body of my brother. The wagon did not have a cover over it. It had what I think is called a buckboard in the front.

I went into the house with my father to where my brother’s body was kept. We brought out his belongings first which included his gun. I sat in the wagon while my father went to get his body.

There were Union troops milling around saying unpleasant things about my brother and some of the comments were directed towards me. I picked up my brother’s gun and pointed it at the troops, but they just laughed at me.

During the ride back home my father was very angry about the incident. He said that I should have kept my cool and should not have brought any further attention to the family. I would not look his way and just stared out toward the country side. It was a hot day and humid.”

Walter’s Questions: “How did you know it was Belle’s father in the dream?”

Karen’s Answer: “I recognized him as my father as we had the same relationship as we did in this life. He was an authority figure to me. I also had a short dream when I was a child (in this life) in which I was outside a small cabin. Inside was my mother and she was brushing her hair. I kept asking her where my father was. My father then walks out into the clearing to our cabin. He had been away on a trip. I had been told he had to go to the capital. I guess that meant the capital of Missouri. My father looked pretty much the same. He was the same soul as my father.”

Walter’s Question: “How did you know that Belle’s father reincarnated as your father.”

Karen’s Answer: “Belle’s father in the dream had my father’s mannerisms, way of talking and expression in his eyes that made me associate. In the dream, he had the same body build as he did in this life.”

Walter’ s Question: “How did you know that it was Belle’s brother in the dream?”

Karen’s Answer: “I remember the emotion of the dream and the anxiety from my parents. I noticed the way both parents reacted and how I felt. I felt like I had lost a close family member and I remember in the dream that the person was referred to as son//brother.”

Walter’s Question: “Do you know who Belle’s brother is in your contemporary lifetime?”

Karen’s Answer: “My brother in Belle’s lifetime seems to be my cousin first Steve. In the Belle lifetime we were very close.”

Walter’s Question: “Did you learn about Belle’s history before this dream?”

Karen’s Answer: “I did not learn of any of this before the dream. I did not know who Belle Starr was.”

Karen’s Historical Validation of Her Dream: “A year or two later, when I was 14, while reading the book on Belle Starr by Rascoe I realized that the events of this dream, of picking up a brother’s body, with harassing Union troops in the background, had occurred to Belle Starr. Belle had gone with her father to pick up the body of her brother Bud.”

Walter’s Comment: It is truly amazing that as a child you had such detailed memories that correspond so accurately to the lifetime of Belle Starr.

Karen’s Past Life Dream & Memory, at Age 14, of Taking a Photo with a Holster & Guns

IISISReincarnationResearchBelleStarrGun“After the death of my brother, I went into a town with my mother to shop. I had put on his holster and guns. I did this to send a message to the Union troops that I meant the business of revenge for his death. My mother did not want me to wear them because she felt that I was just ‘asking for trouble.’

In order to make my point that I was serious about revenge, I had my picture taken wearing the pistols. My mother is off to the side watching the photo shoot. She was not very happy with me. I look over to my right in this picture because I felt looking directly right into the camera might be too harsh a look.”

Walter’s Questions: “How did you know the person in the dream was your mother? Was this incident historically confirmed?”

Karen’s Answer: “I would know my mother anywhere. You could blindfold me, take away my hearing and stand me in a room next to her and I would know her. We were very close. I have read that the day after Belle’s brother was killed, Belle and her mother went into a nearby town. I think Belle was wearing the gun belt, but I have never read that her mother accompanied her into the photo studio.”

Karen’s Past Life Memory, at Age 14 in 1972, of Being Locked in a Closet, with a Romantic Rescue

belletstarrjimreed“I was sitting in a closet apparently locked in there for punishment. Later, when I was let out the closet and sitting in my bedroom, I noticed that someone is climbing up a ladder. The man is there to get me. It is dark outside. I climb down and find that there is a horse waiting for me as are several other people. The man that climbed up the ladder I realize is my brother in this lifetime.”

Note regarding image comparison: Facial features would appear more similar if Jim Reed and Rob were captured in the same pose. There is a resemblance noted in the eyes .

Karen’s Historical Validation: This incident is described in Belle Starr, by Burton Roscoe, page 121 and page 156. After reading this book, I had further insight about this dream:

“Belle had gotten pregnant out-of-wedlock. I did have a dream about having this baby. The father was Cole Younger, but he always denied it and denied knowing Belle Starr. This hurt Belle (me). I had met another outlaw who l knew as Jim Reed from Reed Hill Missouri. He wanted to marry me. He knew I had a baby that Cole had fathered but Jim said he wanted to help me and give the baby a last name. Jim came to visit me and the baby. I sat in the front room of a house and waited for him to come. He came in and proposed to me. I said I would but I did not know when.

For reasons that I do not know, my (Belle’s) parents hated Jim Reed and they locked me in the closet so that I would not be able to see him. Eventually, my parents let me out of the closet.

It was dark outside when I heard someone call my name. I looked out and it was Jim Reed, who was putting a ladder up to my window. He had come to elope with me. As soon as we were down the ladder we ran over to our horses and rode a short way. A group of men who were Jim’s friends were waiting. We were married right there by the leader of this group of outlaws. This man had been a preacher before he became an outlaw.

Jim Reed, the man I married, is my brother, Rob, in contemporary times. Recall that in my experience with the ‘bright light,’ when I was 5 years old, the mechanical male voice told me that my brother was my spouse in a prior lifetime. The voice was referring to my brother’s past lifetime as Jim Reed.”

Karen’s Past Life Dream & Memory, at Age 14, of Robbing a House

“I had a dream in which my brother in my current lifetime, Rob, I and another young man were up on a mound or rise of earth looking down towards a home. It was clear to me that we were going to rob this house. I was the one who went up to the door and knocked on it. As I did the other two behind me forced their way in. I was dressed in male attire so that no one would know my identity. We tortured this man to give us his gold. He lived and we all went to trial but he could not positively identify the men.”

Karen’s Historical Validation of Her Dream:Burton Rascoe book, page 172. Jim Reed and Belle Star did rob a man as described in the dream.”

Karen’s Past Life Dream & Memory of her Husband’s Coffin and Defying the Law

“I am riding up to a building holding my daughter as I ride. I tie up the horse while looking at the building. I am aware that I am probably being watched. I do not want to go into the building but I have to. As I walk in with my daughter I notice approximately 4-5 men standing around a coffin which has been placed in the middle of the room. I am asked to ID the body as my husband, but I lie and say it is not him. I sense that the men are very disappointed. I left with my daughter feeling vindicated.”

Karen’s Historical Validation of Her Dream:Scott, Belle Starr in Velvet, pages 82-83. After Jim Reed was shot and killed, Belle had to go identify the body. If I (Belle) could do that then the killers would get the reward money. I did not want that to happen so I walked in and said that the dead man was not Jim, but it was really him lying there.

Some books on the subject of Belle say that this is most likely did not happen, but I know it did.”

reincarnationeddiereedKaren’s Past Life Dream & Memory of Belle’s Son Riding Her Horse Too Hard and Giving Eddie a Whipping

“I am running into the horse stall and noticed that my horse had been ridden hard. I immediately go into the barn and find my son sleeping there. I am not too happy that he has taken it the night before and ridden it that way.”

Karen’s Historical Validation of Her Dream:Belle Starr, by Burton Roscoe and Belle Starr by Glenn Shirley. Belle did not get along with her son Eddie who was fathered by Jim Reed. Belle gave Eddie a severe whipping with a riding crop after he had taken her prized black stallion for a ride to a party in a nearby town. He had ridden it hard and in the morning Belle discovered that Ed had fallen asleep in the barn. Ed never forgave Belle for the whipping. This was an emotional dream for me, it was horrible.”

Walter’s Question: Do you know who Eddie Reed is in contemporary times?

Karen’s Answer: I am quite sure that Eddie reincarnated as my son, Mike Jr.

Karen’s Past Life Dream & Memory, at Age 13 & Prior to Reading About Belle Starr, of Her Husband Shooting a Man

IISISBelletStarrSamStarr2“I was at home with a man who I think was my husband in that life. I hear a knock at the door and I answer the door. When I open and see the person standing there I start to smile, but just then my husband takes out his gun and fires into the man, killing him. I am very upset and watch my husband and some ranch hands take the dead man out to the yard next to the house. They all stand around him in a circle. I go and saddle up my horse because I do not want to be there, I have to get out. I ride past all the men and glare at my husband.”

Karen’s Historical Validation of Her Dream: “After the dream I read an account of this. I cannot find where it is.

I know that it happened though. I do not know why this man was killed. Belle was living with her second husband, Sam Starr, when one day a person came to the door. As I (Belle) opened the door, Sam pulled out a pistol and shot the visitor. I did not know why he did that. Sam and a bunch of the outlaws who were staying at our ranch took the body and buried it not too far from our house. It was reasoned that no one would think of looking there for a body. As described, I was very livid about him shooting a friend of mine and ran past the group of men to get to my horse. I saddled up and rode past the crew and as I did I glared at Sam.”

Note: Sam Starr is pictured to the right.

Karen’s Past Dream & Memory of Breaking Up Pearl’s Relationship with a Lover

“Belle’s daughter, Pearl, had a boyfriend who Belle did not approve of. Belle did not want Pearl to marry the boyfriend because he did not have enough money to support her. To break up the relationship, Belle sent Pearl out-of-town, not knowing that Pearl had become pregnant by this man.

While she was away, Belle wrote a letter to the boyfriend in which she pretended to be Pearl. In the letter, she wrote that she had married a man with money just like her mama wanted. It was a lie that worked. The man married another woman while Pearl was out-of-town.

reincarnationcasebelletstarrpearlstarrcomparisonimageWhen Pearl returned and happened to see her old boyfriend, they figured out Belle’s dirty scheme. In my dream, a close friend of the family knew of Pearl’s condition and mentioned it to Belle. Belle did not know anything about it and became irate. This close friend of the family was the town’s postmaster and had been like a grandfather to Pearl. It was not unusual for him to be confided in. When I (Belle) found out about Pearl being pregnant; I went ballistic and at first blamed the postmaster for being responsible for Pearl’s condition.”

Historical Validation: See below

Karen’s Past Life Dream & Memory of Playing a Joke on Pearl

“I am talking to an elderly neighbor who is a close friend. During our conversation, my daughter and her friend run by us giggling and having fun. It is around Halloween. I tell this neighbor that I plan on playing a prank on my daughter.

He gets serious and asks me if I think that would be a good idea since Pearl is in a ‘delicate way.’ I am shocked not knowing exactly what he is implying. When I realize that she is pregnant, I immediately react with anger and let him have it. I then go after my daughter.”

Walter’s Question: Is Pearl’s pregnancy and Belle’s rouse to get rid of the boyfriend documented in history books?

Karen’s Answer: “Yes, it is. When I had this dream I did not know what it was all about. The one thing that sets these dreams apart from other dreams is the emotions that are involved. The emotions are magnified. For this dream, I just had a dream talking to a neighbor and then he says something that just sets me off. I go and tell my daughter that I know about everything. I experience sadness and depression in this dream.”

Historical Validation: Pending

Karen’s Past Life Dream & Memory, at 12-13 Years of Age, of a German Photographer

reincarnationresearchbellestarrrhoeders“I was riding into town with a deputy sheriff to answer a charge of horse stealing. I am riding past store fronts and joke with the sheriff that I would like to go into a couple of the stores to shop. I ask him if he would mind waiting for me. I also tell him that I am tired of all the attention I get every time I come to town. As I ride towards the town I see a short bald man to my left motion for me to have my picture taken. He has an old-fashioned camera on a tripod. I tell him that I will stop on my way back home.

On my way back I see the little man with the German accent off to my right just ahead of me calling to me to have my picture taken. I tell him I have changed my mind and do not want the picture taken. He replies ‘You promised’.

He continues to ask me to change my mind. I finally look over to him while stopping my horse. I let him take the picture, but I pose with a smirk, and then continue on riding. Since I really did not want to have my picture taken, I did not want to smile at him so that is the reason for the smirk.”

