Beto O’Rourke as the Reincarnation of Robert F. Kennedy: Past Life Talent and Passion

Proposed by: supporter

Affirmed by: Spirit Being Ahtun Re in a Ryerson-Semkiw Reincarnation Research Session

Article by: Walter Semkiw, MD

Beto O’Rourke as a Kennedy Reincarnation

A person who has an interest in reincarnation research wrote to me inquiring if Beto O’Rourke, a Texas politician belonging to the Democratic Party, may be one of the political Kennedys, President John F. Kennedy or Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy.

At the time, I did not know who Beto O’Rourke was, though soon afterwards I observed that he was on the national news, as he was running for a Texas US Senate seat in opposition to US Senator Ted Cruz. I learned that O’Rourke was a 3 term Texas US Congressman who had been born into a politically active family in El Paso, Texas.

I noted that Beto physically resembled Robert F. Kennedy much more that John F. Kennedy. Click on images to enlarge them.

Beto O’Rourke as the Reincarnation of Robert F. Kennedy

In a session that I had with Kevin Ryerson, a trance medium who channels a spirit guide named Ahtun Re, who has demonstrated the ability to make past life identifications with a high degree of accuracy, Ahtun Re affirmed that Beto O’Rourke is the reincarnation of Robert F. Kennedy.

Principles of Reincarnation-Understanding Past Lives

Physical Resemblance in Reincarnation Cases: The facial features of Robert F. Kennedy and Beto O’Rourke are similar.

Past Life Talent: Beto O’Rourke and Robert F. Kennedy have demonstrated gifts as politicians.

Reincarnation and Planning Lifetimes: Ian Stevenson, MD of the University of Virginia compiled over 1500 childhood past life memory cases that were objectively validated. These cases demonstrate that souls plan lifetimes.

As a prime example, Stevenson compiled 31 twin cases, consisting of 62 two individuals, and in 100 percent of these cases, the twins had significant past life relationships. To learn more, please go to:

Ian Stevenson, MD Twin Reincarnation Study

Just as souls can plan lifetimes to reincarnate with past life loved ones, souls can plan lives to incarnate into families that will assist in fulfilling goals of the soul. If a soul desires to pursue a political career, then that soul can make agreements to reincarnate into a political family.

This was the case in the political dynasties of the John Adams family, the Kennedy family, the Bush family and it may be evident in the Beto O’Rourke reincarnation case.

To review other reincarnation cases involving politicians, including Donald Trump, please go to:

Politics and Law Past Life Cases

Reincarnation Case of Elsagene | Tikvah Dobsch with Past Life Phobias, Nightmares and a Near Death Experience

Reflections on Reincarnation and a Child’s Life Cut Short was influenced by flashes of memories of a past life that recurs as nightmares on Tikvah Feinstein. She hears about Elsagene, but then she searched for concrete proof that indeed she, Tikvah is Elsagene’s reincarnation.

Case Proposed by: Ruth Dobsch, Tikvah’s Mother

Researched by: Tikvah Dobsch

Narrative by: Tikvah Dobsch

Tikvah Dobsch, her Childhood Past Life Phobias & Fear of Dying Young

IISIS Elsagene Tikvah Reincarnation Evidence-Past LifeMy name is Tikvah Feinstein. I was born Tikvah Dobsch in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania in 1944. We were a family of eight siblings. I am the sixth child born alive to the late Ruth and Rudolph Dobsch. My father emigrated from Sudeten, on the German border with Czechoslovakia as a youth. He worked in the steel mills. My mother, a US native, was a homemaker. My parents were raised Christian, but my mother, Ruth, converted to Judaism at about the time of my birth. I was raised Jewish. Neither of my parents graduated from high school, but that was not unusual for the time.

As a child, I had displayed acute phobias. I could not bear having anything around my throat, especially anything that was tied like a scarf. I could not swallow pills. I would panic immediately if a door was stuck or would not open. I absolutely avoided the dark.

