Reincarnation Case of Nikola Tesla | Saul Perlmutter

5 Nikola Tesla Reincarnation Saul PerlmutterRevealed by: Spirit Guide or Spirit Being Ahtun Re in a Ryerson-Semkiw Reincarnation Research Session

Article by: Walter Semkiw, MD


Having posted the Thomas Edison | Elon Musk reincarnation case, I thought it would be of interest to post reincarnation cases involving Nikola Tesla, who worked with Edison and later became a competitor in the controversy of whether DC or AC current should be used to transmit electrical power. In a session with Kevin Ryerson, I asked whether there was a well-known contemporary incarnation of Tesla.

Ahtun Re revealed that the most prominent incarnation of Tesla is that of Saul Perlmutter, an astrophysicist who won the 2011 Nobel Prize for providing evidence that the expansion of the universe is accelerating. Ahtun Re explained that in the incarnation as Perlmutter, the soul of Tesla wanted to work in collaboration with other scientists, rather than to work in isolation, as Tesla did.

Ahtun Re stated that in the Perlmutter incarnation, the soul of Tesla also wanted to experience family life. A tragic part of Tesla’s story is that he lived alone and died by himself in a room of the New Yorker Hotel, which he served as his residence.

Regarding physical appearance, Tesla was very thin towards the end of his life and was almost emaciated. In contrast, Perlmutter has a chubbier face which is more consistent with Tesla as a young man. In sum, with the Perlmutter incarnation the soul of Tesla has been able to enjoy collaboration with other scientists, as well as enjoy a more normal social life and diet.


Principles of Reincarnation & Understanding Past Lives

5 Nikola Tesla Reincarnation Saul PerlmutterPhysical Resemblance in Reincarnation Cases: The bone structure of the young Tesla and Saul Perlmutter are roughly consistent. Differences can be attributed to Perlmutter having a more normal weight, as well as different ethnic and genetic factors.

Past Life Talent: Tesla’s gifts for science and technology are observed in the life of Perlmutter.

Relationships Renewed through Reincarnation: Edison and Tesla were close associates, with Tesla working in Edison’s lab before Tesla struck out on his own. With Elon Musk’s SpaceX venture, Elon and Saul likely know of one another, though I don’t know if they have ever met.

Change in Religion, Nationality and Ethnic Affiliation: Tesla was born to Serbian parents in a village that now lies in Croatia. His father was a priest in the Serbian Orthodox Church, a Christian religion. In contrast, Saul Perlmuller was born into an Ashkenazi Jewish family in Pennsylvania.





Reincarnation Case of Thomas Edison | Elon Musk with the Musician Grimes as Mina Edison Reborn

5 thomas edison elon musk reincarnationProposed by: Walter Semkiw, MD

Affirmed by: Spirit Guide or Spirit Being Ahtun Re in a Ryerson-Semkiw Reincarnation Research Session

Article by: Walter Semkiw, MD

After seeing Elon Musk on television, who has been involved in founding Tesla Motors, PayPal and SpaceX, I wondered who he could have been in a past incarnation. In reading his biography, Thomas Edison leapt into my mind. Edison was called the “Wizard of Menlo Park” (New Jersey), while Musk named one of SpaceX’S rocket engines “Merlin” and he told Caltech graduates that they are the “Magicians of the 21st-century.”

Nikola Tesla worked in Edison’s lab before they became adversaries in the controversy of whether AC or DC current was more effective in transmitting electrical power. Musk appears to have mended this relationship by naming his electric car after Tesla. Edison was an inventor credited with creating the first industrial research lab and Elon Musk has followed a parallel path. I found the facial similarity to be remarkable and Ahtun Re has affirmed that Elon Musk is the reincarnation of Thomas Edison.

In 2020, Elon Musk and his partner, the musician Grimes, had a child. Grimes has been identified as the reincarnation of Mina Edison, wife of Thomas. Elon and Graves gave their son a technologic name, X Æ A-12.

In an interesting collarolate, Thomas Edison gave two sons from a prior marriage the nick names “Dash” and “Dot,” in reference to Morse Code, a communication technology in Edison’s day.

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Past Life Cases Involving Science and Technology Leaders

Principles of Reincarnation

5 Thomas Edison Elon Musk Reincarnation Past LifePhysical Resemblance in Reincarnation Cases: The facial features of Thomas Edison and Elon Musk are very similar.

Past Life Talent: Thomas Edison was a gifted inventor and businessman who changed the world through industrial applications of his creations. Elon Musk is doing the same.

Renewal of Relationships through Reincarnation: Thomas Edison’s chief research and business associate was Charles Batchelor, who is now working with Edison | Musk in the persona of Steve Jurvetson.

Elon Musk has reunited with his past life wife, Mina, in the persona of Grimes.

Change in Nationality: Thomas Edison was born in Ohio, in the United States, while Elon Musk was born in South Africa.

Change in Religion: Thomas Edison was interested in spiritualism and even attempted to invent an electronic devise that could be used to communicate with spirits. In contrast, it appears that Elon Musk is agnostic or an atheist. It is my hope that evidence of reincarnation, and in particular the work of Ian Stevenson, MD, of the University of Virginia, will rekindle his interest in Instrumental Transcommunication. 

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