Karen’s Historical Validation of her Dream: “This is a famous photograph featured in Rhoeder’s Gallery in Fort Smith. This photo is featured in the book by Glenn Shirley, page 196. This dream occurred before I read about Belle Starr”

Karen’s Past Life Dream & Memory, at Age 14, of Taking a Photo with Blue Duck

IISISReincarnationResearchBelleStarrBlueDuck“I have been asked to take a picture with someone I hardly know. This person is a young man who has been in trouble with the law. I also am in trouble with the law and that is the reason the 2 of us are at the sheriff’s office. This man is named ‘Blue Duck.’ I agree to have my picture taken and so I just stand there. I am not happy with what I am wearing as I think the small print makes my hips look large.”Karen’s historical validation of her dream: “This photo is shown in Glenn Shirley book on page 197.”

Karen’s Plea on June 18, 1974, at Age 16, to Meet her Past Life Love, Cole Younger, in Contemporary Times

“As noted, when I was 14 years old, I had started reading about Belle Starr and came to believe that I was her in a past lifetime. By the age of 16, I had read much on Belle. I was impressed by one fact of Belle’s story and that is how much she loved Cole Younger. When I was about 16-17 years old, I said out loud, ‘If Belle (I) loved this man so much in that lifetime, please let me find him in this life.’”

Karen Meets her Past Life Love, the Reincarnated Cole Younger, at the Age of 19

“When I first saw my future husband, Mike, I was drawn to him. He looked so familiar. We met in the summer of 1977 when we both worked at the Broadway department store in Torrance, California. He walked by my counter at the start of our shift. I met him again 2 weeks later at Hermosa Beach, where a group of people from the store played volley ball every Sunday night. I met him on his 21st birthday. I am sure that we were destined to meet. We even remarked shortly after meeting each other that it seemed like we had been together forever.”

Karen’s Past Life Dream & Memories, at Age 23 in 1981, of Belle Starr’s Love of Cole Younger and of being Rejected

iisisreincarnationcoleyounger“In a dream, I am watching some men that have been visiting my family getting ready to leave. They are sitting on horses and talking to my parents. I am very much taken with the oldest man. He is sitting on the horse closest to me. I whisper something to him but he is not acting interested in me. He answers me in a somewhat louder voice and I am not happy with what he is saying to me. I am embarrassed as my parents can hear him as well.

I notice that he is wearing baggy western clothing; baggy pants, shirt, cowboy hat and boots. His voice has a slight Midwest accent. I realize that this man is my husband, Mike, in my current life and I love him very much. I do not like him very much in this dream. This dream happened after we were married in 1981 and were living in our first apartment.”

Historical Validation: I had clarification of this dream after reading a book about Belle. The men visiting my family were the Younger brothers. I think the James Boys were there as well. The person I was attracted to was Cole Younger. We were romantically involved and I (Belle) became pregnant out-of-wedlock. Cole was the father, but he would later deny that we had a romance.

In the dream, the Younger brothers were all on horseback and my parents went out to them to say goodbye. My parents threatened me to stay in the house and not come out, as they did not want me to say goodbye. I stayed in the house and watched everything from a window. An older man was keeping an eye on me so I would not run out. I do not know who this man was, but I think he was a relative. Anyway, I ran out to them and went directly to Cole and said good-bye.

Cole Younger & Belle Starr Get Romance Right This Time Around

iisisreincarnationcoleyounger“In our contemporary lifetimes, Mike (Cole) treats me like a princess and he loves me for who I am. We have a wonderful marriage and have been married for almost 29 years. I think we finally got it right this time around.

In 1981, when I had this dream in which I realized that Mike is the reincarnation of Cole Younger, I didn’t tell him of any of this. I wasn’t sure how he would respond. Again, I was 23 years of age when I realized that Mike was Cole, which was four years after we had met.”

Karen Reveals to Mike that She was Belle Starr in a Past Lifetime and that He was Cole Younger

Seven years later, in 1988, one morning I told Mike about my beliefs regarding reincarnation. I thought he would think I was crazy or something but instead he listened. I told him about discovering that my past life dreams were replicated in a couple of books and how odd that was for me.

I told him that I was Belle Starr in the past lifetime, as the dreams I had reflected events in her lifetime. I also told him that I think I knew who he was, but I did not reveal who I thought he was at that time.

I am amazed at how much Mike looks like Cole Younger. Even his two brothers resemble Cole’s two brothers. All brothers have an intense interest in the Civil War history and they even lived a few miles from Gettysburg, Pennsylvania.

As mentioned, I told him in 1988 that I thought I had been Belle Starr and would offhandedly joke about it from time to time. I finally told Mike that I though he had been Cole Younger in a past lifetime in the year 2000. He knew of my beliefs, but I was never sure of what he thought about all this in the year 2000.

At this time, I now believe he does, in fact, believe that I am the reincarnation of Belle Starr. Mike, by the way, is an Intensive Care Unit (ICU) charge nurse, who is a natural leader.”

At 42 Years of Age, in 2000, Karen gets Palpitations at the Past Life Location where Belle Starr Lived & Shopped

iisisreincarnationbellestarrkarenpigotthat‘In the summer of 2000, my family and I took a trip back to Missouri. We drove there from Southern California. Along the way we went through Oklahoma and stayed at a hotel on Lake Eufaula. The hotel/resort was old and had not been remodeled since the early 70’s. It was hot and humid.

My husband knew the reasons why I wanted to go through that part of the country but my children did not know. We drove around the lake and went towards the dam. The roads were clear, a lot of people on boats and in the water.

As we drove past the dam going in an eastwardly direction, I began to experience nausea and light-headedness. My heart was racing and I felt skipped beats. This was all experienced in one certain area of the highway. I told my husband that I was ok and to keep going because I did not want to stop.

Walter’s Question: Is there any reason from Belle’s lifetime that you would experience nausea, light-headedness, etc, at that particular spot? Was Lake Eufaula a place Belle visited?

Karen’s Answer: “Belle’s home is very close to Lake Eufaula and the dam. Belle shopped in Eufaula many times.

A Past Life Reaction: Karen gets Sick at the Spot that Belle Starr was Murdered

“We eventually drove back to our hotel but went on the road that was on the other side of the river. When we reached a spot that was directly even to the spot on the other side of the river where I felt ill, I started feeling ill again. I could not wait to get out of that area. I also felt extreme sadness and depression.”

Walter’s Question: ” Is there a reason you would feel ill at this second spot? Why do you think you felt sadness and depression?”

Karen’s Answer: “I have discovered since the trip that it was on this stretch of road where Belle was murdered.”

Reincarnation & Similar Appearance: Mike Realizes that Karen Physically Resembles Belle Starr

“On our way to Missouri we went to see Fort Gibson, which had been a fort in that area for about 150 years. It felt very familiar to me. We made our way to Missouri and stopped in Carthage for lunch. We went on a sight-seeing trip. Carthage is the hometown of Belle Starr.

We stopped in the town’s museum and found it all interesting. My husband saw a picture of Belle Starr before I did. He came over to me and said:

‘I think you ought to see this.’ As I looked at the picture my husband said; ‘You have the same eyes and mouth.’ This was very emotional for me.”

When Karen is 46 Years Old, Her Mother Unexpectantly calls her by a Past Life Name, Belle Starr’s Nickname, “May”

iisisreincarnationbellestarrkarenpigotthat‘In 2004, my parents were visiting us from Arizona. My mother and I always shared talks about spiritual matters. One morning during one of these conversations, my mother said something that was really odd. We were in my living room which was very bright, as I do not like to have a dark house. I like the sun to shine in and brighten the rooms. The glare was bothering her so she asked me to close the shutters in the room while we talked. She said:

‘May, will you please close the shutters; the room is too bright for me.’

I instantly got up and closed them, but realized that she called me ‘May.’

As I sat down my mother said, ‘Karen, I do not know why I called you that, that’s strange.’

I told her, ‘Mom–that was my nickname in my life as Belle Starr’.

It was a weird moment. My mother did not know anything about Belle except that she was an outlaw. I gave my mother a book to take home and read about Belle. I believe that my mother in this lifetime was also my mother in my lifetime as Belle, so my mother may have had an unconscious memory from that past lifetime.”

Walter’s Question: “Did your mother specifically deny reading about Belle previously? Did she deny knowing that Belle’s nickname was Belle? Are you sure that you did not tell your mother about the nickname May?

Karen’s Answers: “Yes, my mother denied reading anything about Belle Starr. It is my understanding that she did not like the fact that I could have been Belle Starr. She did not like anything related to the Wild West and especially a woman who could have been a bandit. I believe her because her interests in reading were mainly Hollywood biographies, spicy novels and mystery-intrigue novels.

I never told her about the nickname May. I myself did not know about it until 2003. All the books I read prior to that referred to Starr’s nickname as being Belle.

While my mother and I were talking at this point she seemed very tired. My mother was drifting in and out of sleep and was very relaxed. It is then that she asked me to close the blinds and she called me ‘May.’ My mother and father both passed away in 2005.

Similarities in Personality & Karen’s Reflections on her Past Lifetime as Belle Starr

reincarnationcasebelletstarrpearlstarrcomparisonimage“I find it interesting that I was born in Missouri in this life, just like last time. I have had an intense love of horses and would not mind having a gun, but I know that I will never buy one. Belle, of course, was an excellent horse woman and very skilled with guns. When I was little I had always thought that Kansas was a bad place but I do not know why I felt that way.

In this life I was an extreme tomboy and so was Belle. I would fight anyone who challenged me and Belle was like that as a child.

As noted, I firmly believe that my oldest son Mike Jr. was Eddie in the last life and my daughter Melissa was Pearl. She looks so much like Pearl. Melissa even sees the resemblance.

My parents were the same parents, as I had dreams about them and they were the same personalities. My brother was Jim Reed. My parents really catered to him. Perhaps they were making up for the way they felt about him in his past life.

I know that I did not like myself in the Belle lifetime and I feel my soul was ready to depart that life at the time it did. I am so aware of my actions now and how I appear to other people in that lifetime.

I do not want to make the same mistakes that I made before. I believe that we all have a blueprint of some sort for what we need to accomplish here on earth. My lessons this time around are about family, to be more inclusive with other people and to let other people shine. I also think that this blueprint/plan includes who we have in our lives and the number of children we have.”

Walter’s Question: ” You love to play golf. Are you a good shot in golf, like Belle was a good shot with guns?”

Karen’s Answer: “Yes, I have a strong swing. I drive pretty far (for a woman).”

Past Life Karma of Being an Outlaw

IISIS reincarnation past lives karma walter semkiwThis case presents a chance to better understand karma, the principal that every action has an equal reaction or consequence. Karma will be discussed in greater detail in the section Soul Evolution. It is thought that karma can be worked out in two ways. An immature soul, who does not admit wrongs that have been committed, may need to experience these wrongs directly. In this way, karma is worked out in an “eye for an eye” manner.

More mature souls, in between lifetimes, acknowledge mistakes that have been made and proactively plan to compensate for wrong actions through positive service.

In this set of cases, Karen was the outlaw Belle Starr, while her husband, Mike, and his brothers were the outlaws Cole Younger and the Younger Gang. In their contemporary incarnations, all four of these individuals are in service fields. As noted, Mike, who led the Younger Gang as Cole, has demonstrated leadership again by becoming a respected ICU charge nurse. One of his brothers serves as the Chief Financial Officer of a physician’s group and his other brother has served as a firefighter.

By reincarnating into professions of service, it is proposed that Karen, Mike and his brothers are dealing with karma incurred during their outlaw lifetimes in a positive, constructive way. Instead of using violence against people, Belle Starr and the Younger Gang, in their contemporary lifetimes are using their skills to save lives. Rather than experiencing “eye for an eye” consequences, they are working off karma incurred in their prior lifetimes through service.

Principles of Reincarnation & Understanding Past Lives

As noted before, the strength of this compelling reincarnation case rests upon Karen’s very detailed memories of a past lifetime which were corroborated through biographies on Belle Starr. If this reincarnation case is accepted, it demonstrates the following principles:

Relationships Renewed through Reincarnation: Karen has made the following past life matches related to her case:

Belle Starr | Karen Pigott

Cole Younger | Mike Pigott

Younger Brothers | Mike Pigott’s Brothers

Eddie, Belle’s Son | Mike Pigott, Jr. son of Karen and Mike

Pearl Starr, Daughter of Belle Starr | Melissa Pigott, daughter of Karen and Mike

Jim Reed, First Husband of Belle | Rob, Karen’s Brother

Jim July Starr | Karen’s Uncle Floyd

Of greatest importance, Karen’s love in the past lifetime, Cole Younger, reincarnated as Karen’s husband Mike. In addition, Belle’s children in the past lifetime, Eddie and Pearl, reincarnated as Karen’s and Mike’s children Mike Jr. and Melissa.