As a toddler I refused to go to sleep due to my fear of the dark. Mother had to rock me, hold me while I sobbed until I fell asleep each evening before darkness set in. I had terrifying nightmares and would wake in cold sweats. The nightmares were about being held down and I could not call out for help, though I knew there were people in other rooms nearby, who would hear me if only I could scream to them for help. In the dream, my mouth is clamped shut and I can only moan through my teeth. I awoke to my own deep throaty awful sounds. The nightmares intensified during adolescence and continued into adulthood.

Death was a horror to me, a dreadful condition. I was acutely aware of death and instinctively feared dying young.

Tikvah’s First Grade School Photo and a Young Girl Found Dead in a Bathroom

5 Etta-Mother of Elsagene Tikvah Reincarnation CaseMy life became happier when I became old enough to go to school. I was excited about learning and thrilled by every new thing in my life. In first grade, we were having school pictures taken. To get me ready for the photo shoot, my mother cut, washed and combed my hair in a shorter than usual style.

It was at that time, in 1950, while getting me ready for my first grade photo, perhaps stimulated by a physical resemblance made clear by my new haircut, my mother shared a story regarding a girl who died 6 years before I was born. I remember the conversation with my mother vividly. It would be hard not to remember. The death of a child can never be an easy conversation.

The girl, Elsagene, my mother continued, was found dead one evening in the bathroom of the boarding house where she lived with her mother, whose name was Etta. The door was locked, my mother quickly added, as if that provided an explanation. My mother added that Etta ran a brothel.

The Sexual Abuse of Elsagene and her Desire to have Ruth as her Mother

Prior to Elsagene’s death, my mother said Elsagene had complained that she was very unhappy about intense physical tickling to the point of making her cry that she often endured from her mother’s boyfriend. Elsagene pleaded to be able to stay with my mother. Elsagene begged her, “Please, let me stay with you. Why can’t you be my mother?”

My mother, Ruth, explained that she had pity for Elsagene and wanted to help her, but my mother at the time was only a teenager herself, an orphan who lived with her deceased mother’s sister, Elsie and her husband, Eugene.

Ruth Believes Tikvah is the Reincarnation of Elsagene

IISIS Elsagene Tikvah Reincarnation Evidence-Past LifeMy mother then shared that she thought that I was Elsagene reborn. She was serious, but I’m not sure I even then understood or believed her.

To hear this story so young I was shocked, and at five or six years of age too immature to understand. At that young age, I had already been introduced to death. I knew of twin brothers, my parents’ premature first-born babies, who had died at birth. I also knew of the deaths of two neighbor children, one by drowning and one of disease, but it disturbed me greatly that a child can die alone in the bathroom!

Further, how could I be the dead girl? I wasn’t dead. I was living.

Life Goes On but Past Life Nightmares Increase

Aside from being present during several conversations concerning Elsagene that took place between my mother and her sister, that is all I knew about the little girl who was found dead in the bathroom of the boarding house where she lived. I let it go. What else could I do? Elsagene’s death remained a mystery for over 60 years of my life.

As an adolescent, though, my terrifying nightmares increased, nightmares of being held down, of something pressing down on me, of something clenching my jaw shut so that I was unable to open my mouth to call for help, all the while knowing that there were people in other rooms who would help me if I could just scream. I would wake up still paralyzed, terrified in a cold sweat. I was trapped in a body that would not move. I would not be able to move for some time after waking. I wouldn’t dare to go back to sleep for fear that I would have another nightmare.

Portrait of Aunt Elsie Elsagene Tikvah Reincarantion EvidenceSometimes the nightmares began as a dream that suddenly became terrifying, always with a similar theme. One began with (I find this strange) a bird, high in a tree, staring at me, always the angry dark eyes, but I was not afraid at first. I saw the bird’s interest or anger, but I was aware in my dream that I was not doing anything to provoke the bird so I felt no threat. Until, that is, the bird with the angry eyes took off flying, dove suddenly at me and bit me, sank his beak into the skin of my hand. I could not shake him off as he hung on until he had bitten completely through the skin between my thumb and finger. He had clasped tight, until the flesh was cut completely through and there was nothing to hang onto. So released, the bird flew away, as it did it split into two birds. An identical bird of a gray color rose up from the body of the black bird. The dream is a metaphor of a violent death, as I see it now, taking into account the absolute terror and confusion I felt during and after the dream. In the dream, there is an attack, a struggle, and following a piercing injury, a spirit body is released, symbolizing death. I believe our spirits survive death. This belief is supported by an experience of a cardiac arrest in 2007, when I retained consciousness from above the chaos as the paramedics worked on my body.

