Reincarnation Case of Walter Miller | Michael Wright: After a Car Crash, A Deceased Boyfriend Reincarnates as his Girlfriend’s Son

How Derived: Past Life Memories in Childhood

Researcher: Ian Stevenson, MD

From: Children Who Remember Previous Lives, by Ian Stevenson

Article by: Walter Semkiw, MD

Walter Miller Dies in a Car Crash After a Dance

Walter Miller was an amateur artist who started dating a girl named Catherine in high school. Walter did drawings for Catherine. They lived in a small town in Texas. After being together for 3 years, they planned to become engaged and then married.

One evening, Walter and his friend Henry Sullivan went to a dance which took place in a neighboring town. Walter was driving home from the dance when he apparently fell asleep at the wheel. His car ran off the road and crashed. Walter Miller died almost instantaneously from a broken neck. Henry  Sullivan escaped without major injury. The accident in which Walter died occurred in the summer of 1967, while his was a junior in high school.

Though Catherine grieved Walter’s death, about a year later, in June 1968, she married another boyfriend, whose name was Frederick Wright.

A Reincarnation Announcing Dream: Walter Indicates that He will Come Back to Catherine

Not long after her marriage, Catherine had a dream about Walter in which he said he was not dead and that he would come back to her and draw pictures for her once again. Catherine interpreted the dream as meaning that Walter would reincarnate around her. She thought that perhaps Walter would reincarnate as a child of Walter’s sister, Carole Miller, who was pregnant at the time. It did not occur to her Catherine that Walter would reincarnate as her own child.

Catherine and her husband, Frederick, first had a daughter. In 1975, the couple had a son who they named Michael.

Boyfriend Past Life Memories: Micheal Wright describes His Death as Walter Miller

When Michael was three years old, he startled his mother by uttering the name of Walter’s sister, Carole Miller.

Michael later gave a detailed account of Walter’s automobile accident. He said: “A friend and I were in a car, and the car went off the side of the road, rolled over and over. The door came open, and I fell out and was killed.”

An Observation from Heaven: Walter’s Body was Transported Over a Bridge

Michael also said the glass in the car had broken and that he had been carried over a bridge after the accident. He also correctly named the town where the dance took place that they were returning from on a highway.

Michael added that he and his friend had stopped at a restroom on their way home prior to his fatal accident. He said that his friend’s name was Sullivan and he correctly reported Henry Sullivan’s nickname. Michael also gave accurate information regarding Walter’s home and the home of Henry Sullivan.

Catherine knew these statements were correct based on a newspaper article regarding Walter’s accident, which included a photograph of the wrecked car. The ambulance that transported Walter’s body had indeed crossed a bridge on its way to the morgue.

Principles of Reincarnation-Understanding Past Lives

Relationships Renewed through Reincarnation: Walter Miller was torn from his beloved girlfriend Catherine by a fatal automobile accident, but returned to her as her son, Michael.

Spirit Beings in Reincarnation Cases: Michael knew that Walter’s body was transported over a bridge after the accident. As this occurred after Walter’s death, his soul appears to have witnessed this event from the spirit world. In addition, the soul of Walter | Michael sent an announcing dream to Catherine indicating that he would come back to her through reincarnation.

Blanche Bautista Reincarnation Story: A Lullaby from a Past Lifetime

A same family reincarnation research case of Dr. Ian Stevenson tinged with a touch of Xenoglossy. A little girl named Blanche reincarnated as her younger sister who is also named Blanche and at age 5 the second Blanche started singing a French lullaby which a former French servant had sung to the first Blanche.

How Case Derived: Spontaneous Past Life Memories in Childhood

Researcher: Delaney

From: Unlearned Language and European Cases of the Reincarnation Type,
by Ian Stevenson, MD

Article by Walter Semkiw, MD

Same Family Reincarnation and a Case of Xenoglossy-Language from a Past Life

This case demonstrates that people can reincarnate within the same family. It also represents a case of xenoglossy, for as a child, Blanche Bautista recited a song in French, a language she did not learn by normal means. In addition, a physical resemblance was noted from one incarnation to another.

Blanche of Italy

IISISReincarnationResearchStPetersFlornida Bautista was a captain in the Italian army. He and his wife lived in Rome, pictured to the right, where they had a child named Blanche. They had a domestic servant from Switzerland named Mary, who only spoke French.