Physical Resemblance: In the matches presented above, physical resemblances do exist, though some are stronger than others. Perceiving a strong physical resemblance is dependent on obtaining photographs of subjects in the same pose.

Geographic Memory: Karen had emotional and physical reactions at Lake Eufaula, locations where Belle Star had lived and shopped. She felt physically ill and experienced extreme sadness and depression at the location where Belle was murdered, which is similar to the reaction that Jeff Keene had when he was intuitively lead to the spot where he was almost killed in a past lifetime in the Civil War battle of Antietam.”

Planning Lifetimes: As a child, Karen spontaneously told her mother that she chose them as parents before she was born. This also occurred in the James Huston Jr. | James Leininger reincarnation case. If it is true that Karen, Mike and his brothers purposely reincarnated as nurses to work off karma in a constructive manner, then career planning is also observed in these cases.

Similarities in Linguistic Style: Karen described that Jim July’s written phrases were similar to the speech of her Uncle Floyd, who Karen has identified as the reincarnation of Jim July. Similarities in linguistic style were documented in the John B. Gordon | Jeff Keene reincarnation case through a formal linguistic analysis.

Innate Talents: Belle was an expert shot with rifles and pistols. Karen is an accomplished golfer and has an aggressive personality, as did Belle.

IISISReincarnationResearchUFO (1)Extraterrestrial or Spirit Being Involvement: When Karen was five years old, she saw a bright light in the sky and heard a mechanical voice that told her that her brother in her current lifetime was her husband in a past lifetime. In addition, the mechanical voice told her that she was a horse thief in a past incarnation. After these incidents, Karen began experiencing vivid and detailed dreams that eventually led to her deriving her past lifetime as Belle Starr.

It is unclear whether this phenomenon represented a spirit being or perhaps an extraterrestrial source that was communicating to Karen. Other authors have described a mechanical voice as representing extraterrestrial communication.

One example involves Jack Sarfatti, PhD, a physicist who worked with Gary Zukov on The Dancing Wu Li Masters, a book on quantum physics. In an article in the April 2000 issue of Fate magazine, written by Preston Dennett, Sarfatti described his experiences with a mechanical sounding voice that was apparently generated by a computer on an alien spaceship. In this article, Sarfatti relates:

“In 1952 and 1953, when I was about 12 or 13 years old, I received a phone call…in which a mechanical sounding voice at the other end said it was a computer on board a flying saucer. They wanted to teach me something and would I be willing? This was my free choice. Would I be willing to be taught—to communicate with them? I remember a shiver going up my spine, because I said, ‘Hey, man, this is real.’ Of course, I was a kid…but I said, ‘yes.'”

ReincarnationCaseBelletStarrUFODennett continues the story: “Sarfatti was impressed. He ran and got his friends, and they gathered together in his bedroom, awaiting the upcoming promised contact. Unfortunately, nothing occurred, and Sarfatti assumed at first that it was just a clever practical joke. At this point, his memory of the event strangely ends. But according to Sarfatti’s mother, the first phone call was followed by a series of similar phone calls—each giving Sarfatti information that would leave him forever changed. Says Sarfatti:

‘My mother remembers this experience very well. It turns out that I had forgotten most of it. This was really something that occurred over several weeks. Apparently what happened, which is completely blanked from my memory but not from hers, was that I continually received phone calls, many phone calls from the same source. My mother says I was walking around really strange. She began to get worried about me. Finally, one day she picked up the phone, and she heard this computer. She remembers the voices…. She said, ‘Leave my boy alone!’ The Jewish mother talking to the flying saucer or whatever they were. And that was the end of it. We never got another phone call after that.'”

In his autobiography entitled, My Story, Uri Geller, a psychic with documented psychokinetic abilities such as bending spoons with his mind, also described contacts with alien beings that were facilitated by a mechanical sounding voice.

Extraterrestrial or ET Contact & Michael Tamura’s Clairvoyant Insights

I myself, Walter Semkiw MD, can share a similar experience. I was at a past life regression conference in Colorado Springs in 2006. I had just seen Barbro Karlen give a presentation regarding her past life memories of being Anne Frank. I was quite moved by her talk and reflected on how her presentation should be videotaped for greater access. I subsequently produced a videotape of Barbro, which is featured in Evidence of Reincarnation.

After Barbro’s presentation, I walked down the hallway and met Jeff Keene, who was also attending the conference. As I spoke to Jeff, my own voice had a strangely mechanical sound. At the same time, I felt pressure along the left side of my face. I thought this was extremely bizarre, as I had never heard my own voice sound mechanical before, nor have I experienced this since. I was also puzzled by the sensation of pressure on the left side of my face, which had never happened before, nor has it happened since.

I looked around and noted that there was a small dome above us and I attributed the mechanical sound of my voice to the dome, which I thought must have been producing an echo. On the other hand, I reflected that I didn’t hear an echo, rather, I heard my voice sounding mechanical.

Afterwards, I met with Michael Tamura, a spiritual teacher who has been clairvoyant since childhood. I told him about the strange experience I just had in which my voice sounded mechanical as I was speaking to Jeff Keene.

Michael told me that the reason that my voice sounded mechanical was that extraterrestrial beings were tuning into me, as they have a great interest in reincarnation research, which they perceive as a crucial step for humanity’s evolution. Michael also told me that the extraterrestrials had placed an energetic device on the left side of my face which allowed them to listen in on my conversation with Jeff. The translation device that the extraterrestrials used caused voices to sound mechanical.

What struck me was that I did not tell Michael about the sensation that I had of pressure on the left side of my face, when the mechanical character of my voice occurred. Michael’s ability to perceive a device on the left side of my face made me think that his explanation may be valid.

I myself am not clairvoyant nor had I had any other possible experiences with extraterrestrials, but Michael’s perception of an energy clamp on the left side of my face corresponded exactly to the sensation that I had while speaking to Jeff Keene. I know to the average reader, this experience that I had must sound very hard to believe, but it did happen.

My experience, Jack Sarfatti’s childhood experiences and Uri Geller’s story support that Karen’s experience with a strange mechanical sounding voice is not unique. There are many documented cases in which spirit being involvement has been observed in reincarnation cases. It is possible that in addition to spirit beings, extraterrestrial beings are coaxing us into learning about reincarnation and past lives.


Reincarnation Stories of Paul Gauguin | Peter Teekamp and Mette Gauguin | Michelle Moshay

This reincarnation case shows how artistic talent and even specific compostions can be carried over from one lifetime to another. Past life resemblance and a relationship renewed through reincarnation is also observed.

gauguinteekampsketch750How Case Derived: Past Life Memories in Childhood, Spirit Being and Intuitive Guidance

Researchers: Peter Teekamp and Michelle Moshay


Article by: Walter Semkiw, MD, from Born Again and Return of the Revolutionaries

Preface: Artistic Development Replicated in a Reincarnation Case

The image comparison on the right demonstrates how Peter Teekamp unconsciously replicated the artistic development of Paul Gauguin. This image, as well as all the images on this page, can be enlarged by placing your cursor over the image. Peter did these sketches as a young man, decades before he ever saw the corresponding Gauguin sketches in his contemporary lifetime, showing how artistic development has been unconsciously replicated.

Peter didn’t fully accept being the reincarnation of Gauguin until 2005, when he attended a conference, which was kindly hosted by Norm Shealy, MD, PhD at his farm in Missouri. There, Peter met others, such as Norm and Wayne Peterson, who also knew of past lives. Peter’s story made more sense in the context of other reincarnation cases.

Peter was 55 years old at the time. I supported that Peter is the reincarnation of Gauguin, but noted that Peter’s paintings up to that point did not look like those of Gauguin. Rather, Peter’s work was more realistic and even surrealistic. An example of Peter’s contemporary work is the portrayal of the Moon, provided below.  I asked Peter if he could paint like Paul, as this might help others consider that he might be is the reincarnation of Paul.

300gauguinteekampmoonSubsequently, Peter effortlessly created a flood of paintings inspired by Paul Gauguin. On this web page, Gauguin’s paintings are compared with those done by Peter. A symbolic or synchronistic event is seen in Peter’s creation of these paintings at the age of 55, as Paul Gauguin died at the age of 55. It is as if Paul was resurrected in Peter at that time.

As a Boy, Peter Hears a Past Life Voice in his Mind: “Gauguin”

Peter Teekamp’s story begins in his childhood years, when the words “Go-Gone, Go-Gone,” kept popping into his mind. As a ten-year old boy, Peter would use it as a cheer when playing. He would shout: “Go-Gone, Go-Gone!”

This is reminiscent to the case of Francesco Foscari | Wayne Peterson, as Wayne as a child insisted that his name was really “Francesco Forscari,” not realizing until several decades later that his name was indeed Francesco Foscari in a past lifetime.

For Peter, it also took several decades before he associated the words “Go-Gone” with the artist Paul Gauguin and even longer for him to consider that he might be the reincarnation of Gauguin. Before we continue with Peter’s journey, let us review the life of Gauguin.

image description

The Life and Death of Paul Gauguin

Paul was born in Paris on June 7, 1848. His father was a French journalist and his mother was from Peru.

In 1849, when Paul was only a year old, his father died during a sea passage to South America. His mother took Paul to Peru, where he spent his early childhood years. In his adolescence, he returned to France where he attended Catholic boarding schools. Paul’s Catholic upbringing would significantly influence his art. His mother died in 1867, when he was 19 years of age.

Paul Gauguin Travels the World then Settles Down in Paris

Paul then became a sailor, traveling around the world with the French Merchant Marines, then serving with the French Navy. In 1872, when he was 24, Paul entered the business world as a stockbroker. During this period, he began painting in his spare time. He would continue to work in business for over ten years, before devoting his life to painting full-time.

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In 1873, at the age of 25, Paul married Mette Gad. The couple would eventually have five children. During this time in his young adulthood, Paul was befriended by the artists Pissarro and Cezanne. In 1880, when Paul was 28, one of his paintings was accepted for the Salon d’Automne, a prestigious art exhibition in Paris.

In 1884, Paul moved his family to Copenhagen, in Denmark, his wife’s country of origin. A year later, in 1885 and at the age of 37, Paul separated from Mette and returned to France to become an artist on a full-time basis. Upon his return, one his of first paintings was of a scene from the town of St. Cloud, just outside of Paris, entitled, “Paysage a Saint-Cloud.” St. Cloud, we shall see, will also have significance in the life of Peter Teekamp.

Paul Gauguin and Van Gogh in Arles, France

In 1887, Paul briefly worked for the Panama Canal project as a canal digger and he then traveled to Martinique, a Caribbean island. Returning to France, he became friends with Vincent Van Gogh, whom he painted with at Arles in the south of France. Van Gogh and Paul shared a house together and it was in this setting that on December 23, 1888, Van Gogh cut off his ear, which he then presented to a prostitute.

Paul reported that Van Gogh had threatened him with a razor the day prior to the ear incident. The day after Van Gogh cut off his ear, Gauguin left Arles.

During his period at Arles, from February to December 1888, Paul developed the style that he is known for, using flat, pure colors with black outlines. His art often involved Christian religious themes. Though the art world would come to revere Paul in the future, at this time, he was unrecognized and poor.

gauguinteekampwom735Paul Gauguin in Tahiti

Paul became disenchanted with life in Europe. In 1891, at the age of 43, Paul sold 30 paintings to finance his passage from France to the South Pacific, where he settled in Tahiti. With this move he sought a more simple way of life. For the next two years, Paul captured scenes from the South Pacific. It was in Tahiti where his most famous art works would be produced.

While in Tahiti, Paul ran out of money and he had to travel back to France in 1893. He then returned to Tahiti in 1895 at the age of 47, never to see Europe again. Paul’s last five years were spent in continuing poverty and worsening health.

Paul became severely depressed and tried to commit suicide in 1897, when he was 49 years old. He survived.

teekampgauguintropicalsceneryPaul Gauguin’s Death in the Marquesas Islands

In 1901, debilitated and in conflict with the French authorities in Tahiti, Paul moved to the Marquesas Islands. He died at the age of 55, on May 8. 1903, and was buried in the Calvary Cemetery.

In his last years, Paul wrote, “For the majority, I shall always remain an enigma, I realize people will understand me less and less … No matter what happens, I assure you that I shall achieve things of the first order. I can feel it and we shall see.”