In another nightmare that also began as a dream, an angry bull is staring at me with threatening eyes, pacing back and forth, glaring at me from within a corral. As he was penned, I wasn’t concerned. That is until the huge bull escaped the fence and rushed toward me.

Dreams like those immediately became the same nightmare. Always the same terrifying nightmare, with me being held down, unable to scream for help, knowing if only I could call out I would be helped. Waking in a cold sweat, I would be afraid to go back to sleep, anxious for weeks following. There were many such nightmares.

I also always had a persistent fear of dying young. I desperately wanted to live a long lifetime, like everyone, I suppose, but the possibility of early death was always in the back of my mind. It was an instinctual thing. I lived through a number of close calls in my life, but somehow I survived.

A Memoir and Discovery of a Photograph of Elsagene: A Past Life Physical Resemblance

IISIS Elsagene Tikvah Reincarnation Evidence-Past LifeIn 2011, I began writing a memoir of my life and was in the process of asking family members for old photos. I had earlier received my first grade school photo. It was from among the possessions of my mother’s late sister. She had saved that photo of me all these years. If she hadn’t, I would not have seen it with my adult eyes.

At about that time, out of the blue, my sister arranged a meeting with a long-lost family contact, a relative of an in-law, who had boxes of old photos to share. She asked me to come along.

During the lunch meeting I asked the woman if she knew about a girl named Elsagene. I was curious to see a photo because of what my mother had told me as a child. I was surprised that my sister did not know of Elsagene. I find it revealing that this sister who arranged the meeting is about five years older than I, yet our mother Ruth never mentioned Elsagene to her.

I was stunned when the woman said yes, that she had heard of Elsagene, a daughter of her relative Etta. The woman related that when Etta became elderly, she lived with this woman’s family. She didn’t have a photo of Elsagene with her, but a few days later, she forwarded an image of Elsagene to me. When I saw it, I was startled, as I saw myself in the image of Elsagene. She looked like I did in my first grade school photo.

The photo of Elsagene made me reflect on what my mother said more than 60 years before, that she thought that I am the reincarnation of this girl who was found dead in a bathroom. It was at that point, in the year 2011, that I decided to research the life of Elsagene.

Who was Elsagene?

5 Etta NB-Mother of Elsagene Tikvah Reincarnation CaseI learned that Etta, Elsagene’s mother, as a teenager had been hit by a trolley, which resulted in a life long disability which made it difficult for her to walk. Etta’s husband, John, had died at the onset of the Great Depression when their youngest child, Elsagene, was just three years old. After John’s death, their older children, a son and a daughter, began living on their own.

Etta and her daughter, Elsagene, moved into the boarding house, near where Etta’s brother, Eugene, and his wife, Elsie, lived. Recall that Elsie raised my mother, Ruth, after Ruth’s mother died. Elsie and Ruth’s mother were sisters.

As such, Elsagene and I are related not by blood, but through marriage. In fact, merging the names of Elsie, Etta’s sister-in-law, and Eugene, Etta’s brother, was how the name Elsagene was created.

The Sexual Abuse of Elsagene

To make ends meet after her husband John died, Etta worked for people who ran a Speakeasy and brothel on the North Side of Pittsburgh during Prohibition and the Great Depression of the 1930s. Etta met a man through her employment who became a boyfriend. Recall that my mother shared that Elsagene complained that her mother’s boyfriend tickled her to the point of making her cry. Etta’s boyfriend was apparently sexually abusing Elsagene.

