Reincarnation Case of Lahiri Mahasaya | Sri Sri Ravi Shankar Prophets of Peace


Reincarnation Case Study Sri Sri Ravi Shankar ReincarnationRevealed by: Ahtun Re in a Ryerson-Semkiw Reincarnation Research Session

Article by: Walter Semkiw, MD

Ahtun Re, the spirit being channeled through Kevin Ryerson who has demonstrated an ability to make accurate past life matches, has revealed that spiritual leader Sri Sri Ravi Shankar is the reincarnation of guru Lahiri Mahasaya.

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar and have a common goal. On his website, Sri Sri Ravi Shankar proclaims:

“My vision is a Stress-Free, Violence-Free World.”

Similarly, a goal of is to help create a more peaceful world though promoting evidence of reincarnation, which shows that from lifetime to lifetime, individuals can change religion, nationality and ethnic affiliation. Most conflicts and wars, such as we have been witnessing in the Middle East, are based on these cultural markers of identity. Once people realize that these markers are temporary and can change from one incarnation to another, violence based on these divisions will be mitigated.

Principles of Reincarnation & Understanding Past Lives

Physical Resemblance in Reincarnation Cases: There is a similarity in facial features between Lahiri Mahasaya and Ravi Shankar. Both have maintained very similar mustaches. Reincarnation cases that demonstrate that men can have the same facial hair from lifetime to lifetime include:

Reincarnation Case of John B. Gordon | Jeff Keene

Reincarnation Case of Carroll Beckwith | Police Captain Robert Snow

Past Life Talent: Both Mahasaya and Shankar are spiritual gurus and leaders who have promoted the benefits of meditation.