Paul’s prophecy was accurate. In 1906, three years after his death, his works were exhibited at Salon d’Automne, where his fame and popularity began.

Peter Teekamp as the Reincarnation of Paul Gauguin

Peter Teekamp was born in Holland, in the Netherlands, in 1950, 47 years after the death of Paul Gauguin. Peter’s father was Catholic, while his mother was Jewish.

Peter’s parents had marital problems and separated when Peter was four years of age. He was placed in a Catholic orphanage, where he became an altar boy and sang in the church choir. At the age of nine, Peter’s mother remarried and Peter went to live with his Jewish mother and new stepfather.

A Past Life Name, Gauguin, in Peter Teekamp’s Head: “Go-Gone, Go-Gone”

As noted, when he was ten years old, two syllables kept popping into Peter’s mind, “Go-Gone, Go-Gone.” Little Peter did not associate any particular meaning to these words, but he reveled in them. When he would play, Peter would shout, “Go-Gone, Go Gone,” as a cheer.

It wasn’t until he was fifteen that he started to wonder what “Go-Gone” meant. He asked his school teachers, “What does Go-Gone mean?” His teachers, thinking that he was inquiring about a Dutch word, told him that there was no such word in the Dutch language.

It is proposed that Peter was actually remembering his name from a past lifetime, that “Go-Gone” was a phonetic pronunciation of Gauguin. This type of remembrance was also observed in the reincarnation case of US Diplomat Wayne Peterson. As a small boy, Wayne wouldn’t respond to his name when his parent’s called him. In frustration, they asked, “So what do you want to be called?”

Wayne declared, “My name is Francesco Foscari,” though he had no idea why he wanted to be called that particular name. It took Wayne several decades to understand his name indeed was Francesco Foscari in a past lifetime. To learn more, go to the: Reincarnation Case of Francesco Foscari | Wayne Peterson

Innate Past Life Talent & Unconscious Replication of Gauguin’s Sketches through Reincarnation

gauguinteekampsketch750As a teenager, Peter began to draw. As noted above, a remarkable observation is that Peter’s early drawings replicated sketches that Gauguin had done almost a hundred years before, though Peter had no knowledge of these Gauguin sketches when he drew them.

In fact, Peter Teekamp was not exposed to the Gauguin sketches until 2003, when Peter was 53 years old. As such, Peter was actually retrieving memories of his artwork from a past lifetime, the lifetime of Paul Gauguin.

What is interesting is that Peter replicated Gauguin’s artwork unconsciously at a much younger age than when Gauguin produced these sketches. As such, this phenomenon demonstrates that in each lifetime, we do indeed build upon accomplishments of prior incarnations.

Peter Teekamp Starts in Business, like Paul Gauguin

Peter attained a degree in business and like Gauguin, entered the business world as a career. Peter has worked as a manager of various retail operations over the years. Also like Gauguin, Peter became a world traveler, visiting places such as India, Israel, Portugal and Egypt, living in these locations for periods of time, paying his way by painting murals.

Paul Gauguin & St. Cloud in Minnesota and France

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Eventually, Peter immigrated to the United States. In 1972, Peter settled in, of all places, St. Cloud, Minnesota, where he started to paint in a serious way at the age of 22. This is reminiscent of Gauguin moving back to France from Copenhagen, to become an artist full-time. Recall that one of Gauguin’s early paintings, upon his return to France, was “Paysage a Saint-Cloud,” which means “nature” or the landscape of Saint Cloud. It turns out that St. Cloud, Minnesota was even named after the city of St. Cloud, France.

What is the connection between St. Cloud, France and St. Cloud, Minnesota? I believe that what happens is that an individual can subconsciously recognize that a place has symbolic meaning from a lifetime gone by. Though Peter didn’t consciously know that St. Cloud had symbolic meaning for him from the Gauguin lifetime, I believe there was a subconscious recognition and attraction that derived from his soul, which influenced Peter’s decision to live in St. Cloud.

Peter is told about a Past Lifetime in France

In Minnesota, Peter married a woman named Angela and the couple had two children. Peter continued to manage retail stores and in addition, he pursued his career as a painter. He participated in art fairs, where he would sell his art.

Several times at these fairs, people came up to him spontaneously and told him about his past lives. One person told Paul that he had previously lived in France, another told him his name was Paul in a past incarnation. Peter didn’t know what to make of these comments, though he was open to reincarnation.

Peter has related to me that when he was 19 years old, he read Siddhartha, by Herman Hesse. At that time, Peter came to the conclusion that reincarnation is the only spiritual philosophy that embodies “justice and fairness,” that provides “an equal chance for everyone.”

Still, in the early 1970s, Peter did not have any idea of who he might have been in a past lifetime and the comments made by sidewalk psychics regarding a past lifetime of in France, in which his name was Paul, simply amused him and meant nothing more.

Angela has a Religious Transformation and Tells Peter he is Paul Gauguin, Reincarnated

Things changed in 1979, when Peter was 29 years old. His wife, Angela, started to undergo a drastic change in personality, in which she became deeply religious. Though Peter initially honored her need to be more spiritual, he became worried that her new devotional lifestyle was becoming excessive.

One day, Peter walked into a room in their home and found his wife praying among lit candles. Angela rose and handed a book to Peter which fell open to a portrait of Paul Gauguin, surrounded by red hues. Angela told Peter, with deep conviction, “You are the reincarnation of Paul Gauguin,” an assertion she repeated to him thereafter.

Peter Realizes he looks like Paul and Hides Faces in Paintings, as did Gauguin

Angela’s insistence that he was Gauguin reincarnated made Peter reflect on the words, “Go-Gone, Go-Gone,” which echoed in his mind throughout his childhood. Peter also observed that his facial features were similar to Gauguin’s.

Later, he found that Gauguin liked to place faces in the background of his paintings, sometimes overtly, sometimes hidden, a practice that Peter had also spontaneously developed. As an example, in the Arizona mountain landscape provided below, click on the image to enlarge and note the face lying horizontally in the foreground that is looking up.

A video which reveals how Gauguin hit faces in his paintings can be viewed at the Hidden Faces of Paul Gauguin. Another video which demonstrates hidden faces in Peter’s work is entitled Gone Fishing.

Despite these parallels in the lives of Peter and Paul, it was still too bizarre for Peter to conceive that he could be the reincarnation of Gauguin.

Peter Creates Native Art, as did Paul Gauguin

gauguinteekampmt735Peter and Angela grew apart over the years and despite efforts to preserve their marriage, the couple eventually separated. Peter relocated to Apache Junction, Arizona, where he opened an art gallery. Peter was attracted to the Native American culture of the Southwest, much like Gauguin was attracted to Tahitian life. Peter’s paintings during this period featured Native American themes.

Peter Teekamp’s Past Life Regression

Soon after moving to Apache Junction, Peter met a woman who did past life regressions and Peter decided to give it a try. Peter had this regression in 1980, when he was 30. In the regression, he accessed memories from a lifetime in which he was indeed a painter.

Peter saw cobblestone streets in a city, perhaps Paris. He saw himself climbing up a dark stairwell to a studio that was dark and filthy; it appeared that the room had not been cleaned in years. Peter observed dirty, neglected paint brushes and he experienced a terrible feeling of depression, such as he had never experienced before. He felt loneliness, rejection and a feeling that he was misunderstood.

Whether in his past life regression he tapped into the lifetime of Gauguin, Peter is not sure. But the regression experience was powerful and it made him study Gauguin ever more earnestly. What he found, though, he did not like.

Peter Teekamp Refines Paul Gauguin’s Style of Painting

gauguinteekampaline735First of all, Peter did not like Gauguin’s style of painting, which he found “cartoonish, primitive and unfinished.” As mentioned, in this lifetime, Peter has developed a style that is more realistic. Indeed, in the Gauguin inspired art that Peter has created since 1995, the colors and feel are the same as Gauguin’s, but Peter’s renditions have more definition.

Paintings that demonstrate Peter’s progression of style include Gauguin’s portrait of his daughter, Aline, and Peter’s portrait of Amanda, a girl who died in childbirth. Amanda’s mother wanted a portrait of her unborn daughter and asked Peter to create an image of Amanda, who Peter had obviously never seen. As such, Amanda’s portrait is really an artist’s depiction, since she perished as a newborn.

It is interesting to note the similarities in appearance between Aline, Gauguin’s daughter, and Amanda. The painting of Amanda, though similar in appearance, is much more realistic with many detailed objects placed in the background, reflecting the style that Peter developed in contemporary times.

Peter feels Shame regarding Paul

In addition to the fact that Peter didn’t really admire Gauguin’s art, there were other things that chagrined Peter. For example, Peter didn’t like how some perceived that Gauguin had abandoned his wife and children to pursue a career in art. Lastly, Gauguin died of a venereal disease, which Peter did not find admirable. In short, Peter didn’t like this guy, Gauguin.

A Burly Chiropractor declares that Peter is the Reincarnation of Paul Gauguin

gauguinteekampprofEight years went by before the issue of reincarnation was raised once again. In Apache Junction, Arizona, in 1988 when Peter was 38 years old, he was befriended by a chiropractor who was a large, burly man in his mid-fifties. Over a period of two months, this chiropractor took Peter out to lunch or dinner two or three times a week.

Though grateful for the man’s kindness, Peter began to wonder what the motive was for the man’s generosity. Peter is heterosexual, so he did not want the chiropractor to get any romantic hopes up. Peter decided to confront the issue at one of their meetings.

After Peter questioned the man regarding the reasons for his generosity, the chiropractor’s face grew red and he stood up, grabbing Peter by his shirt. The man drew Peter’s face to within five inches of his own and declared, “You are the reincarnation of Paul Gauguin.”

Peter was shocked, as he had not breathed a word to the chiropractor about Gauguin; the chiropractor simply had no way to know of Peter’s past experiences regarding Gauguin! The chiropractor then let go of Peter and left. Peter never saw him again. Now Peter had been told by two people, his former wife, Angela, and the chiropractor, who was nearly a stranger, that he is the reincarnation of Gauguin. The trouble was that Peter still did not want to be Gauguin.

Paul Gauguin’s Suicide Attempt Repeated at Superstition Mountain

GauguinTeekampSupMtn735Watershed events occurred a year later in 1989, when Peter was 39. The landlord of Peter’s art gallery in Arizona unexpectedly walked in and told Peter that he was being evicted. The landlord related that Peter had signed a lease that had a clause in it that allowed him to evict Peter without notice and the landlord was evicting him immediately, as he received a better offer. So Peter’s business was about to be shut down.

That same week, the woman he had been dating left him and Peter was involved in a major auto accident in which his car was totaled. Suddenly, Peter felt that he had lost everything that he had in the world and he became acutely suicidal.

Peter decided to kill himself in the desert. He bought a pistol and a bottle of whisky and headed out for the barren mountains. Fortunately, Peter is not a drinker and though he fired some shots into the desert air, Peter passed out from the alcohol before he could kill himself.

Recall that Gauguin also tried to commit suicide. Why would this type of pattern be repeated? In my observation, we have the same energies, the same approach to life, from one incarnation to another. As such, we also have the tendency to get into the same types of problems and conflicts; we also react to challenges in the same way.

gaauguinandteekampgardendrawingGauguin and Teekamp both lived stable lives when they were engaged in traditional business and enjoyed financial stability, but they both gave up security to pursue the dream of being an artist. Both, in response to loss and financial crises became acutely depressed and suicidal, though both were unsuccessful in their attempts.

Reincarnation & Replication of Behavior from One Incarnation to Another

We all have a modus operandi that characterizes us. We have a set of behaviors that are consistent from one lifetime to another, some positive and some that are maladaptive. Maladaptive responses get us into trouble, though hopefully over a lifetime, we modify these traits to our advantage.

A great promise of understanding reincarnation is that once we know about past lifetimes and we are able to study our personality patterns from before, we can grow more consciously and effectively in our current incarnation.

After his Suicide Attempt, Peter Moves to California and Reconciles with his proposed Past Life as Paul Gauguin

When Peter woke up the following morning on the desert floor, he was hung over and had a major headache. Peter resolved that he needed to make a new start and decided that he should move to California. Peter also reflected that he had been in denial regarding the Gauguin lifetime and that even if he didn’t want to be the reincarnation of Gauguin, he would examine the possible past life connection with greater openness.