Children don’t leave a lot of footprints of their lives. It had seemed, while researching, for so long, that she just disappeared. But I did find out some information through census and other records. Through my research, I obtained Elsagene’s death certificate, which, coincidentally, I was able to obtain even though I am not related by family, when in 2010 it had been enacted to law that death records become public 50 years after the death of a resident of Pennsylvania.

Elsagene’s Autopsy Findings are Consistent with Tikvah’s Past Life Nightmares of being Strangled

I found her name in the indices and that she died on October 25, 1938. Although it was widely known that she died at home, the death record has recorded that it occurred at Allegheny General Hospital.

There was an autopsy. A subarachnoid hemorrhage was found at the base of her brain. Essentially, a blood vessel ruptured in her neck under her brain and bled into the space where spinal fluid bathes the brain and spinal cord, causing a dangerous increase in pressure on the brain. According to articles I read about the condition, this is a common injury found in shaken baby syndrome. Also, it can be brought on by choking and other violence to the head and neck, or extremely rarely can be spontaneous if a defect is present. Either way the result is a thunder-clap headache, weakness, paralysis and death.

Reflections on Reincarnation and a Child’s Life Cut Short

After seeing the photo of Elsagene in 2011, I understood the nightmares of my childhood and adolescence. I have gathered a snapshot from Elsagene’s life. I have not solved the mystery of why, only what she died from and when she died.

For my part in this I have given voice to the girl who was silenced, who by her haunting reached out to me, to herself, through time and space to inhabit the world again within these pages of written words. I will share one last dream.

Tikvah’s Past Life Death Dream

IISIS Elsagene Tikvah Reincarnation Evidence-Past LifeIn a dream I am lying on a bed. It is evening and a man, who is familiar to me, is sitting on the bed. We are both above the blankets. It feels safe and natural, like we have been together like this many times. I am on my back at the bottom, just small enough to fit with my legs bent slightly across the width of the full bed. I turn to my side. The room is bright and warm. The man makes a stiff figure sitting on the bed toward the head, reading something, intensely reading a page that is spread open, a neat fold in the center, it is shaped like, looks like a letter. I can only guess.

He is studying the information, numbers or a report or something with words on a page. He holds the letter up in his shaking hand and I see the sides of the folded paper bounce and tremble. That’s an odd reaction to a letter taken out of an envelope, I think. I don’t pay much attention. I am busy with reading a comic book. Even though I know he is upset about what he is reading, I don’t feel threatened. His eyes are glued on figures or something, impressing me that he has to somehow change the news he is reading. He is reading it over and over. It is important to him, but I am not aware of the disclosures and don’t believe I am involved in it, except for seeing how upset the man is. I do not feel I can do anything except remain quiet. I am not afraid. Even when the distressed man turns his attention to me.

Even when he makes a groan and says something I can’t make out in a low steady voice and moves towards me. Even when he reaches rather slowly up to my throat and gently wraps both hands around my neck. I am stunned. I am familiar with his touching, but not on my neck. I turn to face him. His eyes are scary. His pupils gone big and black as night. I jerk away from his hands. He tightens his lips, grimaces, hisses, and squeezes my neck with both large hands that surround my ears and neck completely. Again and again in bursts of great strength and what seems like anger, he squeezes. I hear the trapped air, as it rushes out of my ears, each time he moans, and grips his hands tighter around my neck, shaking my head back, like a whip, harder with each grasp.

There is extreme pain in my neck and head, an overwhelming terror and confusion take me over until I am consumed by a heaviness. My arms fall away from my body, my legs are exploding with electric shocks and I find I can’t lift them. My jaw becomes tight, then lax, like a seizure. My back arches and then my entire body goes limp. The pain in my head feels like thunder, like my brain has exploded. I think of my mother. I desperately want my mother. But she is not there. The last thing I see is his face, the expression of hate or something like it, his eyes gleaming, his breaths rapid. I am like a chicken gone limp, all the air is pushed out of me. He keeps pressing. I can’t breathe in. I am terrified, but can’t scream out. I know there are people in the other rooms; if I could cry out they would hear and help me. The world goes black. I wake up with a start. I am thinking of Elsagene.