Mary sang a French lullaby to Blanche to put her to sleep. Blanche eventually learned to sing this French lullaby. Unfortunately, Blanche died in 1902 when she was only 2 years old. After Blanche died, Mary left the family and went back home to Switzerland

Blanche Communicates from the Spirit Realm

Three years later, Signora Bautista, Flornida’s wife, was pregnant again. When she was three months pregnant, Signora Bautista had a vision in which she received a message that Blanche was returning to the family.

Captain Flornida Bautista explained that in August 1905, he and his wife were lying in bed, fully awake. He then said that his wife reported seeing a figure who appeared to be their little daughter, Blanche.

In the vision, the little girl joyfully said, “Mama, I am coming back.” The figure then disappeared. (1)

Blanche Reincarnates & Sings a Past Life French Lullaby

IISISReincarnationResearchSingA baby girl was born in February 1906, who was also named Blanche. The parents noted that the second Blanche looked very similar to the first, with dark, round eyes and curly black hair.

At the age of five, the second Blanche started singing the French lullaby that was previously taught to the first Blanche by the family’s former servant, Mary. This French lullaby had not been sung or heard in their home for nine years. No one around the second Blanche knew or spoke French.

When her parents asked who taught her the French lullaby, the second Blanche stated, “No one, I just know it by myself.” She then continued singing the lullaby. (2)

Principles of Reincarnation & Understanding Past Lives

Recitative Xenoglossy: This case demonstrates what Ian Stevenson, MD termed recitative xenoglossy, where an individual can speak or recite a language that has not been learned by normal means.

Responsive xenoglossy, in contrast, involves an individual who not only can recite a unlearned language, but also respond and converse in the unlearned language.

Relationships Renewed through Reincarnation: This case shows that people can reincarnate within the same family, presumably bound by emotional and karmic ties.

Physical Resemblancee: Flornida and Signora Bautista noticed a clear resemblance between Blanche 1 and 2. This could, of course, be attributed to genetic factors. Images of the two girls, unfortunately, are unavailable.

Spirit Being Involvement: This case provides evidence of spirit beings, as it appears that the spirit of the first Blanche came to Signora Bautista and communicated that she would be born to her parents again.

Please note that image provided above is not an actual photo of Blanche Bautista, but a dramatization.


1. Stevenson, Ian: European Cases of the Reincarnation Type, McFarland, 2008, page 22
2. Stevenson, Ian: European Cases of the Reincarnation Type, McFarland, 2008, page 23

Child Reincarnation Story of Alessandrina Samona 1 and 2

A child Alessandrina died of meningitis at a very young age of 5, who later reincarnated as her younger sister. A reincarnation research case showing proof of reincarnation within the same family by Dr. Ian Stevenson, MD.

How Derived: Past Life Memories in Childhood, Spirit Being Guidance, Similarities in Appearance and Behavior

Researcher: Carmelo Samona, MD

From: European Cases of the Reincarnation Type, by Ian Stevenson, MD

Article by Walter Semkiw, MD from Born Again: Reincarnation Cases Involving Evidence of Past Lives with Xenoglossy Cases Researched by Ian Stevenson

Alessandrina Dies of Meningitis

ReincarnationEviidenceBabyCamelo Samona was a medical physician in Palermo, Italy, who in 1911 published a report regarding a reincarnation case involving his daughter, Alessandrina. Carmelo’s wife’s name was Adele and in addition to their daughter, they had three sons.

Alessandrina contracted meningitis at the age of about 5 and she died on March 15, 1910.

From the Spirit Realm, Alessandrina Communicates through a Dream

Three days after Alessandrina’s death, her mother, Adele, had a dream of her dead daughter who said.

“Mother, do not cry, I have not left you, only withdrawn. Look! I am going to become small like this.” In the dream, Alessandria then made a gesture to indicate the size of a baby. She then said, “You will have to suffer again for me.” (1)

As a Spirit, Alessandrina Knocks on the Door


Three days later, Adele had the same dream. A few days after these dreams, Camelo and Adele both heard three loud knocks at their door. Their three sons also heard the knocks. The family opened the door, but no one was there.