When Peter got back to Apache Junction, he called his former employer, an owner of a retail chain, and was pleased to hear that his old boss not only had a job for him in Atascadero, California, but that this employer was going to send a truck to pick him up. Peter reflects that since he decided to look at the Gauguin lifetime more seriously, things have seemed to go more smoothly and effortlessly for him; Peter states that life “flowered” for him.

Paul and Mette Gauguin, Reunited through Reincarnation

reincarnationmettegad735Peter did well managing the retail store in Atascadero and was promoted to managing an entire shopping center in Hollister, California. There, in 1991 when he was 41, Peter met Michelle Moshay, who worked for a local newspaper selling advertising space. Peter, representing the store and shopping center, became Michelle’s customer, placing ads in the paper she worked for.

In 1997, at the age of 47, Peter decided to become a newspaper layout artist himself, in an attempt to better integrate his vocation and avocation. In this capacity, Michelle became his mentor in regards to the newspaper trade. It was at this time that Peter and Michelle felt a deep resonance towards each other and they became close friends.

Peter began sharing details of his life, including the stories regarding Gauguin. Michelle was not a believer in reincarnation at the time, but she was open. Michelle then shared with Peter a series of synchronistic events of her own involving Gauguin. Michelle, by the way, was 41 years old when she met Peter.

Michelle’s Past Life Connection to Paul Gauguin

Paul Gauguin reincarnationIn 1978 when she was 22 years old, Michelle’s father offered to fund a trip to wherever she wanted to go in the world. Michelle chose to go to Tahiti and when she was there, she visited the Gauguin Museum.

The next year, Michelle went to Paris. She went sightseeing on the Seine on a barge cruiser named the Wandering Wasp (Les Guepes Buissonniere). Interestingly, Gauguin edited a publication in Tahiti entitled, The Wasp. When in Paris, Michelle was 23 years old, the same age Mette was when she met and married Paul Gauguin in France.

Michelle becomes Peter’s Reincarnation Research Partner

Peter had been working on a journal, which included his contemplations on Gauguin, and Michelle offered to help Peter with editing of the journal. As such, in 1997, they became partners in researching Gauguin and writing an account of Peter’s story.

Shortly thereafter, they opened one of the first biographical books Michelle bought on Gauguin. Peter looked at the image on the page and he exclaimed to Michelle, “Look, it’s you!” Peter was looking at a picture of Gauguin’s wife, Mette, and the resemblance to Michelle was undeniable.

Peter and Michelle continued to quietly ponder the possibility that they were the reincarnations of Paul and Mette Gauguin and the years went by. In 1999, Peter departed for what would become a four year tour of the world, painting murals as he traveled. Peter kept in touch with Michelle, corresponding with her, much like Paul had corresponded with Mette when he was in Tahiti.

Michelle Discovers the Gaugain-Teekamp Reincarnation Parallel Sketches

Michelle, in the interim, moved to Washington state to be near her family and her childhood sweetheart. While Peter was traveling, it was Michelle who took it upon herself to research Gauguin extensively and it was she who found Gauguin’s pencil sketches featured at the top of this page. It was Michelle who first realized that Peter, in his youth, had unconsciously replicated Gauguin’s drawings.

When Peter returned to the US in 2003, Michelle’s mother found a cottage apartment for him in nearby Bremerton, Washington and Peter moved in. It was then that Michelle showed him the sketch comparisons, which Peter found amazing.

In particular, Peter was impressed with their corresponding sketches of Jesus from above the cross. For an artist, Peter saw this as a very unique and unusual point of perspective. The comparison of Peter’s and Gauguin’s drawings added to the growing list of experiences that made Peter start believing that he might indeed be the reincarnation of Paul Gauguin.

Michelle has created a video regarding the parallel sketches: Reincarnation and the Transformation of Society

To view a video of Peter and Michelle together, of Paul and Mette reunited, go to My Friend Muralist Peter Teekamp in Haifa Israel.

Peter’s Discovery of a Paul Gauguin Charcoal Sketch

gauguinteekampcharcoal735One day, as he was walking through Bremerton, a wall mural caught his eye. A restaurant was situated next to the mural and Peter went in for a cup of coffee. As he looked around the interior, Peter spotted what appeared to be a Gauguin charcoal of two women on a beach. Peter assumed this was a print, a reproduction, of the original Gauguin sketch.

Peter asked the proprietor where he obtained the Gauguin print. The proprietor related that the sketch originally was in the possession of his great-grandmother in Guam, who was given the sketch as a gift. He explained that the native people of Guam were displaced by the Japanese during World War II. His great-grandmother and her family hid in caves until the occupation ended. She took the sketch with her during their period of hiding.

After the war, his great-grandmother stored the sketch in her attic for 33 years until 1978, when she gave it to her daughter, the proprietor’s mother. The proprietor received it from his mother. When he immigrated to the United States in 1999, he brought the sketch with him and later hung it on the wall of his restaurant.

gauguinteekampmat735The proprietor told Peter that when he removed the sketch from its protective container, he found charcoal on his hands. This made Peter realize that the artwork was not a copy at all, but an original charcoal sketch. If it was indeed an original Gauguin, which Peter believes it is, then the sketch would be worth millions.

The proprietor then shared that he was in financial straits and needed money to keep his business afloat. Rather than waiting for the sketch to be authenticated, the proprietor said he would sell the sketch for $5000 to the first person who would pay him that amount. Peter agreed to purchase the sketch and gave the proprietor $5000.

If the sketch is indeed authenticated, Peter Teekamp came into possession of what appears to be an original Gauguin work of art. Further, it is interesting that Peter found the Gauguin sketch in 2003, which is the 100 year anniversary of Gauguin’s death.

Paul Gauguin Charcoal Sketch is for Sale

Peter has done extensive research to help validate that it is an authentic Gauguin sketch. Parties interested in purchasing this charcoal, please  contact Walter Semkiw, MD at:

Reincarnation & Synchronistic Events: A Form of Spiritual Communication

gauguinteekampnude735Synchronicities and anniversary phenomena are ways that the spiritual world, including our own souls, can communicate with us. Recall that Michelle had the option of traveling anywhere in the world and that she elected to visit Tahiti, where she visited the Gauguin Museum. She then visited Paris at the same age that Mette met Paul Gauguin.

Such synchronistic events, I propose, are not always accidental, rather, they are orchestrated by our spiritual guides and our own souls, though telepathic messages which are experienced as intuitions and desires.

In the same way, we can see Peter’s finding of what appears to be an original Gauguin charcoal sketch on the 100 year anniversary of Gauguin’s death as a symbolic event. It can be seen as an event orchestrated by beings in the spiritual world, who led him through intuition to find the sketch in the Bremerton coffee shop. This event had the purpose of reinforcing to Peter that he is the reincarnation of Gauguin.

A very similar event occurred in the reincarnation case of Carroll Beckwith | Robert Snow, as Captain Snow was intuitively led to the painting of the hunchback woman, which allowed him to solve his reincarnation case. Other examples of such guidance in reincarnation cases are compiled in the section: Spirit Being Involvement in Reincarnation Cases.

Soul Contracts in Reincarnation Cases

In the same light that Peter was led to the charcoal sketch by the intervention of spirit beings, Peter’s rendezvous with Michelle in California can be seen as not accidental, but predetermined. We make agreements or contracts before we are born to meet up with people we have known in prior lives.

Drawing on Accomplishments of Past Lives

gauguinteekampchrist735The reincarnation case of Paul Gauguin | Peter Teekamp, if accepted, it is a historic case, as it demonstrates that we do indeed draw upon accomplishments earned in prior incarnations, as demonstrated in the parallel Gauguin-Teekamp sketches and Peter’s effortless replication of artwork reminiscent of Gauguin.

It is also interesting to observe how themes in the art of Gauguin and Teekamp show similarities, even though Peter developed a more detailed and surrealistic style of art. This is demonstrated in the image comparison provided to the right. In this comparison, Paul Gauguin’s “Yellow Christ” is on the left side, Peter Teekamp’s “Presentation of the Christ” is in the center and Peter Teekamp’s version of the “Yellow Christ” is on the right. The central theme across two lifetimes is Jesus Christ, though the style of painting has evolved.

Principles of Reincarnation & Understanding Past Lives

Physical Resemblance in Reincarnation Cases: Peter Teekamp’s facial features are consistent with those of Paul Gauguin.

Past Life Talent: Peter demonstrated a talent for art as a young boy and in his formative years, he unconsciously replicated the artistic development of Paul Gauguin, as demonstrated in the parallel sketches. Though Peter did these sketches from the ages of 16 to 26, he did not see the Gauguin sketches until 2003, when Peter was 53 years old. As noted, Peter did the sketches at an earlier age than Gauguin, as Gauguin did the sketches in his 40’s. This shows that we do advance from lifetime to lifetime, building upon accomplishments of prior incarnations.

Planning Lifetimes and Relationships Renewed through Reincarnation: Peter was reunited with Michelle Moshay, who appears to be the reincarnation of Mette Gauguin, the wife of Paul Gauguin. Though they are not romantic in contemporary times, Peter and Michelle have become very close friends and partners in researching their reincarnation cases.

IISIS Reincarnation Case An Image of a Victorian GhostSpirit Being Involvement and Spiritual Communication: It is likely that spirit beings were involved in creating circumstances that helped Peter understand that he is the reincarnation of Paul Gauguin. These include Peter’s former wife, Angela, and the burly chiropractor in Arizona, telling Peter that he is the reincarnation of Gauguin. Spirit beings most likely telepathically inserted these thoughts into the Angela’s and the chiropractor’s minds. Recall that these events occurred totally independently and that Peter never told the chiropractor anything about his possible past life connection with Gauguin.

Similarly, Peter was likely led by spirit beings or his own soul to the coffee-house in Bremerton, Washington, where he found the Gauguin charcoal, which is likely an original sketch done by Paul Gauguin. Similar guidance was specifically observed in the reincarnation case of Carroll Beckwith | Robert Snow, as Captain Snow was led in New Orleans to the painting of the hunchback woman, which allowed him to solve his reincarnation case.


Past Life Story of John Elliotson | Norm Shealy, MD: Spiritual Communication or Soul Guidance in a Reincarnation Case

John Elliotson, a 19th century British physician, a medical innovator and pain specialist reincarnated into Norm Shealy a modern internationally renowned neurosurgeon, inventor, writer and specialist in pain management. Shealy is the inventor of TENS Unit, Dorsal Column Stimulator, and the Facet Rhizotomy.

shealy elliotson reincarnation past life semkiw orHow Case Derived: Soul or Intuitive Guidance

Researcher: Norm Shealy, MD, PhD

Article by: Walter Semkiw, MD, from Born Again and Return of the Revolutionaries

Norm Shealy’s Medical Contributions: TENS Unit & Dorsal Column Stimulator

Norm Shealy is a world famous neurosurgeon, writer and specialist in pain management. Norm is the inventor of the TENS Unit, a device that discharges an electrical current through the skin which blocks pain. He also the inventor of the Dorsal Column Stimulator, a device implanted under the skin that has wires that are implanted next to the spinal cord, which discharge an electrical current to block pain impulses in cases that involve severe and intractable back pain. Dr. Shealy also is the inventor of the Facet Rhizotomy, a surgical procedure in which nerve fibers are cut to reduce pain coming from the joints of the back.

Dr. Shealy is also considered the father of modern comprehensive pain programs, which involve multidisciplinary approach, utilizing psychologists as well as physicians. For all these reasons, Norm Shealy is known in the medical community around the world.

Soul Guidance or Spiritual Communication: An Iceberg Sensation goes down Norm’s back when He hears the Name John Elliotson

Norm Shealy has learned about a past lifetime of his in which he was John Elliotson, a 19th century physician in Britain who was also a medical innovator and pain specialist. In his own words, Dr. Shealy explains how he came to learn about this past incarnation. In the text provided below, Snowmass refers to a ski resort in Colorado.

“In January 1972, I was sitting in a lecture at the Neuroelectric Society in Snowmass at Aspen waiting for Dr. William Kroger to finish his lecture. I was a bit annoyed because he was trying to convince us that acupuncture was hypnosis and he suddenly said, “In the last century a British physician demonstrated that you could operate on patients who were mesmerized. His name was John Elliotson.” When he said that, I felt as if someone had thrust an iceberg down my back and I said to myself, ‘My God, that’s me.'”