That was my last nightmare. I am happy to share that I have not had nightmares since 2008 or so. It seems that the integration of my phobias and nocturnal fears with her life and death have brought peace to my soul.

What Happened to Elsagene?

5 Tikvah Feinstein Reincarnation Case EvidenceWhat happened to Elsagene? If Etta knew, she never told. She died an old woman and is buried beside her husband in United Cemetery, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania. I was told during a phone contact with United Cemetery that there is no record of Elsagene McCormick being buried there, although it is stated on her death record she was taken there.

If Elsagene has another life as me, she wasn’t a lonely child. Born into a large family, the sixth of eight children, she spent a childhood in many locations where she would discover and enjoy the outdoors enormously. She had early talents of art and writing, played the violin and guitar and wrote songs as a teen, would grow up to marry and divorce, learn empathy for Etta’s struggles by becoming a single mother of a daughter herself. She would become a nurse, earn a degree in English Writing from the University of Pittsburgh, work as a reporter, creative writer and editor, author several books, display her art, and by an astounding coincidence, she would be guided to rediscover her former self. I am telling you the story of Elsagene. That’s amazing enough, either reincarnation or coincidence. And this time she or I or we are leaving this record of a life or two. We will rediscover ourselves when or if we will live again.

“We are closer to God when we are asking questions than when we think we have the answers.”-Abraham Joshua Heschel

“The opposite of good is not evil, it is indifference.” – Abraham Joshua Heschel

Postscript by Walter Semkiw, MD

Though Tikvah’s story is very compelling and stands on its own, I did review it in session with Kevin Ryerson. Ahtun Re, the spirit guide channeled through Kevin who has demonstrated an ability to make past life matches with a high degree of accuracy, agrees or affirms that Tikvah Dobsch is the reincarnation of Elsagene. The work I have done with Kevin can be reviewed at: Ryerson-Semkiw Reincarnation Research

Principles of Reincarnation & Understanding Past Lives

Physical Resemblance in Reincarnation Cases: There is a similarity in facial archtecture or bone structure observed in the images of Elsagene and Tikvah, which apparently was observed by Ruth, Tikvah’s mother, which prompted Ruth to disclose to Tikvah that Ruth believed that Tikvah is the reincarnation of Elsagene. Physical resemblance would be appreciated better if the photos were taken with similar expressions. Tikvah in her first grade photo has a wide grin, whereas Elsagene is captured with a smile.

Relationships Renewed through Reincarnation and Planning of Lifetimes: Prior to her death, Elsagene shared with Ruth the sexual abuse that she was enduring. Elsagene expressed unhappiness regarding her living situation and asked whether Ruth could be her mother. Six years after her death, Elsagene indeed appears to have been born to Ruth as Tikvah, which shows how souls can plan their lives and choose their parents.

Past Life Phobias & Nightmares: Tikvah had phobias as a child which seem to reflect being trapped in a room and being strangled to death in a past lifetime, which appears to have been the manner in which Elsagene died.

It is important that these phobias started before Ruth, Tikvah’s mother, told Tikvah at 5 years of age that she believed Tikvah is the reincarnation of Elsagene. If the phobias started after Ruth shared her belief that Tikvah is Elsagene reborn, the phobias could be attributed to suggestion.

Note: An earlier brief version of this reincarnation story and the photos are published in Music From a Broken Violin: A Memoir by Tikvah Feinstein, Taproot Press, 2011. Some part of the story of Elsagene will appear in Taproot Literary Review Edition 25 in 2014.


Reincarnation Case of Nellie Sharp | Karen Frazier and the Wellington, Washington Avalanche and Train Disaster

A Past Life Obsession with the Wellington, Washington Avalanche & Train Derailments was found to have connections with a past life as Nellie Sharp. The facts as researched by herself, all the events agrees or affirms that she, Karen Frazier is the reincarnation of Nellie Sharp.