On April 10, 1910, less than a month after Alessandrina had died, Adele realized she was pregnant. Due to the dreams and the knocks on the door, Camelo and Adele decided to participate in séances, hoping to better understand what was going on.

Alessandrina Communicates from the Spirit World

On May 4, 1910, Camelo and Adele participated in a mediumistic seance. In these sessions, a medium would pass on information from deceased individuals, souls in the spirit world, to the human beings who participated in the séance. Often times, deceased relatives of participants would communicate through the medium.

In a seance, Alessandrina came through and said that she had caused the there knocks on the door to draw attention to herself. She told her parents that she was coming back and that she would be born before Christmas. She said she would be very similar to before. She repeatedly said that she wanted all her family and friends to know that she was returning. Alessandrina said this so many times that Carmelo found it annoying.

ReincarnationEviidenceTwinsIn the seances, Adele and Camelo were also told that a second soul was around them and that this soul would be born with Alessandrina. In other words, Adele would have twins.

Through the medium, Alessandrina also told Adele and Camelo that after the third month of pregnancy, Alessandrina would not be able to communicate through the séances as she would be more attached to matter and as a result, would be sleeping.

Prophecies Come True & Reincarnation with Physical Resemblance

In August 1910, an obstetrician determined that Adele was indeed pregnant with twins. On November 22, 1910, twin girls were born. Adele and Camelo immediately realized that one of the girls bore an uncanny resemblance to Alessandrina. Due to the physical resemblance, they also called this girl Alessandrina, who we will refer to as Alessandrina 2. They named the other fraternal twin girl Maria. We will refer to the deceased daughter as Alessandrina 1.


Adele and Camelo noted marked similarities in appearance and behavior between Alessandrina 1 and 2, which contrasted with the appearance and behavior of Maria. When the girls where two and a half years old, Camelo published a report outlining these similarities and differences. They include the following.

Alessandrina 1 & 2 Have the Same Personality Traits & Reincarnation Phobias of Loud Noises & Barbers

At birth, Alessandrina 1 and 2 both had redness in the left eye, a rash called seborrhea behind the right ear and slight facial asymmetry. Maria did not have these features.

As toddlers, Alessandrina 1 and 2 were both quiet and liked to sit quietly in their mother’s lap. They didn’t like to play with toys, but they did like to play with other children. Maria, in contrast, was restless and liked to be on her own, playing with toys.

Alessandrina 1 and 2 had phobias of loud noises and of barbers, and they both disliked any cheese. They liked to fold and smooth clothing and cloth, such as sheets and towels. They both liked to play with shoes and put adult shoes on. Maria didn’t have phobias of noise or barbers and she liked cheese. She didn’t like to fold cloth or play with shoes.

Alessandrina 1 and 2 tended to speak in the third person. When fearful, they would say, “Alessandrina is afraid. (2) They also like to create pet names. For example, Aunt Cateria became Caterana. (3). They were both left handed, became interested in spiritual matters, but avoided housework.

Maria, in contrast, did not speak in the third person, didn’t modify names, was right-handed (like all the other family members) and wasn’t interested in spiritual affairs, but she did like housekeeping.

Photographs Confirm Alessandrina 1 & 2 Reincarnation Resemblance

5iisisalessandrinasamonareincarnationIn his report, Camelo published photos comparing Alessandrina 1 when she was almost 4 years old to Alessandrina 2 and Maria when the twins were 2 years old. The images showed that indeed, Alessandrina 1 and 2 both had the same facial asymmetry, in that the left eye was significantly closer to the midline than the right. The folds of the eyelids were similarly asymmetric. Adele thought that in physical appearance, Alessandrina 2 matched Alessandrina 1 “perfectly,” except that 1 was darker in complexion. (4)

Alessandrina 2 Remembers the Past Life Visit of Alessandrina 1 to the Church in Monreale & the Priests Who Wore Red

Camelo also reported a past life memory that Alessandrina 2 had when she was 8 or 9 years old. Camelo and Adele proposed to their children that they take a vacation trip to the city of Monreale, where they would tour the great Norman church in that city. Adele said to their girls:

“When you go to Monreale, you will see some sights you have never seen before.”