Soul Guidance & Geographic Memory in a Reincarnarnation Case: Norm Intuitively Leads a Taxi Driver to Elliotson’s Medical Office

physical resemblance reincarnation“I was neutral about reincarnation at that time. I asked my medical librarian if she could get me any information on John Elliotson and she could not. So in the June of that year, I went to London. I got in a cab and asked the cab driver to take me to the Royal College of Surgeons, assuming that John Elliotson must have been a surgeon.

As we turned down one corner to the right, I was sitting in the back of the cab and suddenly was picked up physically and turned in the opposite direction, again feeling as if there were an iceberg down my back. A block down to the left, instead of the right, was University College Hospital of London (image provided below), where my office had been as John Elliotson. I walked in the building and felt at home.”

John Elliotson’s Medical Contributions to the World

“It turns out that John Elliotson was the first Professor of Medicine at the University College Hospital. He made his reputation in the 1830s giving public lectures on various aspects of medicine. James Wakeley, editor of the Lancet at that time, often published his lectures. During his career as an internist, John introduced the stethoscope and the use of narcotics, both from France where he had studied. He also introduced mesmerism and began to put on public displays of mesmerism in the amphitheater.

He was a bosom buddy of Charles Dickens and William Thackeray. He taught Dickens how to use mesmerism on his hypochondriacal wife. Elliotson was the first physician in London to give up wearing knickers. He had striking black curly hair and walked with a congenital limp.

He also demonstrated that some of his patients who were placed in a mesmeric trace became clairvoyant and easily made diagnoses. Elliotson also inspired James Esdaile to do a large number of operations upon mesmerized patients. Esdaile later wrote a book called Natural and Mesmeric Clairvoyance and mentioned Elliotson’s use of hypnotic mesmerism for inducing clairvoyance. Eventually, Elliotson was asked by the Board of Trustees to stop putting on public displays of mesmerism. Elliotson became angry and resigned.

For twelve years he continued publishing The Zoist, in which he recounted many aspects of mesmerism, including well over 300 patients who were operated on by another surgeon when Elliotson put the patient into a trance. Eventually he was invited by the Royal College of Physicians to give the annual Haverian Lecture because of his contributions to medicine. He gave his lecture on the hypocrisy of science in accepting new thoughts.”

Norm Tears Up his Knickers and Dyes his Hair

elliotson shealy reincarnation past life evidence semkiw knickers“Now to similarities in my own life. At age 9, everyone wore knickers but me. My mother tried to get me to wear knickers and I would have temper tantrums and tear them apart. As a young child, perhaps 4 or 5, I wanted black curly hair so badly that I once went up to an aunt of mine and cut a lock of her black hair. When I was sixteen and just leaving to go to college, I dyed my hair black but I never did it more than once. It was just too much trouble. John was also a Latin scholar and I won the Latin medal two years in high school. When I was 9 years old I had a small stress fracture of the right tibial plateau. It became infected with an abscess. This was before antibiotics and I was told that I would always walk with a limp.

Although from the age four I said was going to be a physician, by age sixteen I always thought I was going to be a neurosurgeon. Between my junior and senior years in medical school, I took a three-month trip to visit various and sundry surgical internship possibilities. I went back to Duke and decided to take an internship in internal medicine instead of surgery, even though I still pursued neurosurgery after the internship.”

Norm Shealy Loves Dickens and Thackeray, John Elliotson’s Old Friends

“Charles Dickens was one of my favorite authors as a child. In 1974, I visited Olga Worrall, the great healer. In a hypnotic trance, I saw her walk across her living room, pick up a book on a table, and put it back down. I later called Olga and asked her what was the book lying on the table in her living room. She said it was Pendennis by William Thackeray. Thackeray dedicated his novel, Pendennis (1850), to Dr. Elliotson and modeled his character, Dr. Goodenough, in that novel, after Elliotson.”

Replication of Talent & Thought in a Reincarnation Case:

Norm Writes the Same Book as Elliotson on Medical Hypocrisy

“I have spent much of this life getting people off narcotics rather than putting them on them. Six months before I heard Elliotson’s name, I published anonymously a novel based on the hypocrisy of medicine in accepting new ideas. I used many of the examples that Elliotson did in his Harverian lecture.

In 1973, again a month before I heard John Elliotson’s name, I received a $50,000 grant from a Fortune 500 company, which had asked to remain anonymous, to study psychic diagnosis.

In 1973, I visited seventy-five individuals who were said to be excellent clairvoyants, and I did a test of medical intuition, or the ability of really untrained psychics or intuitives to do medical diagnosis. We found five who were between 70 and 75% accurate. When I told the seventy-five intuitives I visited that I had this personal feeling that I had been John Elliotson, all seventy five concurred. For some seven years in by life, I published a newsletter, Holos Practice Reports, on alternative approaches to medicine.

In summary, I have never had any question that I was John Elliotson in my last life. John Elliotson was born October 24, 1791. At age 19 he graduated from medical school. Interestingly, I entered medical school at age 19. He died July 29, 1868. Incidentally, John founded the Phrenology Society in London and it is interesting that I went into neurosurgery, which certainly has a lot to do with the skull.”

Reincarnation Case Analysis: Spiritual Comminication or Soul Guidance

elliotson shealy reincarnation past life semkiw building/homeLet us briefly review the key features of the Elliotson | Shealy case. When Dr. Shealy first heard John Elliotson’s name, he knew viscerally that he was Elliotson in a past lifetime. This occurred even though Dr. Shealy was neutral about reincarnation, at that point in time. Dr. Shealy had this inner knowing, which was accompanied by a dramatic sensation of an “iceberg” going down his back, before studying Elliotson’s life and without seeing an image of Elliotson. When Dr. Shealy went to London to research Elliotson, he was intuitively guided to Elliotson’s office at the University College Hospital of London (building featured to the right). This event also was accompanied by the “iceberg” sensation.

These Events signify Soul Guidance, that is, Norm Shealy’s own Soul acted to help him discover his Past Lifetime as John Elliotson.

Dr. Shealy then learned that he and Elliotson had much in common. Both share the trait of being medical innovators, in that Elliotson introduced the use of the stethoscope in England and Norm Shealy has invented the TENS unit and the Dorsal Column Stimulator.

Both have demonstrated an interest in the management of pain. Elliotson introduced the use of narcotics in England, while Dr. Shealy has become a world expert on pain management. In his contemporary career, Dr. Shealy has labored to find ways to manage pain so that people can get off narcotics. Elliotson was an internist, who later founded phrenology, which involves study of the skull. Dr. Shealy first chose to go into internal medicine, then switched fields and became a neurosurgeon.

Elliotson was interested in mesmerism or hypnosis, an interest shared by Dr. Shealy. Elliotson was interested in the observation that hypnosis could stimulate clairvoyance. Dr. Shealy has worked with clairvoyants and medical intuitives, including Caroline Myss. Both have been ridiculed by conservative elements in the medical community for their innovative approaches.

Elliotson gave his detractors a piece of his mind when in a Harverian Lecture, he delivered a speech on the hypocrisy of science in accepting new ideas. Dr. Shealy published a novel with the identical message and utilized the same examples that Elliotson used in his Harverian Lecture. Elliotson had striking black hair which Dr. Shealy, in his youth, tried to recreate. Elliotson gave up wearing knickers, which were pants that went down just below the knee. Dr. Shealy had a tantrum when his mom tried to get him to wear the same dreaded piece of clothing.

physical resemblance reincarnationIt is significant that when I first contacted Dr. Shealy in 2002, he was unaware that facial features can remain consistent from lifetime to lifetime. When I asked him whether he looked like John Elliotson, Norm responded, “I don’t’ know!” Norm agreed to send me images of Elliotson and himself as a medical student, which he thought might bear some resemblance. The images, which are presented at the right, demonstrate matching facial architecture. Much as in the case of Robert Snow, the fact that Norm Shealy derived his own past life case in a compelling manner, believed without doubt that he is the reincarnation of Elliotson and did not even focus on common appearance, reinforces that the consistency of facial features from one incarnation to another is indeed a valid phenomenon.

Please note that Norm Shealy can be considered a medical child prodigy. At four years of age he declared that he would be a physician, by 16 years of age he knew he would be a neurosurgeon, which was the same age that he entered college. Norm entered medical school at the precocious age of 19. He taught at Harvard and by becoming a world famous medical innovator and pain specialist, he replicated the career development of John Elliotson. This case demonstrates how child prodigies can be explained through reincarnation.

Two additional cases that were derived in relation to the Elliotson | Shealy match include the case those of Charles Dickens | J. K. Rowling and Anton Mesmer | John Kabat-Zinn.

Principles of Reincarnation & Understanding Past Lives

Physical Resemblance: Norm and John Elliotson have similar facial features, something that Norm did not appreciate until the year 2000, even though he had been convinced he has been Elliotson ever since the early 1970’s.

Past Life Talent: Norm was a medical prodigy, having entered medical school at the age of only 19. He became a medical inventor and innovator, much like Elliotson was. Like Elliotson, Norm has made major contributions to the field of pain management, though he observes that in this lifetime he has tried to get patients off narcotics, while as Elliotson, he was introducing narcotics to England.

Significantly, Norm and Elliotson have both been medical rebels, who both wrote on the hypocrisy of mainstream medicine in accepting new ideas. They both even used the same examples from history to prove their points, though Norm was unaware of Elliotson’s writing on the subject until after he wrote his own treatise. As such, this appears to be a case where an individual unconsciously drew on past life experience and knowledge. This phenomenon was also observed in the case of Paul Gauguin | Peter Teekamp.

Geographic Memory: When in England, Norm was able to intuitively lead a taxi driver to the former medical office of John Elliotson. This is reminiscent of the case of Anne Frank | Barbro Karlen, as Barbro, on her first trip to Amsterdam at age ten, was able to lead her parents from their hotel to the Anne Frank House without directions.

Change in Nationality: John Elliotson was British, while Norm Shealy was born in the United States.

Spiritual Communication or Soul Guidance: It appears that Norm’s own soul or perhaps a spirit guide facilitated the development this reincarnation case by sending the iceberg sensation down Norm’s spine when he heard the name John Elliotson in Snowmass, as well as when Norm was in the taxi looking for information on Elliotson in London.


Past Life Story of John B. Gordon | Jeff Keene: Spirit Being, Spiritual or Soul Guidance in a Reincarnation Case & How Evidence of Reincarnation can bring Peace

The reincarnation case of John B. Gordon | Jeffrey Keene demonstrates how evidence of reincarnation can help create a more peaceful world. Confederate officer John B. Gordon reincarnates as a Northern Connecticut Yankee, showing how souls can change cultural affiliation and incarnate as a past life enemy. This reincarnation case demonstrates the futility and wastefulness of war.

gordon keene semkiw reincarnation past life ttHow Case Derived: Intuitive or Spiritual Guidance

Researcher: Jeff Keene, video provided at bottom of page

From: Someone Else’s Yesterday: The Confederate General and Connecticut Yankee: A Past Life Revealed

Article by: Walter Semkiw, MD, from Born Again and Return of the Revolutionaries

Evidence of Reincarnation can bring an End to Episodes of 911

Jeffrey Keene is a retired decorated fire fighter and Assistance Fire Chief of Westport, Connecticut. Following the destruction of the World Trade Center in 2001, Keene received a special tour of “Ground Zero.” A relationship has existed between the two fire departments, as Westport’s firefighters have had a tradition of “riding along” with Rescue #1 of the Fire Department of the City of New York. Eleven members of this elite unit, Rescue #1 lost their lives on the morning of September 11, 2001.

Evidence of reincarnation can halt such tragedies, as this evidence shows that we souls can change religion, nationality, gender and race from lifetime to another.

A Reincarnation Case in which the Extraordinary Becomes the Ordinary

Jeff Keene, in his book. writes: “Like most people, I was stumbling through life minding my own business when all at once the world started having its way with me. Suddenly, the extraordinary became ordinary and strange occurrences throughout my life started to make sense.

Before too long I found myself on the front page of a state-wide newspaper and featured in an Arts and Entertainment Network documentary titled, Beyond Death. Getting to the point were the word “coincidence” was worn very thin, I decided to accept the fact that I was being guided and opened myself to what life wanted to show me. Long after I had been convinced of a past life, unusual events kept reinforcing my conclusions, so much so that the only reason I could come up with for such revelations was that I was to share them with others.”