Proposed & Researched by: Karen Frazier

Narrative by: Karen Frazier

Recurrent Past Life Nightmares of Train Derailments

5 Wellington Train Disaster Reincarnation EvidenceFor all of my life, I have had recurring dreams about train derailments. I have had these dreams since I was about five years of age, and they occur to this day. I would guess I have about one per year since that time. Interestingly, many have corresponded with actual train derailments. That is, I have the dream, and within 24 hours a derailment shows up in the news.

The same thing has happened with earthquake dreams. I can’t even remember how old I was when the earthquake dreams started, so I would guess I was quite young. I have one or two each year. Like the train derailments, I have the dreams and then within 24 hours an earthquake occurs. This pattern has included several major West Coast earthquakes including the Northridge earthquake in Los Angeles, the 1989 Loma Prieta earthquake in San Francisco and the 2001 Nisqually earthquake near Seattle. I was actually in San Francisco the day before the Loma Prieta earthquake occurred.

Past Life Obsession with the Wellington, Washington Avalanche & Train Derailments

In 2009, someone told me about the worst avalanche disaster in the history of the United States, which occurred at Wellington, Washington in the North Cascade Mountain Range in 1910. The avalanche swept two trains off the face of a mountain, killing at least 96 people. A photo of the aftermath of the derailment is provided below. Place your cursor on the image to enlarge it.

5 Reincarnation Wellington Train Disaster AvalanceFrom the first moment I heard about Wellington, I was drawn to it. My husband describes it as a “near-obsession” with Wellington. In fact, I’ve written two books about the subject and spent hundreds of hours at the location in spite of the fact Wellington is about 3 hours from my home. Likewise, I’ve spoken about Wellington at conferences, as well as on radio and television.

The Life of Nellie Sharp: A Victim of the Wellington, Washington Avalanche & Train Derailment

As I began my research into Wellington in 2009, one of the train passengers killed in the avalanche drew my attention. Her name was Nellie Sharp and she was 26 years old when she was killed. As I felt drawn to her, a friend, Elaine Davison, and I began researching Nellie. It took us five years to get all the information we currently have about her.

Nellie was born in Bloomington, Illinois in December of 1893, the youngest of seven or eight siblings. Her parents were George and Minnie Sharp. George was a railroad engineer running out of Bloomington or Chicago. The Sharp family lived in several places, including Missouri, Texas, and Oklahoma. At the age of 21, she married John T. McGirl . The couple moved to San Francisco and was there for the earthquake of 1906. By 1910, Nellie and John had separated.

Nellie was a musician who played the clarinet. She worked for a short time as a telephone operator. She was also a writer who’d written for local newspapers and covered events such as the St. Louis World’s Fair. She was a golfer, as well.

5 Reincarnation Wellington Train DisasterFebruary 1910 found Nellie in Spokane, Washington with her friend, Mrs. Herbert Tweedie. The two were heading in separate directions on trains so they could write about their adventures in the Wild West for McClure’s magazine. They drew straws to see who went in which direction.

By this simple twist of fate, Nellie Sharp McGirl wound up on Great Northern Railway’s Local No. 25, headed for Seattle. In the North Cascade mountain range at the town called Wellington, this train, along with a second, became stuck in snow for the next nine days, as snowstorms raged around them. At 1:42 AM on March 1, 1910, a lightning bolt struck the hillside above the trains, which triggered an avalanche. The train Nellie was in, along with the second train, was swept down the mountainside and deposited on the banks of the Tye River. Nellie was one of at least 96 people killed.

Reports from avalanche survivors suggest Nellie hung out with “the smart crowd” on the train. They were a group who would gather and laugh, drink, and smoke cigars. Some reports suggest she also helped out waiting tables at the local restaurant in Wellington, at the Hotel Bailets, when train passengers ate their meals. A photo of Wellington before the avalanche, as Nellie would have experienced it, is provided above.

When Nellie was killed in the avalanche, John McGirl was still listed as her next of kin. He took the money the railroad provided so the families of the victims could bury them, but he left Nellie’s body behind at Wellington. Instead, two of her sisters came from the Midwest and claimed Nellie’s body. Without the funds from the railroad, the family couldn’t afford a headstone, so Nellie is buried in an unmarked plot.