Alessandrina 2 then responded:

“But Mama, I know Monreale. I have already seen it.” (5)

Adele then told her daughter that she had never been to Monreale. Alessandriana 2 then protested:

IISISReincarnationEviidenceMonreale“Yes I have. I have been there. Don’t you remember that there is a great church there with a huge man on the roof with his arms spread out? And do you not remember how we went there with a lady who had horns, and we met some small priests who wore red?” (6)

Adele and Camelo were stunned by their daughter’s response. They did not recall ever speaking to her about Monreale and they were puzzled by her reference to a woman who had horns.

Adele then remembered that a few months before Alessandriana 1’s death, they had taken to her to Monreale to see the church there. On this trip, they had taken a female friend who had a skin condition that involved prominent, protruding lesions or bumps on the forehead, which could be interpreted by a child as horns.

Adele also recalled that just as they were entering the church, they met Orthodox priests who were wearing blue robes decorated with red. Adele and Camelo also remembered that Alessandrina 1 took great notice of the woman with the skin condition on her forehead and by the priests they had met at the church.

Is This a Reincarnation Case?

IISISReincarnationEviidenceMonrealeChurchThe similarities in physical appearance and behavior between Alessandrina 1 and 2 could be explained by genetics, as they were born from the same parents.

A factor that supports that the similarities are related to the reincarnation includes observations of spirit being guidance. Adele had dreams in which Alessandrina 1 said she would be reborn to Adele. In addition, Adele participated in seances in which Alessandrina 1 said that she would be reborn with a twin, which came true.

The shared phobias of barbers and of loud noises support Alessandrina 2 being the reincarnation of Alessandrina 1.

Most importantly, Alessandrina 2 had memories of the visit to the church in Monreale, of the woman with horns on her forehead and the monks in robes with red, which all correspond to events that occurred in the life of Alessandrina 1.

Understanding Past Lives & Principles of Reincarnation

Physical appearance remains the same from one incarnation to another.

Personality traits remain consistent. As toddlers, Alessandrina 1 and 2 were both quiet and liked to sit quietly in their mother’s lap. They didn’t like to play with toys, but they did like to play with other children. They both disliked any cheese, liked to fold and smooth clothing and cloth, such as sheets and towels, and they liked to play with shoes and put adult shoes on. Alessandrina 1 and 2 tended to speak in the third person. They also like to create pet names. Maria, the sister of Alessandrina 2, did not share these traits.

Phobia from a Past Lifetime: This case demonstrates that phobias can persist from one incarnation to another, as Alessandrina 1 and 2 both had phobias of loud noises and of barbers.

Relationships Renewed through Reincarnation: This case shows that souls can reincarnate in the same family.

Spirit Being Involvement: Alessandrina 1 was able to predict from the spirit world, through a medium, of her coming birth with a twin sister before Christmas, which did occur.

According to Alessandrina 1, after three months of pregnancy the soul becomes more closely attached to the physical plane, to the extent that communication between the soul and humans, through mediums, becomes more difficult. In short, the soul becomes more attached to the fetus at three months of pregnancy.

Split Incarnation: If it is assumed that the soul is involved with the fetus from the time of conception, this represents a case of split incarnation, as Alessandrina 2 was born only 8 months after the death of Alessandrina 1. In other words, the soul of the Alessandrinas was already involved with the fetus of Alessandrina 2, while Alessandrina 1 was still alive.

This type of split incarnation case, in which a soul is involved with a pregnancy while it animates a living person at the same time, was also observed in the Hanan Monsour | Suzanne Ghanem reincarnation case, which was also researched by Ian Stevenson, MD.


1. Stevenson, Ian: European Cases of the Reincarnation Type, McFarland & Co, 2002, page 24
2. Stevenson, Ian: European Cases of the Reincarnation Type, McFarland & Co, 2002, page 24
3. Stevenson, Ian: European Cases of the Reincarnation Type, McFarland & Co, 2002, page 25
4. Stevenson, Ian: European Cases of the Reincarnation Type, McFarland & Co, 2002, page 25
5. Stevenson, Ian: European Cases of the Reincarnation Type, McFarland & Co, 2002, page 26
6. Stevenson, Ian: European Cases of the Reincarnation Type, McFarland & Co, 2002, page 26