Spiritual Guidance Pushes Jeff Keene around like a Shopping Cart

gordonkeenepastlifereincarnationevidence2Jeff has related to me that the element of guidance in his past life research has been so strong that he has felt like the spiritual world has been pushing him around “like a shopping cart.” Jeff’s story began in May 1991, when he was on vacation with his wife, Anna. They were looking for antiques and stopped in Sharpsburg, Maryland, which was where the Civil War battle of Antietam was fought. Though Jeff had never read a book on the Civil War or had any affinity for that era, he felt compelled to visit the battlefield.

A Flood of Past Life Emotions at Sunken Road

At a portion of the field called Sunken Road, Jeff listened to an audio-taped narration of events that took place in 1862. The battle involved a regiment called the Sixth Alabama, which was commanded by Colonel John B. Gordon. After listening to the tape, as he walked along the old farm lane, Jeff unknowingly strolled into the area that had been occupied by Gordon and his men. At this location, Jeff Keene had the following reaction:

“A wave of grief, sadness and anger washed over me. Without warning I was suddenly consumed by sensations. Burning tears ran down my cheeks. It became difficult to breathe. I gasped for air, as I stood transfixed in the old roadbed. To this day I cannot tell you how much time transpired, but as these feelings, this emotional overload passed, I found myself exhausted as if I had run a marathon.

Crawling up the steep embankment to get out of the road, I turned and looked back. I was a bit shaken to say the least and wondered at what had just taken place. It was difficult getting back to the car because I felt so weak.

I had regained most of my normal composure on the way back and said nothing to Anna about what had just happened. What could I say? How could I explain it to her? I did not have I did not have any answers, just questions.”

gordon-keene-reincarnation-past-life-semkiw-portrait with helmet big imageBefore leaving Sharpsburg, Jeff and Anna visited a gift shop. A magazine, Civil War Quarterly (Special Edition, Antietam), caught Jeff’s eye and he purchased it, along with a souvenir bullet found in the area. At home, Jeff placed the magazine in a drawer that held the family’s phone books, though he did not look at the journal until a year and a half later.

A Psychic Revelation and Jeff Exclaims, “Not Yet!” A Past Life Recollection

In October 1992, Jeff and Anna attended a Halloween party. A clairvoyant named Barbara had been hired to give readings at the party. When it was Jeff’s turn, he asked about his experience at Sunken Road. Barbara told Jeff that he was a soldier then and that he had been shot full of holes at that battlefield. He then had floated above his body, which was lying, apparently lifeless, on the bloodied ground. Barbara then said, “When you were hovering over your body looking down, you were very angry and yelled no!” Jeff relates that there was a pause at that moment. Jeff corrected Barbara, for reasons unknown to him, and exclaimed: “Not yet!”

The next day, Jeff decided it was time to read the souvenir magazine regarding the battle at Antietam that he had purchased in May 1991. Jeff reflected again that it was the first Civil War magazine that he had ever purchased. Jeff opened the journal to a page that had a picture of Sunken Road; the spot were Jeff had experienced the strange flood of emotions. As he scanned the text, he saw a quote: “Not Yet.” The hair stood up on the back of his neck.

Reading on, Jeff learned that “Not Yet” was an order repeatedly given by Colonel John B. Gordon to the Sixth Alabama. Yankee troops were approaching and the men of the Sixth Alabama were anxious to fire. The order to fire by Gordon was not given until the Union troops were less than one hundred yards away. Gordon himself was quoted, regarding the encounter:

Cordon keene past life reincarnation evidence for semkiw guns“A huge volume of musketry spewed out from the sunken road. My rifles flamed and roared in the Federals faces like a blinding blaze of lightning. The effect was appalling.”

Reading of John B. Gordon Brings a Flood of Past Life Emotions

As he read Gordon’s passage, Jeff started to experience the same emotions that he had felt at Sunken Road, and tears came to his eyes. The article then described the wounding of Gordon.

“John B. Gordon of the Sixth Alabama was hit in the left arm, the right shoulder and twice in the right leg before passing out from loss of blood after receiving a wound in the face.”

Physical Resemblance in Reincarnation Cases

Jeff himself writes of what happened next. “I turned back to the page with the picture of the Sunken Road, and on the page across from it was another picture. This time a chill ran through me and the hair on the back of my neck stood up again. The picture was of Brigadier General John B. Gordon. The face was not unknown to me, I knew it well, I shave it every morning.” Jeff noted that in the caption Gordon was identified as a general, whereas in the article Gordon was identified as a colonel at the time of his wounding. Gordon apparently had survived the battle at Antietam.

In his book, Jeff describes how he later retrieved memories of his lifetime as John B. Gordon. Jeff also describes habits and traits he has in common with Gordon. These include a preference to stand with arms crossed, similar clothing tastes and scars on his face and body that reflect Gordon’s battle wounds.

Anniversary Phenomena & Synchronistic Events in Reincarnation Cases

Jeff describes two symbolic events that occurred in relation to his reincarnation story. One involved orders written by General Lee on September 9, 1862, which defined the Confederate Army’s plans to invade the North. Nine copies of the orders were made; one copy was lost in transit and recovered by Union soldiers. This information gave the Union Army detailed information regarding the position of Confederate troops and led to the battle of Antietam. In sum, orders written on September 9 resulted in the Civil War conflict in which John B. Gordon was severely wounded and almost died. The symbolic event in contemporary times is Jeff Keene’s birthday is September 9.

Another symbolic event involving the date September 9 occurred on Jeff Keene’s 30th birthday. That day, Jeff was taken to the emergency room to be treated for facial and neck pain. Doctors could find no physical cause for Jeff’s pain syndrome. The location of his pain corresponded to the facial and neck wounds incurred by John B. Gordon at Antietam. Gordon was 30 at the time of his injuries; Jeff’s facial pain occurred on September 9, 1977, his 30th birthday. This incident appears to represent an anniversary phenomenon related to Gordon’s wounding. Keep in mind that Jeff’s emergency room visit occurred in 1977, which was 15 years before Jeff became aware of his connection to Gordon.

Reincarnation: Linguistic Writing Style Stays the Same

John B. Gordon Jeff Keene Reincarnation CaseIn his book, Jeff includes documents that show similarities in writing style. In his later years, General Gordon wrote a book called Reminiscences of the Civil War, which provided material for Jeff’s analysis. Let us compare two passages, one from Gordon’s book, describing the efforts of his men to put out a fire in Wrightsville, Pennsylvania, and one from Keene regarding his fire department’s response to an emergency incident. My observation is that the two documents seem to be written in the same “voice.”

At my request, Miriam Petruck, Ph.D., a linguistics professor at the University of California, Berkeley, conducted a linguistic analysis of these documents, which is provided at the end of this narrative. This analysis confirmed that the two passages have definite structural similarities. This analysis shows that not only do facial features remain consistent from lifetime to lifetime, but the way we write and communicate can remain the same. It appears that we are the same mind from one incarnation to another. Only circumstances seem to change.

Past Life Writing Style: John Gordon (from Reminiscences of the Civil War):

“With great energy my men labored to save the bridge. I called on the citizens of Wrightsville for buckets and pails, but none were to be found. There was no lack of buckets and pails a little while later, when the town was on fire…My men labored as earnestly and bravely to save the town as they did to save the bridge. In the absence of fire-engines or other appliances, the only chance to arrest the progress of the flames was to form my men around the burning district, with the flank resting on the river’s edge, and pass rapidly from hand to hand the pails of water. Thus, and thus only, was the advancing, raging fire met, and at a late hour of the night checked and conquered.”

Past Life Writing Style: Assistant Chief Jeffrey Keene (from his letter to the Westport, CT, Fire Chief):

“With my radio restored, man power and apparatus were brought in and put under the guidance of Acting Lieutenant Christopher Ackley. While setting up a plan of action, Lieutenant Ackley displayed good common sense, knowledge, training and a deep concern for the safety of firefighters under his command. A large amount of gas entered the structure by way of a open window. Though we tried to remove all possible sources of ignition, we were able to remove all but two. The owner informed us that the house contained an oil-fired furnace and a hot water heater. There was no way to shut them off from the inside or outside. Using metering devices, a positive pressure fan and opening and closing windows, the hazard was removed.”

Spirit Being, Spiritual or Soul Guidance in a Reincarnation Case

Please note that it is likely that Jeff Keene did not find the spot at Sunken Road, where John B. Gordon was severely wounded, by chance. Rather, I believe that a spirit being or Jeff’s own soul telepathically guided him first to Sharpsburg, then to Antietam and the Sunken Road. Once there, the powerful flood of emotions, which appear to have been triggered by being at a past life location of great significance, eventually led to Jeff solving his reincarnation case. Jeff’s own soul may have also played a part in his experiencing powerful emotions at Sunken Road. As such, spirit being or Jeff’s own soul was responsible for solving this very important reincarnation case.

Reincarnation of Soul Groups

gordon-keene-reincarnation-past-life-semkiw-wilcoxzaletaAs described in the section Principles of Reincarnation, people reincarnate in groups, based on shared karma, emotional attachments and joint projects. Due to the premise of group incarnations, both Jeff and I suspected that his fellow firefighters in the Westport, Connecticut, Fire Department were likely military acquaintances of John B. Gordon during the Civil War. Subsequently, Jeff established several matches between colleagues in his firehouse and officers that fought with Gordon.

One of these proposed past life pairings, which demonstrates a striking similarity in physical resemblance, involves Confederate General Cadmus Wilcox and Firefighter Wayne R. Zaleta. Images comparing General Wilcox and Mr. Zaleta are provided to the right. Jeff has related that Wilcox and Zaleta have similar personalities.

Past Life Memories

In terms of past-life memories, Jeff describes three kinds. First, through a series of meditations, Jeff was able to visualize or remember details of his life as Gordon. Jeff purposely conducted these meditations before he read Remembrances of the Civil War. He documented these experiences and later was able to confirm many details through Gordon’s book and other sources.

A second type of memory involves spontaneously knowing details of Gordon’s life without having learned the information from any other source. As an example, Jeff toured a visitor’s center where artifacts of a Confederate surrender ceremony were housed. Gordon had participated in this specific ceremony. An image depicted the setting of the ceremony, complete with the flag used by Gordon and his fellow Confederate officers in surrendering.

john gordon jeff keene reincarnation past life semkiw flagJeff knew that the flag in the display was not the flag actually used in the ceremony. Jeff recognized the correct flag from an assortment displayed at the visitor’s center. Upon questioning the staff, he verified the flag in the display was indeed from a later era and that Jeff had identified the authentic flag used in the ceremony.

A third type of memory Jeff has experienced can be called emotional memory, as described in the incident at Sunken Road, in which Jeff had the intense emotional reaction when revisiting the scene of a past-life trauma.

This event can also be seen as an example of guidance from the spiritual world, where Jeff was purposely led to the spot where he was almost killed at Sunken Road in the Civil War. This episode can also be seen as an example of Geographic Guidance and Geographic Memory.

Jeff Keene at his Past Life Grave & How Evidence of Reincarnation can bring Peace

Jeff Keene has reflected that during the Civil War, he was a general in the South’s Confederate Army, yet in this lifetime, he lives in the North. Jeff has noted that an ancestor of his fought with the Union Army and as such, when he was John B. Gordon, he may have gone to battle against his own ancestor from his current Connecticut lifetime.

Reincarnation gives us a different perspective on war, one that lets us see how wasteful war is in terms of lives and resources.

I would like to bring this chapter to a close with a section taken from Jeff Keene’s book, Someone Else’s Yesterday. It has great import for our times, given the amount of conflict we observe on our planet today. Note that the passage comes from someone who was, in a past lifetime, one of the greatest battlefield generals that the United States has ever produced. Reflect on how an understanding of reincarnation mollifies the character of even a battlefield hero. Jeff Keene writes:

Physical Resemblance in Reincarnation Cases

“Pause for a moment and contemplate what the world would be like if reincarnation were proven to be a fact of life. How would we then treat others? When dealing with family, friends or acquaintances, we would need to ask ourselves some questions like: Who are these souls? What is their relationship to me? Am I to learn something from them or am I to be their Teacher? The possibilities are endless. We all live in the same house and that house grows smaller everyday. This planet has become a “Global Village.” No longer does it take the written word to tell of events on the other side of the earth. With the flick of a switch we can sit and watch events unfold. Every country affects all others with their finances, pollution problems and petty hostilities. Now more than ever everyone needs to change his way of thinking. No more I, but US. No more Them, but We. We leave a mark on ourselves and those around us, so let us strive to use a gentle touch.”

In the image provided to the right, Jeff Keene poses at the grave of John B. Gordon, his own past life persona.