Past Life Parallels between Nellie Sharp & Karen Frazier: Musicians, Golfers & Reporters

5 Wellington Train Disaster Reincarnation EvidenceI was born in December of 1965. My father was Catholic and my mother Protestant. I don’t currently practice any religion. I went to college and got married when I was 21. I divorced a few years later. Like Nellie, I am a musician. Nellie played clarinet while I play flute, piano, mandolin, and percussion instruments. Nellie was a golfer as am I. In fact, I’ve been golfing since I was a child because my grandfather was a golf pro. Like Nellie, I work professionally as a newspaper reporter and a freelance writer.

Nellie’s personality has been described as intelligent, irrepressible and of ebullient good humor. Many have described my personality in terms similar to those used to describe Nellie Sharp. I am intelligent, very good-humored, and energetic.

All my life, I have also dreamed of earthquakes. I am geosensitive, and can often accurately predict earthquakes. As noted, Nellie was in the great San Francisco quake.

A Past Life Physical Resemblance between Nellie Sharp & Karen Frazier

A friend of mine spent several months trying to locate a photograph of Nellie Sharp because she was curious about the connection. Recently, she found one and showed it to me. Nellie was in her late teens in the picture (it was used for her college admission application, and she went to college when she was 16). I had myself convinced that if Elaine ever found Nellie’s picture, it wouldn’t look a thing like me. I was certain that the similarities I discovered between Nellie and me were mere coincidence. That’s why I was surprised when I saw the picture, and it looked like my paternal grandmother. Likewise, the photograph looked similar to a picture I’d seen of myself when I was much younger – but I couldn’t remember what it was.

After some digging, I realized it was a picture from when I was about 22. I see many similarities between Nellie and me in these pictures. Our hair is the same color and texture, and appears to be of the same thickness (my natural hair color is much darker than the attached photograph and I no longer look like I belong in an 80s hair band). I see similarities in the set of the eyes, the cheekbones, the nose, and the shape of the mouth.

Note from Walter Semkiw, MD

Karen’s story suggests that she is the reincarnation of Nellie Sharp. Though independently researched by Karen, I did review her case in session with Kevin Ryerson. Ahtun Re, the spirit guide channeled through Kevin who has demonstrated an ability to make past life matches with a high degree of accuracy, agrees or affirms that Karen Frazier is the reincarnation of Nellie Sharp. The work I have done with Kevin can be reviewed at: Ryerson-Semkiw Reincarnation Cases

Principles of Reincarnation & Understanding Past Lives

Physical Resemblance in Reincarnation Cases: Nellie and Karen have similar facial architecture or bone structure. Similar physical appearance would be better appreciated if they were captured in the same expression. In the images featured above, Nellie is photographed with a slight smile, while Karen has a wide grin.

Past Life Talent: Nellie and Karen share abilities as musicians and golfers. They both have been employed as writers or reporters.

Past Life Nightmares or Dreams: Karen has had repetitive dreams of train derailments and earthquakes. Nellie died in a train derailment and she lived through the great 1906 San Francisco earthquake.

Affinity Reincarnation Case: Karen had an immediate attraction, bordering on obsession, with the Wellington train disaster. With her research of the event, she was intrigued by Nellie Sharp, a victim of the avalanche. I term reincarnation cases in which individuals are drawn to their own past life personas as “affinity cases.” A pair of compelling affinity past life cases are the: Reincarnation Cases of Laurel & Hardy


Soul Plan, Same Family Reincarnation & Spirit Being Involvement in the Past Life Story of Kalevi Paasio | Paavo Sorsa

A same family reincarnation of a murdered son Kalevi Paasio, as his younger brother but from another father Paavo forming a closer relationship with his mother in the subsequent lifetime. Paavo manifested protective tendencies towards his mother maybe because of his inability to protect her in his previous lifetime.

How Derived: Memories in Childhood

Researcher: Ian Stevenson, MD

From: European Cases of the Reincarnation Type, by Ian Stevenson, MD

Article by: Walter Semkiw, MD

Risto Murders his Son, Kalevi

IISISReincarnationResearchSpousalAbuseCKalevi Paasio was born on December 11, 1987, in Ylojarvi, Finland, near Tampere. His mother was named Sylvi and his father, who was called Risto, had a violent temperament. Sylvi had to call the police, at times, when Risto beat her.