Principles of Reincarnation & Understanding Past Lives

Reincarnation & Physical Resemblance: Jeff’s case provides one of the most dramatic examples of how facial features can remain the same in reincarnation cases. The similarity in appearance is stunning.

gordon-keene-reincarnation-past-life-semkiw-portrait with helmet large imageReincarnation & Past Life Talent: Linguistic Writing Style can Stay the Same: In comparing narratives written by John B. Gordon and Jeff Keene, we see that the way we communicate, the way our minds work, can remain the same in reincarnation cases. We remain largely the same from lifetime to lifetime, only the circumstances and lessons change from one incarnation to another. The formal linguistic analysis comparing the writing style between Gordon and Keene is provided below.

Spirit Being Involvement in Reincarnation CasesIt is my contention is that it was not by accident that Jeff Keene went to the very spot at Sunken Road where he was almost killed in the Civil War as John B. Gordon. It is very likely that he was intuitively led there by his own soul or by a spirit being so that he would experience emotions related to his past lifetime. This incident is very similar, in particular, to Captain Robert Snow being led to the portrait of the hunchback woman in New Orleans, which allowed Captain Snow to solve his reincarnation case.

From such reincarnation cases, where spirit being involvement is observed, it appears that beings in the spirit world want us to become aware of our past lives.

Soul Groups and Renewal of Relationships through Reincarnation: Jeff has identified several members of his firehouse who he believes fought with him in the Civil War. One example involves Wayne Zaleta, who Jeff believes is the reincarnation of Cadmus Wilcox. An image comparison of Wilcox | Zaleta is provided above.

Change in Political Affiliation: Jeff noted that in contemporary times, he was born in the North of the United States and he describes himself as a Connecticut Yankee. As John B. Gordon, he was a Southerner who fought on the Confederate side in the Civil War. Jeff has mused that his ancestors in his contemporary lifetime could have even fought against him in the Civil War.

As such, this is another case which demonstrates that national and political affiliations can change from one incarnation to another, which shows that war is futile in the long run.

Summary of Reincarnation Linguistic Analysis Comparing Letters written by Gordon and Keene

Performed by Miriam Petruck, Ph.D., University of California, Berkeley

John B. Gordon Jeff Keene Reincarnation Case1. Close in average number of words per sentence: Gordon-21; Keene-18

2. Use of compound sentences:

Gordon: “the only chance to arrest the progress of flames was to form my men around the burning district, with the flank resting on the river’s edge, and pass rapidly from hand to hand the pails of water.”

Keene: “While setting up a plan of action, Lieutenant Ackley displayed good common sense, knowledge, training and a deep concern for the safety of firefighters under his command.”

3. Use of preposed clauses in complex sentences:
Gordon: “In the absence of fire engines”

Keene: “While setting up a plan of action.”

4. Use of existential-there sentences with negation:

Gordon: :There was no lack of buckets.”

Keene: “There was no way to shut them off.”

5. Adverbial clauses at beginning of sentence:

Gordon: “With great energy,” “In the absence of fire-engines”

Keene: “With my radio restored.”

6. Most of text is in active voice except at the end. In both passages, paragraphs end in passive voice, as if the success came about without the intervention of those involved. Excitement is achieved by altering expected word order, separating two parts of the verb.

Gordon: “was the advancing, raging fire met, and at a late hour of the night checked and conquered.”

Keene: “Using metering devices . . . the hazard was removed.”

Note from Dr. Petruck:

Given the similarities already noted, we must, nevertheless, include a disclaimer about authorship. More specifically, because the texts are very small and the analysis is (necessarily) limited to major structural features, any claim about authorship is, at best, tentative. Further analysis is required to make a stronger claim in this regard.

Larger sample texts that have not been preselected would facilitate a variety of frequency tests on different subsets of words. In addition, it would be instructive to examine such text to answer other questions about the substylistic features of the texts. For example, do they use distinctive vocabularies? Do the texts employ rare collocations (combinations) of common words? Is there any irregular spelling or hyphenation of words, or more generally, punctuation of sentences?

Past life Story of Eeva-Maija Kaartinen | Maria-Liisa Kaartinen: Soul Plan, Reincarnation & Talent, Split Incarnation or Parallel Lives

A girl Eeva-Maija Kaartinen who died at an early age when her mother is pregnant with another baby reincarnated in the baby that her mother was carrying when she died, and was named Marja-Liisa. A reincarnation story with references clearly indicating a renewed sustained lifetime of a former life that was curtailed at a very young age.

How Derived: Memories in Childhood

Researcher: Ian Stevenson, MD

From: European Cases of the Reincarnation Type, by Ian Stevenson, MD

Article by: Walter Semkiw, MD

After Her Mother Promises Her a Toy Carriage, A Young Flapper Dies at the age of Five

Eeva-Maija Kaartinen was born on August 17, 1923 in Oulu, Finland. Eva had three older brothers, who she differed from in several ways. Her brothers and her parents liked to eat meat and drink sour milk. In contrast, Eeva-Maija refused to eat meat or drink sour milk. Rather, she preferred fish and fresh milk.


Eeva-Maija was reluctant to eat in general and times she would hide her food so that she didn’t have to eat it. Salli Kaartinen, her mother, would coach her to take nourishment by saying, “Eat, bite and swallow.” (1)

Eeva-Maija loved to dance and almost danced before she could walk. She learned to do the Charleston, a dance that was popular in the 1920’s.

Just after she was 5 years old, Eeva-Maija came down with a fatal case of influenza. Just before Eeva-Marja died, Salli, her mother, promised to buy her a toy baby carriage. Eeva-Maija passed on November 24, 1928.

Marja-Liisa Says She is the Reincarnation of Eeva-Maija, Won’t Eat,& Repeats Past Life Phrase, “Eat, Bite and Swallow”

Salli was 3 months pregnant when Eeva-Maija died. Six months later, on Mary 22, 1929, Marja-Liisa Kaartinen was born.

When Marja-Liisa learned to speak, she repeatedly asked to be called Eeva-Maija. At the age of 2, when she found photographs of Eeva-Maija, she would take the photos to people and say: “These are of me.” (2)

Marja-Liisa also was resistant to eating and at the age of 2, she said to her mother, Salli: “Why don’t you tell me what you said to Eeva-Jaija: “Eat, bite and swallow.” (3)

No one had told Marja-Lissa about Salli’s coaching of Eeva-Jaija and as such, it was an apparent memory from a past lifetime. Salli testified that family members had purposely decided not to talk about Eeva-Maija, after her death, in an effort to ease their grief.

Past Life Memories: Marja-Liisa Remembers Helim and Picks Out Past Life Toys

IISISReincarnationResearchToyBoxWhen Marja-Liisa was 3 years old, the family went to their summer cabin in Sotkomo, Finland. When they arrived there, Marja-Liisa said: “Where is Helim?” (4)

Helim was the family’s servant who had left their employment over a year before Marja-Liisa was born. Again, no one had told her about Helim and as such, her mother perceived this to be a memory from Marja-Liisa’s past lifetime as Eeva-Maija.

At their Sotkomo summer cabin, there was a trunk that stored the children’s toys. Upon their arrival at Sotkoma, Marja-Liisa spontaneously went to this trunk and then proceeded to pick out all of Eeva-Maija’s toys, leaving the toys of the other children in the trunk.

She picked out Eeva-Maija’s balls and left the balls that belonged to her brothers alone. One of her brothers had a doll in the trunk. She picked out the doll that belonged to Eeva-Maija and left the doll that belonged to her brother in the trunk.

Past Life Memories of Peter Pan, a Coat and the Promise of a Toy Carriage

IISISReincarnationResearchBabyCarriageAt the age of 4, Marja-Liisa asked her mother: “Where were we when Peter Pan flew” (5)

Salli and Eeva-Maija had seen the movie, Peter Pan, but Marja-Liisa had not.

Salli, while in the family’s kitchen, asked a servant to get a coat that had belonged to Eeva-Marija from the attic. Marja-Liisa was in her bedroom at the time and she did not hear this conversation. When the servant came downstairs from the attic, Marja-Liisa ran to him and grabbed the coat, saying: “My coat, my coat.” (6)

At about the age of five, Marja-Liisa asked Salli for the baby carriage that she had promised to her. This promise, of course, was made to Eeva-Maija, not Marja-Liisa.

Past Life Traits: Eeva-Marija and Marja-Liisa Don’t Eat Meat

IISISReincarnationResearchCharlestonMarja-Liisa resisted eating and she would hide food, like Eeva-Marija. She also refused to eat meat or sour milk. Instead, she preferred fish and fresh milk, like Eeva-Marija. All the other family members ate meat and sour milk; Eeva-Marija and Marja-Liisa were the only exceptions.

Marja-Liisa preferred to wear Eeva-Marija’s clothes and to play with her toys, rather than wear new clothes or play with toys that were bought for her.

Reincarnation & Past Life Talent: Spontaneous Charleston

Marja-Liisa loved music and began dancing almost before she could walk, as did Eeva-Marija. Even more impressive, Marija-Liisa, before the age of 3, spontaneously knew how to dance the Charleston.

Eeva-Marija was taught to do the Charleston, while Marija-Lissa was not. As such, Marija-Lissa was bringing a learned talent from her prior incarnation as Eeva-Marija into contemporary times.

Past Life Death Memories

IISISReincarnationResearchBuriedAliveWhen Marja-Liisa was about 5 years of age, the same age at which Eeva-Marija had died, Marja-Liisa experienced a series of nightmares of being buried or of seeing dead bodies. These experiences may have been due to the anniversary of Eeva-Marija’s death.

Anniversary phenomenon have been observed in reincarnation cases, such as in the case of John B. Gordon | Jeff Keene, who experienced jaw pain on his thirtieth birthday, the same age that John B. Gordon was shot in the jaw during the American Civil War.

Reincarnation & Physical Appearance

According to Salli, the girls’ mother, Marja-Liisa and Eeva-Marija looked the same. Salli stated that the two girls: “resembled each other considerably in physical appearance.” (7) The only difference was that Eeva-Maija was blonde while Maria-Liisa was a brunette.

Principles of Reincarnation & Understanding Past Lives

Soul Plan & Same Family Reincarnation: Eeva-Marija reincarnated into the same family that she belonged to before, as Marja-Liisa. This is supported by Marja-Liisa’s insistence of being called Eeva-Marija, even though the family purposely decided not to talk about Eeva-Marija to ease their grief.

In addition, Marja-Liisa recognized the clothes and toys of Eeva-Marija and claimed them as hers. She insisted that photos of Eeva-Marija were really images of herself. She demonstrated the same personality trait of being resistant to being fed. She also remembered the past life phrase that Salli used to entice Eeva-Maija into eating, which was: “Eat, bite and swallow.” (8)

Marja-Liisa also remembered the servant, Helim, who was employed by the family when Eeva-Marija was alive, but who had left a year before Marja-Liisa was born.

Reincarnation & Talent from a Past Lifetime: Marja-Lissa spontaneously knew how to dance the Charleston, though she was never taught to do this dance. Eeva-Marija was taught the Charleston, which she enjoyed dancing.

Reincarnation & Physical Resemblance: Salli, the girls’ mother, noted that Eeva-Marija and Marja-Lissa had the same physical appearance, except for hair color. Of course, since this is a same family reincarnation case, similar physical resemblance could be attributed to genetic factors.

Split Incarnation or Parallel Lives: Marja-Lissa was born 6 months after Eeva-Marija died. As such, if it is assumed that the soul is involved in the development of the fetus, then the soul of these two girls inhabited the physical bodies of Eeva-Marija and Marja-Lissa at the same time for a period of 6 months.


1. Stevenson, Ian: European Cases of the Reincarnation Type, McFarland, 2003, page 140
2. Stevenson, Ian: European Cases of the Reincarnation Type, McFarland, 2003, page 140
3. Stevenson, Ian: European Cases of the Reincarnation Type, McFarland, 2003, page 140
4. Stevenson, Ian: European Cases of the Reincarnation Type, McFarland, 2003, page 140
5. Stevenson, Ian: European Cases of the Reincarnation Type, McFarland, 2003, page 140
6. Stevenson, Ian: European Cases of the Reincarnation Type, McFarland, 2003, page 141
7. Stevenson, Ian: European Cases of the Reincarnation Type, McFarland, 2003, page 142
8. Stevenson, Ian: European Cases of the Reincarnation Type, McFarland, 2003, page 140