Due to the physical abuse, Sylvi separated from Risto, though he retained rights to their son, Kalevi. When Risto took possession of Kalevi for a weekend, he killed his son. Risto confessed that he went into a rage, attacked his son in several ways and in the end, struck his son on the head four times with a plank of wood. The murder occurred on May 11, 1990. Risto was arrested, convicted and then committed suicide in prison.

Kalevi Appears as a Spirit Being

A few months after Kalevi’s murder, his mother, Sylvi had a dream which was so real that she didn’t know if it was a dream or reality. She had never had a dream that was so real before.

IISISReincarnationResearchTunnelofLight72CIn her dream, Sylvi heard the doorbell ring. When she opened the door, Kalevi and Risto were there. Risto left but Kalevi came into the house and sat on a window sill. Ian Stevenson writes:

“Sylvi tried to touch him and found that her hand went through him.” (1)

At the time, Sylvi was living with a man named Veikko Sorsa. They lived in a different village from when Sylvi was married to Risto. Not long after Sylvi’s dream of Kalevi, she became pregnant. She and Veikko married afterwards and their son, Paavo, was born a little more than 13 months after Kalevi had been killed.

Paavo Wants to Go to his Past Life Home

When Paavo was about 3 years old, he was playing with his sled outside his home. When called to come inside, he refused to come into the house. Paavo said this was not his house and that he wanted to go to “his own home.” (2)

This is reminiscent of the case of Anne Frank | Barbro Karlen, in which Barbro also told her parents that she had a different home and that her real parents would soon come and get her.

Paavo Remembers the Past Life Beatings of his Mother and Vows to Protect Her

IISISReincarnationResearchSpousalAbuseCOnce, Paavo found a photo that police had taken of Sylvi after Risto had beaten her. In seeing this photo, Paavo began crying violently and said to Sylvi:

“Nobody will be allowed to beat you.” (3)

Ian Stevenson made the point that the bruises that Svyli had in the picture could have been due to a fall or other accident. Stevenson was impressed that Paavo seemed to know that the bruises came from physical abuse.

Ian Stevenson also noted that Paavo was unusually attached to Sylvi. He was much more attached to Sylvi and wanted to spend more time with her than his step siblings.

Paavo Claims Photos of Kalevi are of Him

When Paavo saw photos of Kalevi, he claimed that they were pictures of him. Stevenson noted that Kalevi was perplexed that these were photographs of another child.

Reincarnation & Similarities in Physical Appearance

There was a marked resemblance between Paavo and Kalevi, which made people think that the two boys had the same father. Of course, Paavo’s father was Risto, while Kalevi’s father was Veikko.

Principles of Reincarnation & Understanding Past Lives

Soul Plan for a Future Lifetime and Same Family Reincarnation: The soul of Kalevi was able to plan an incarnation from the spirit world in which he was born to his past life mother. It appears that this second lifetime was driven by Kalevi’s attachment to his mother, Sylvi, and his desire to protect her.

Spirit Being Involvement: Sylvi had an announcing dream, which was so real she didn’t know if it was a dream or not. In this dream, Kalevi came to her and sat on her window sill. Shortly thereafter, Sylvi became pregnant with Paavo, who appears to be the reincarnation of Kalevi. If this is true, then Kalevi was able to communicate with his mother from the spirit world.

Physical Resemblance: It was noted that Paavo looked so much like Kalevi that people thought they had the same father. Kalevi and Paavo had different fathers, but the same mother, so genetic factors could still play a factor in explaining their physical resemblance.


1. Stevenson, Ian: European Cases of the Reincarnation Type, McFarland, 2003, page 150
2. Stevenson, Ian: European Cases of the Reincarnation Type, McFarland, 2003, page 150
3. Stevenson, Ian: European Cases of the Reincarnation Type, McFarland, 2003, page 150